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Rizky Primachristi Ryantira Pongdatu

KAAD Scholarship 2023 – Motivational Letter

UN Environment Global Status Report 2017 implied that the building sector has the
highest percentage of global CO2 emissions by 39%. Architects know how to design
aesthetically, but it is often difficult to make it environmentally friendly. Sustainable
architecture could become an answer to that issue and I was intrigued by it. Sustainable
architecture is one of many environmentally-action solutions that have gained more attention
lately around the globe. Unfortunately, many leadership positions in this architecture field
especially in developing countries like my country Indonesia don’t take this issue seriously.
Indonesia’s economy is going to be greater, and it will lead to more consumption and demands
in properties and urban developments. If we, as architects and designers, fail to make a better
influence in designing build-environment using a sustainable framework, we are doomed to be
in jeopardy. Indonesia is not short of great architects. We are just short of a leader in the
sustainable architecture movement.
At the beginning of 2022, I was asked by our church committee to help them design a
new church building voluntarily. I was chosen to lead a design team and we were responsible
to create all design aspects and detailed drawings within limited space, budget, and constraints.
Being a volunteer in leading and designing the new church design project and managing the
other volunteer design team was not an easy job. One may argue that doing such a ‘holy’ job
voluntarily will make all parties put aside their ego. But it doesn’t work that way. Since I was
just a young adult-new member of this church community and the others were all the elderly
just made my job even tougher to handle their aspirations, let alone feed their egos.
Intriguing by sustainable architecture, I designed the church with a contemporary
approach and several passive design strategies such as big windows opening, wide overhangs,
and higher ceilings. My concept got a rejection first. I was wrong at that time because I can't
just tell them that my initial concept using sustainable architecture principles should be chosen
amongst other options. So I changed my approach. I listen to and consider every idea from all
members and put in extra work, time, and effort to incorporate several design options. I present
it in front of all team members, tell them the pros and cons of every option, and then try to
convince them to choose the better one based on my architectural knowledge and judgment. At
least, at the of the day, I have managed to give what they want, which is to be listened to,
control the situation by putting good relationships first, and then give what is best for our
church in terms of design, concept, and budget based on my expertise.
I was able to convince the church committee that in the long run, electricity usage will
decrease as the air conditioner and artificial lighting won't be used as often as usual due to the
passive design effect. Even on a small-scale project, I was determined to fight for sustainable
Rizky Primachristi Ryantira Pongdatu
KAAD Scholarship 2023 – Motivational Letter

architecture in every possible way. Designing a new church in my community using a

sustainable architecture approach was a challenging experience. Even though I have managed
to overcome the difficulty, there are a lot of improvements to be made for the next project.
There are a lot of methodologies and systems to be learned more about. This opportunity
sparked curiosity and questions inside my mind. How can a sustainable methodology improve
the quality of a building better?
Despite being able to convince and apply the green concept in this small project, I think
that I still need more improvement in terms of design philosophy. I feel that I need to learn
more about this framework so that I can reach a larger community and promote this
sustainability approach better. Telling society and future clients about sustainable building is
not the same as showing the real finished sustainable projects to them. To be able to convince
more people to shift to this green building movement in my country and region, I need to
strengthen my ability, education, and experience in this field. In the future, I don't want to tell
them what sustainable building is, but rather I want to show them what it looks like and what
the impact of sustainability is on the local environment.
That imperfect experience led me to a decision to pursue a master's degree in
sustainable architecture. I found the Master of Science in Architecture program at Technische
Universitat (TU) Berlin, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Hochschule Anhalt and
Hochschule Wismar really interesting. Not only are that programs offered a strong international
environment studio where I am surrounded by a cohort of students who are encouraged to
rebuild the architectural landscape through a sustainable paradigm but also its unique program
and study cases where selected best-practiced examples in Germany and European countries
in applying for courses like Sustainable Theory and Context, Sustainable Design
Methodologies, Advanced Sustainable Design Projects, Building Environmental Simulation
and Principle of Building Physics.
Studying in Germany with KAAD Scholarship will enable me to collaborate with other
fellow KAAD Scholars. The opportunity to get to know KAAD’s alumni and scholars
community surely will help me to enlarge my network further. I want to use this platform to
intensify my voice on sustainable architecture or construction by actively participating in
KAAD events and networking with other scholars. Even though not all community members
don't have the same background as per my expertise or my cause, I am pretty convinced that
this extensive network and talent pool of KAAD will always support each other agendas in
many ways possible as long as it is great for humanity and for the better world development.
KAAD community will also help me to actively participate in any religious and social activities
Rizky Primachristi Ryantira Pongdatu
KAAD Scholarship 2023 – Motivational Letter

that I have used to do in the past. I will commit my time and effort to strengthening this
community, always maintaining relationships and giving back to the community religiously
and socially.
I Look forward to engaging with these methodologies because, through them, I know I
will have a strong foundation and skillset to close the gap between me and my curiosity. With
all that being said, I am sure that the opportunity to study sustainable architecture in Germany,
especially on these campuses will serve my long-term goal in Indonesia very well. The courses,
the brands, the networks, and the international experiences will enable me to unleash my
potential and help me establish a strong contribution to the field of sustainable architecture.
Having an international master's degree in sustainability architecture will boost my chance to
land a job in prospective sustainable architectural firm in Germany or other parts of Europe.
The education and work experience from Europe will also enlarge my leverage when I come
back home to my own country Indonesia and establish my own sustainable architectural firm.
In the long run, I plan to open my own practice and teach at universities in my home country
Indonesia that focus on advanced-modern design combined with tropical-sustainable
framework solutions. I can gain the trust easily from prospective owners and able to convince
and educate them to go for sustainability. At the end of the day, I can help them to design their
beautiful dream house that also contributes in reducing carbon emissions.

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