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Dita Aulia Putri

Reg. No. 1805111008






Table of Contents
A. Title 1
B. Background 1
C. The Formulation of the Problem 3
D. The Objective of Research 4
E. The Needs of the Research 4
F. The Definition of Key Terms 5
G. Theoretical Review 6
H. Previous Related Studies 15
I. Methodology of Research 18
J. Bibliography 23
K. Appendix 28

A. Title
A Survey on the Effectiveness of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic
on University Students’ Learning Performance

B. Background
The government has set a policy to minimize activities outside the home and stay
at home until the Covid-19 pandemic has eased . The Covid-19 pandemic, which
has impacted several nations around the world, including Indonesia, has had
significant effects on a range of sectors, including education. To control the spread of
the coronavirus, the government implemented the Large-Scale Social Restriction
(PSBB) policy, which required all activities outside the home to be halted until the
Covid-19 virus calmed. As a result, to limit the spread of Covid-19, the teaching and
learning process must be conducted online from their residences (Nafrin & Hudaidah,

Online learning is a system that allows students to learn more broadly and in a
variety of ways. Students can learn whenever and wherever they want because of the
system's features, which allow them to be unrestricted by distance, place, or time.
According to Riyana (2015), the study resources are more diverse, not only in terms
of textual form, but also in terms of visual, audio, and motion. In the implementation
of online learning, the most influential thing in virtual learning is that the learning
system is more flexible when compared to conventional learning systems in schools.
The engagement between teachers and students will be more practical with online
learning and the learning process can take place in any place that is convenient for
students to focus.

When a lecturer conducts online learning, electronic devices such as smartphones,

laptops, computers, or tablets that can be used to support learning activities must be
utilized. Lecturers must be ready to provide material online and get used to using
electronic devices to present material and convey learning information. After that,

lecturers must be more innovative in preparing learning materials so that students do
not get bored while studying online. Likewise, students must process materials and
information about learning independently and actively using online learning. The
independence and activeness of students will have an impact on their learning

The facilities of online learning are a means that works as an intermediate in the
transmission of content or information during the teaching and learning process.
Laptops, computers, smartphones, tablets, mobile data, and Wi-Fi network are
examples of the facilities for online learning. The facilities of online learning must be
supported by applications or software that can be used throughout the learning
process. There are several applications or software available now that can support the
learning process, providing online learning more practical and accessible. The
following are examples of applications or software that support the learning process
such as Zoom Meeting, Google Classroom, Google Meet, YouTube, WhatsApp,
some even use the Instagram application in online learning activities.

The Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia appealed through Circular

No. 4 the Year 2020 concerning the implementation of education policies in the
emergency period of the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) that conventional
learning activities are shifted to online learning. Because students are required to
study independently at home, this is a new habit for students of the English Study
Program FKIP Universitas Riau. Students' difficulties in carrying out the learning
process amid the Covid-19 pandemic will be caused by internal factors and external
factors (Noviati, 2020). External factors include facilities such as electronic devices
and the economy. Internal factors include students' enthusiasm and interest in the
application of online learning. The difficulty of external and internal factors will have
an impact on student achievement.

When someone joins in learning activities, they will see changes in their behavior
in the form of new knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Behavioral changes occur
as a result of a person's learning process. Individuals engage in the process to achieve
their learning goals. Learning performance is thus defined as the achievement of the
learning objectives. Learning performance refers to the level of mastery of a subject
acquired by students when enrolled in a learning program and accordance with the
objectives stated. As a result, student conduct can be used to determine the quality of
learning performance, whereas written examinations and oral tests with maximum
scores can be used to determine the quantity of learning performance (Tahar, 2019).

