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Microbes in Human

What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are chemical substances, which

are produced by some microbes and can kill
or retard the growth of other (disease-
causing) microbes.

The term ‘Antibiotics’ was coined by Selman

Waksman in 1942 which was derived from
the Greek Word, Anti meaning Against and
Bio meaning Life, together meaning
‘against life’.

But this is context to other disease-causing

organisms. And in reference to human
beings, they are ‘pro life’ and not against.
Antibiotics produced by microbes are regarded
as one of the most significant discoveries of the
twentieth century and have greatly contributed
towards the welfare of the human society.

Penicillin was the first antibiotic to be

discovered and was a chance discover.

Alexander Fleming while working on

Staphylococci bacteria, once observed a mold
growing in one of his unwashed culture plates
around which Staphylococci could not grow. He
found out that it was due to a chemical
produced by the mold, and he named it
Penicillin after the mold Penicillium
A total of 21 U.S. companies joined together,
producing 2.3 million doses of penicillin in
preparation of the D-Day invasion of
Normandy. Penicillin quickly became known
as the war's “miracle drug,” curing infectious
disease and saving millions of lives.

However, its full potential as an effective

antibiotic was established much later by Fleming, Chain and Florey were awarded the
Ernest Chain and Howard Florey and was Nobel Prize in 1945, for this discovery
extensively used to treat American
After Penicillin, other antibiotics were also
soldiers wounded in World War II. purified from other microbes.
Digestion, keeping bad bacteria from getting out of
Probiotics are a combination of live control and making you sick, create vitamins and
beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts that it help support the cells that line your gut to prevent
naturally live in your body. bad bacteria that you may have consumed from
entering your blood as well as breakdown and
Probiotics are made up of bacteria that absorb medications
helps keep your body healthy and working
well and helps us in many ways such as:

Lactobacillus bulgaricus Streptococcus Thermophilus


Prebiotics are compounds in

food that foster growth or
activity of beneficial
microorganisms such as
bacteria and fungi
(typically, high-fiber foods)
that act as food for human
microflora. Prebiotics are used
with the intention of
improving the balance of these

They help us in provide energy

to your colon cells, help with
mucus production and aid in
inflammation and

Examples : Fructo
Whooping Cough
(Kali Khansi)
Disease Yersinia pestis

Antibiotics have greatly

improved our capacity
to treat deadly diseases which
used to kill millions around
the globe.

(Gal Ghotu) Leprosy (Kusht
Disease Bacterial Disease
Corynebacteriu (Mycobacterium
m diphtheriae leprae)
Judicious Use of Antibiotics

Excess Antibiotic use is a well documented risk

factor for infection or development of resistant

Judicious Use of Antibiotics is an important

concern and thus it should be thoroughly taken
care of

The unnecessary use of antibiotics for viral

illness is common and it has led to increasing
rates of antibiotic resistance against
Streptococcus Pneumoniae and other
community of acquired pathogens

Thus, appropriate doses of antibiotic should be

taken for a specific duration of time as
prescribed by the physician. Factors that
contribute to antibiotic overuse include lack of
education, patients' expectation and past

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