Be Cs 4 Sem Microcontroller and Embedded System p1 18cs44 2020

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18CS44 Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme) USN Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination Course :Microcontroller and Embedded System TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100 Note: Ol. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE. 02. Question on a topic of a Module may appear in either its Ist or/and 2nd question, *Bloom's Module -1 Taxonomy | Marks Level [QOT Tar | Discuss the ARM design philosophy 12 6 b 12 6 Discuss ARM bus technology < 2 a Explain Pipeline in detail OR, Q02 Ya 12 7 Differentiate between RISC and CISC D | Describe conditional execution. write the different code suffix 12 3 € 2 3 Briefly describe the concept of exceptions, interrupts and the vector tuble Module-2 03 Ya Lt 3 With a neat diagram explain Barrel Shifter | How to convert C function to an assembly function, Explain Considering simple 3 3 C program main.c that prints the squares of the integers from 0 t0 9 © | Write a program for simple data guard that can be used (o protect data from being | LS 7 ‘written by another task. The SWP instruction should “holds the bus” until the transaction is complete OR O08 Ta Tz 3 Explain in detail about Register Allocation | Waite an program for forward and backward branch by considering an example, 13 6 e 12 6 Explain the instruction scheduling Module-3 Te Ya 12 6 What is an embedded system? Differentiate between general purpose computing system and embedded system, D | Write a short note on Tz 6 a)Real Time Clock b)Watch Dog Timer € 12 8 Explain the different step modes for stepper motor. Page 01 of 02 18CS44 OR Q06 What is Programmable Logic Device (PLD)? What are the different types of 0 6 PLDs? Explain the role of PLDs in Embedded System design. Explain the various purpose of embedded systems in detail with Mustrative 12 6 examples. Explain the sequence of operation for communicating with an I2C slave device. 12 8 Module-4 O07 Explain Quality attribute in embedded system development ?What are the Tz 8 different quality attribute to be considered in an embedded system design. Explain the different communication buses used in automotive application, 12 6 ‘Compare the following: 12 6 i, C’ vis Embedded C ii, Compiler’ vis ‘Cross-Compiler’ OR oe Explain time to market and time to prototype. explain its significance in product 12 6 development Explain with a program the Mixing of Assembly Language with High Level ry 8 Language Explain the assembly language based embedded firmware development with a Tz 6 diagram and mention its advantages and disadvantages. Module-5 Coe ‘Waite amultithreaded application to print "Hello Pm in main thread™ ry 8 fiom main thread and “Hello I'm in new thread” Explain Multi Threading Tz 3 Four process Id's PI, P2, P3, Pa run in the onder as shown in the table 13 4 The estimated completion time (burst time is given). Calculate the wait time if quantum time or time slice = 2 ms. OR gw Explain the role of Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for embedded Tz 8 software development. Discuss Boundary scan based hardware debugging in detail 12 6 Explain Round robin process scheduling with interrupts. 12 6 Page 02 of 02

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