Tell Me About A Time When You Had To Negotiate Something

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1. Tell me about a time when you had to negotiate something

S: In my previous role at PayPal one of our responsibilities was to bring the customer from a negative
balance into a good standing balance. I remember once that I was on a call with a customer who
didn’t agree with a chargeback that he got charged from us and also about the fees included. T: As
soon as I saw this scenario I knew this was going to be a difficult call because most of the time they
do not agree with these cases, I explained to him about the benefits that he had if we pay us, also
the consequences and also different type of payments involved but he didn’t agree. A: What I did
was I offered him the opportunity to pay the full amount with a 10% discount and also I would waive
the fees but he didn’t agree with me, he was looking for a 50% discount and this is something that I
was able to give it to him but with authorization only. What I offered him was a 20% discount waiving
the fees only if he would pay card with me. He said the needed to think about it first R: Then he
called us back and someone put on the phone with him and he complete the full payment with the
discount with me. This was very positive because we from the account into a good standing balance,
also we were able to bring that MRR back and also, we kept a customer with us.

2. Tell me about a time you had to solve a problem and the solution was unclear.
S: This happened in my previous role at PP, during the daily basis tasks I had to be calling the
customer to make them pay and for some reason, I received calls back from a customer that was
trying to pay but the app allow them to pay. T: As soon as I received these calls I knew this could
be because of a bug in the app A: What I did after those calls were to gather information from
the customer to see what could be wrong, for example, the type of cards they were using, also
amount that they were trying to pay. After I gather all that information I contact my manager and
explain to her the situation in order to fix it. After that, she put me in contact with the IT
department in order give them all the data that I collected from this case. R: After that the result
was positive because together we ended up fixing the bug that they had and also, they were able
to make the payments themselves.

3. Tell me about a time you work on a project.

S: This actually happened in my current role as an ISC. I mentioned to my previous manager that I
was looking for more and I was ready to be working together with someone else inside the
organization, like a project. She put me in contact with one of out TL, NL and he mentioned to
me that there was a project going on, called Quality Score. Before no one was able to check the
quality of our chats and this was something that they want to implement on the global
organization for ISC. T: As soon as they mention this opportunity I knew this was going to be
good for me ir order to learn more and also to work with other people inside the team. A: We
had a few meetings in order to divide our jobs equally also as I was the only ISC working on this I
was able to test tools and also provide genius feedback about how other people on the team will
feel with this, ways to check chats, and also ways on how to provide them feedback. R: The result
of this was amazing as this is something that they implement globally in ISC and I was able to
test these tools for the rest of ISC and this is something that still is going on.

4. Tell me about a time you had a difficult customer

S: This actually happened in my current role as an ISC, I received a call from a prospect that called
us multiple times with the same issue, email errors. He was facing an issue in order to send bulk
emails to their leads on the free version. In that moment he hasn’t very happy as he spoke with
us a couple of times before that call. T: I knew for his voice that this wasn’t going to be an easy
call A: So what I did was to keep calm, set the right expectations and also got control of the
conversation. I tried to troubleshoot this case with this from the beginning with call over the
phone but we were getting the same error together. After as soon as I saw that he was in
sequences with the GS a activate a trial for a few days only so he was going to be able to receive
technical help after that and also, I pitched a meeting with the GS in order to explore the paid
tools that we have. R: The result was positive because I was able to communicate with him with
the support line directly and then I was able to book a meeting so we reduce the friction.

5. Tell me about a time you worked together with another team.

S: This actually happened in my current role as ISC, where I had a customer that was looking to
explore more of their current tools that they already had. He was looking to understand what they
can do with their current pro tools and also, if there was a benefit to upgrading but he wasn't
interested in a call at that stage. T: as soon as he told me that I knew I had to pass that call with the
Rep in order to help them to upgrade, so I reached out the sales rep in order to let him know that he
wanted to upgrade but he didn’t want to call of that moment so, we both start looking a the chat at
the same time and in order to see what he actually want from the upgrade to see if it was possible, it
was a very long chat but we manage to convince him to accept the call during chat open, also he was
looking to talk with the success team because from the beginning he wanted to know what his
current package could do for him. As he has a SM assigned I immediately reach out to him in order to
make him to contact the prospect by email in order to schedule a call with them after the call with
the rep. R: the result was positive because he ended up with a meeting with the sales rep in order to
upgrade, we were able to convince him to accept a call and also he was able to speak with the
success team to explore his current package.

S: This happened in UPS, where I had to work with a big amount of people from different departments
in order to reach a specific goal. A package that was scanned on our platform but at the same time
was lost somewhere on the warehouse, and this was an expensive product from one of our VIP

T= As soon as I received this case, I knew this was going to be a case where I have to be in touch
with different departments from other countries and also, in different work hours.

