Decision Making

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ee Lead-in 1a Leamersare aware of diferent ways to make decisions and can use phrases for expressing preferences People from different cultures make decisions in different ways. Workin pairs and answer the questions. 1 How do you make decisions with other people? 2 Whats the most effective way for you to make decisions (for example, when organising an event like a party fora colleague or fellow student)? 'B Read the information on how two different cultures approach decision-making, 1 Which culture, Aor 8, do you feel closer to? 22 Whatrisk are there when someone from Culture As working wth someone from Culture B? F camurea f ts important to have consensus. This means its important | toactasa group and have aciscussion before decisions are made. The proces of reaching a results just s important asthe result itself Deadlines are useful to keep people focused, but they shouldbe seen a lesble and can be moved around as circumstances or objectives change Culture B Its important to be decisive. I the group cantt reach a decision, them the person responsible should make one, based on the information available, Achieving results and reaching decisions are ‘more important than the process of getting there. People who respect deadlines show both commitment and competence. Those who don't may be seen as unprofessional or disorganised VIDEO — 2 £9791 Watchas Stefanie and Paula prepare fora meeting with potential ‘customers from a Mexican chain of business schools, Susan and Pedro. 1 What gol do they each have forthe meeting? 2. Which approaches do they want a take? Why? 3. What problems do you foresee? 3A in small groups, discuss which is the best approach (Option A or B) for Paula and Stefanie to use to get commitment from their potential customers. Asa class, decide which video to watch frst. ‘Option A Focus on your expertise and lead the discussion toward fied dates and decisions you have in mind Option B- Focus on finding out more about their needs and priorities and make ‘decisions together about dates and ather steps. Option a E1732 & Watch the videos in the sequence the class has decided and answer the same Options E733 questions for each video. How do Susan and Pedra react tothe approach taken? What isthe solution that is agreed? Who suggestsit? (Overal, how successful was the decision-making process? Why? Pune {n pairs, discuss how you think Paula and Stefanie felt at the end of each video. Think about the result and the decision-making process. 5 734 Watch the Conclusions section of the video. Note down the three cultural differences mentioned and the recommendation for overcoming them. Have you experienced any of the differences? Ifso, how did you overcome them? Reflection 6 thinkaboutthe folowing questions, Then discuss your answers with a partner 3. Whi communication tj do youthinkismoreefectve when eacing decisions? Why? 2 Does yourcultre nfvence how you make decions How? What are ne advantage andone possible disadvantage of your ow personal tye? 3 Falling thiseson decide one thing which you cen do to handle working across caltres ore effectively inthe ure =D page 117 see Pronunciation bank strong or weale 7.3 >| Communication skills: Decision-making Functional Expressing preferences language 7 complete these ‘expressions of preference from the video with a word or phrase inthe box. happyto keen] 1 rm to [keep the focus on our launch datel | preferinotito | 2 ws {ery to find consensus) sure want | 3 Were {workaround your needs} 4 just____to [make sure that were all being realistic) 5 Im that we don't want to waste your time SA Match the beginnings of the phrases 1-7 with the endings a-g to complete more ‘expressions of preference. 1 My preference is/ would be (not) a 6[choose the rd one} 2 don't mind bb tolstickto our current supplier) 3. Iwouldrather (not) € [vvhat we do / waiting for a bitlongerl 4 tm{not) keen 5 6 7 had the meeting next week}. ifitwere up to me, [make the decision now]. | would rather [we/you/they] f youemailed us the details) We'd prefer itt 4 on{the dea / changing our plan. Which phrase in Exercise a indicates thatthe speaker does not have a preference? B A Complete the dialogue withthe correct form ofthe verbsin brackets. A Whereshall weld net years graduation ceremony? not keen on (book) the same hotel again. The catering was terrible, B: Yes, fd rather we? (look at other options, too A ite (be) up tome, 14 (cancel the whole event, I'ssuch a headache to organise. B: Don't worry! tim happy: (do) some research. So, what are we looking for? A: Id prefer ifwes (choose) somewhere closer tothe city centre, B: Yes, but then it gets expensive. I prefer (not increase) the cost. People don't mind (go) to hotel further away ifithas good public transport links. 4:06, leave iewith you Teacher's resources: : extra activities B Work in pairs and practise the dialogue in Exercise 9A. ‘LOA Work in pairs and look at the three situations, Discuss the points in the box and any ideas of your own. Talk about your preferences and try to come to ‘an agreement. i 1. You want to organise a team-building event forthe taffin your department. 5 ‘accommodation activities duration location time ofyear transpart 2 Youwant to redesign the room you aresiting in right now. = can (err EIR | =| 3 You want to open anew retailstore in your town, advertising location pricing productrange ora i > | type ofstore B Who had the strongest preferences in the group? Which phrases from Exercises 7 and BA did you use? Which ones did you find difficult to use? How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yaurselfa scare from O(I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well. + Goto My Self-assessmentin MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt. SoU eg

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