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A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range
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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving

Knowledge Quest

• Using the TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving manual as a

reference, answer the questions on the following pages.
• Choose the most accurate answer for each question.
• Do not sign or date the student statement at the end of each chapter’s
statements until you have reviewed this material with your instructor,
and your instructor prompts you to do so.

Note: These assessments are designed for use in conjunction with the TDI
Extended Range and Trimix Diving manual.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1. True or False? The chief difference between Extended Range and Trimix
is that Extended Range diving does not use helium and limits depth to
55 m/180 ft.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

2. What is the chief benefit of using helium?

¢ A. Reduces breathing effort
¢ B. Saves money
¢ C. Reduces narcosis
¢ D. All of the above

3. Alternate terms for gas mixtures containing helium include ,

and .
¢ A. Heliox; Hellespont; Heliair.
¢ B. Heliox; Helitrox; Hellespont.
¢ C. Heliox; Helitrox; Helianthus.
¢ D. Heliox; Helitrox; Heliair.

4. True or False? Depending on oxygen content, Trimix can be normal,

hyper or hypernormal.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. What changes have we seen in the type of student taking part in TDI
Trimix Diver courses, based on equipment configuration?
¢ A. An increasing number are on CCRs
¢ B. An increasing number are on open circuit
¢ C. A decreasing number rely on dive computers
¢ D. None of the above

6. Regardless of which TDI course you are taking, it is important to become

familiar with .
¢ A. Only that information which pertains to the course you are taking.
¢ B. All information in these materials.
¢ C. Only that information which your instructor says to read.
¢ D. None of the above.

7. True or False? Some of the risks associated with technical diving are
hypoxia, hyperoxia, and hypercapnia.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

8. Even though you may meet minimum skill performance requirements

for certification, you will need to become proficient.
¢ A. Additional self study
¢ B. To dive under instructor supervision
¢ C. Additional practice
¢ D. All of the above

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

9. As a technical diver, you must and possible

¢ A. Identify; dismiss
¢ B. Identify; manage
¢ C. Accept; eliminate
¢ D. None of the above

10. True or False? As a student in a TDI technical diver course, your only
duty is to yourself.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 2: Physics
1. Ambient pressure at sea level results from the . Atmospheric
pressure is approximately .
¢ A. Weight of the world’s oceans; 1.0 bar/14.7 psi.
¢ B. Weight of the world’s oceans; 1.147 bar/15 psi.
¢ C. Weight of the atmosphere; 1.0 bar/14.7 psi.
¢ D. None of the above.

2. What is the MOD of a decompression gas containing 80% oxygen

¢ A. 12m/40ft
¢ B. 9m/30ft
¢ C. 21m/70ft
¢ D. 18m/60ft

3. True or False? The impact an individual gas has on the body is a factor
of partial pressure at depth rather than the percentage of gas in the
breathing mixture.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

4. What does Henry’s law state?

¢ A. The pressure and volume of a fixed quantity of gas in a flexible
container is inversely related.
¢ B. If the partial pressure of the gas in contact with a liquid increases,
the amount of gas that will dissolve in the liquid also increases.
¢ C. Total gas pressure is the sum of the partial pressures of the
component gasses.
¢ D. None of the above.

5. You can use Dalton’s law to calculate , and “Best

¢ A. Maximum Operating Depth; Fraction of Gas (Fg).
¢ B. Partial pressure; Maximum Operating Depth.
¢ C. Partial pressure; Fraction of Gas (Fg).
¢ D. None of the above.

6. True or False? Because helium is a great insulator, inflating a dry suit

with a gas mixture containing helium is the best way to stay warm.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

7. What are the drawbacks inherent in inflating dry suits with a gas
mixture containing helium?
¢ A. It’s expensive.
¢ B. It may fail to keep you sufficiently warm.
¢ C. Both the first and second answers are correct.
¢ D. Neither the first and second answers are correct.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

8. It is possible to -gas one gas while -gassing

another. This is .
¢ A. Off; on; isometric counter diffusion.
¢ B. On; off; isobaric counter diffusion.
¢ C. On; off; isosceles counter infusion.
¢ D. None of the above.

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 3: Physiology
1. True or False? Tech divers need to guard against both hypoxia and
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

2. What two forms of oxygen toxicity can affect tech divers?

¢ A. Central Nervous System (CNS); Pulmonary
¢ B. Isobaric; Pulmonary
¢ C. Central Nervous System (CNS); Isobaric
¢ D. None of the above

3. Elevated carbon dioxide levels are of particular concern to rebreather

divers, as they can .
¢ A. Further increase the risk of isobaric counter diffusion.
¢ B. Cause hypercapnia.
¢ C. Significantly lengthen decompression.
¢ D. None of the above.

4. True or False? The presence of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream can

interfere with ability of hemoglobin to transport oxygen to body cells.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. What occurs when inert gas coming out of solution forms bubbles of
sufficient size to block the flow of blood or put pressure on nerves?
¢ A. Arterial gas embolism (AGE)
¢ B. Decompression sickness (DCS)
¢ C. Inert gas narcosis
¢ D. Any of the above may occur

6. Gas transfer in the body takes place by and .

¢ A. Diffusion; perfusion.
¢ B. Diffusion; absorption.
¢ C. Absorption; perfusion.
¢ D. None of the above.

