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Hi guys I'm Lunathi Dlamini and I'm 19 years old turning 20. I have my mom
and little brother (Luzuko 15 years old). I work as a maid for Mr Goldsmith. I
live in Mr Goldsmith's outside building with all the other maids. We have
different rooms though. We'll meet all the others as we go on❤ .

I'm light skinned, curvy, huge ass and I have a fabulous body.



It's a Monday evening all of us as maids are busy preparing for Mr Goldsmith to
come back from work.

He's an hour later than usual.

Zinhle : I wonder where is that handsome boss of ours.

Me : You mean that arrogant boss of ours?

Philile : But he's handsome Nathi have you ever look at that dick print on his
pants? (Licking her lips)

Me : Philile are you crazy? Can you please change the topic I don't wanna talk
about that arrogant...

"Good evening everyone" I quickly turn around and it's Mr Goldsmith. Oops I
guess he heard our conversation.

Boss : I said Good evening everyone!

Us : Uhm good evening sir.

Sir : Zinhle to my room now. (With that he went to his room.)

Zinhle : Oh God protect my job(she said holding her hands together and left. )

Mr Goldsmith

Hey guys I'm Luxolo Goldsmith and I'm 23 years old turning 24. I have both
my parents and I have an older brother (Avethandwa who is 25 years old.)
Avethandwa is a Lawyer and I just finished at medical school. I'm graduating
this year on April and it's February. I have three maids Zinhle, Philile and
Lunathi. I heard everything they said about me so I called Zinhle to my room. I
heard a knock

Me : Come in (Zee came in)

Zee : Sir you called me

Me : Yes sit down. (She sat down on a chair) What did I employ you for?

Zee : To help with the house chores including cooking.

Me : What were you doing downstairs?


Me : Did I employ you to gossip?

Zee : No sir.

Me : If I dare hear you gossiping, I mean all of you, I'll get rid of y'all and find
knew house helps. Now go and tell your friends Whatever I told you.

Zee : Sir I'm...

Me : I said get out!

She quickly got up and left



Zinhle came back from Mr Goldsmith's room.

Philile : Why did he call you?

Zee : He wanted to tell us to stop gossiping and do our work.

Me : "He's handsome" (I said sarcastically)

Lile : But Nathi you know he's handsome.

Me : Say that one more time and you don't have a job. Let's go and prepare
dinner for "Mr Handsome"

Zee : Why does it seem like you have issues with Mr Goldsmith?

Lilly : Maybe he once rejected her pussy (Laughing)

Me :Really Philile? Of all things you can say?

Zee : Don't mind her Nathi she's always thinking about pussy and dick.

Me : Well you should at least keep your thoughts to yourself because what you
said right now is rubbish.

Lilly : Honey Rubbish is your pussy that Mr Handsome rejected.

Me : I'm a virgin so why would I be the one to seduce a man? Philile I'm not
gonna tolerate your shitty behaviour. I never seduced Mr Goldsmith and he
never rejected any pussy.

Lilly : Oh please you just saying so because you know he'd never fall for you.
Let's see who will get to sleep with him first.

Me : Bitch I don't gamble with my virginity because I have self respect.

Lilly : Oh maybe you're just afraid of losing.

Zee : Would you stop it you two! Stop talking bull. Mr Goldsmith is hungry he
just came back from work therefore let's go to the kitchen and prepare
something for him to eat.

We went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for sir. After preparing food I just
went to my room in the outside building and had an early night.


Hey peeps I'm Philile(Lilly) Thomas. I'm 22 years old. Lunathi thinks she's the
cutest and she's bossy. She left early to her room. While I was cleaning the
kitchen Mr Goldsmith entered the kitchen. I faked crying.

Sir : Philile why are you crying? Are you okay?

Me : Yes sir I'm fine(Sniffing)

Sir : You don't seem okay.

Me : It's Lunathi.

Sir : what about her?

Me : She said I only came here to seduce you and that I'm a prostitute. She
called me all kinds of insults.

(He left there fuming)



I heard a knock on the door.

Me : Who is it

?? : Just open this door Lunathi (It's Mr arrogant's voice. I opened the door he
entered my room)

Sir : Lunathi why did you say those terrible things to Lilly?

Me : Sir I'm afraid but I didn't say any wrong to Philile

Sir : So you mean to tell me that calling her names and accusing her of seducing
me is a right thing to say?

Me : Sir what are you talking about?

Sir : Lunathi I've had it with you. You're calling your colleague names and and
you're denying it? First thing tomorrow morning you're leaving my house. Oh
and you even said I'm arrogant.

Me : Sir are you not practicing arrogance right now? You don't even know
who's telling the truth and here you are taking away my only source of income.
It's okay. If I'm going to be disrespected and treated like trash in this house of
yours I will gladly leave.

Sir : Lunathi are you talking to me like that? You will regret that. I'll let you
stay for the night maybe tomorrow morning you'll be back to your senses.

Me : You don't have to let me stay for the night because I'm leaving right now.

Him : You haven't got paid I wonder what you're gonna use for transportation
because you surely won't use that stinking attitude of yours.

Me : Mr Goldsmith if you look at me do you see the word idiot on my

forehead? Khona into ekuthiwa ngamaSavings bhuti. The money in my savings
is more than 10 times more than what you were going to pay me. Now please
excuse me I need to pack my things.

Lunathi is confident with what she's saying. Could it be that Philile was lying?
Nah why would she lie? What would she gain from doing that? Lunathi does
her job very well but I can surely find a replacement for her.



I packed my things and requested and Uber to take me home. I arrived at home
and found Mom and little bro having dinner.

Me : Molweni

Mama : Luna what a surprise

Luu : Sis unjn (I gave them a hug)

Me : Ngyaphila.

Mama : Wafika ebusuku kangaka?

Me : Ndigxothiwe etorhweni

Mama : Ugxothwe njani

I narrated my story.

Mama : Mntanami ekugqibeleni you have to go and beg him to give you your
job back

Me : Asoze mama. I'll find another job. Ngomso ndiyokhangela elinye itorho.

Mama : At the end of the day you'll go back to him because there are no job
opportunities out there.

Luu : Hayi mama la mntu nguye ozoza apha kuLuna ezocela uxolo. He's the one
who'll come back and beg her to come back to work
Me : Mama ndidiniwe Ithi ndiyolala.

I went to sleep thinking about what mom said. What if I don't find a job? I'm
still not going to beg Me Goldsmith for my job back.

I woke up in the morning and prepared myself for job seeking.

Me : Good morning mom. Please give me blessings as I'm going out to look for
another job.

Mom : Kodwa Mntanami why don't you go to Mr Goldsmith.

Me : You know what mom nevermind. Good bye.

I went out. I don't know why mom wants me to apologise to Mr Goldsmith. I'm
not sorry for what I said. I looked for a job but nothing. I spent the whole day
looking for a job but no luck. I went back home.

Mom : Lunathi you're not going to sit down and do nothing. You have to raise
money for Luzuko to go to university. How will you do that when you're
unemployed? I only earn money enough to put food on the table. I can't afford
to take you to the university. Your mates are almost done in university and
you're planning to sit at home unemployed? Some of your mates are driving
cars. Stop being lazy.

Me : Mother I'm not being lazy. I tried. I've been working for Mr Goldsmith for
7 months now. I save so much money for luzuko's education. I don't spoil
myself with this money. I can't even buy meat. All I can buy is Cabbage and
maize meal.

Me : Mother y'all are able to buy chicken for yourselves. You wanna know
when last I had chicken? Christmas. It was Christmas mother. I work so hard to
impress Mr Goldsmith so that he can increase my salary.

Mom : Well then you not trying hard enough. Do anything to impress him even
if it means sleeping with him.

Me : Excuse me? You want me to sell my body for money? Mother I'm a virgin
for heaven's sake

Mom : What is that going to do for us? Will your virginity bring food to the
table? Will it take your little brother to school? If you're not willing to bring
any income in this house then leave my house. I'm not gonna have an
unemployed 20 years old under my roof sitting down and chowing my money.

Me : Mother why do you hate me so much?

Mom : It's love Mntanami. I'm making you and independent woman.

Me : Love is making you chase away your only daughter? Love is making you
want me to sell my body for money?