This study is going to investigate how the effectiveness of online learning during
the Covid-19 pandemic on students’ learning performance at the English Study
Program FKIP Universitas Riau. By analyzing the formulation above, the focus of
this research will be on making a scientific contribution to the field of education.
Furthermore, this topic is critical to investigate because it will have an impact on the
thinking of students who are enrolled in online courses during the Covid-19

C. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows:
“How is the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on
students’ learning performance at the English Study Program FKIP Universitas

D. The Objective of the Research

The objective of this study is to evaluate the students’ learning performance
during the Covid-19 pandemic at English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau. The
objective of the study is to analyze and describe the effectiveness of online learning
during the Covid-19 pandemic on student students’ learning performance.

E. The Needs for the Research
This research is expected to be used as a reference to develop knowledge
about the effect of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on students’
learning performance. Some of the persons who will stand to gain from the findings
of this study are:

1. Lecturer

The lecturer will have information about the effect of online learning for
student students’ learning performance

2. Students

The students will have more motivation and solutions for participating in
online learning activities and they will have information on how to improve their
students’ learning performance

3. Researcher

This study will aid and motivate other researchers who are working on a
similar study, as well as have a beneficial impact on the quality of research on the
impact of online learning on students’ learning performance.

F. The Definition of Key Terms

1. Effectiveness of Learning
The effectiveness of learning is one of the success factors in achieving goals
in the learning process. If the learning activities are carried out following the learning
objectives, it is said to be effective. Therefore, Dewi (2020) defines that the right role
of lecturers is needed in carrying out the learning process to harmonize the learning
process properly. So, this research activity can be used as a standard for the impact of
online learning on the performance of students of the English Study Program, Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2. Online learning
Online learning is a newer or upgraded variation of distant learning. The
majority of people feel there is a link between distance education or learning and
online learning, although they are unsure in their narratives (Moore at al, 2011). So,
in this study, online learning can be interpreted as a means for students to improve
their students’ learning performance to be better.

3. Students’ learning performance

Learning performance as one of the indicators of learning success or student

abilities in completing learning activities by the value (Friskilia & Winata, 2018).
Learning performance is the measurement of how well students are learning in
aspects of skills and knowledge development. So, in this study, students’ learning
performance refers to the student's grade, which can be seen or stated on a report
card, learning achievement index, or learning result card. Students must achieve high
grades to prove that the learning process is working properly.

G. Review of Literature
1. Long-Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The global Covid-19 pandemic has already had a significant effect on almost
every element of human life, including education. With the risk of spreading the
virus, the learning process is entirely online at all levels of education. The same
phenomenon happened at the University of Riau, which transitioned from
conventional to distant study. In the Covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions have
chosen to adopt online learning to keep learning activities ongoing. Virtual learning is
a type of learning that takes place through the internet between lecturers and students
in different locations. In another way, the distant learning method blends learning
principles with technological advancements (Misra & Mazelfi, 2021)

2. Government Regulations regarding guidelines for the Implementation of
Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic

According to a joint decree of four ministers, the government has arranged the
learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. They decided that learning would
have to be conducted remotely and virtually during the covid-19 pandemic
(Kemendikbud, 2021). As a result, to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus,
learning activities during the pandemic must use an online learning system, as
mandated by government laws.

3. Online Learning
a. Learning

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere

and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have
religious-spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence personality, noble character, and
skills needed for themselves, society, nation, and state. As stated in Law Number 20
of 2003 concerning the National Education System Chapter I article 1 paragraph 1,
Teaching and learning is one form of education. The interaction between teachers and
students is influenced by educational values. Teaching is conducted to attain specific
goals that have been established before the start of the class (Asrori, 2016). As a
result, educational interactions are related to learning activities. Instructors carefully
organize teaching activities by making use of everything for educational purposes.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning is a

carefully organized educational activity that allows the student to realize their full
potential to build religious-spiritual power, self-control, intellectual personality, noble
character, and skills for themselves, society, nation, and state.

b. The Definition of Online Learning

Learning that takes place through the internet is known as online learning.
Learning is more than merely sharing learning materials over the internet. In online
learning, there is a process of online teaching and learning activities in addition to
online learning materials. As a result, online learning is a type of interaction that
takes place as part of the learning process. Interaction in learning refers to
interactions between the learner and the teacher or facilitator, as well as interactions
with other students and the learning content (Belawati, 2020)

Online learning is a method that allows the student to learn more broadly, more
extensively, more diverse manner. Students can learn whenever and wherever they
want because of the system's features, which allow them to be unrestricted by
distance, place, or time. The study resources are more diverse, not only in terms of
textual form, but also in terms of visual, audio, and motion (Riyana, 2015).