7. True or False? Decompression models are primarily Haldanean, Neo-

Haldanean or Dual-phase (“bubble”) models.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

8. Too much supersaturation can cause what to happen?

¢ A. Significant bubble formation
¢ B. Arterial gas embolism (AGE)
¢ C. Decompression sickness
¢ D. The first and third answers are both correct

9. No dive table, decompression software or dive computer, no matter how

, can guarantee you .
¢ A. Recently developed; will not get DCS.
¢ B. Conservative; will not suffer from isometric counter-saturation.
¢ C. Conservative; will not get DCS.
¢ D. None of the above.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

10. True or False? The current view of decompression is that if you stay
within critical-supersaturation levels, no bubbles will form and you will
not get DCS. The discovery of silent bubbles supports this.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

11. We express gradient factors as a percentage of what?

¢ A. The distance between undersaturation and normal saturation
¢ B. The distance between saturation and non-critical under saturation
¢ C. The distance between saturation and critical supersaturation
¢ D. None of the above

12. The Low Gradient Factor primarily determines the

¢ A. Depth of the last stop
¢ B. Length of the first stop
¢ C. Depth of the first stop
¢ D. Length of the last stop

13. True or False? The goal of deep stops is to either prevent bubbles forming
during the initial part of the ascent, or at least reduce the number and
size of bubbles formed.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

14. Helium half times are usually assumed to be how many times faster than
nitrogen for the same tissue?
¢ A. 2.7
¢ B. 3.14
¢ C. 5.0
¢ D. None of the above

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

15. Any time the partial pressure of in our bodies increases, so

do the risks associated with .
¢ A. Nitrogen; narcosis.
¢ B. Nitrogen; hyperoxia.
¢ C. Carbon dioxide; narcosis.
¢ D. None of the above.

16. True or False? The important difference between Immersion Pulmonary

Edema and drowning is that the fluid in the lungs comes from inhaling
water rather than from within the body.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

17. Isobaric Counter Diffusion does not become a major issue until what
¢ A. 50 m/165 ft
¢ B. 60 m/200 ft
¢ C. 80 m/265 ft
¢ D. None of the above

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 4: Equipment
1. By now you should have made a number of dives using either
or a closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) or semi-closed-circuit
rebreather (SCR).
¢ A. Backmounted doubles
¢ B. Sidemount cylinders
¢ C. Open-circuit rebreather
¢ D. The first and second answers are both correct

2. True or False? The risk of fire or explosion can occur if certain lubricants
or a build up of carbon or other contaminants are exposed to high
concentrations of oxygen under the right conditions.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

3. In the 45-60 m/150-200 ft range, what additional piece of equipment is

almost always mandatory?
¢ A. A second primary dive light
¢ B. A second deco or O/C bailout cylinder
¢ C. A second layer of undergarment
¢ D. None of the above

4. Most Trimix and CCR divers rely on some form of .

¢ A. Helium-resistant dive watch.
¢ B. Auxiliary dry suit inflation.
¢ C. Auxiliary BC air cell inflation.
¢ D. None of the above.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. True or False? Most Trimix analyzers use a single sensor that is capable
of analyzing both helium and oxygen simultaneously.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

6. If your present dive computers can track exposure to helium or to more

than two gas mixtures, you may still consider upgrading because?
¢ A. You need to be able to track at least one additional deco mix.
¢ B. Newer computers may have additional features that make them
especially valuable for this type of diving.
¢ C. Both of the above.
¢ D. None of the above.

7. Before jumping on the rebreather bandwagon, consider the ,

and associated with their use.
¢ A. Costs; complexity; risks.
¢ B. Low cost; simplicity; gas savings.
¢ C. Simplicity; cost; gas savings.
¢ D. None of the above.

8. True or False? Although it is unlikely that gas savings will cover the
initial purchase of a rebreather, they will help offset the cost.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

9. Rebreathers have the potential to greatly reduce what factor that we

associate with diving from boats and diving at remote locations?
¢ A. Costs
¢ B. Equipment surcharges
¢ C. Logistics
¢ D. None of the above

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

10. CCRs help ensure the amount of decompression required at the

of your final ascent is .
¢ A. End; less than half of what it would be if diving open circuit.
¢ B. Beginning; less than half of what it would be if diving open circuit.
¢ C. Beginning; as short as possible.
¢ D. None of the above.