Mom : I'm doing this for Luzuko.

Me : Why is everything about Luzuko?

Mom : He's my sob

Me : He's also my little brother and I love him very much. He means the world
to me and that's why I'm working so hard. You're not the only one that loves

Mom : You don't love him because you're not willing to lose your virginity for
his education.

I just went to my room and cried my lungs out. My own mother is saying such
things to me. I love Luzuko with my everything but I have self respect so I'm
not going to sleep with men for money. I got a video call from Zinhle

Me : Hello
Zee : Hey babes unjani?

Me : I'm good and you?

Zee : I'm just missing you and your cooking right now. Lilly is rejoicing now
that you're gone. Mr Goldsmith was shouting at Lilly for the terrible food she
made. Guess what she did to calm him down?

Me : What?

Zee : She slept with him. Yep they fucked. Mr Goldsmith wants you to come

Me : Oh come on guys it's only been a day and y'all are acting like it's been

Zee : Like seriously we need you back

Me : I can't come back.



I woke up the next day and cleaned the house and did some gardening. Maybe
mother will be impressed that I'm doing something nice at home. Later in the
day I started making dinner, while at it mother came back from work.

Me : Good evening mom

She ignored me.

I heard a knock and went to open the door. I was shocked to see Mr Goldsmith.

Me : Good evening Mr Goldsmith

Him : Good evening Lunathi how are you?

Me : I'm good.

Mom : Who is that?

Me : It's Mr Goldsmith

Mom : Let him in.

Me : Come in sir

I led him to the lounge.

Him : Lunathi I just came to apologise for my behaviour few days ago. I
actually found out that Lilly was lying. Please Lunathi come back to work.

Me : I'm so sorry...

Mom : Of course she'll come.

Me : But mom...

Mom : Pack your things Nana and do what I told you to do yesterday.

I silently went to my room and packed my things and went back to the lounge.

Sir : Are you ready to go?

I nod

We went to the car and he drove back to his house. We arrived and he helped
me with my bags. We went inside.

Zee : Nathi! (She ran to me and hugged me) I'm so glad you're back

Lilly : Honey you're too late He's mine now.

Me : What are you talking about?

Lilly : Mr Goldsmith is mine.

Me : I don't care. I came here to work not to run after Mr Goldsmith.

Zee : Lilly would you stop behaving like a bitch.

Sir : Ladies please calm down. Wena Philile you made me fire Lunathi knowing
very well that she's innocent for your selfish desires. I'm warning you to stop
behaving like this or you'll regret it. Now get back to work.

Lilly : Sweet Lunathi the kitchen is waiting for you.

I didn't wanna argue so I just went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for Mr
Goldsmith. While I was cooking I felt warm hands on my waist. I just froze in
shock. I felt wet cold lips on my neck sucking on it. I turned around Mr
Goldsmith just attached me a kiss. I don't know what happened but I found
myself responding to the kiss. After a while I came back to my senses.


I came back to my senses and pushed him away.

Him : Why did you stop?

Me : Because it's wrong. You're my boss and I'm your employee. Sir I know I'm
just a domestic worker but I like to keep it professional.

Him : But...

Me : But nothing sir please leave me alone I need to carry on with my work.

Him : Oksalayo one day I'll get you.

Me : Mxm.
I carried on cooking. I feel so terrible. I just had my first kiss with my boss.
That just doesn't sound right. It shouldn't have happened. I should've stopped
him but I kissed him back. What if someone came in the kitchen? God I'd be
dead by now. Shit I cut my finger thinking about all this.

Me : Zinhle! Zee! (She came in running) Zinhle I accidentally cut my finger.

Please carry on with the cooking.

Zee : (Laughing) I guess you were busy thinking about the person the left those
hickeys on your neck.

Me : What? What are you talking about? (She gave me a mirror. )

Shit I'm in trouble.

Zee : Aren't you gonna tell me who's the mystery guy?

Me : Listen neh I'll tell you later. I'll come to your room. I have to figure out
how to get rid of these.

Zee : They say rubbing onions on it works. Try that method.

Lilly came in the kitchen.

Lilly : Sir called for you guys.

We went to him.

Sir : Ladies I just got a call from my parents saying that they are on their way
here so please Lilly tidy up, Zee please do the cooking and Nana clean up the
guest bedrooms.

(Oh God he just called us with our nicknames that means he's drunk what will
we say to his parents.)
Lilly : Can I be the one to clean the guest bedrooms?

Sir : No Nana will do it. Nana when you're done cleaning the guest bedrooms
clean mine because mother always checks on my room.

We went on duty. I cleaned the guest bedroom and went to Mr Goldsmith's

room. It's was so untidy. There clothes all over. The bed was not made. I took
all the dirty clothes and took them to the laundry room. I changed the changed
the bedding. I sweeped and mopped the floors.


While I was mopping the floor, Mr Goldsmith came out of the ensuite bathroom
naked. I quickly covered my eyes.

Me : I'm so sorry sir I didn't know that you were in the ensuite.

Him : No problem. I'm the one who called you here to clean my room so I
should be the one apologising for walking in like this. But why are you covering
your eyes?

Me : Because you're naked. I don't want to see a naked man. Sir please put
something on because I want to carry on with what I'm doing.

Him : And what if I don't?

Me : Sir please.

Him : Okay fine I'm dressed now you can open your eyes. (he wrapped a towel
around his waist)

Me : You're still not dressed but it's better than ekuqaleni.

I carried on mopping the floor and I was done. I took the bucket of water and
mop and walked out. On my way to the door I slipped but he was quick enough
to catch me from falling.
Him : Be careful the floor is still wet or you want me to carry you out?

Me : Thank you for helping me.

Him : And what do I get I return?

Me : But I just said thank you.

Him : How about a kiss instead of thank you?

Me : Sir that is not happening

He went to the door and locked it.

Him : Then you're also not leaving this room.

Me : But your parents are coming.

He came close to me. He held my waist and leaned over for a kiss. I pushed

Me : Sir this is wrong. What will your parents say?

Him : Forget about them. I want you.

Me : Sir you're drunk take a nap maybe you'll feel better.

Him : I may be drunk but I mean what I said.

Me : Sir please unlock the...(He smashed his lips against mine. He kissed me
and started unzipping my dress. A knock disturbed have him.)

"Luxolo open the door!" It's his mother. He ran to the unlock the door
His mom : Oh son how are you (They hugged. Her face changed when she saw
me) What's going on here?

Me : Mrs Goldsmith it's not what you think I swear I'm only here to clean his

His mom : Cleaning his room when he's half naked, your dress zipper is down
and the hickeys.


Sir : Mother this is my house and I get to choose my girls

His mom : Not this lifeless, classless thing. She's just a maid. Nothing but a

Me : Sir Mrs Goldsmith is right. I'm just a maid so please let me go and help the

I tried zipping my dress but I couldn't reach the zipper.

Sir : Let me help you with that. (He zipped my dress.)

I took the bucket of water and the mop and went downstairs. I found Sir's father.

Me : Good evening Mr Goldsmith.

Him : Hi Nana unjn

Me : Ndiyaphila tata ninjani nina

Him : Ndiyaphila nami.

Me : Sir can I get you something while we're preparing the dining table?

Him : no I'll be fine. Where's my son?

Me : Upstairs in his room.

Him : Please go and call him.

I went upstairs. I heard him arguing with his mother.

Him : Mother I get to choose the love of my life.

His mom : She cannot be the love of your life. She's ugly, she's fat I'm pretty
sure she stinks.

Him: She has a fabulous figure, beautiful ass and curves. If that's the definition
of fat then I love a fat lady. And no mother she doesn't stink. You know what
stinks? It's your attitude. Stop judging people you don't know. Lunathi is the
most beautiful girl I know and I love her.

His mom : I will never accept that thing as my daughter-in-law.

I felt tears threatening my eyes. I knocked on the door He opened the door.

Me : Sir your father called for you.

Him : Okay. (He left)

His mom : Izapha wena. (I went to her and she gave me the hottest slap) What
do you want from my son?

Me : Nothing

Her : You're just sleeping with him for nothing?

Me : I didn't sleep with him.

Her : I know you're here for my son's money. Stay away from him or you'll
regret stepping in this house. Now get out of my sight you whore.