Based on the foregoing, it may be inferred that online learning is learning that
takes place through the internet and is not constrained by distance, place, or time.
Interaction between students and teachers is also a part of online learning. The
learning materials available are also more varied.

c. The Facilities of Online Learning

Barnawi & Arifin said that the facilities of online learning are tools used to
support the learning process. This is required for learning activities to proceed
efficiently (Fatimah, 2020). Online learning facilities such as laptops, smartphones,
computers, or multimedia via computer networks are used in its implementation.
Students will be able to access or acquire information about learning resources more
easily with these services. Similarly, lecturers can easily present or supply learning
materials with learning facilities so that students can study well.

d. The Characteristics of Online Learning

A conventional learning system is not the same as an online learning system.
According to Rofifah (2021), online learning has the following characteristics: (1)
Interactivity, can be defined as human-to-human communication enabled by the
internet network. Using the Zoom Meeting application, for example, during a
pandemic, (2) Independence, someone who is willing to learn independently, with or
without the help of others in the learning process. (3) Accessibility, course resources
are easily possible to get in an internet connection, (4) Enrichment, the offering of a
learning program for students who have achieved mastery in their studies based on
predetermined success criteria, For example, giving practice questions as enrichment.

e. The Applications of Online Learning

Online learning media can be defined as media that are equipped with user-
operable controllers that allow users to control and access what they need, such as
downloading subject matter resources (Arnesti & Hamid, 2015). Some applications
are used as online learning media:

1) Zoom Meeting

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing software for videoconference,

teleconferences, webinars, meetings recordings, and live chat (Barron, 2020)

2) Google Meet

With this application, teachers can provide material through facilities for
sharing videos, recordings, materials, PowerPoint, learning modules, learning activity
sheets, and learning resources that can be obtained from the internet (Pujiasih, 2020).

3) Google Classroom

Google Classroom is simple to use, understand, and interact with for both
teachers and students. This program is incredibly simple to use. Google Classroom is
a Google educational program that allows students to create space virtually. This

software can make the learning process easier for both lecturers and students. It is
eco-friendly to use Google Classroom because it no longer needs paper to gather
assignments (Edward, 2021).

4) YouTube

In Indonesia, YouTube is the most popular digital platform. YouTube is not

only used for entertainment, it can also be used for learning or gaining knowledge.
YouTube can be used as a learning tool in the context of education. Students can use
this platform to find and share material in the form of knowledge and practice on their
own (Mujianto, 2019).

f. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

According to Fatimah (2020), online learning has several advantages, such as:

1) Teachers and students can effortlessly communicate via the internet at

any time the communication activity is conducted, regardless of
distance, location, or time.
2) Regular and scheduled teaching materials are available over the
internet for teachers and students.
3) If necessary, students can review the material at any time and from any
location. Access to the internet will make it easier for students to
obtain more information about the teaching materials they are
4) Teachers and students can hold online discussions that are accessible
to a large number of students.
5) Passive students can become more active.

6) Learning becomes more efficient because it can be done at any time
and from any location, which is especially beneficial for individuals
who live a long-distance away.

