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Question] Susie - Andy, drive me to the hospital, please. Answer saved ‘Andy: Why are you so hurrying? What's the matter? Marked out of 100 ¥ Flag question ‘question 2 orted autor rag question too Pe) queston Susie: My father got a heart attack. Select one: © a Ineedto take him home © b.I must call my father, first O c.I shouldn't care about my father © d.Ineed to check him there caption, also known as a cutline, iso text that appears below an image. Most ‘captions draw attention to something in the image that is not obvious, such as its relevance to the text. Captions can consist of a few words of description, or several sentences. Along with the ttle, lead, ond section headings, captions are the most ‘commonly read words in an article, 60 they should be succinct and informative. Captions aso include a short ttle or heading of an article in a magazine or ‘newspoper. Words shown on a cinema or television screen to establish the scene of ‘a story are also called captions. Captions can also be insarted below/above charts, figures, graphics and tables. There are several crteria for a good caption. A good caption cleorl identifies the subject ‘of the picture without detailing the obvious. tis succinct. It establishes the picture's televance to the article, provides context for the picture, and draws the reader into the article. What does the text talk about? Select one: © a.goodand bad caption © b.what must be availabis in caption © c.icentiications of good caption © d.snort description about caption Randy = Why do you lke reading newspaper, Dense? Denise ave reading newspaper... It contains alt of information Select one: (© a.nevertheless © bbecause © c.because of 0 d.cueto Clear my choice vest 100 fg question question B F Fog question ‘question 6 ‘Answer saved Marked out of 100, ¥ Flog ‘question ‘diana May I bore your bicycle? \Vnian = Lwillend you mine if you promise me to bring it back .. Saturday. Select one: 2 awhile © b.when © unit © abetore Clear my choice Mr. Bently : Hello, Mise Smith. Would you lke a cup of cottee? Im just making some. ‘Miss Smith = Oh, yes please, that would be lovely. Mr Bently. : How do you take it? Miss Smith = With milk and sugar, please. MrBentiy = Here you ore, Miss Smith Thani you, ‘The undetined expression expresses Select one: © a.otfering hep © b Dectining on offer © e. Accepting on offer © d offering something Gary: What has happened with you TV? It is not working Linda <1 see. If the TV cable doesn't work, Select one: O a.We will rent a DVD © b. We would go to the service center O c.1 would have called the store © d.1 would buy a new one ‘Question 7 Langdon: You look tired, Sean. How is your work? Answer saved Sean It doesn't need to be done until Saturday, we are going to work Marked out of faster. too Flag Select one: coo © a.Even though © b.Before © c.instead of © d.However ‘speciaties also include naving a winning way with people, and being ble to tnk on my teet and not wait to be told what to do lease review my attached resume for a more detailed account of my abilities and skills. Although it will ilustrte my achievement, | would lke to re-emphasize my proven ability to work in a fast-moving sles environment and my talent at delivering a high level of customer service that encourages: shoppers to come back for more. | sincerely believe that with the skils I have gained over the years, | ‘can make a tremendous contribution to your exiting team, | would greatly appreciate an opportunity to meet with you, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question orf you would like to arrange an intervie. Yours sincerely Peter Bush | can make a tremendous contribution .." (paragraph 2). What is the synonym ofthe underlined word? Select one: © allimtea © bgeat (© personal 0 dilong question 9 Daphne: You ook so confused, Tamara, What's going on? Anowetsaved Tamara: | dorft know what to do Marked out joo Select one: © Fog O a. If Helen was here, the problem will be solved uestion © b If know the problem, | would have told you © e Honly Helen were here, she could help me with this © di Ifthe problem hadn't been so difficult, | would have done it Clear my choice question 10 there was a demonstration on his way to the office, Mr. Andrew arrived on time. nae ved uartedautet The best connector to complete the sentenca is. Fg Select one: uestion an © b Eventhough © e.However © d.Despite Clear my choice ‘aueeton TH Frank. Itis dangerous to talk on the phone while driving the car nave soved | Brandon ‘eo Select one Foo © Litt were you , would have never takin car whe ding ueston (© b Unless we ta tothe government, the program will be succeeded so0n (© ©. The authorities must have a plan on this if they wanted tobe succeeded in this program © di The cel phone ban in cars wort work unless the government has an enforcement program Clear my choice relevance to the text. Captions can consist of a tew words of Gescnption, or several sentences. Along with the title, lead, and section headings, captions are the most commonly