I couldn't control my tears. I ran downstairs.

Zee : Nathi! Nana are you okay?

I just ran passed her. I went to my room and cried myself to sleep.


I was woken up by someone kissing my face. I opened my eyes and it was sir.

Him : what happened to your cheek?

Me : Sir please leave my room I don't want any more problems.

Him : Lunathi I asked you a question.

Me : It doesn't matter.

Him : Yes it matters.

Me : Sir why do care? I'm just a maid so why does it matter?

Him : Because I love you that's why I care.

Me : You cannot love your maid.

Him : And why not?

Me : Sir I'm poor and I have nothing to offer you.

Him : all I'm asking for is for you to allow me into your heart.

Me : I can't. I can't lose my job. I have to make sure my little brother goes to
university. How will I do that if I lose my job? Your mother threatened to do
worse than this if I get near you so please leave me alone. You can find
someone who will love you. You'll find a beautiful, slender and educated

Him : But I want you.

Me : But your mom doesn't. Please sir do as your mother says.

I checked the time it's 06:12

Me : oh my god I'm late. Let me get ready and get to work.

Sir : No rest.

Me : That's if you want to bury me this coming Saturday. Please excuse me I

need to get ready for work.

He left. I got ready and went to the main building. I started cleaning and made
breakfast for everyone. I prepared the table and they came down for breakfast.

Zinhle and Philile came in very late. We went to the back yard.

Zee : Hayi bo mngani what happened to your face?

Lilly : Hlambe ubethwe nguMr Goldsmith.

Me : Oh hell no Sir is not a woman beater.

Zee : What happened?

Me : It's a long story

Zee : We have all the time.

Me : No we don't. We have to get back to work.

Zee : Okay at least tell us tiny bit of the story.

Me : Uyazithanda izindaba

I told her everything.

Zee : Hehh Makoti wako Goldsmith.(We laughed)

Lilly looked pissed. We went back to work we cleared the table and went to the
kitchen to wash the dishes.



While we were washing the dishes, Sir came in the kitchen.

Sir : Nathi did you eat?

Lilly : Yes

Sir : Oh Bendingayazi me uba oLunathi baninzi. Lunathi?

Me : No sir but I'm gonna have something to eat when I'm done with

Sir : Eat right now because we're gonna go to the doctor to get something for
you face.

Me : Sir it's not a big deal. I've been through worse things.

Him : I insist Miss Dlamini.

Me: okay fine.

I ate and we went to the doctor. We were told to wait for the doctor. After a few
minutes the doctor came in.

Doc : Wait Lunathi is this you?

Me : Siphesihle. Oh my God how are you?

Him : I'm good.

Me : Sphe this is my bo...

Sir : Boyfriend Luxolo Goldsmith.

Sphe : Nice to meet you sir. Wait did you say Goldsmith?

Sir : Yes.

Sphe : As in like Mr Goldsmith's son. From the Goldsmith and Sons


Sir : Yes

Sphe : I'm honoured to meet you sir.

Sir : Please call me Luxolo.

Sphe : Nathi was my friend in high school. She's three years younger and so was
her grade. She was three grades behind. She was one of the smartest kids in

Sir : I'm happy to know you Sphesihle. We're here for something that can help
her with what's on her face

Sphe : what happened to her?

Me : It's my mother-in-law.

Sphe : Alright.

He left and came back with a cream in his hand.

Sphe : Here. You'll apply this on your face over night and you'll be fine.

Sir/I : Thanks Doc.

We drove back home.

Me : Please stop introducing me as your girlfriend.

Him : Why?

Me : Do you want me to leave that house in a coffin?

Him : oh come on mother won't kill you.

Me : It's funny how you taking this lightly. Do you know the insults that were
thrown on my face? Do you think it's nice being insulted, called names and
made feel worthless? It's not nice. Sir please stop getting to close to me. I can't
stand what your mom keeps saying about me.

Sir : Don't worry I'll talk to her.

Me : if you think that will work go ahead.



We arrived at home and I went to speak to mother.

Me : Mom did you see what you did to Lunathi's face?


Me : Mother I asked a question!

Her : Boy don't you dare raise your voice at me.

Me : Why do you hate Lunathi?

Her : Because she's your maid she doesn't love you. She only wants your

Me : Mother we're not yet dating and you're ruining my chances of winning her

Her : Good then.

Me : Give me a good reason why I shouldn't be with Lunathi

Her : Everything about her is wrong. Her cloths are old and dirty, she's a pig.
Why doesn't she buy knew clothes? Or I should buy them? Why isn't she like
Zee and Lilly?

Me : Because they don't have any pressure to save money

Her : My point exactly. You can find another woman.

Me : What is wrong with her mom? Is it because she's poor that you think you
should hate her?

Her : But she is poor I can't change that.

Me : Mama let me ask you one question. Wafika nantoni apha emendweni?


Me : Awusakwaz uthetha manje or you want me to remind you? Mother you

had nothing, you were nothing but father changed you to something. You were
a prostitute uphila ngemali yamadoda alingene uba ngutatakho. You were
nothing but father saw a person in you and decided to make you his wife
because he knew that you had a potential to change and be a better person. Look
where you are now.

(She looked shocked)

Me : Surprised how I found out about your past? I have my own ways of finding
out. Lunathi is way better than you right now. Lunathi is a hard work. In her
savings bank account there's more than R30 000. When you were 20 years old
did you have that amount of money in your name? No you didn't. So Lunathi is
way better than you and I know that money won't change her like it did to you.

Mom : Son are you really speaking against me like this? Your own mother?

Me : Mother I'm saying this to make you realise that Nathi is not who you think
she is.

We were all done with our chores and chilling in the backyard. Mrs Goldsmith
came to us.

Her : You bitch you turned my son against me. He was busy throwing insults at
me because of you. (Crying)

She slapped me multiple times. She beat me up Zinhle was trying to stop her.
Mr Goldsmith and Luxolo came outside because of my screaming

Luxolo : Mother!

Mr Goldsmith : Mamakhe what are you doing?

They stopped her.

Mr Goldsmith: Are you crazy? What kind of woman are you?

Her : Ask her what she did?

Me : Sir I swear I didn't do anything. (Tears were flowing down my cheeks)

Luxolo : Mother get out of my house.

Mr Goldsmith : What's going on here? Son what's happening?

Luxolo : I'll explain later but I want this monster out of my house.

His mom : I'm not going anywhere. This bitch must be the one leaving

Me : It's okay I'll go home.

I stood up with difficulty. I limped going to my room.

Luxolo : You're not going anywhere Lunathi. Mother I said get out. I'm going to
Lunathi's room with her. If I come out there and you're still here you'll be sorry.

Luxolo came in with a large pizza and Orange Liqui Fruit

Him : Let's eat.

Me : Thanks

We are the pizza, Can you imagine we finished the whole box. It was my first
time eating pizza.

Luxolo : You I never got a chance to know you and your family. Please tell
about your mom your brother.

Me : My brother is a very smart boy. He gets straight A's in every subject. I love
him and he loves me. He knows that I always wanted to be a doctor but we
didn't have the money. Now I'm working hard to send him to university to fulfill
his dreams.

Luxolo : What are his dreams?

Me : When I ask him he always says "My dream is to fulfill my sister's dream
for her" I always tell him that there nothing that would make me happy than to
see him fulfilling his own dreams he just tells me that his dream is fulfilling my
dreams. He says he'll be a doctor.

Luxolo : That's so sweet. How about your mother?

Me : My mom doesn't really care about me. All she cares about is Luzuko.
Luxolo I save every cent I earn so that I can take him to school. I don't even buy
new clothes, I don't even spoil myself. Mother always spoils Luzuko while I'm
working my ass out. Can you believe that today was my first time eating pizza
yet I always see empty boxes at home. Inyama yona? I only ate meat on
Christmas. Now I try to manage with what I have. But momma had the guts to
tell me I'm not trying hard. She wants me to sell my body for money.

Luxolo : What happened to your father?

Me : I don't know my father.

Him : Do you think That woman is your biological mother?

Me : Of course she is.

Him : Then why does she hate you so much?

Me : I guess she wants what's best for "her son"

Him : Let's go shopping tomorrow?

Me : Luxolo I don't want to seem like a gold digger.

