Portfolio Mini Lesson1

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Common Core Standard: K.W .

2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose

informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some
information about the topic.
Materials: white boards, dry erase markers, paper, and pens
Guiding Question(s): What could I draw to supply information about the topic, so I can go back and
write about it?
● Objective: Class, today we will be learning how to supply information about a topic and how to
draw and write about that information. Here is the “I can statement”. First I will read it, then you
(the class) can read it with me. “I can supply information about the topic. I can draw and write
about that information.”. This will help you with the way you understand a story by writing down
what you see in the pictures. This is an important skill to learn because with drawing out your
pictures the readers and yourself can visualize what the story is about and can understand it
through pictures.
● I will have the students look up on the whiteboard and see a story that I had already drawn out. I
will think out loud and say “What do I think the picture/pictures is showing?”. Looking back at
the guiding question I would say “Knowing that the pictures show “this”, (I will describe what the
pictures are showing here) I will write down that “this” (I will write down what the pictures are
showing) is happening, but I will write multiple scenarios. After I am done with writing down
different scenarios about the picture, I will then pick out what I think is the best description I
wrote for each picture scene.
Students Practice/Active Engagement:
● After I am done with modeling/teaching I will keep the pictures I drew and tell the students “I
want you guys to get out a sheet of paper and by using the guiding question make a quick sketch
and then after the time goes off I want you to turn and tell your neighbor about what you will
write about based on the quick sketch.”. Then after all of the pictures for the scene/scenario are
drawn, I will ask my students “Could you give me some examples of what I could write for each
picture that we drew?”. The students will tell me a few different scenarios for each picture and I
will write them down below the pictures. After that I will say “Now which scenario do you think
will work for this picture?”, for each of the pictures.
● At the end I will remind the students of the “I can statement” and have the students say it with me
and I will remind them of the guiding question. I will then tell the students “When we are done
here I want you to think about a story that you could draw and then write below it.”. I will say
after “You can use the two on the board as examples, but you cannot use them.”. After I say that, I
will tell the students “If you have any questions you can stay here and ask them, or if you have no
questions you can go back to your desks.”.

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