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PHYS 2202 LAB: Physics II

Week 05
Transverse Mechanical Waves

Student Name:

The main objective of this lab is to find the velocity of the transverse wave by studying the
relation between the velocity of transverse waves and the load applied.
Equipment Used
1. Electromagnetic vibrator
2. Board
3. Pulley
4. Hooked weights
5. Cord or wire
6. Meter stick
7. Scale

Velocity of propagation of a transverse wave in a cord or wire is v=

μ√ where 𝐹 is the
tension force or load applied to the cord or wire and 𝜇 is the length density or mass per unit
length of the cord or wire. For resonant frequencies, the oppositely travelling waves tend to
interfere with each other in such a way as to produce standing waves where the transverse
motion of points on the wire causes the wire to appear to vibrate as a whole. This vibration is
characterized by points which remain fixed where the oppositely travelling waves always
cancel, and by points of maximum amplitude where the waves always reinforce. The first of
these points are called nodes and the second are called antinodes.

For a resonant standing wave with a node at each end to exist, we must have a whole number
of half waves distributed along the length of the wire between the end nodes. Hence the
nλ 2L
length of such waves must be related to the length of the wire by, =L  λ= where 𝜆
2 n
is the wave length, 𝐿 is the length of cord or wire measured between the end nodes and 𝑛 is
the number of loops (antinodes) of the vibrating string.
The relation between frequency 𝑓, velocity 𝑣, and wave length 𝜆 is v=fλ . Given that λ= ,
2 Lf
the equation becomes v= . Comparing the obtained velocity equations:

2 2
F 2 Lf F 4L f F 1 2 2
=  = 2  = 2 ∗4 L f
μ n μ n μ n
The equation above indicates that there is a direct relation between F and .
1. Measure out and weigh 10 meters of cord to, obtain 𝜇, the mass per unit length.
2. Set up the cord on the apparatus and measure 𝐿, the distance between the point of
connection with the reed and the point of tangency with the pulley.
3. Load the cord with various weights with the vibrator activated and observe the
appearance of the standing waves.
4. Record the length from the scale reading and regular position of the reed.
5. Load the cord with weight sufficient to obtain standing waves from the first through
the fifth harmonic and record the load required to produce each harmonic.
Data Analysis
# of loops Load mass Tension F Lstring Frequency f 2L Velocity %
n (kg) (N) (Hz)
λ= difference
(m) n
v=√ F / μ v=fλ
1 1.49 14.6 1.102 120 2.204 253.05 264.48 4.52
2 0.372 3.6 1.102 120 1.102 125.66 132.24 5.24
3 0.166 1.63 1.102 120 0.735 84.55 88.2 4.32
4 0.093 0.91 1.102 120 0.551 63.18 66.12 4.65
5 0.059 0.58 1.102 120 0.441 50.44 52.92 4.92

Calculations for n = 1
F = mg = 1.49*9.8 = 14.6N
The remaining force of the weights can be calculated in the same manner.

√ √
= 253.05 m/s

The remaining transverse wave velocities can be calculated in the same manner.
2 Lf 2∗1.102∗120
v= = = 264.48 m/s
n 1
The remaining transverse wave velocities can be calculated in the same manner.
% difference: ∗100 = 4.52%
The remaining percent differences can be calculated in the same manner.
Slope = 14.604. There is a direct relation between F and 2.
Source of error: Measurements obtained from the scale reading.

When the tension in a vibrating string increases, the wavelength increases because v=
2 Lf
√ F
and v= .
We performed this lab to find the velocity of the transverse wave by studying the relation
between the velocity of transverse waves and the load applied. v=
√ F
and v=
2 Lf
were used to find the velocity of the transverse waves. The obtained velocities from both
equations generated similar results. The graph of F vs 2 is included in the data analysis
section of the report. It was observed that there is a direct relation between F and 2 .

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