Him : It's called spoiling my woman. You're not a gold digger. I just want you
to know that you are special and strong. I know I wouldn't be able to stand what
you're going through.

Me : You would if it was your only option.

Him : I wouldn’t.



Lunathi and Luxolo woke up and went to the mall for shopping. They bought
some clothes and matching outfits. They went to the salon and Lunathi got a 40
inch Peruvian weave. She also did her manicure. They spent quality time. Later
in the day they went home.

Me : Thank you for everything you did for me. I really appreciate it and I'd be
forever grateful for it.

Him : I was just doing what a man should do for his wife.

Me : You know I've always known the arrogant boss not knowing that behind
Mr arrogant there Sweet, caring and loving Mr Goldsmith. I could barely see
you smile but now you smile more often.

Him : Well smiling is the second best thing the lips can do.

Me : What's the first?

Him : This

He smashed his wet cold lips against mine. Lord knows how his lips drive me
crazy. Everytime when he kisses me I get the foreign feeling. He does wonders
on me. We kissed for like 10 minutes and pulled out.

Him : Let's watch a movie.

Me : Yeah sure.

Him : How about Rom Com?

Me : Okay.



We watched the movie and Lunathi fell asleep. I took her to my room. I
removed the clothes she was wearing and made her wear my baggy tee so that
she'd sleep in something comfortable. I tucked her in. I took off my clothes and
I was left with my boxer. I got undercovers and cuddled her until I fell asleep.
Lunathi's POV

I woke up with Luxolo holding onto my waist. I tried to break free but he was
holding on too tight.

Me : Luxolo... Luxolo let go of me I need to pee. (He didn't respond. I started

shaking him) Luxolo vuka! (Still no response. I started panicking. I shook him
harder and he started groaning. AHH that's a relief.) Luxolo let go of me I need
to pee.

Him : No your so warm.(He opened his eyes) Why are you crying?(I didn't even
realise that I was crying)

Me : Undothusile.

Him : Njani?

Me : I tried waking you up and you didn't. (He started laughing)

Him : I forgot to tell you that I'm a deep sleeper.

Me : How do you manage to get to work on time with this deep sleep of yours?

Him : Let me just say I'm lucky because I've never over slept ever since I've
started working.

Me : Yeah you're damn lucky now please let go of me mister.

He let go of me, went to the bathroom, did my business and washed my hands. I
went back to his room.

Me : Can you please excuse me I need to put my clothes on.

Him : What's the point because I'm the one who undressed you yesterday?

Me : Please

Him : Okay fine.

He left the room. I put on my clothes and went to my room. I took a shower, I
put on a pair of jeans and a white crop top. I went to the main building and
prepared breakfast for Luxolo. While I was making breakfast Zinhle came in.

Zee : (Screaming) hehh Chommie look at you looking so fabulous. I'm so proud
of you come and give me a hug. (We hugged) Girl how have you been?

Me : Great and how are you?

Zee : I'm good

Me : Where's Lilly?

Zee : She's in her room. Lowo she woke up telling me that she feels like
throwing up and she has no appetite.


Me : she'll be okay.

Zee : What if she's pregnant?

Me : Nah it can't be.

Luxolo came downstairs to have breakfast. I served him.

Him : These eggs have a bad smell.

Me : But there's nothing wrong with these eggs.

Him : No I'm serious they smell rotten. Please throw them away.

Me : What do you want to have then?

Him : Ndibawela i-avocados ne mayonnaise.

Me : What? Are you out of your mind?

Him : Ndizolila ke. (He made his puppy eyes)

Okay now I'm convinced that Lilly is pregnant. This guy is going crazy. I
wanted to have his first child but I guess akusenzekanga.

I went to the kitchen with Zinhle.

Me : Okay you're right Lilly is pregnant.

Zee : Do you think it's Mr Goldsmith's child?

Me : Duhh... You saw what just happened. Of course it's his baby.

Zee : I think you should tell him.

Me : it's not yet confirmed and it's not my place to tell him. The baby momma

Zee : but he's your man.

Me : That doesn't mean I have a word in everything he does.

Zee : Yes it does. Tell the guy he's gonna be a father.

Me : How do you expect me to tell him? "Hey babe Lilly is pregnant you're
gonna be a father let's celebrate" is that what I'm supposed to say?

Zee : Girl you are too calm with this situation mina I would go all crazy on

Me : This happened before we even dated.

Zee : What if it's still going on behind your back? Girl don't be to soft on them
because if you're too soft they'll turn you into their idiot. No offence but I'm just
giving you heads up.

Me : Thanks for the heads up but still I won't tell him. Lilly is gonna tell him.

Zee : If you say so.

We did all the house chores.

Luxolo : Guys where is Philile. I haven't seen her.

Me : She's not feeling well. I think you should take her to the doctor.

Luxolo : Why me? Can't she call someone to pick her up and take her to the

Me : You're her boss. She lives under your roof so her sickness will be your
responsibility. Take her to the doctor it could be something big.



I went to Doctor Sphesihle, Lunathi's friend. I'm so positive that Lilly is not
pregnant and even if she is, it's not my baby. How many men has she slept with
in a row?

Sphe : Hey Luxolo

Me : Hey bro

Sphe : What can I do for you today?

Me : This lady came here for a pregnancy test

Sphe : (Looking confused) O--kay. Sisi take this cup and pee in it.

She took the cup and left with it.

Sphe : How is Lunathi?

Me : She's good.
We had a small talk and Lilly came back. We waited for the results. Sphesihle
came with an envelope with the results.

Me : Thanks. Let's we're gonna look at them on the way home.

Sphe : Please send my regards to Lunathi

Me : Alright will do.

We left. Lilly decided to open the envelope in the car. She started screaming. I
stepped on the brake in shock.

Me : What?

Her : We're pregnant. You're gonna be a father.

Me : How sure are you that it's my baby?

Her : Goldsmith you're the only man I've slept with this month.

Me : Shit what am I going to say to Lunathi.

Her : I'm the one carrying your baby so I'm moving in today.

Me : No you're not. You'll stay in your room. You're not my wife and I don't
love you so stay in your lane and know your place.

Her : Then I'm going to let your parents know that you slept with your maid.

Me : You can let them know but you're still not moving in with me.

We drove home quietly.


Luxolo came back.

Me : Hey you're back already

Him : Yeah

He walked passed me and went upstairs. Wow that was sour. I went to his room.
He came out of the ensuite bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Me : Babe how did it go?

Him : She's pregnant.

Me : Oh why are you so sour then? You should be happy that you're going to be
a father.

Him : Why should I be happy? Lunathi I'm wondering how you're feeling right
now that I impregnated someone else and here you are telling me that I should
be happy?

Me : Luxolo the baby was conceived before we even started dating and
sasixabene back then. The baby is innocent you can't be mad at the child. It's
your baby, your responsibility. You should be celebrating that you're gonna be a
father. I have absolutely no problem with the fact that Lilly is pregnant with
your baby because you've never cheated on me. If it's your baby then I'll love
her/him like my own. You should love the baby and when it's born you should
protect it and be a good father. Growing up without your dad ain't a joke. It's
hard. Please accept the baby.

Him : Lunathi you're such a wise woman. I don't what I would do without you
really. I love you MaDlamini wami

Me : I love you too

I gave him a hug trying to make him feel better. He lean over for a kiss. We
kissed things got heated up. I felt something poking my stomach. His towel fell
down. I stopped kissing him.

Him : Hawu why did you stop?

Me : I gotta go and prepare dinner for you.

Him : Let's go out tonight

Me : I still have to go and finish the cleaning.

Him : Why are you running away?

Me : I promise you I'm not running away from you

Him : Ngizokubamba.



It's getting late and I'm going out with Luxolo tonight. So I got ready. I wore a
red dress because I knew it's his favourite colour. I heard a knock.

Me : who is it?

Him : Hurry up Nana I'm impatient to see you.

Me : Oh I'm coming I'm ready.

I opened the door

Him : Wow you look beautiful.

Me : Thanks you don't look bad yourself.

Him : let's go.

We went to the car and went to an expensive restaurant. I'm not the one paying
but I'm judging by the way it looks. We ordered our food and started eating.

Me : Thanks for bringing me to this place it's beautiful. But why are we the only
people in here?

