Ethics Foundations of Moral Valuation - Lesson 2

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Ethics Foundations of Moral Valuation na ni Senator Drilon na ito daw ay illegal, na

hindi daw pwede, na ako daw ay pwedeng

Chapter II: Utilitarianism maging liable kung ito daw ay ipapakinig ko
•The Principle of Utility sa Senado, ako naman, ano ba itong mga
•Principle of the Greatest Number batas na ito? Ang mga batas na ito ay para
•Justice and Moral Rights malaman natin ang katotohanan at
magkaroon tayo ng hustisya. Itong mga anti-
Chapter Objectives wiretapping or mga recording na ganito,
After reading this chapter, you should be kung hindi pwedeng ilabas sa publiko,
able to: pwede naming gawing basehan sa executive
session.” Senator Poe’s response leads us
• Discuss the basic principles of utilitarian
to ask: Can the government infringe
individual rights? If it is morally permissible
• Distinguish between two utilitarian models:
for the government to infringe individual
the quantitative model of Jeremy Bentham
rights, when can the government do so?
and the qualitative model of John Stuart Mill;
Does it become legitimate to sacrifice
individual rights when considering the
• Apply utilitarianism in understanding and
greatest benefit for the greatest number of
evaluating local and international scenarios.
On January 25, 2015, the 84th Special
– For Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), the
Action Force (SAF) conducted a police
principle of utility is about our subjection to
operation at Tukanalipao, Mamasapano in
these sovereign masters: pleasure and pain.
Maguindanao. Also known as Oplan Exodus,
On one hand, the principle refers to the
it was intended to serve an arrest warrant for
motivation of our actions as guided by our
Zulkifi bin Hir or Marwan, a Malaysian
avoidance of pain and our desire for
terrorist and bomb-maker who had a $5
pleasure. On the other hand, the principle
million bounty on his head. Although the
also refers to pleasure as good if, and only if,
police operation was “successful” because of
they produce more happiness than
the death of Marwan, the firefight that
ensued claimed 67 lives – 44 Special Action
Force (SAF) troopers, 18 Moro Islamic – John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) supports
Liberation Front fighters, and five civilians. In Betham’s principle of utility. He reiterates
one of the Congress investigations that moral good as happiness and, consequently,
followed this tragic mission, then Senate happiness as pleasure. Mill clarifies that
President Franklin Drilon and Senator what makes people happy is intended
Francis Escudero debated the public hearing pleasure and what makes us unhappy is the
of an audio recording of an alleged privation of pleasure. The things that
conversation that attempted to cover up the produce happiness and pleasure are good;
massacre of the PNP-SAF commandos. whereas those that produce unhappiness
Drilon questioned the admissibility of these and pain are bad.
recordings as evidence under the Anti-Wire
Tapping Law whereas Escudero cited the
legal brief of the Free Legal Assistance • Born on February 15th, 1748.
Group (FLAG) arguing that the Anti-Wire • Studied at Queen’s College in Oxford in
Tapping Law protects only the recording and 1760, and after he studied law at Lincoln’s
interception of private communications. Inn.
• In 1776 Bentham published his first book A
Senator Grace Poe, previous chairperson of
Fragment on Government
the Senate committee on public order and
• Bentham defined his theory of utilitarianism
dangerous drugs, argued otherwise. “Sinabi
in his book The Introduction to the Principled
of Morals and Legislation published in 1789.

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