read words in an article, so they should be succinct and informative. Captions also include a short title or heading of an article in ¢ magazine or newspaper. Words shown on a cinema or television screen to establish the scene of «a story are also called captions. Captions can also be inserted belowJabove charts, figures, graphics and tables. There are several criteria for a good caption. A good caption clearly identifies the subject of the picture without detailing the obvious. it is succinct. It establishes the picture's relevance to the article, provides context for the picture, and draws the reader into the article. (adapted from: en m wikinedts org) What does canton mean according tothe text? Solect one: O ailtis atitle of a text or story. © bultisa short and general information. © cItisknown as cutiine, a text which appears below an image. O d.itdraws the readers into the article. Hoping to hear from you soon, | enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph Yours faithfully, Clark Davin Why does the sender wrte the letter? Select one: O a. To convince the readers about his experience @ bo apply fora certain postion O ¢. To have a job interview © dito gue information about his specialty Question 14 Choky : I cant believe this. | think Jeff is a good person. Answer saved Chika: if he were a better person, he ______ not end up in the prison. artes out ot 100 Select one: ¥ Fag O a.would question © b.would have O will © a.will have ‘Question 15 Dylan _ It's cold out there, it's better for to stay at home by now. Answer soved Danny Marked out ot 100 Select one: ¥ flag © a. You must wear very warm clothes because of the weather question © b. Just stay home because of the snow storm attacks the city © c.Never go out in this kind of situation due to the weather is bad © d. You must go out because the sunny day Question 16 Bob : “Are you coming to the game tonight?” ‘Answer saved ‘Teddy : Yes, sure. Im on my way now" Ivarked out of Bob No, you shouldnt come. The game was cancelled 100 Y Flag The best CAUSE to complete the dialogue is ... question ‘Select one: © a.due to | forgot my umbrella © because it was raining heavily ©. though the weather was bad O d.soitwasn't raining heavily Please review my attached resume for a mote detailed account of my abilttes and stills. Although it ul ilustrate my achievement, | would Ike to re-emphasize my proven ability to work in a fast-moving sales environment and my talent at delivering a high level of customer service that encourages shoppers to come back for more. I sincerely believe that with the skis | have gained over the years, | can make a tremendous contribution to your existing team. I would greatly appreciate an opportunity to meet with you, so please do nat hesitate to contact me if you have any further question or if you would like to arrange an interview. Yours sincerely Peter Bush ‘The text mainly tells that Bush Select one: © a.Wants to reply someone's application © b. Needs his first-time job as a retail assistant © c. Looks for a job advertisement from newspaper © G. Indicates his intention in a vacant position commonly read words in an article, so they should be succinct ana intormative. Captions also include a short title or heading of an article in a magazine or newspaper. Words shown on a cinema or television screen to establish the scene of story are also called captions. Captions can also be inserted below/above charts, figures, graphics and tables. There are several criteria for a good caption. A good caption clearly identifies the subject of the picture without detailing the obvious. It Is succinct. It establishes the picture's relevance to the article, provides context for the picture, and draws the reader into the article. (adapted trom: What does pargraph 3 talk about? Select one: © a several erteria for @ good caption © B.A good caption © c Relevancy between article and picture © d.Clanty identtication in the subject. Question 19 Charles: What was happening with the cat yesterday? Answer saved sam Well, If Jerry hadn't got any help .. Marked out of 100 Select one: ¥ Flag O a. The cat would stayed alive question O 5b. The cat would live O c. The cat will stay alive © d. The cat would have died Question 20 ‘A :Can you come to my birthday party tonight, Key? Answer saved B : Imnotsure. | have to ask permission to my boss. Marked out of 100 Select one: ¥ Flag O ailfthe party had been cancelled | would have known. question © b. If He allows me, | will attend it. O c.If He were invited he would accompany me. O d.ifyou permit me, | will go. question 21 newer saved 100 Fg ‘Question 22 answer saved Marked out of 100 F Flog uestion 23, Marked out ot rag The rainforests ore being destroyed... Many species of wildlife were able to survive. ‘The best connector to complete the sentence is, Select one: © aceventhough © nevertheless (© c.atthough © dinepite of David: Why don't you go to the meeting, Sandra? Sandra 2... Select one: © a. The meeting is postponed because the room for the meeting is occupied. © bb, The meeting is canceled