Him : I booked the whole restaurant to ourselves just to say thank you for
supporting me in this situation and speaking some sense into my head. Thank
you so much and I really appreciate that.

Me : Honey that's what anybody would do for the one they love.

Him : Not everybody is like you that's why I always show appreciation for
everything you do for me. I love you

Me : I love you too

We spent some time together and we went home. I looked for the key to my
room but I couldn't find it.

Me : Babe did you see my key?

Him : Maybe it's in the car.

Me : Can I go and look for it?

Him : But babe it's too dark we'll look for it tomorrow.

Me : But...

Him : It's okay you can take my room and I'll sleep in the guest room.

Me : No I'll take the guest room.

Him : First let's watch a movie.

Me : Alright

Him : Let's watch a horror movie

Me : No.

Him : Why are you scared

Me : What? No (Who am I kidding I'm scared)

We watched the movie and I kept screaming, jumping and holding on Luxolo.
The movie ended and we went to sleep. I kept tossing and turning I couldn't
sleep I was imagining things because of that scary movie. I decided to swallow
my pride and go to Luxolo. I knocked .

Him : Come in

I went in

Me : Can I sleep with you?

Him : Are you scared?

I nod

Him : Alright come.

I got undercovers there was space between us this guy decided to come closer.



Lunathi's keys are in my pants. I purposely made her watch a scary movie
because if I asked her to move in my room she wouldn't agree. Now I got her
where I want her. She got in bed and left so much space between us. She's got to
be kidding me. She can't be that far in this cold. I moved closer to her.
Her : Ha.ana Luu hlehlela

Me : But it's cold.

Her : If I wasn't here what would you do?

Me : Forget about that let's look at the bright side that you're here so let's

Her : You planned this didn't you?

Me : That's right.

Her : You could have just told me that you want me to move in with you

Me : Nana you and I both know that you would agree that easily so I had to
force you.

Her : You're evil.

Me : Is that so?

Her : Yes

I tickled her and laughed like crazy

Me : Am I evil?

Her : No you're not

Me : Okay then goodnight. (I kissed her forehead)


I woke up with this beautiful creature next to me. I checked the time and it's
05:35. I woke up took out his outfit for today since he's going to work. I went to
the kitchen and prepared his lunchbox. I went to wake him up. I shook him
roughly because that's the only way to wake him up. He's a deep sleeper.

Me : Babe wake up you have to get ready for work. Wake up.

Him : Five more minutes

Me : No wake up you're gonna be late.

Him : Fine.

He woke up.

I went downstairs and made breakfast for him.

He came downstairs to all ready and dressed

Him : Why is Zinhle and Philile always late?

Me : I don't know. They'll be here just now.

He has breakfast and left.



I just had a really bad day today. I'm new at being a doctor and today it was my
first time losing a patient. He was shot. Telling his family that he's no more was
the hardest thing ever. The pain and shock in their eyes. I'm driving home and
my phone rang. It's dad
Me : Molo Tata

Him : Molo nyana. Where are you we're in your House

Me : Is mother there with you?

Him : Yes.

Me : Ayi Tata why is she there?

Him : There's something we have to discuss.

Me : Philile called you didn't she?

Him : Yes now get your ass here right now.

He hung up. My day can't get any worse. I drove home. I parked my car and I
heard people arguing in the house it's Lilly and Nathi

Lilly : He loves me I'm the one carry his baby after all.

Nana : He loves me and I know he does.

Lilly : oh so why was he riding me groaning my name and telling me that I'm

Nana : That was long before we started dating.

Lilly : Yeah but there'll always be a memory of that night and I promise you it
will be pain in your ass. I'm moving in with him and there's nothing you can do
about it.

Me : That will not happen. You will not move in with me. Mom, dad you called
for me.

Dad : Son you will have to marry Philile.

Me : And why should I do that?

Dad : No grandchild of mine will be born illegitimate. The baby will be born in
Me : Father I cannot marry someone I don't love. I love Lunathi and I'd marry
her Instead.

Him : You should have thought about that when you were busy thrusting deeper
and releasing inside her.

Me : I told her to take an after pill. She didn't because she wanted to trap me
with the baby. I will not marry her.

Him : Why did you sleep with her in the first place?

Me : Father it was a mistake.

Him: A mistake is forgetting something or doing something accidentally not

shoving your dick in and out of her. Now you will face the consequences of
your doings. She's moving to the main bedroom.

I looked at Nathi she was looking at me with teary eyes.



Why are parents this wicked mara?I just move in the main bedroom and now
they are chasing me out. I looked at Luxolo and all I could see was pain in his

His mom : Sizwe(the gardener) go and remove Lunathi's clothes from the main
bedroom and take Philile's clothes there.

Me : Mrs Goldsmith please don't do this.

Her : Take Lunathi's things to the maid's room.

Sizwe did as he was told. Why is Luxolo so quiet? He's already giving up on us
like this? I'm so disappointed in him. I went to my room. I threw myself on bed.
When I was about to fall asleep the door swang open. Luxolo came in.

Me : What are you doing here?

Him : I'm here to sleep.

Me : Your parents forced me out of your room so why are you here?

Him : They forced you out but they didn't say I mustn't sleep with my love.

Me : You said you have a plan but here you are sleeping in the maid's room.

Him : I do have a plan. Now shift I want to get in bed.

I shifted he got undercovers and cuddled me from behind.

Me : Luxolo stop holding me with your cold hands

Him : But you're so warm

He held me tighter.

Him : I love you Lunathi and never doubt that.

Me : I love you too

We fell asleep. I woke up Luu shaking me.

Me : What do you want?

Him : Wake up we have to go somewhere.

Me : What time is it?

Him : it's 04:36

Me : Are you crazy it's so early.

I woke up and I saw my bags packed.

Him : Go to the car.

I went to his Mercedes C63 coupe. He came with my luggage and put it in the
car boot. He started the car and left. To where? I don't know.

Me : Where are we going?

Him : To our new house

Me : Are you seriously leaving your house because of your parents?

Him : They bought is for me.

Me : So where the G-WAGON?

Him : Zukhanye(his friend) took the car and my luggage.

Me : Alright.

Him : Lunathi please don't doubt the love I have for you.

Me : I love you Luxolo and I'd never doubt that you love me too.



We arrived in our new house.

Nana : Babe it's beautiful

Me : You like it?

Her : Hell no I don't like it. I love it.

Me : I'm glad you love it.

We went inside.

Me : Let me give you a tour around the house.

I showed her around. While showing her around my phone rang it's father.

I ignored it.

Luna : Who is it?

Me : It's father.

Her : Answer it

I answered

Me : Hello

Him : Where are you?

Me : That doesn't matter.

Him : You should be here with your wife doing wedding preparations.

Me : I am with my wife and I am doing wedding preparations.

Him : Lilly is sitting right beside me so you can't tell me you're with your wife.

Me : Father I can see that you love Lilly so much so why don't you go ahead
and marry her yourself.

Him : Boy don't talk to me like that.

Me : Oh what? What will you do? You were dictating my life because I was
living in a house that you bought for me. Now you cannot dictate my life in my
own house.

Him : You son of a bitch

Me : It's a good thing that you know your wife is a bitch. Now if you'll excuse
me I was busy enjoying some time with the love of my life. Keep your house
and make Lilly your second wife so that the baby will be born on wedlock and
use your surname.

I hung up.


I can't believe Luxolo was talking to his father like that. But I appreciate
because all this proves that he really loves me.

Me : Luxolo can I make you something to eat?

Him : I'd like that.

I went to the kitchen I'm surprised all the groceries are done when did he do all
of this? I turned on the heat on the stove and fried some burger patties. While
making breakfast I felt hands running on my waist. I turned around to face him
he smashed his lips on mine. We kissed and the kiss was full of emotions. He
picked me up and placed me on the table counter. He slid one hand under my
shirt and massaged my breast. He went to my neck and kissed it. I tilted my
neck exposing it to him.



He took off my shirt, he sucked my left boob and massaged the other one.
Suddenly a smell of smoke hits my nose. Shit the pots just had to ruin this

Me : Babe the pots.

He turned around and switched off the stove.

Him : We'll order breakfast how about we take this upstairs?

