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After I heard about how Creon is condemning Antigone to death going to be condemned to

and fighting with my father, I cannot not think straight. I tried my hardest to get him to change
him mind. To think that he is so stubborn. My pleas did not seem to reach his ears. Maybe I
must beg him on my knees. But I would never stoop to such a level. The only thing I felt was
anger and grief. Anger at Antigone for putting herself in such danger, anger at my father for
condemning her to death. Grief at hearing that Antigone would die, grief at the soured
relationship between my father and I.

I storm out of the castle. As I wander around, I find myself stumbling into a cave. And what
awaits me is nothing short of horrifying. I see Antigone's dead body, lying on the floor of the
cave. An unearthly wail erupted from my body, and the grief struck me harder than a knife in
my back. She couldn’t be dead. She’s strong enough to live. But… I can’t feel a pulse. Is she
really dead? I can’t believe it. She was my life, my soul. Her death breaks me apart. I can’t
feel anything but sorrow, grief, and pain. It attacks my soul, slowly tearing me apart. This
could’ve have been avoided. If only my father listened. If only Creon listened.

This was all his fault. In his pride, he is not able to see the trouble he is causing. My
emotions are swelling up, threatening to spill. In his arrogance, Creon is ruining my life and
Antigone’s. His thirst for power is what has caused my beloved to die. And Antigone! Why
was she so adamant about burying Polyneices? If only she did not, she would still be here
today, and we would have led a peaceful life. In the past, I was feeling guilty for arguing with
my father. But after what I have just seen, I cannot harbour anything but hatred towards him.
I curse him, time and time again. Antigone is the right one in this fight. How dare Creon stop
her from burying her brother. Blood is thicker than water. Creon is in the wrong, yet he dares
not admit it. He is a coward, a coward.

I don’t know how long I’ve been weeping on the floor, my eyes filled to the brim with tears of
pain, sorrow, and madness. I can feel nothing but madness. And yet, I am falling into a pit of
helplessness, a pit of despair.

Now, I have nothing to live for. My dearest has left me, my father has forsaken me, and I
have forsaken him. My grief hunts my soul, devouring it slowly. Flickers of anger rise within
me as well.

I hear footsteps. Who is it? Creon? Why has Creon come? I will kill him, I must avenge
Antigone. But I do not have the strength left in me. I know I must avenge her, but my hands
are numb, and I can barely move. Even as I am trying to stab him, I am unable to do so. His
figure is in the distance, I can barely see him through my rage. The more I swing, the more
tired I get. I want this to end. All I want is for Antigone to be at peace. If I am unable to kill
Creon, there is another path I can take to see her, and soothe her.

I want to be with her again. This world is cruel and unjust. If I could see her one more time, I
would be at peace. But she’s not coming back. I will go to her. Till death do us apart has no
meaning here. Even after death, we will not be separated. Only my death will bring me
peace, to be able to meet her in the underworld, in Elysium, where she belongs, once again.
And if this causes grief to Creon, my father, that is all the more reason to do it. I cannot get
over my anger. It burns like hot coals. I only regret that I will leave my mother behind, stuck
with Creon. But being selfless all this time has not helped me. Being righteous has only
caused me grief. For once, I will act on my own selfish thoughts. Even if Creon truly loves
me and cares for me, I will only give him grief. My revenge will be bittersweet. And I will
finally be at peace.

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