Although there are benefits to online learning, it is not without disadvantages,

Fatimah (2020) said that discovered in her research:

1) Teachers and students' face-to-face interactions become or even

become between students themselves.
2) Business is more important than the social and intellectual aspects of
online learning.
3) Learning is mostly focused on the tasks assigned by the teacher
through the books provided.
4) Teachers must improve their knowledge of ICT-based learning
strategies (Information Communication Technology).
5) Students that are unmotivated to learn are more likely to fail.
6) In certain areas, internet access is not even available due to problems
with energy, telephone, and computers.

g. The Benefits of Online Learning

The effect of technology on almost every part of human life, including

education, has been significant. Online learning has exploded in popularity due to its
many advantages for everyone. According to Rofifah (2021), the following are the
benefits of online learning:

1) Student
Students can learn more flexibly with online learning because they can
access learning materials or information wherever and whenever. This is in
stark contrast to face-to-face learning, in which the learning process must be
brought to class.

2) Lecturer
For lecturers, the advantages of online learning are including: (1) faster
updates on the content to be presented, (2) more time to investigate and
enhance their knowledge, and (3) the ability to monitor student learning
3) Universities and colleges
The college is implementing learning that complies with the criteria of the
online learning system, and it supports a cooperative attitude between
lecturers and lecturers, as well as lecturers and students, in dealing with
learning problems.

4. Students’ Learning Performance

a. The Definition of Learning Performance

Learning has been characterized both functionally and mechanistically as

changes in behavior that occur as a result of experience. Learning is described as
ontogenetic adaptation or changes in an organism's behavior as a result of regularities
in the organism's environment. This functional definition not only addresses the
limitations of earlier definitions, but also has significant implications for cognitive
learning research (Houwer, 2013). Similarly, learning is defined as a person's ability
to change and enhance the quality and quantity of their behavior in numerous sectors
as a result of continual engagement with the environment in which they live (Lahir,
Ma’ruf, & Tho’in, 2017).

Lestari (2015) said that learning activities carried out by students can lead to
learning performance. The results of a person's learning process are called learning
performance. Learning performance is related to changes in the learner's personality.
Changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and behavior, as well as increased
insight, skills, and talents, are examples of changes that occur as a result of learning.
Learning-induced change is largely permanent and can grow. Learning performance

are benchmark used to determine a student's ability to pursue success; a student who
receives a high score is said to have succeeded in the learning process. Learning
outcomes have a variety of meanings and are interrelated (Bakri, 2021)

Learning performance is a type of learning achievement that students acquired

during the teaching and learning process by bringing about a change in a person's
behavior or attitude formation. Every teacher and lecturer has different perspectives
based on their knowledge to be able to say a successful learning process. However, to
level the playing field, the lecturer or teacher should be directed by the applicable
curriculum. The teaching and learning process is considered effective if the learning
objectives are achieved. In addition, the better the quality and effectiveness of the
teaching strategies used, the stronger the student learning motivation and, as a result,
the better the learning outcomes. On the other hand, the better the quality and efficacy
of the teaching strategies used, the larger the impact on students' futures and
educational institutions' accreditation rankings (Samuel, 2014).

Finally, based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that learning

performance is competency possessed by students during learning activities. Learning
performance will be a benchmark for students in understanding the learning material
that has been given. So that students will compete with each other to get the best

b. The Indicators of Learning Performance

Learning performance can be grouped into three indicators, namely cognitive,

affective, and psychomotor (Ropii & Fahrurrozi, 2017). Each indicator is organized
into several levels of ability, ranging from simple things to complex things. The
details of the aspects are as follows:

1) Cognitive abilities are related to thinking skills, including intellectual

abilities, ranging from understanding, memory, and problem-solving

skills. Cognitive has six levels of ability, namely: knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

2) Affective, the internalization of attitudes that point toward inner growth,

occurs when students become aware of the values received, then take
perspectives to become part of themselves in forming values and
determining behavior. The affective domain consists of several levels of
ability, namely receiving, responding, valuing, and organization.

3) Psychomotor is related to the abilities and skills of students. There are six
aspects: movement skills, reflexes, perceptual skills, harmony, complex
skill movements, expressive movements, and interpretative.

c. The Criteria of Learning Performance

Rofifah (2021) divides learning performance into three categories:

1) Effectiveness, usually measured by a student's level of achievement.