I nod smiling.

He picks me up and carry me to our bedroom. He slowly placed me on the bed

he started undressing me and I did the same. He took off my underwear. He
kissed me all the way down to my honeypot. He muffed me. This shit felts so
good, my toes were curled. I felt the urge to pee

Me : Babe I need to pee

Him : Cum for me babe

He carried on and I released the liquids. He licked me clean. He came back to
my lips and kissed me I could taste my salty self. He took off his boxers and his
d*ck erected with veins popping out. It was so big.

Him : Are you ready?

I nod

Him : Babe I want words.

Me : Yes I'm ready.

He smiles I return the favour. He slowly inserts it inside me. I felt unbearable
pain but I didn't want him to stop. He started going in and out the pain got
words and I was screaming like crazy.

Him : Should I stop?

Me : No

He continued. After a while pleasure kicked in. He started going faster. Moans
and groans filled the room. I was moaning his name.

Me : Ahh Luu

And he was groaning, cursing under his breath.

Him : Fuck you're so tight.

We had three rounds we both cum at the same time and collapsed on top me.
Me : Ha.ana suka uyasinda

Him : But I enjoy being inside you

He moved and lied next to me. My cookie was burning. He pulls me close to
him I rest my head on his chest.

Him : Thank you MaDlamini for trusting me with your castle. I love you

Me : I love you more but dude my cookie is burning.

Him : Let's go take a shower together. I promise it's gonna be an innocent


He carried me to the bathroom. Innocent shower? Who am I kidding? We had 2

rounds in the shower. He left me drying up in the bathroom.



I woke up in the morning and there was noise downstairs. I wonder who it must
be. I took a shower and wire a black maxi dress and White sandles. I went
downstairs and saw Luxolo sitting with Avethandwa, Zukhanye and some other
guy I don't know. Avethandwa's eyes were glued on me I guess he's amazed by
the make over. I'm shocked to see him because he was in Los Angeles.

Me : Molweni

Them : Hello.

Aveh : Nana is this you?

Me : Of course it's me. When did you come back

Him : Last night.

Khanye : Hhayini thina asibonakali yin

Me : Ndibulisile njena

Other guy : Are you guys going to introduce me or should I do it myself?

Luu : Oh sorry Lunathi this is my friend Lindani. Lee this Nathi my lady

Lee : Nice to meet you beautiful

Me : Nice to meet you too. Do you guys want some thing to eat?

Khanye : Of course

Me : okay

I went to the kitchen. Avethandwa came inside the kitchen

Aveh : Makoti do you need any help?

Me : No I'm almost done.

Him : Okay I'll go and set the table then.

Me : Alright.

He went out. I was done and I took the food to the dining table.

Luu : You guys are so unfair you making my wife work so hard in the morning
because of your hungry asses.

Aveh : Hahh She offered us something to eat. Who says no to food? (We all

Lee : Thanks for the food Makoti it's delicious.

Aveh : Ayi you guys should also thank me for setting up the table.

Me : Hah why do you want to take my credit Avethandwa

Aveh : Because I deserve some Hawu

Khanye : Mara Avethandwa setting the table is easy. It's definitely not as hard
as cooking. But for the sake of peace, thank you Avethandwa for setting the
table we wouldn't be eating if it wasn't for you

Luu : Ayi bafo you're crazy

We finished eating. Avethandwa and Zukhanye washed the dishes. While I was
cleaning up the house.

Me : Babe can I go and see my mom today If you're not busy

Luu : What time do you want to go?

Me : Noma inini

Luu : Alright we'll when they're gone.



The guys left and we went to mom's place. I knocked Luzuko opened the door.

Zuko : Sis! (He hugged me)

Me : How are you baby bro

Zuko : Ha.ana don't call me that. I'm old now

Me : Yeah right
We went inside and found mommy eating KFC zinger wings

Me : Molo mama

(She turned around and she was amazed to see my new look.)

Mom : Lunathi uphambene? How will your brother go to school when you're
busy buying yourself expensive cloths? Stop being selfish maan.

Me : Really mom that's the first thing you say you don't even greet Luxolo at

Mom : Oh my God I'm so sorry Mr Goldsmith. How are you?

Luu : I'm good.

Mom : Lunathi you will sell those clothes and put the money in the savings

Me : I will do no such. Mom do you ever think about me, what I eat, what I
wear? You're busy eating wings and you're telling me to sell my clothes?

Mom : So you think you've grown that you can speak to me in that tone?

Me : Mother why do you hate me so much? What did I do? What did I take
away from you? Everytime when Luzuko's father wants to spoil the both of us
you never allow him to spoil me. He always wants to be the father that I never
had but you never allow him. What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment?
Why can't I get my own mother's love? Mother do you hate me?

Her : Yes! Yes I hate you Lunathi! I hate you and I hate your father.

Me : Who is my father? What did he do to you?

Her : I hate you Lunathi. I regret keeping you. Every time when I look at you,
you remind me of what your father did to me.

Do you know the pain of hearing your mother saying she hates you?
Me : What did my father do to you?

Her : He fucken raped me! Yeah you heard that. You're a fucken rape product.
You bring pain to me and I hate the fact that you look like your father seeing
you smile reminds me of him groaning and sweating on top of me. You disgust
me Lunathi.

Luu : Mom how could you say that to Nathi?


Me : Mommy I'm really sorry I didn't know.

I tried to hug her.

Mom : Don't touch me! You will suffer like your father made me suffer. I work
very hard for my money so you will not just rest under my roof and eat the food
I bought with my money. You will work your ass out.

Me : So you do have money you just wanted to see me suffer?

Mom : Yes. I do have money. I earn more than R40 000 a month. But you will
not get a cent from my money

Zuko : Mother! Nathi didn't go to university because she wanted to make sure
that I go to university. Ou kept quiet all this time knowing that you have all the
money you need?

Mom : She will pay for her father's sins. Now sell those clothes and give me the

I was just quiet. With tears streaming down my face. I had no words to say.

Luu : How much do you want? I'll give you whatever you want if you'll stop
putting Lunathi through so much pain.
Mom : I don't want your money. I want the one she's work for.

Zuko : Mother you are evil. I'm so ashamed that you are my mother

On our way here I bought mom a gift. A Louis Vuitton bag.

Me : Mom I came here to give you a gift. I bought you a Louis Vuitton
handbag. I wanted to show you how much I love you hoping that you'd also
love me and appreciate me. I guess you don't love me as much as I do. Mother
you told me how you feel about me but I just want to let you know that I love
you and I don't have another mother in this world. You're the only mother I
have I love you. I can't change how you feel about me. I also apologise for my
father's actions. Luzuko I love baby bro. Take care of mother. Luxolo let's go

Luzuko : Sis please don't leave me

Me : Bro I have to go. Make me proud. Work hard and please achieve your own
goal not mine.

Him : My goal is still fulfilling your dreams. I love you Lunathi. I love you
Jama kaSjadu wami

Me : I love you more bro. You're more than welcome to visit me. I'll send you
my location. Good bye.

Luxolo and I went home.



It's been weeks since I went to mother's house. Luxolo and I have been living
happily. Lilly? She hasn't been a problem. Zinhle always visits me just to check
up on me. She's been an amazing friend.
It's a Saturday morning. It's pouring outside. Luxolo and I are spending our day
indoors. While we were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, I heard a
knock on the door. I went to get it. I opened the door only to find Lilly standing
there with her luggage.

Me : What are you doing here?

Her : I don't have to answer to you.

Me : This is my house dammit and I demand respect from anyone who sets foot

Her : Bitch this is my husband's house

Me : Call me bitch one more time you'll know what I'm made off

Her : Bitc... (I slapped the living daylights out of her.) Bitch how dare you slap
me in my husband's house


Luxolo came to the door running and Lilly faked tears.

Luu : What's going on here?

Me : I asked Philile what she's doing here and

??? : How dare you ask her what she's doing here?

I turned it was Mrs Goldsmith.

Mrs Goldsmith : Who the hell do you think you are to ask her that question?

Lilly : Mother she even slapped me look. (Showing my fingerprints on her

Mrs Goldsmith tried to slap me but Luxolo held her hand.

Luu : Mother you will not come here and slap my future wife in her house.