11. True or False? CCRs make adapting to the unexpected more challenging.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 5: Skills and Procedures

1. The most critical skills for this level of diving include:
¢ A. The ability to control buoyancy
¢ B. The ability to effectively switch between cylinders
¢ C. The first and second answers are correct
¢ D. Neither first or second answers are correct

2. Prior to attempting dives in the 45-60 m/150-200 ft range, you need to be

able to demonstrate proficiency in what?
¢ A. All fundamental technical diving skills
¢ B. All fundamental sport diving skills
¢ C. All fundamental technical diving skills except buoyancy
¢ D. None of the above

3. True or False? Questions you need to answer before using additional

bottles include: Where to mount them? Whether to stage them? Am I
prepared to remove, replace or exchange cylinders as needed?
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

4. Can you still make deep stops, even if the decompression model you
follow does not require them?
¢ A. Yes
¢ B. No
¢ C. Only if not using helium
¢ D. None of the above

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. Whether to reduce oxygen loading or vasoconstriction, an air break is

(not necessarily ) for a period of time in each
¢ A. Switching back to a higher-PN2 gas; Trimix.
¢ B. Breathing a low-PO2 gas; air.
¢ C. Breathing a low-PO2 gas; Nitrox.
¢ D. None of the above.

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 6: Dive Planning

1. True or False? You need to have alternate profiles in place, in case you
exceed planned parameters such as depth and mix.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

2. If making multiple decompression dives, you need to plan for what

additional factors?
¢ A. “CNS Clock” limits
¢ B. Changes in RMV
¢ C. Oxygen Tolerance Unites (OTUs)
¢ D. Both the first and third answers are correct

3. Because, by default, computers allowable bottom time,

divers need to take steps to add in additional .
¢ A. Maximize; deep stops.
¢ B. Maximize; safety margins.
¢ C. Minimize; safety margins.
¢ D. None of the above.

4. True or False? You need to know what your personal gas consumption
rate is, both while working and when resting.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. Heliair is better suited for what?

¢ A. Diving open circuit
¢ B. Diving SCRs
¢ C. Diving CCRs
¢ D. None of the above

6. The better way to create gas mixtures for open-circuit Trimix diving is to
determine what the ideal combination of , and
will be for any given dive.
¢ A. Argon; oxygen; nitrogen.
¢ B. Helium; oxygen; argon.
¢ C. Helium; argon; nitrogen.
¢ D. None of the above.

7. True or False? In practice, most technical divers still treat oxygen as

equally narcotic as nitrogen.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

8. By having one gas you can switch to early and a second gas that you only
use during shallow stops, you accomplish what?
¢ A. Balance the distribution of gas usage
¢ B. Use more gas on shallow stops
¢ C. Use more gas on deeper stops
¢ D. None of the above

9. Choosing deco mixes for dives involves all the same

considerations used for planning dives.
¢ A. Trimix; sport.
¢ B. Trimix; extended range.
¢ C. extended range; limited range.
¢ D. None of the above.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

10. True or False? If necessary, you can use your deep decompression gas as a
travel gas for the first part of the descent.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

11. To avoid carbon dioxide poisoning (hypercapnia), you need to assume

your scrubber canister’s rated duration will do what the deeper you go?
¢ A. Increase
¢ B. Decrease
¢ C. Be largely unaffected
¢ D. None of the above

12. The steps for determining the ideal diluent are largely the same as they
are for determining the on .
¢ A. Deep deco mix; open circuit.
¢ B. Ideal bottom mix; semi-closed circuit.
¢ C. Ideal bottom mix; open circuit.
¢ D. None of the above.

13. True or False? In terms of tracking oxygen exposure, quite a bit will
change at this level.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

14. Your oxygen and diluent consumption should not do what at depth?
¢ A. Remain constant
¢ B. Increase slightly
¢ C. Change dramatically
¢ D. None of the above

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

15. The ability to carry enough to successfully ascend from a

decompression dive is the biggest challenge facing CCR
mixed gas divers.
¢ A. Open-circuit bailout; 45 m/150 ft.
¢ B. Open-circuit bailout; 60 m/200 ft.
¢ C. Diluent; 60 m/200 ft.
¢ D. None of the above.

16. True or False? CCR bailout gas volumes are calculated the same as you
would for the ascent portion of an open-circuit dive (but assuming an
elevated breathing rate).
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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Chapter 7: Problem Solving

1. is the best way of dealing with any problem.
¢ A. Prevention
¢ B. Over learning emergency procedures
¢ C. Having abundant emergency equipment on hand
¢ D. None of the above

2. True or False? Equipment-related problems can be avoided through

conscientious maintenance and thorough pre-dive checks.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

3. Most environmentally-related problems can be avoided through:

¢ A. Planning
¢ B. Site assessment
¢ C. Willingness to abort dives in unfavorable conditions
¢ D. All of the above

4. If you suspect DCS but the situation does not appear immediately
life-threatening, seek help and guidance through or
¢ A. Divers Alert Network (DAN); the local equivalent organization.
¢ B. Coast Guard; the local equivalent organization.
¢ C. Coast Guard; the Marine Patrol.
¢ D. None of the above.

TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

5. True or False? Extreme environmental problems pose one of the greatest

risks associated with deeper diving, as they may prevent or inhibit your
response to other problems.
¢ A. True
¢ B. False

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TDI Extended Range and Trimix Diving Knowledge Quest
A Comprehensive Guide to Extended Range and Trimix Diving

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