2) Efficiency, as measured by the amount of time spent studying.
3) Attractiveness or a student's willingness to participate in the learning

According to the explanation above, learning performance depends on knowledge,

insight, skills, and attitudes provisions in learning activities. It can be effective when
it can meet both individual and complex goals. Academic values and behaviors
described in the learning objectives can measure learning performance.

d. The Factors that Affect Learning Performance

There are several elements influence students’ learning performance (Fauhah

& Brillian, 2021), including:

1. Internal Factor

a. Physiological factors, such as health conditions, not being sick, not being
physically disabled, and so on. This may have an impact on students'
ability to learn.
b. Psychological factors, affect learning performance because all students
have various mentalities. These factors consist of Intelligence (IQ), talent,
curiosity, attention, motive, motivation, cognitive, and thinking power

2. External factors

a. Environmental factors, such as physical and social influences, as well as

the natural environment, will have an impact on learning performance.
b. Instrumental factors, their presence, and use are designed according to the
desired learning performance. These factors include curriculum, facilities,
and teachers.

Internal and external factors have a significant impact on student learning

performance. As a result, these factors should be observed for student learning to be

H. Previous Related Studies

Earlier relevant studies are conducted to determine how a scientific paper has
differences and similarities to previous studies to minimize duplication or similarity
of research in the same course of research. As a result, the researcher selected 7
samples from previous studies that shared findings with the researcher's research.
Some of the research findings would be as follows:
1. A study by Marlena (2021), analyzed the research on the effect of online
learning on student learning activities in IPS Subjects at SMP Negeri 22
Bengkulu. According to the findings of the study, the introduction of online
learning had an impact on student learning activities in social studies topics at

SMP Negeri 22 Bengkulu. Similarly, the results of this study were able to reveal
the effect of online learning on social studies subjects, while the researcher
focused on the effectiveness of online learning on student learning performance.
2. Another study was conducted by Banurea (2021), this research aims to
investigate the effect of online learning on accounting learning outcomes for
class XI social SMA Muhammadiyah Gunung Meriah Students for the
2020/2021 academic year. The findings of the study, by using Google Meet
learning media, the accounting learning outcomes of class XI IPS
Muhammadiyah Gunung Meriah students have increased with an average value
of 76.7%. Therefore, the results of this study have proven the effect of online
learning on accounting learning outcomes, while researchers focus on discussing
the effectiveness of online learning on student learning performance during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Next, a study was done by Bakri (2021). This study investigated the effect of
distant learning on student learning outcomes in economics subjects in Bandung.
From the findings of the study, the motivation and student learning results were
all in the medium range, as were online learning and the impact of distance
learning on learning performance. The research conducted by Bakri focuses on
student learning outcomes while the researcher discusses student learning
4. The next previous related study was conducted by Syam (2021) analyzed
students’ perceptions of E-learning in studying English during the Covid-19
pandemic. This study used a Descriptive Quantitative approach and the data was
collected by a questionnaire. The findings of this study reveal that students'
perceptions of e-learning in studying English during the Covid-19 pandemic are
positive, with the majority of students admitting that e-learning has benefits. This
study aims to determine students' perceptions of e-learning in learning English
and to find out student problems in e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic,

