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Numele și prenumele elevului:



Disciplina - Limba engleză optional
1. Write the numbers using letters: (10 x 1 points=10)
8- 44-
12- 52 -
20- 61-
27- 89-
30- 100-

2. Put the verbs in brackets to the present simple (4 x 5p =20p)

a. He......(run) every day.
b. The sun ......(rise) in the east.
c. The bus.......(leave) at 8 o’clock.
d. She......(not go) to school on Saturdays

3. Write the time after the following example. 2:00- It’s two o’clock (4 x 5p =20p)
a. 3:10-
b. 4:15-
c. 5:30-
d. 6:45-

4. Give your personal information and describe yourself. Here you need to include, name, age,
adress, weight, height, date of birth and favorite free time activities. (20points).

5. List at least five of your favorite fruits and five of your favorite vegetables, than pick one favorite
food containing one vegetable and one favorite food containing one fruit and write the recipe. (20

 Pentru rezolvarea corectă a cerinţelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.
 Timpul de lucru este de 40 de minute.

1. 10 x 1 points=10 points
Eight, twelve, twenty, twenty-seven, thirty, forty-four, fifty-two, sixty-one,
eighty-nine, one hundred

2. 5 x 4points =20 points

a. Runs; b: rises, c: leaves; d: does not go

3. 5 x 4points =20 points

a. It’s ten past three.
b. It’s a quarter past four.
c. It’s half past five
d. It’s a quarter to seven.

4. 20 points (examples)
Name and Surname: Szep Erika
Age: 28
Height: 1,55 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Date of birth: 25th of September 1994
Free time activity: sports, reading, watching movies

5. 5 points for each fruit and 5 for each vegetable. 10 points for grammar, sentance structure and
spelling. (20 points)

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