A= So what I did was start contacting the most experience managers from our logistic center in that
specific country in order to try to be in contact directly with a person in charge of that departments,
also I contacted at the same time one of the most famous sales agent in order to try to give a better
discount to our customer in the future orders for this mistake. Also, I contacted our TL in CS as well to
inform that if the customer contacts us, I would be the person that would have to deal with him.

R= the result of this was positive as at the end we could fine the expensive pkg for our customer and
also, the customer in the first hand wasn’t happy for all this process but we accept the future discount
that I found for him for his business, and we kept shipping with us.

6. Tell me about a time you manage ambiguity.

S: This actually happened in a previous role where I was working in PayPal, one of my managers
request me to create a report where she can see all the accounts that we were working on during
the last 2 months, before she was going on holidays because she had to present this with other
reports to directors. T: I was happy to be able to help her with another task but she went on holidays
and she didn’t explain what type of reports she wanted, for example MRR, promises, payment types,
account lost, numbers of agents etc. A: What I did was that I create a report with more information
that she gave, I included MRR, account numbers, MRR, promises, payment types etc. R: The result
was good when she came back from holidays because she provide me a feedback and also she was
happy with the results she got from my report.

7. Tell me about a time you changed someone's mind? How did you go about it?

S: in one of my previous companies (in Zara), I used to work with a team member very close to me
but we he used to use different techniques that I disagreed with. We used to be in charge of
processing the stock take in order to check the number of items that we used to have in order to have
all the stock available for our customers. T: He used to have more time in the company than me but
he used to do the Stock as fast as possible in order to have it done but with not good quality and finish
early our shift, with this, I realised that we were not scamming all the items correctly so we were
missing stock that our customer could actually buy and no one knew that we had it there. A: What I
did was I actually analyzed how many items we were missing in the last stocktake and see how much
money we were losing everything we were doing this fast, and I talked to him in a very very relax and
respectful way as it should be. R: After that we both agree that we were going to start investing more
time when we had to do the Stock take, as we both realized that we were losing revenue and probably
start doing other duties faster in order to save time and still do them correctly.

8. Tell me about a time you had to relay bad news to a colleague. How did you go about it?

I am a person that strongly believes that bad news needs to be given face-to-face or at least in a
meeting to try to avoid misunderstandings. This happened in my previous role at PayPal where I
worked for almost 2 years. S: The situation was that we as a team used to work together in order to
achieve group targets, so we used to discuss what type of target account we were going to tackle that
week/month in order to bring more revenue back to the company. T: As soon as I receive the target
account that we meant to contact I realized that my colleague and I were working with the same
accounts and he was about to achieve his promotion that month. A: What we did was that we divide
equally the same amount of accounts to be contacted in order to both have the same opportunity for
that month. R: The final result was that I was able to achieve my target for that month but there was
an account in common that we have that we were together very close together but at the end of the
month I had the last call with that customer he couldn't complete their promise about the last payment,
and I had to delivery this bad news to my colleague and he couldn't achieve that promotion. But the
month after we worked hard together and we were able to achieve it.

9. Tell me about a time when you had to build trust with team members. How did you go about

This is something that might happen often when you join a new team and you are the NH but it is
always a positive challenge that I like to take when I join a team. S: This happened to me in my
current role as an ISC. In the mornings we used to have a big amount of UA chats from the night
before that the people from Latam couldn't handle after their shifts. T: This something can impact a lot
the organization because we are not able to handle all of them and we do not provide a good
customer experience when they wait a lot of time for us. A: One of our most experienced member
from our ES Team used to organise them for us to be able to tackle them as soon as we start our shift
because this impact our organization in the responding time. As this was needed for me and also
needs to be done fast and precisely I asked the other team member to show me and teach me how to
do it because I felt I was ready for more. At that moment they were that sure I was able to handle this
fast so I asked them for advice and they saw that I was interested in learning and take more
responsibilities R: The end result was positive because they let me handle them for a week after I
showed me interested because they saw my practising and willing to learn more very fast.

10. Tell me about a time that you disagreed with a rule or approach. What did you do?

This is something that could happen and it is very important to deal with this in a very calm and
respectful way. S: This happened to me in my previous role at PayPal, where I was working in
collections. T: My duty there was to collect money back from the negative companies or people that
we had on our platform. A new rule came up that we were only authorized to collect payments from a
debit card instead of credit cards, this used to make our daily tasks more difficult and some of our
customers used to pay normally with credit cards. R: This is something that I disagreed with for a
while and also I explained with respect in a 1-1 to my Manager, the number of opportunities that we
were missing from this rule. At the end they made an investigation to see how beneficial was this new
rule for the organization.