while the researcher aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning on
student learning performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
5. In addition, Wijaya (2015) analyzed the implementation of E-learning at
SMP Negeri 10 Yogyakarta showed that in terms of Human Resources and terms
of material, the use of e-learning is still low, the implementation of e-learning in
terms of infrastructure is good in terms of hardware and software owned by the
school. The implementation of e-learning has not gone well so implementation is
still constrained. This study aim to describe the implementation of online
learning, while the researcher will describe how the effectiveness of online
learning on student learning performance during the covid-19 pandemic.
6. Then, a study by Hariyati (2020) investigated an analysis of online English
learning in the Covid-19 pandemic at senior high school. According to the results
of the data analysis, the teacher has a positive attitude toward learning English
online and believes that the process of learning English is easier with online
learning. Students also have a favorable impression of learning English online,
believing that it makes the process of learning English easier and that it fosters
students' independent learning attitudes. This study discusses an analysis how is
teachers' perceptions and how students’ perceptions of online English learning in
the Covid-19 Pandemic. On the other side, the researcher will focus on the
effectiveness of online learning during the covid-19 pandemic on student
learning performance.
7. Last, this study was conducted by Rofifah (2021) investigating the effect of an
online learning system on IPS subject learning outcomes for class VIII students
during the Covid-19 pandemic at MTs Sa Ar-Rohman Blawirejo-Lamongan. The
findings of this study revealed that there is a 9.5% significant influence on
learning outcomes from the online learning system, indicating that external
factors play a significant role in improving learning outcomes. The difference
between previous research and the research to be conducted is that previous
research discusses the effect of online learning systems on student learning

outcomes for social studies subjects, while researcher will survey the
effectiveness of online learning on student learning performance during the
Covid -19 pandemic.

I. Methodology of Research
1. The Design of the Research

The design of this research is descriptive using a quantitative method. A

survey is one of the quantitative research methodologies (Sugiyono, 2017).
Respondents will be asked questions about their beliefs, opinions, and actions
concerning the research being undertaken using the survey method. When
respondents respond to questions using the desired variables, these questions become
more specific (Adiyanta, 2019). As a result, the researcher aims to see how effective
online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic was on students’ learning

2. Place and Time of the Research

This research will be conducted at the English Study Program, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau, Bina Widya KM. 12.5 Simpang
Baru, Tampan District, Pekanbaru city, Riau Province. The time of the research will
be in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year in May-June 2022.

3. The Population and Sample of the Research

The population is a generalization area made up of objects/subjects with

specific attributes and characteristics that the researcher has chosen to study and
make conclusions from (Sugiyono, 2017). So, the population encompasses not only
humans but also things and other aspects of nature. The population of an object or
subject is more than simply a number; it also contains all of the attributes that the
object or subject contains. The population of this research is all sixth semester

students of the English Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Riau.

Table 1. Total Population of the Research

Class Total

Class 6A 39

Class 6B 39

Class 6C 41

Total 119

The sample is part of the population that is used as the object of direct
observation and is used for concluding (Nuryadi et al., 2017). The sample must be
properly represented to ensure that the research conclusions are accurate. Total
sampling is a method of sampling that uses all students of the population as a sample
(Sugiyono, 2017). So, based on the explanation, all sixth semester students of the
English Study Program FKIP Universitas Riau are chosen as sample of this research.

4. The Data Collection Technique

The data collection technique for this research will be a questionnaire as a

research instrument. As a result, in this study, the researcher will use a set of
questionnaires by adopting a questionnaire from previous studies about the effect of
online learning on students' learning performance. The researcher will go through the
main procedures to publicize the questionnaire:

a) The researcher will provide a questionnaire in the form of a Google


b) The researcher will distribute the questionnaire to 119 respondents via
c) The researcher will direct respondents to read and fill out the
questionnaire by the statement items provided
d) The researcher will wait for 119 respondents to finish filling out the
e) The researcher will review the responses that have been sent by
f) The researcher will then analyze the data according to the statement
items provided

5. The Research Instrument

The following research instruments are designed to assist in the data

collection and data processing processes:

1. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a data collection method in which respondents are
given a set of questions or written statements to answer. Each instrument
item's responses are scored on a Likert scale that ranges from very positive
to very negative. The questionnaire will be distributed online via a Google
Form (Sugiyono, 2017)

Table 2. The Information Regarding the Score

Descriptions Score

A Strongly agree 5

B Agree 4

C Neutral 3

D Disagree 2

E Strongly 1

The research instrument will use a set of questionnaires from a previous study
by Rofifah (2021) and Rosmita (2020). The blue print of the questionnaire can be
seen in the table below:

Table 3. The BluePrint of the Questionnaire

No. Variable Sub-variable Items

1 The The implementation of 12,3,4,5

effectiveness online learning
of online
learning The characteristics of 6,7,8,9
online learning