His mom : You call this thing you future wife? This useless bitch. How many
men has she slept with? I'm sure she's had many abortions. She is a whore.

Luxolo : Get out of my house.

Lilly : Luxolo you will not chase us out.

Luxolo : And what would stop me

Lilly : I'm pregnant with your child.

Luxolo : And so what?

Lilly : I will open a case of rape against you. You will get arrested, you will lose
your certificate. You won't even attend your graduation ceremony. You will
lose everything you have.

Luu : They'll ask you why you were quiet all along? What will you say?


Lilly : I'll tell them that you threatened me that if I tell anyone about it you'll kill
my family.

I looked at Luxolo he started sweating. I could see that he was weak.

Me : Babe you don't want to lose your job. Think about your future. Let her stay
here. It won't change the love we share. You just finished your degree. You
can't just lose your job. You're graduating in a month..I want to see you
graduating. Please think about this.

His mom : Oh cut the act.

Luxolo just went back inside. I followes him. I found him sitting with a bottle of
whiskey. Shame he was so frustrated .

Him : Lunathi I love you

Me : I love you too Luxolo but you have to think about your future.

Him : Why are you thinking about my degree more than our love? Do you even
love me? Lunathi why are you putting material things first than our love. Is it
not important?

Me : Yes Luxolo I love you and that's why I'm doing this. Don't doubt the love I
have for you.

Him : How can I not doubt you? Do you love my money more than me?

Me : LUXOLO! How could you say that? Do you think this is easy? Do you
think letting my enemy stay under the same roof with me is easy? Do you think
risking our love is easy? Luxolo as time goes on things will go back where they
were. But if you get arrested you'll never become a doctor again. Why did you
have sleepless nights studying? Waking up early in the morning everyday,
attending classes, so that you could lose everything you worked hard for
because of love? I won't stop loving you Luxolo. She won't change the way I
feel about you. And it hurts me that you are doubting the love I have for you.
(Crying) I need some fresh air.

I took my phone and purse and requested an Uber. I went to the mall. I went to
McDonald's. I ordered food and I ate. While eating a man in his early 40's came
in with a young man maybe he's around 22. My eyes met with the old man's
eyes. I don't know why but his eyes were glued on me. It was getting creepy.


The old man came to me with his son I suppose. I was scared AF but I didn't
want to show it.
Old man : Hi young lady. I'm so sorry to disturb you but may I ask you a
question if you don't mind?

Me : Yeah of course.

Old man : Do you know Lindiwe Dlamini?

Me : Yes.

The young man was drooling over me.

Old man : How do you know her?

Me : She's my mother.

Old man : Who is your father?

Me : I don't know him. Why are you asking me these questions and I don't even
know you?

Young man : Father why are you bothering the poor young lady?

I looked at this old man properly he has a mark on his neck. It looks just like
mine. I looked at him properly he looks like me. I think I'm imagining things.
God help me.

Me : Sir who are you?

Him : My name is Craig McKenzie and this is my son Brian. Has your mother
told you anything about your father?

Me : Yes I don't want to even meet that piece of shit. My own mother hates me
because of that bloody man whore. (I don't know what happened but I felt anger
building up when this man reminded me of what my mother said to me.) Sir
please excuse me.
I stood up and walked out. They followed me.

Craig : Wait! (I stopped) I'm your father.

Me : What?

Brian : What?

Craig : Yes I'm your father.

Me : You are not my father. I don't have a father. I don't have parents okay?

Craig : What do you mean you don't have parents? What happened to Lindiwe?

Me : You basturd. You made my life a nightmare. I am uneducated because of

you. I have never eaten nice food because of you. I've never got nice clothes
because of you. My mother hates me because of you. My mother has made my
life a living hell because of you. I hate you and I don't want to ever see you
again. I don't have a family. I only have a little brother. Now please leave me

I walked away. I went back home. It was still raining. I arrived at home. I went
to the our bedroom. I found I was soaking wet. I opened the closet and my
clothes weren't there but Lilly's clothes.


I went downstairs as wet as I am. I found Lilly and Mrs Goldsmith in the

Me : Where are my clothes?

Mrs Golds : Oh you mean those rags?

Me : Woman don't you dare call my clothes rags. Where are my clothes?
She stood and pulled me with my hair. She pulled me to the swimming pool
area. All of the clothes Luxolo bought for me were floating in the swimming
pool. I just couldn't believe it. I just broke down and fell on my knees crying. I
didn't think my day could get worse. Firstly Luxolo told me straight in my eyes
that I love his money more than him, the next thing this man shows up telling
me he's my father, thirdly these people threw my clothes in the swimming pool.
What have I done in this world? Why does everyone hate me? I feel week,
lifeless. It's cold, it's raining. I don't have any clothes to change in.

Mrs Golds... : Do me a favour you fat pig. I want you to leave my son's house.
He said he doesn't want anything to do with you.

Me : I will not leave until he says it himself that I should leave his house.

Her : Suit yourself. My son doesn't love you. He loves Lilly. His fiance. No one
would ever love a fat pig like you. Now when you're done with whatever you're
doing here leave my house.

I just couldn't stop crying. Thus woman knows how to make you feel worthless.
I stood up and took a walk. I left the compound. While I was walking on heavy
rain in the streets. A black BMW i8 stopped in front of me. The door opened
and a guy came out. It's Brian.

Me : Brian what the fuck do you want from me?

Him : Sis I just want to know you. I just want to know what happened between
father and your mother.

Me : Why do you care?

Him : Anyone would be happy if they found out that they have a sibling after
begging for one your whole life. Sis I want to be there for you and be you big
brother, love you and protect you. Right now you're I know there's something
troubling you. You're walking I pouring rain alone. What of you get sick? Why
are you not home.

Me : I don't really have a home. I just got chased out of home.

Him : Why?

Me : It's a long story.

Him : Sis please come in the car you're gonna catch cold.

I went inside his car with hesitating because I was feeling so cold. He turned on
the heater.

Him : What's your name and how old are you?

Me : I'm Lunathi Dlamini and I'm 19 years old but I'll be turning 20 soon.

Him : I'm Brian McKenzie and I'm 23 years old. Lunathi what's going on in
your life? You don't look happy.

Me : My life is a mess Brian. I was born in a very poor background. I was raised
by my mother only. When I was five mom gave birth to a baby boy my little
brother Luzuko. We never had decent food to eat, decent clothes to wear.
Luzuko's father pays child support and he's always there for his son. Whenever
luzuko's father wanted to spoil both Luzuko and I mom would stop him and let
him take Luzuko only. I finished my matric and I had to find a job so that I
could save money for my little brother to go to university and make us proud. I
went for job hunting and I ended up being a maid at Dr Goldsmith's house.

Him : As in like Thee Mr & Mrs Goldsmith's son?

Me : Yes. That guy was the most arrogant man I know. He doesn't smile. Back
then he was still a medical student. We worked in his parents house. I saved
every penny I earned for my brother's education. All I bought with the money
was maize meal and potatoes. I saved the rest of the money. I did buy any
clothes I wore my old clothes. I only had decent food on Christmas. This year
we moved to Dr Goldsmith's house. I had a fight with him and I got fired. I
went back home. My mother threw insults at me that I don't care about my
brother's future. She said I must sleep with Mr Goldsmith for money. I refused.
She kicked me out, I went back to the Goldsmith's. As time goes on I fell in
love with Mr Goldsmith. But before we dated he slept with one of the maid's
and got her pregnant. Now his parents want me out of his house.


Brian : So what happened between father and your mother?

Me : One day Mr Goldsmith and I went to visit mother. She saw my whole
make over from what I was so she got angry and started throwing insults at me.
I asked her why she hates me and she told me that she hates me because my
father raped her. I'm a product of rape. It turns out that my mother earns more
than R40k a month yet I had to work so hard she told me she hates me and she
wanted me to go through the pain she went through. She forbade me from
setting my foot in her house. Now Dr Goldsmith's parents are also throwing me
out of their house.

Brian : Why is your mother so evil? She's punishing you for father's actions. I'm
so sorry sis. You're so young and you've been through so much. Sis you can
come and stay in my apartment until you get your own place.

Me : No don't worry. I'll fight for what's mine. Thank you so much bro I feel
better already after telling you all this. I love you bro.