due to the team is not coming. O c.It seems that our boss is coming because of the meeting is important. © The meeting is ongoing even though there is no room After graduating his high school, Hemingway left home and went to Kansas city. He didnt go to college, instead, he got a job as a reporter on the Kansas city Star. ‘Working for this newspaper, he developed his famous journalistic style: simple, direct and objective, When the war broke out in 1914, he wanted to become a soldier but he was rejected ‘because of an old eye problem. Not wanting to miss the action, he went to Europe any ‘way and served as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. In 121, shortly before the end Of the war, he was wounded and had to return to the states, but he didnt stay ong, As ‘soon as he was better, he was back in Europe, this time as a reporter for the Toronto Stor. ‘What did Hemingway do after graduating his high school? Select one: © ae developed his style © b.He went to college © c.He stayed home © d.He worked as a reporter question 24 worked outot F Fag Question 25 Answer saved Marked cut ot 100 F Flag question Read the text below ‘The Trade Ministry i preparing a franchise business roadmap as a guide to help small to medium firms top into interravonal market Trade Ministry's dector for enterprise development said on Thursday that the ministy had organized seven meetings with the countys franchise association while designing the roadmap. The document, she said, would explain several aspects of business development "We are aiming forthe raadmap to be avaliable in 2016" ead the Trade Ministy director. In the past two years, the trade Ministy has assisted more than 400 would be entrepreneurs interested in franchise businesses. However, nly 20 percent of them were ready to get started. The recent data fom the Indonesia Franchise Associated counts 699 franchise business in Indonesia, ‘with 63 percent being local and 37 percent foreign in 2016. The association has 23,844 listed franchise outlets in the country. The data also shows that franchise business tum over reached Rp 172 bilhon (US $ 12 bllons) in 2015 Whats the percentage ofthe entrepreneurs ready to stat up? Select one © 0.20% O var 0 c.63% © 4.100% Aminaah : Dont share your secret with Fussy . she can't keep it Charles : Ooh | don’t know that It's too late for me. next, Charles meets Paulita Paulita :What did Aminaah tell you? Charles : Aminaah told me __. Select one: © a.notto keep the secret O b.notto be late © c.notto share my secret with Fussy © d.notto know any secret ‘questin 26 100 Reg vcetion 27 ‘Answer saved rag question 28 newer saved Marked out ot 00 Rog question Dear si, With reference to your advertisement in Today's time, | would lke to be considered for Marketing ‘Senior Assistant post. ‘My present positon in n an electronic marketing staff where | have special responsibilty for home. ‘appliances. | also have experiences in other elecroic goods, ike cameras and smart phones. | have been working as a marketing specialist as soon as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good relaionship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction. ‘Hoping to hear from you soon, | enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph. ‘Yours faithfully (Clark Davin Lenclose my curriculum vitae." The word “enclose” isin the closest meaning to elect one: @ a.attach © b.Convince O cencircle O d.cover Ridzwon : Phew, Am | coming very late? Respati : Yes, of courseif you had come here a bit earlier before, you most famous singer. _ the Select one: © awillsee © bwould see © c.would be seen © d.would have seen ‘Aminaah : You look in trouble, Desyka. May |help you ? Desyka : Well yes, could you explain how to solve this algorithm problem? Aminaah : Actually 1am not goad at this matter. Why dont you consult Mr. Hervan? Deyska | think its a goodidea. The undertined sentence express Select one: © @. Offering something © biasking help © e-Refusing an offer © 4.Giving suggestion lease review my a1tacnea resume tor a more cetaiiea account or my abirues ana skmis. saRnougn tt will lustrate my achievernent, | would like to re-emphasize my proven ability to work in a fast-moving sales environment and my talent at delivering a high level of customer service that encourages shoppers to come back for more. | sincerely believe that with the skils | have gained over the years, can make a tremendous contribution to your existing team. | would greatly appreciate an opportunity to meet with you, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question or if you would like to arrange an interview. Yours sincerely Peter Bush What should Bush probably do next? Select one: O a. Propose a new salary © b.Raed information about the company O Help other people to work O Send a revised application letter ‘Question 30 Briana ‘What are you going to this aftemoon? snawer saved Caroline =... arkad out ot oo Select one: ¥ Fag © aif! had some strawberry, I would have baked a strawberry cake question © b if have enough apple, | will bake an apple pie this afternoon © cifthere is enough time, | would clean the kitchen © d.I would have gone to the store, if| had had enough time uostion 31 The tr fell on to the middle of the road because of the strong wind. answer saved mavedouet _ The EFFECTin the sentence above’. 