Grade 11 Humms

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Name’s : Lourhenz G. Aliyacyac, Ian Marc D.

Hodalgo Date:June 6, 2023

Grade & Section: 11 HUMMS/SOCRATES


SETTING: There was a birthday celebration at Clifford's house. Four individuals, one girl and
three boys, attended the event, and the girl was the only guest invited. The other guests texted
Clifford to say hello and request an invitation to his birthday party. When they arrived, they
noticed that the owner had prepared a variety of meals, including cake, dessert, and much

MAE: Hey boys, do you want to go to Clifford house?

LARPHY: What will gonna do in the house of bro Clifford, where gonna visit her


MAE: It’s his birthday

LARPHY: Ohh, it his birthday, There will be a lot of foods that awaits us like

desert’s, cake and so much more!!! , shall we go bro Recmar?

RECMAR: I’m shy of that, Wait let me think……….. hmmm let’s go!!!. How about you

bro Jonard.

JONARD: So are we allowed to eat there? Wait I’m gonna ask my girlfriend……

(Calling), Love can I ask permission? Would you be ok if I will go to

my classmate’s house to attend his birthday? His girlfriend respond;

(okie love please be careful, Iloveyouu!!!

(kissing through phone). Iloveyoumore!!!!!!

LARPHY: Bro?!!!! hahahaha(LAUGHING)

RECMAR: It’s so disgusting hahaha(LAUGHING)

LARPHY: Yuck that’s gross kissing through phone! hahaha(LAUGHING)

RECMAR: Ok bro that’s enough let’s go

MAE: So your invited on his birthday?

LARPHY: ahmm, where not invited bro. You and Mae did you get invited?

MAE: Yes! I am invited, bullying him is one of the reason why you are not invited in

this event.

JONARD: Yow! It is really awkward when we show up to events to which we were

not invited, so here is a strategy to get by: we're going to tie Larphy up

and crawl on the floor like a dog while barking since Clifford's dog is lusted.

If we tell his mother that she can breed a dog with you Larphy, she might

be interested. Then you can start, and we can then have dinner.

LARPHY: Fool! Me? Have sex with a dog , I rather to be hungry than have sex with a dog

JONARD: So how can we enter? How about you Recmar do you have an idea?

RECMAR: Yes! I do have plan, let’s do what my friend did last time, he was at

clifford’s backyard and then he’d jump above these wall.

JONARD: So did he entered

RECMAR: Yes! He entered but after he’d jump he got shot by Clifford’s father and

that’s why he got into the Hospital in Coma.

JONARD: Esh! Where did you get your brains? So what if we’ve been shot too?

RECMAR: No we’re not going to jump first, Larphy will be the first guy to jump, and

then larphy got in and hear a gunshot at the otherside, we will not to

jump next.

LARPHY: Hey! I am not a bait, instead of baiting let just call him (calling)……
Hello bro Clifford?

CLIFFORD: Hello? What do you want?

LARPHY: Happy Birthday Bro

CLIFFORD: Oh! Thank you!...... why do you care?

LARPHY: So how old are you now? Bro?


LARPHY: What 60? You almost got into senior

CLIFFORD: No! not 60, 16 years old!

JONARD: what kind of a person are you? ( You’re an inanimate fucking object) Hello

bro Clifford Happy Birthday to you, can you invite us to your birthday ?

CLIFFORD: Yes! You can come here if you have gift for me

JONARD: Oh a gift? Ahm let me just sing a happy birthday song for you and

Recmar here I’ll dance for you.

RECMAR: Hmm me dance?


CLIFFORD: Okay you can come here

JONARD: Okay…. We’re going now?

CLIFFORD: Of course!

JONARD: Great! Okay bro let’s go!

LARPHY: Hey! What about me? Hey wait for me! Hello bro Clifford?

( Speaking through phone).

CLIFFORD: Do you have a gift for myself?

LARPHY: What gift

CLIFFORD: Yes a gift

LARPHY: Ahm I will just send you some new virals

CLIFFORD: Okay you can come here

LARPHY: Okay, Thank you

RECMAR: Happy Birthday Clifford (singing)

JONARD: Hey! How did you get here!

LARPHY: Dance properly Jonard (LAUGHING). Oh dodong you went together with

your sister?


LARPHY: Can I have some of that dong?

DODONG: Yes you can have some , here you go (suddenly) He take it back and eat

it and also Dodong laugh!

LARPHY: Oh! How smug is this kid.( looking around and punch dodong night

at his faced.

DODONG: Ouch that hurt (CRYING)

LARPHY: Oh mae! The ballon fust got exploded at your brother .

End of Scene 1

"(YOU'RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT!" —Ralph Fiennes as Harry in In

Bruges (2008)"

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