11. Tell me about a time you failed.

S: This happened in my current role as ISC, I was still in ramping and the management announce an
ISC contest with a $1000 prize. T: I knew this was very difficult for me as I was very new inside the
team but I felt that I was very capable to reach this goal if I create the right plan for this TA: I started
organizing myself with daily targets, like IQL, call pass rates and chat pass rates during each day and
also weekly. However, they were a few days where we were only getting IB calls or chats with a
specific language and this could be affecting me metrics, so I readjust the metrics to be able to get
into those 10 spots for this. R: The result wasn’t totally the best as I didn’t end up wining the contest
but I ended up very close to the main goal, but as a NH I learn how to organize my daily targets and
also modify those goal during the time.


S= When started work in my previous role, I was looking forward to making a positive
impression. During the first team meeting I started giving some ideas that would help
the team, but a experienced member of the team kept disagreeing on purpose about
my new suggestions and treating me in a wrong way during the meeting.
T= I don’t like conflict, so in that moment I believe this needs to be resolved quickly
for the sake of the team, It was my responsibility to try and resolve this problem and
to build a good relationship with the person who was disagreeing with me.
A= After the meeting, I went over to speak to him in private. I asked him in a calm
and in a respectful way if I had done anything to upset him. I explained to him that I
was there to help the team and that I wanted to learn from other people and also
from himself.
R= In that moment he was socked about that I went to him about this issue, and he
apologized for the way he treated me during the meeting. He told me that this wont
happened again and from that day we got along very well during work and outside

13. How would you organize your time?

This is something that for me is very important as this is it the key to be able to reach goals
on all the roles and also to deliver task fast and in a very good standards.

I normally start my week by creating a do to list with everything I most complete in each day.
Then I create a task to try to prioritize them in order our goals, in this case, I would invest as
much time with customers with Higher MRR and then I would focus on renewals for
customers that might not be seeing as much value/success reports, focus on big deals and
make sure I have a thorough understanding of next steps then I will avoid all the possible
distractions that might make my duties delayed and finally I will remain still flexible in order
to see if there are another tasks that I might be need to affront while I am completing the
rest of them.
14. What areas would you like to improve and what are you doing for it?

I definitely I need to improve my ability to give public presentations to large groups of

people. This is a skill that I am very open to developing so if there are any opportunities
where I do have to give public presentations I would be very interested and try to feel
comfortable with the practice. Something that I am doing for this right now is ready a book
called “speak loud” where you get advises on how to afford this fair.

15. Tell me about a time you make your own decision.

S: This actually happened in my previous role at UPS, where I was working on in the billing
department. My manager was on holidays and I received an inquiry of a customer that was
looking to make a huge order with us, but he was looking for at least a 15% discount, and my
manager was the only one who could agree with this. T: However as my manager was aways
and unavaible, it was my task to weight the pros and cons of decision in order to provide a
good customer experience and also looking for the best interest of the organization. A: I
analysed the customer request carefully and they informed me that they had another supplier
where was almost agreeing with them and the discount, and then I analized the account and
checked that they had been expending a significant amount of money and years with us.
Before giving them a respond I double check with one of our most experience colleague in
our team in order to get his advice, then I decied to give them the discount in order to avoid
them to go to the other supplier. R: When my manager returned, I explain to her the decision
and the steps I followed. She was also happy that we didn’t lose that customer.

16. Tell me about the most difficult feedback you’ve received. What did you do with it?
I am a very who genuinely appreciates feedback and always take feedback in a good way and
also in a respectful manner. S: In my previous role in PP, I was working very close with my
manager where every month I created a report for her with the account that the team were
working on in one case, my manager request to add different values on the reports so they can
see other types of account that we weren’t touching. T: This was a task that I was doing for
almost a year and I thought I would remember the instructions she gave me. A: I did the report as
usual but I actually forgot to add the new values that she wanted to added on the report. R: The
result wasn’t the best and I finished a task in a very fast way but not with the correct standard.
She pulled me for a chat and I completely apologize myself and she mentioned the instructions
she gave to do not forget them again. After, something I learned from this is to improve my
active listening and also my communication skills to double-check the instructions every time she
needed to do something for the team.

