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PHYS 2202 LAB: Physics II

Week 06

Resonance in Air Column


Naeamah Rabeea

Due Date: 17/03/2021

Submission’s Date: 17/03/2021

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The main objective of this lab is to determine the velocity of sound in air by means of
resonance tube.

Equipment Used

Resonance Tube, Water, Tuning Forks of varying frequency, Thermometer, Vernier, Wooden


In this experiment, standing waves are excited in an air column of variable length by means
of a tuning fork of known frequency. The sound wave emitted from the source (tuning fork)
travels in the air column and is then reflected by the water surface. The interaction of sound
waves traveling in the air columns in opposite directions and nearly equal in amplitude results
in the formation of standing waves.

The closed end of the air column (the surface of the water) constitutes a point of zero
disturbance known as the node. The antinode, or the point of maximum disturbance, is
located approximately (but not exactly) at the open end of the tube. The wavelength of the
standing waves generated under these conditions is governed by the equation

n λn
=L n=1, 3, 5...

Where, λ n is the wavelength of the nth harmonic and L is the effective length of the air

The length of the air column may be easily varied by changing the water level in the tube
when the length of the air column is such that the wavelength of any of its harmonics is equal
to the wavelength of the sound emitted by the tuning fork, resonance will take place, that is,
the intensity of the sound will markedly increase. Thus, resonance will take place when

4 Ln
λ sound =λ= n=1, 3, 5...

The first resonance point will occur when the wavelength of sound is equal to the wavelength
of the fundamental (n=1) for the given length of air column. Hence
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4 L1
λ sound =λ=

The two successive resonances will take place when the wavelength of the sound coincides
with the wavelength of the second and third harmonics of the air columns of appropriate
lengths. Thus

4 L3 4L
λ sound =λ= ; λ sound= λ= 5
3 5

Hence the difference in the lengths of the successive air columns for which resonance takes
place is always equal to half the wavelength of the sound since,

3λ 1λ λ
L3−L1= − =
4 2 2

5λ 3λ λ
L5−L3= − =
4 4 2

From the known value of the tuning fork frequency 𝑓and the measured value of 𝜆, the
velocity of sound may be obtained from the wave equation


Velocity of sound from theory is calculated from,

v sound =
√ √

Where, 𝛾 is the specific heat ratio cp/cv for a diatomic gas = 1.4, 𝑅 is the gas constant 8.314
J/mol. k, 𝑇 is the temperature of the gas in Kelvin, 𝑀 is the mean molar mass of dry air with
standard fractions of gases 0.0289647 kg/mol, 𝑃 is the pressure of the gas and 𝜌 is the mean
density of dry air.

The formula in reference to the velocity of sound at 00C (273.15 K) can be shown to be:

v sound =331.3
√ 273.15+T
=331.3+ 0.607 T ≈ 331.3+0.61 T
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Figure 1: Lengths of the successive air columns


 We will set up the resonance tube as shown in Figure 2 below and clamp firmly the
tuning fork about ½” above the mouth of the tube so that both prongs vibrate in a
vertical plane
 Then, we will fill the resonance tube to its capacity with water with the reservoir at its
highest position
 Then, we will strike the tuning fork with the rubber hammer
 Then, we will lower the water level in the tube until the first resonance point is
reached by holding our ear near the mouth of the tube and record the water level
position for the first resonance
 Then, we will repeat the above procedure to obtain as many additional resonance
positions as the length of the tube will allow
 Finally, we will repeat the experiment with a fork of different frequency
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Figure 2: Different parts of the apparatus

Data Analysis

Tuning Fork Frequency f = 512 Hz

Room Temperature t = 25oC
Resonance pt. Nodal Position Ln (cm) Node to node distance Ln- Wavelength
Ln-1 (cm) λ=2[ Ln−Ln−1 ]

1 16.3 ----- -----

2 46.5 30.2 60.4
3 81.3 34.8 69.6
Average Wavelength λ (cm) 65
Table 1
Tuning Fork Frequency f = 1024 Hz
Room Temperature t = 25oC
Resonance pt. Nodal Position Ln (cm) Node to node distance Ln- Wavelength
Ln-1 (cm) λ=2[ Ln−Ln−1 ]

1 7 ----- -----
2 24 17 34
3 40 16 32
4 56.3 16.3 32.6
5 77 20.7 41.4
Average Wavelength λ (cm) 35
Table 2
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Frequency (Hz) Wavelength λ (m) Velocity of sound in air % error

Experimental Theoretical Value

Value v=fλ v sound =331.3+0.61T
(m/s) (m/s)
512 0.65 332.8 346.55 3.4
1024 0.35 358.4 346.55 4.1
Table 3

If the temperature of the room had been lower, the wavelength would decrease as well given
the equation that v sound =331.3+0.61T as wavelength is dependent on velocity and frequency
by λ= and alternatively the length of the resonating air column would decrease.


We performed this lab to determine the velocity of sound in air by means of resonance tube.
Average wavelength for each harmonic using each of the tuning fork was calculated and
listed in the Data Analysis section. The average wavelength for the higher frequency was
found to be lower than that of the lower frequency. Moreover, we determined the velocity of
sound in air experimentally and theoretically by the formulas v=fλ and v sound =331.3+0.61T
respectively. The % error between the two values were 3.4% for 512Hz tuning fork and 4.1%
for 1024Hz respectively. The answer to the question given in the manual are included below
the data analysis section in the report.

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