Post Parta q3 Art01 390

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6 If a criminal claimed that voices in their head told them to commit a murder, should they be found
guilty or innocent? Why?

This is a very complicated and controversial matter. The answer may depend on the judicial system of
the country in which the crime was committed, as well as on the individual circumstances of the case.

Because it’s a very Complicated Matter, every step of the process is supposed to unbiased to every

There have been instances where people have misused mental illness to hide their crimes. like latest
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Trial, where Amber Heard defended herself for her abusive behavior
towards Johnny Depp by claiming that She has Borderline personality disorder and Histrionic Personality
Disorder. Later. Though later we didn't get the verdict on whether she had the BPD or HPD, she lost the
case and legally won by Depp.

However, as from my personal point of view, we have to go through all kinds of diagnostic tests for this
case, like PNS, lab test and imaging, family questionnaires, etc.

Even after all that, the alleged person should undergo expert observations and take their case study for
further study. In order for us to provide the strongest argument for Our Verdict.

And I am aware that even if we found that the person was actually suffering from the symptoms of
Hallucinations or Schizophrenia due to which some voices in his or her head told him or her to commit
the crime, there will be thousands of questions over that why shouldn’t we label them as Guilty?

As far as My Views and Values says, I Won’t find them Guilty, because of the following reasons:

• They don’t have control over their actions

• They are not the cause of the actions of they do, their Disorder is.
• Not justifying their actions, but they are also suffering from the actions which become the cause
for other's suffering.
• They are also classified as the patients of mental illness

However, I am not suggesting that the person with mental illness who is so dangerous to society should
be free.

There should be a fair process for treating their illness with appropriate facilities available. So that we
can make an example of that by saying that mental health issues are treatable if we put our faith in the

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