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Student Project Seed Grant


Title goes here


1. Title of the Project:

2. Broad Area of Research:

3. Names of Students, Parent Department(s) and USN: (students can be from multiple

4. Name of supervisor(s) (can have supervisors from multiple departments if required):

5. Expertise of supervisor in the domain of the proposed seed grant: (3 to 4 lines with
one recent publication details in the domain)

6. Abstract of proposal – 150 words

7. Brief Introduction to the proposal - 200words

8. Background (literature review) – 1000 words

9. Problem Statement (this must be very specific) – 50 words

10. Objectives

● Objective 1
● Objective 2 …

11. Methodology of the proposed solution

12. Preliminary Work Done (if any) and Project Execution Feasibility

13. Details of experimental set up

14. Timeline of project execution

15. Ethical and Environmental considerations (if any)

16. Expenditure Planning (to be done by supervisor)
No Item Amount (In Rupees)
1. Non-
2. Consumables and
Recurring Components
3. Contingency

Grand total

Justification for Equipment:

Justification for Consumables:

Justification for Contingency:

17. Expected Outcomes (publications, patents etc.)

18. References

Supervisor(s) Head of Department(s)

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