1c0 ¥ Flog Select one: Grain O a.of the road © bain the middie of the road © c.The tree fell O the strong wind uceton 32, 100 Fag queston ‘Question 33. Answer soved ‘marked out of 100. ¥ Fag question ‘Question 34, Answer saved Marked out of 100 Flag ‘question Alter graduating his high school, Hemingway left home and went to Kansos city. He didn't go to college, instead, he got a job as a reporter on the Kansas city Star. Working for this newspaper, he developed his famous journalistic style : simple, direct and objective, \When the war broke out in 1814, he wanted to become a soldier but he was rejected ‘because ot an old eya problem. Not wanting to miss the action, he went to Europe any \way and served as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. In 1918, shortly before the end cf the war, he was wounded and had to return to the states, buthe didnt stay long. As soon as he wos better, he was lack. Europe, ths time os a reporter for the Toronto Stor. Poragraph two tells that Hemingway _. Select one: © a. ked working in any condition © b. wanted to be « good driver © c.preferred higher education © d.doveloped his military caroer Leonardo : You look unhelathy. Raphael : That's a very kind of you. please, take me a paracetamol. Select one: © a.Can you help me? © b. May | ask for help? © c. Would you like some help? © dlls there anything bothering your She made one big mistake; consequently, she lost her job The underlined word identifies... Select one: © a.the contrast O bathe simitarity O c the effect © d.the cause question 35 ‘Answer saved Marked out ot 100 F Flag ‘question Question 36, Answer saved Marked out of 100) F Flag ‘question ‘Question 37 ‘Answer saved ‘Marked out ot 1.00 ¥ Flag question, Ruhama: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you? Mr. Acil: Yes, please. It's very cold inside. The underlined sentence express: Select one: O a. Accepting an offer ® b. Offering help O c. Refusing something O d. Asking help Teacher: What happen to the water f we heat it up to 100% Fathon : Water _ it we heat it up to 100°C. Select one: © aboils O b.woud boil ® c.will boil O d. boiled Sarah. What are you doing now, Billy? Billy = Nothing Sarah: I don't understand about the lesson today. Billy = Ok. No problem. | will make you understand about the subject. Select one: © ©.Could you show me the answer? © b. Would you call our teacher for this? © c. Would you please explain it to me? O Should | explain about it for you? providers have the technology to allow up to 99 participants on a single call. If you need a larger vent, that is also possible with assistance from the service provider. The main advantage is that you can cut down on the travel expense and time to a considerable extent. A voice conference can also be recorded and played back at a later date. There are also facilities such as participant polling and surveys through the call. Conference calling helps save time, money as well as reduce the greenhouse gas emissions due to air and auto travel. Modem technology also allows high level of data secunty for the calls. What is the purpose of the text above? Select one: © aa inform the readers about conference call © by suggest readers to take conference call © Let readers lnowrhow the calls work. © tell the acvantage of taking conference call Question 39 Answer saved Marked out of 00 F Flog question Which ception matches the picture Select one: © a.three students are looking at their own poper. © b. Only one girl who is reading, O 6 Abook is being drawn by three students. O d.there are three pictures on the table Question 40 ‘Anower saved Marked out of 100 Fag ‘question ‘question al ‘Answer saved ¥ Pog question 42 newer saved | 100 F Fag ‘Susan: You look so happy whenever you take her class, Carry —* We are so happy, ... the teacher let us listen to music .. we are working on ‘our paper Select one: Although - when © b. Because of - when © c. Because - while O 6.While- but Read the tex below! The Trade Ministy is preparing a franchise business roadmap as a guide to help small to medium {ems top nto international market Trade Ministry's director for enterprise development said on Thursday thatthe ministy had organized seven meetings withthe county's franchise association while designing the roadmap, The document, she Said, would expan several aspects of business development. "We are aiming forthe roadmap to be avaiable in 2016." said the Trade Ministry ditector. In the past ‘wo years, the trade Ministy has assisted more than 400 would be entrepreneurs interested in franchise businesses. However, only 20 percent of them were ready to get started “The recent data from the Indonesia Franchise Associated counts 688 franchise business in Indonesia, ‘with 63 percent being local and 37 percent foreign in 2015. The