Script Payable Plastic Bags

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Hello everyone… Today I’m going to discuss about payable

plastic bag policy which is implemented by the government in several

region in Indonesia. In this video, I’m going to discuss about the pro
and cons of this payable plastic bag policy. Before I take any longer
time, why don’t we just start?
The fact that Indonesia being the second country with most
plastic waste in the world after China cannot be hidden anymore and
enough to worry the government. The high amount of plastic waste
is due to a lack of public awareness to protect the environment with
reducing plastic use. One of the sources of this plastic waste is plastic
shopping bags. To reduce this plastic bag waste, various regional
government has issued a policy of plastic bag charges. The policy
regulates that every person who shops in some modern shops and
fast-food restaurants will be charged around 200RP if they don’t
bring their own plastic bag. One of the regions that we can see as the
pioneer of this policy is Bali. In Bali the use of plastics bags is banned
everywhere in the villas, tourist attractions, even in traditional
There are some advantages that this payable plastic bag policy
brings to our country. Firstly, this payable plastic bag policy can save
almost 1 billion rp/day, also the society that still wants to buy these
plastic bags can gain the economy value quite high. Secondly, this
payable plastic bag policy can save our environment especially the
marine animals by reducing almost 30% of plastic bags. Thirdly, with
the decreasing of plastic waste, the mosquito’s population will also
decrease. Because with the decreasing of plastic waste, the place for
mosquito to lives and breed will also decrease. Also, this policy can
encourage responsible behavior because this policy makes the
society feel responsible to keep their country clean by not producing
a lot of plastic bag waste.
Even though this policy brings a lot of advantages, this policy
can also bring some disadvantages. First, this policy can make the
plastic bag manufacturers scale back their business and lead to
layoffs due to the reduced demand for plastic bags. Second, this
policy is not really convenient for the customer because this policy
increases the shopping expenses by asking the costumer to pay an
extra fee for the plastic bag. Last, not every Indonesia’s region
implements this payable plastic bag policy, which makes this policy
ineffective because there are still some regions that produce large
amount of plastic bag waste.
This payable plastic bag policy has been implemented by almost
22 regions in Indonesia. No wonder, this policy brings a lot of good
impact to our country. One of the impacts is reducing almost 30% of
plastic waste, which really helps the environment. This wonderful
impact brings a bad impact to plastic manufacturers because the
demand for plastic bag decrease, make the business scale back and a
lot of people lose their jobs.
Based on our discussion above, we agree that this policy really
helps environment. With this policy, our country can reduce the use
of plastic bags. By reducing the use of plastic bags, we can save a lot
of sea animals that we know are harmed by the use of plastic bags
and any other benefits. To make this payable plastic bags policy work
better, maybe the policy can be implemented to other regions, so the
effect of this policy is more noticeable.

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