17. TIME WHEN YOU learned something new.

S= This happened in my current role at ISC. When I joined this company, I was
coming from PP in collections. There we used to be handing calls in a very fast way
as this was one of our core metrics and also, sometimes we used not heard the
customers correctly.
T= Since I joined here, I knew this was going to be a big change as during all my
career I learn different skills that will make me go fast during calls to reach more
A= So what I did as soon as I started in HubSpot I started listening to calls from our
most experienced ISC so I was able to learn how they handle their calls, what type of
questions they ask, also read their chats and as well trying to schedule short calls
with them in order to get their advised to improve my listening skills. After that I
learned how to have deep conversations with our leads about their needs, also what
are they looking to achieve with us, and what tools they like to most in order to pitch
the right package or in that case to guide them with the best next step.
R= The result from this was very positive as I learn different tactics when we deal
with customers also, I develop my listening skills and also my communicational skill
with our leads

18. Tell me about a time you missed a target/deadline.

S: This happened in one of my roles at UPS. I received a call from a customer that was looking to
check their contract with us as they thought they were getting the incorrect invoice with the discount
that we agreed with them and he was looking to have this in a week's time. T: I didn’t calculate the
time correctly as I thought it wouldn’t be taking too much time for that, I worked overtime for 3 days
but I couldn’t reach the timeframe given. A: When I realized that the deadline was about to come I
reached out to the customer apologizing that communicating to him that I wasn’t going to be able to
complete the inquiry for the date he mentioned, so I provided him a new time to complete this
requirement. R: The result was positive because I met the second deadline that I gave to the
customer and they were impressed with my transparency and honesty during the process.

19. Tell me about a time that you disagreed with a rule or approach. What did you do?
S: This actually happened in my previous role in PP, he used to be collecting payments from customer as
usual but a new rule came up that we were only able to collect payment from debit cards instead of as
well credit cards. T: I knew this was going to be more challenging as most of our payments were coming
from credit cards A: So during a one-to-one with my manager, in a very calm and very respectful way I
expressed my questions about why this new rule has been implemented and also expressed how
beneficial for us was to collected payments from credit cards. R: The result was positive and he took my
ideas in a very good way because I expressed in a respectful tone and also, she took the feedback and
then they analyse this situation with the rest of the managers.
20. Tell me about a time you had to learn something quickly.
S: In my previous role at UPS, my manager was looking for a volunteer to cover one of our senior team
member who was going on a sick leave for a couple of months. As soon as I saw this opportunity coming
up I didn’t doubt to offer myself to be the right person to this. T: One of my tasks in that moment was the
learn hope to create manual discount for his customer and also at the same time complete all my
personal tasks of my role. A: So I started by analysing the daily basis tasks that he used to do in order to
see what skills I will need to learn from scratch and also the tasks that I could do easly. As soon as I
arrived home I spent two in order to improve that calculating skill where I was struggling from the
beginning in order to improve and also I asked for a few tips to other senior agents that we had in our
team. R: The result was positive because after analyzing my colleague duties and responsibilities and as
well after investing time at home I was able to learn how to many those manual calculations in a short
time 24 hours.

21. Tell me about a time you solve for the customer.

S: This happened in my current role where a prospect was looking to upgrade to a marketing starter
package but he was having issues processing the payment of the package with his card. T: I knew this
was a good opportunity to close that deal and also to help the prospect to become a customer. A: I
was on the call with him and we tried again with different browsers and also with a different card but
we both were still receiving the same checkout error. So I create a payment for him but as he was
looking to add add-ons tools we will need the authorization of the quote in order to be able to share
the link with them, so I manually put the prospect on hold and I reach our one of our TL in order to
receive the approval on time while I was on the call. R: the result was amazing as he was able to
upgrade during the call with me.

22. Motivation beside role

23. 500 customers how would you prioritize them?

Navigated a high volume of products and sales inbound inquiries via phone, live chat and email
where I analyze their needs, and position the best solution/next steps for customers.

✔️Conducted a pre-qualification for prospects for HubSpot’s sales process.

✔️Helped remove technical barriers for our users and recommend software best practices.

✔️Collaborated with different teams in the same hand in order to create a good customer
What are the top 3 skills do your most successful RMs have?
Out of curiosity, normally how many people from your team actually reach the targets
commission in a monthly basis?


What are the biggest challenges that the contract teams could be facing during the next 12
months in a global situation?
What could be the most challenging situation that a new CM would face if they start in your

 Retention
 MRR increase

 ✔️
Navigated a high volume of products and sales inbound inquiries via phone, live chat and
email where I analyze their needs, and position the best solution/next steps for

✔️Conducted a pre-qualification for prospects for HubSpot’s sales process.

✔️Helped remove technical barriers for our users and recommend software best practices.

✔️Collaborated with different teams in the same hand in order to create a good customer

Contract manager
As a Contract Manager you will be responsible for handling customer contract inquiries in a timely
manner. This includes communicating directly with customers and with other departments to ensure the
accurate resolution of customer inquiries. As part of our customer-focused, results-driven organization,
you will be responsible for managing a high volume of account-related tasks and customer inquiries
centered on maximizing customer investment with HubSpot.

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