association has 23,844 listed franchise outlets in the couriry. The data also shows that anchise business tum over reached Rp ‘72bilion (US $ 12 bitions) in 2015 “Liste outlets inthe country” Wha isthe synonym of the underined word? Select one © a.taders © baworkers © ceustomers © a. shops Qurota : What doas your mother promise to do to your sister if she passes the driving test? Narada:ifshe ____ a driver's license, her mother will buy her a cor. Select one: © aget © bgot © e.getting © a.gets question 43 Barry Look at him! What is he doing? ‘Answer saved Langdon: He walks around ... he is the owner of the company Marked out of 100, Select one: F Flog O aevenif ‘question © basif © c.only it O aif ‘uestion 44 Cassy — : What does James like to do in his spare time? “Answer saved Brenda Marked out of 100 select one: ¥ flag © a.He likes reading novel because of he has many novels, ‘question © b. Well, rather than reading, James prefers listening to some music © c. Because the lack of times, he never has a hobby © Although he has spare time, he likes jogging event, that is also possible with assistance from the service provider. ‘The main advantage is that you can cut down on the travel expense and time to a considerable extent. A voice conference can also be recorded and played back at a later date. There are also facilities such as participant polling and surveys through the call. Conference calling helps save time, money as well as reduce the greenhouse gas emissions due to air and auto travel. Modem technology also allows high level of data security for the calls. From the text, we know one of advantages of taking cal conference is that... Select one: © a. it can be done anywhere and anytime you want bitean occupy mare than hundreds of partetpants ona single call © .rehelps te communicate with local people abroad © chit can be used for some government elections to do the polling “The main advantage is that you can cut dawn on the travel expense and time to a considerable extent. A voice conference can also be recorded and played back at 2 later date. There are also facilities such as participant polling end surveys through the call, Conference calling helps save time, money as well a5 reduce the ‘greenhouse gas emissions due to alr and auto travel, Modern technology also allows high lavel of data security ‘or the calls. that you can cut down on the travel expense and time to a considerable exten! underlined phrase has the closest meaning with * (Paragraph 4). The Select one: ® a reduce O bstop Oc. maximize O remove Great y/ Read the text below! Aoewar saved The Trade Niisty is preparing a franchise business roadmap as @ guide to help small to medium Nonedoutct fms topo internaonal market tea Trade Ministy’s director for enterprise development said on Thurs thatthe minty had argarized reg seven meetings wih the county's franchise association while designing the roadmap. The document, ‘ester she said, woul explain several aspects of business development "We ate aiming forthe readap to be avaiable in 2016." said the Trade Ministy recto. nthe past two years, the tade Minisy has assisted mote than 400 would be entvepreneus interested in franchise businesses. However, onl 20 percent of them were read to get started “The recent data fom the Indonesia Franchise Associated counts 690 franchise business in Indonesia, with 63 percent being local and 37 percent foreign in 2015. The assocaton has 23.844 listed franchise outlets in the county. The data also shows that franchise business tum over reached Rp 172 bilion (US $12 bition) 2015 Wats the purpose ofthe text setect one: © 0. To gue information about international market © b. Tote the readers about the downtown ofranehse business © ©-To prove data ofthe business tu over © a. To info te readers about the Trade Ministry activity vestion 48 ‘Akane: HiNoura, fd like to invite you to go to canteen. Ansmersaved _-Yamnaguci:Oh my, this s luneh time. Time goas so fast, but stl have many works to monedoutot | finish 10 ‘kone :Do you want me to Buy you something? reg Yamaguc Actually today I bring my own lunch from home. question Select one: © a.1am glad you help me © b Yes, thank you © c.youare handful © 4.No, thanks. question 49 ‘wie saved 00 ¥ Rog question Question 50 ‘Answer saved Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag ‘question ‘Accustomer: Good morning. Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy? Shopkeeper: Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. (X) show the shelf? ‘Acustomer:| am fine, Sit can find by myselt.| have other books to find, too. Shopkeeper: That's okay. Take your time. ‘customer: Thank you, Sir. ‘The suitable expression to complete the dialogue (x) is. Select one: © co. Would you like me © b.Donet go © e.canyou © d.twould lke Jack: Howwas your holiday? Omar Select one: © a.Wewill go on our holiday next month © b. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday © c.Wewill spend our holiday in Bali next week dl always go on holiday twice in a year

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