SPLIT! New File!

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Questions about the mind-blowing movie: SPLIT

1. What is the movie about?1

2. What is D.I.D.?
3. Do you think that nowadays it is more likely to
meet people suffering from D.I.D. than in the past, or
is it the opposite?
4. Do you consider that the pandemic might have
triggered some issues regarding to the ones exposed
in the movie?
5. Do you agree with the next statement: ‘Whenever
we speak in a different language, our personality gets

Questionnaire made by JJ Bonilla Acosta.
6. How can the beast be restrained?
7.Why did the beast not kill Casey?
8. Which character do you feel most identified
9. What does suffering have to do with the movie?
10. How could we avoid the possible emergence of
more ‘Kevin Wendell Crumps’ in our society?


11. What does the zoo have to do with the 24th identity, AKA, the beast?
12. What animal do you feel more identified with, and why?
13. Do you consider yourself as an actual beast, metaphorically

Questionnaire made by J.J.(Hedwig)Bonilla

1. What is the movie about?

The movie Split is about Kevin, a boy who has a psychiatric
condition where he has 23 different personalities but has one
more to discover. Because of this condition, he kidnaps three
girls and fights to survive against all of his personalities.

2. What is DID?
dissociative identity disorder. It is characterized by the presence
of two or more different personalities. Each one can have a
name, a history and personal characteristics of its own.

3. Do you think that nowadays it is more likely to meet people

suffering from D.I.D. than in the past, or is it the opposite?
I think that today it is not something so common, since it is rare
and the number of people who suffer from it is unknown.
Someone very close to you may have DID and may not know it

4. Do you consider that the pandemic might have triggered some

issues regarding to the ones exposed in the movie?
Possibly, since being locked up for so long triggers certain
behaviors that we ourselves are unaware of and causes
conditions that we had very hidden to evolve.

5. Do you agree with the next statement: ‘Whenever we speak in a

different language, our personality gets split’?
Literally not, but we do have to adapt our vocabulary and
customs to a new environment.

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