The advantages and 10,11,12,13

disadvantages of online

2 Students’ The indicators of learning 14

learning performance
The criteria of learning 15, 16, 17

The factors that affecting 18, 19, 20

learning performance

6. Data Analysis

The researcher will use descriptive statistics to analyze the data in this study.
According to Sugiyono (2017), descriptive statistics are used to analyze the data
collected through a questionnaire. To support the research results, the researcher will
use SPSS 25 software to get the results of the data analysis. After that, the results will
be described and concluded in the form of percentages.

Then, the data obtained will be analyzed by:

a) The data of the respondents were sorted by the researcher using the
questionnaire data.
b) The received information is subsequently inserted into the table.
c) Using the SPSS 25 software to analyze the respondents' responses
d) Using percentage statistics to analyze respondents' responses to see how
successful online learning was on university students' learning performance
during the Covid-19.

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The instrument of this research is a questionnaire

Name: ………………….

Class: …………………..

No. Statements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

1 I agree with the government's decision

to implement online learning.

(Saya setuju dengan keputusan

pemerintah untuk menerapkan
pembelajaran online)

Online learning is the right choice to
carry out learning activities during the
Covid-19 pandemic.

(Pembelajaran online menjadi pilihan

yang tepat untuk melaksanakan
kegiatan belajar di masa pandemi

I can study or review subject matter
anytime and anywhere through the

(Saya dapat mempelajari atau

meninjau materi pelajaran kapan saja
dan di mana saja melalui internet)

The material presented by the lecturer

is simple and easy to understand.

(Materi yang disampaikan oleh dosen

sederhana dan mudah dipahami)

I use apps or websites as a learning

(Saya menggunakan aplikasi atau situs

web sebagai sumber belajar)

It is easier for me to understand the
material in the online learning system.

(Saya lebih mudah memahami materi

dalam sistem pembelajaran online)

I can learn independently by using
online learning.

(Saya bisa belajar mandiri dengan

menggunakan pembelajaran online)

8 I communicate with lecturers or friends

regarding subject matter using the

(Saya berkomunikasi dengan dosen

atau teman tentang materi pelajaran
menggunakan internet)

I can efficiently work on the questions
in the online learning given by the


(Saya dapat dengan efisien

mengerjakan soal-soal dalam
pembelajaran online yang diberikan
oleh dosen)

I always get additional information
related to the subject matter through
the internet quickly.

(Saya selalu mendapatkan informasi

tambahan terkait materi pelajaran
melalui internet dengan cepat)

I have become more active because of
online learning.

(Saya menjadi lebih aktif karena

pembelajaran online.)

I do not understand the material
presented via online learning.

(Saya tidak memahami materi yang

disampaikan melalui pembelajaran

I find it challenging to catch subject
matter through online learning.

(Saya merasa sulit untuk menangkap

materi pelajaran melalui pembelajaran

In my opinion, online learning during
this pandemic affects students' learning

(Menurut saya, pembelajaran online di

masa pandemi ini mempengaruhi
performa belajar siswa)

My learning performance has
improved during this Covid-19

(Prestasi belajar saya meningkat

selama pandemi Covid-19 ini)

I can study anywhere and anytime to
improve my learning performance.

(Saya dapat belajar di mana saja dan

kapan saja untuk meningkatkan
performa belajar saya)

Lecturers provide learning materials
with an attractive appearance.

(Dosen memberikan materi

pembelajaran dengan tampilan yang

I am motivated to study independently
to get good study results.

(Saya termotivasi untuk belajar

mandiri untuk mendapatkan hasil

belajar yang baik)

my friends influence me to skip class
when there is a class schedule

(Teman saya mempengaruhi saya

untuk bolos kelas ketika ada jadwal

My parents facilitate me learning
media such as
to support my learning activities.

(Orang tua saya memfasilitasi saya

media pembelajaran seperti
untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar


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