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The oxygen cycle and the carbon dioxide cycle (carbon cycle) are two of the

biogeochemical cycles on Earth that make life possible. They act separately but
are dependent on each other because the carbon cycle gives off oxygen for the
oxygen cycle to use, and in turn, the oxygen cycle emits carbon dioxide (CO 2)
which goes back into the carbon cycle. Plants are the main vehicle by which the
oxygen and carbon cycles are connected. Respiration, combustion and
decomposition are three other ways that CO2 and/or oxygen is released back into
the atmosphere. Another biogeochemical cycle, the hydrogen cycle, connects
some of the pathways in nature that are involved in the carbon and oxygen

The Oxygen Cycle

Photosynthesis is the driver of the oxygen cycle. In this process, plants transform
CO2 and water into sugars to use in their metabolism, help them to grow and to
provide food for other organisms. The atmosphere, the total content of biological
matter on the planet and the Earth’s crust are the three main reservoirs of
oxygen. About 20% of the Earth’s atmosphere is composed of molecular oxygen.
Some atmospheric oxygen is in the form of ozone (CO3) which makes up the
ozone layer and absorbs much of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, protecting the
planet surface. Scientists think that early in the Earth’s history, oxygen was first
released into the atmosphere by the action of ultraviolet light on water vapor.

The Carbon Cycle

Life on Earth is based on carbon. The carbon reservoirs are the atmosphere, the
biosphere, the oceans, sediments (including fossil fuels) and the mantle and
crust of the planet. Carbon dioxide and methane are the two principal forms of
carbon in the atmosphere. Plants take in CO2 and water to create sugars like
glucose through the process of photosynthesis. The plants then release oxygen
and water vapor as byproducts. The oxygen goes back into the oxygen cycle and
the water vapor enters the water cycle. Without plants, CO 2 would build up to
dangerous levels in the atmosphere and add to the greenhouse effect. About 500
gigatons of carbon are stored in the plants and animals that live on the surface
of the planet and the soil holds about 1,500 gigatons.

Like the carbon that is used during photosynthesis, the carbon in the oceans,
sediments, mantle and crust of the planet has been moving through the carbon
cycle for hundreds of millions of years. Carbon can be cycled through the various
processes over the course of days, weeks, months or years. It can take tens of
millions of years for carbon stored in the ocean floor to be released, if it is ever
released at all. Volcanic eruptions are one way that carbon-containing molecules
from deep within the planet are released to the surface. The combination of
burning fossil fuels (releasing CO2) and deforestation (reducing photosynthesis
and carbon storage) caused by humans is disrupting the carbon cycle in a
negative way.

Respiration, Combustion and Decomposition


Cellular respiration is the process by which animals take in sugars and oxygen
and emit CO2, water and energy. Insects, fish, birds, mammals, reptiles and
amphibians all respire in some fashion by using specialized systems and
pathways that have evolved over millions of years of natural selection.

CO2 is released into the atmosphere by natural combustion in several ways
including volcanic eruptions and forest fires. As was mentioned earlier, the
combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities has had an alarming impact
on the Earths carbon cycle. This is evidenced by the increase in carbon release
due to human activity from 1 billion tons in 1940 to over 6 billion tons by the
year 2000, and continues to increase to this day. There is a limit to the amount
of carbon that the oceans and plants can take up, so the rest remains in the
atmosphere and increases the greenhouse effect, causing climate change.


When a plant or animal dies, the carbon and oxygen and other components like
water, calcium, nitrogen, etc. are returned to the soil and air through the process
of decomposition. Fungi, bacteria and some insects (called decomposers) are
responsible for decomposition, and most require oxygen to carry out the process.

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