Him : I love you more sis. Let me drive you home.

He drove me home.

Me : Wait here I'm gonna get you a flask with hit soup.

Him : No sis you don't have to.

Me : But I want to so please wait for me here.

While I was sitting in Brian's car, Luxolo's car drove in the driveway. I went
inside and I found Luxolo pacing up and down. He stopped as soon as he saw

Him : So you've decided you pay revenge?

Me : What?

Him : Just because I impregnated a woman you're also cheating on me. I knew
it. You're after my money. You don't love me. You were begging me not to lose
my job because you would lose everything. You are just like your mother.

Me : Luxolo did I not tolerate being beaten by your mother everytime she saw
me? Did I not run away with you leaving your parents house? Did I not give
you my virginity? Did I not love you enough? Your mother has thrown me out
of this house. She threw all my clothes in the swimming pool. I tolerated all of
that only for you to say I'm after your money?


Luxolo went outside to the swimming pool area. Lilly came to me

Her : Get out of my house before I do something I'll regret.

Me : I'm not going anywhere.

She punched me in the stomach and shit it hurts so bad.

Me : Lilly I'm not going to hit you back. You're pregnant I don't want your
Babies blood to be in my hands.

She carried on punching me until I could stand it anymore. I ran out spitting out
Luu : Lunathi! Wait I want to talk to you.

I ignored him I went towards the gate. I felt warm liquid running down my legs.
I felt dizzy and my legs were failing me.

Me : Brian! Brian help me.

Then I blacked out.


Hey y'all. I'm Brian McKenzie. I grew up with both my parents but I didn't
know that my father is so evil. He's always taught me to respect and protect
women yet he is so dirty. Anyways I'm an electrical engineer. I was so happy
that I have a sister. After what she's told me I just want to love her and show her
what having a family is like. I heard Lunathi calling my name. I turned looked
at her she was lying down lifeless. I ran to her. She had blood in her mouth and
blood on her legs. What did this son of a bitch do to my sister? I saw the so
called doctor running towards her. I punched him on his face he fell down. I
took Lunathi to the car and drove to hospital. This idiot was following me.
Lunathi got admitted in hospital. This idiot came to me.

Idiot : What business do you have with my wife?

Me : You are mad. Lunathi is not married.

Him : I said what is your relationship with her?

Me : I am her big brother.

Him : (He laughed sarcastically) Lunathi doesn't have a big brother. She only
has a little brother.

Me : Listen I don't have to explain myself to you.

The doctor came out of her ward.

Doc : Lunathi's family

Us : Yes.

Doc : I'm so sorry but Lunathi lost her baby.

Idiot : oh was it your baby or my baby?

Me : man you're crazy.

Doc : She lost a lot of blood and we'll need a donor.

Us : I'll do it.


Doc : How are y'all related to her?

Idiot : I'm her husband

Me : I'm her brother.

Doc : Same mother and father?

Me : No we only share our father.

Doc : Okay well take your bloody samples first.


I woke up on beeping sounds. I opened my eyes and I saw Brian fast asleep on a
chair beside me.

Me : Brian. Brian wake up. (he woke up)

Him : Sis you're awake?(He gave me a bone crushing hug.)

Me : Stop squeezing my .

Him : How are you feeling?

Me : My uterus hurts.

Him : Sis I'm so sorry you lost your baby.

Me : Bro I wasn't pregnant.

Him : Yes you were. You had a miscarriage. What happened exactly?

Me : You remember when Luxolo drove in the driveway when we were in the

Him : Yeah...

Me : He saw us and when I went inside, he was angry at me. He thought that I'm
cheating on him. I told him everything that happened with his mother. He went
outside Lilly came to me and beat me up knowing that I won't hit her back
because she's pregnant. I got a chance to escape and I ran to you. And I know
what else happened. I had know idea that I was pregnant.

Brian : That sick bastard. I'm gonna show him who I am. No body messes with
my sister.

Luxolo came in my ward. Brian went to him and threw hell of a punch across
Luxolo's face.

Me : Brian stop! (He stopped)

Luxolo : So Lunathi you let your boyfriend lay his filthy hands on me?
Me : Firstly his hands ain't filthy. Secondly he's my fucken brother. You have
no right to speak to my brother like that.

Luu : Stop lying to me. Your brother is Luzuko.

Me : Luxolo you didn't even bother to ask me what happened exactly. You just
went gangster on me accusing me of being a gold-digger. Telling me that I'm
after your money. Luxolo I thought you love me. But you've proved to me that
you don't. You're all the same. Nonke niyafana kini. Only Avethandwa is a
human being in that house. Get out Luxolo. I don't want to see you again. Go to
your wife. She killed my baby, I hope you're happy now.

Luxolo : (silence)

Me : I said get out!

He left.



I've been the dumbest person. I just lost someone that really loves me. I don't
know what came over me. Seeing Nathi in that man's car made me think that
she found herself another man because we had an argument before she went to
the mall. But still I should've asked her what happened. I shouldn't have spoken
to her in that manner. Her words hurt me a lot. I know I was selfish. She told me
she doesn't want to see me again. I want to see her and apologise to her. But
how will I do that because I don't even know her brother's house. I drove home.
I went inside.

Me : Lilly! Philile! (She came downstairs)

Her : Babe what's wrong.

Me : Don't you dare "babe" me. Why did you kill my baby?
Her : Honey I'm still pregnant what are you talking about.

Me : Lunathi was pregnant. You killed my baby! Why did you kill my child?
Get out of my house.

Her : you're throwing me out because of that bitch. (I don't know what happened
but I found myself slapping her.)

Me : Don't you dare call her a bitch you sly bitch.

I took my car keys and went over to Avethandwa's house. I need his advice as
my big brother. I knocked on the door. He opened.

Me : Hey bro

Him : Hey you good?

Me : Not really...

Him : What's wrong?

I told him everything.

Him : We can ask Zukhanye to help us find her.

Me : I'd really appreciate that bro.


Brian has been treating me like a princess. Well more like a five years old girl.
He doesn't allow me to do the house chores. He says I'm overworking myself.
He always makes me breakfast. He's been an amazing brother.


Staying at Brian's house has been great but I have to find a job. I don't want to
be a burden to him, but I won't tell him because he'll stop me. So I woke up and
got dressed and went downstairs. I'm going for job hunting. While I was having
breakfast, I heard a knock on the doo so I went to get it. I opened and I saw
Luxolo standing there.

Me : Luxolo what do you want and how did you find me.

Him : I want you. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. Please forgive my love. Please
give me a second chance. I know I messed up. I wasn't there for you when you
needed me most. You lost our baby because of me. It's all my fault I know but I
want to make things right.

Me : Really Luxolo? That's all you can do... I lost my baby for fucks sake. You
called me a gold digger. You told me that I don't love you I love your money.
Now please take your precious money and leave.

Him : Please don't do this.

Me : Luxolo go and get married to your baby momma.

Him : Lunathi I was frustrated. I was angry because you let Lilly stay there after
what she and mother did to you. A lot was going on in my mind. When you left
that day you were angry at me. I thought you wanted to revenge on me for
impregnating Lilly. I'm sorry I didn't trust you when you told me that he's your
brother. It's nuts that you never told me that you have an older brother

Me : That's simply because I met him that day damnit. I met my father at the
mall and he introduced his son to me. Luxolo you could've asked me properly
what's going on not just throw insults at me. Luxolo you really hurt me. I
thought you really loved me but you didn't.

Him : I did and I still do.

Me : If you loved me you wouldn't dare to think of a thing like that.

Him : I was afraid of losing you to another man because of my mistakes. I was
scared that you're gonna leave me. I'm sorry for all the bad things I've said to

Me : Luxolo have I ever said something to you that made you question yourself
whether I truly love you?


He shook his head no

Me : So what made you think you were gonna lose me?


Me : Luxolo I'm talking to you.

Him : Lunathi please look into my eyes and tell me that you want nothing to do
with me. Tell me that you hate me and you don't want to see me. I never thought
I'd be the reason for you to cry and if my presence brings so much pain to you,
then I promise you I'll never bother you again. I love you Lunathi and I don't
want to see you cry, I don't want to hurt you. I hate seeing you sad. Please tell
me that you want nothing to do with me, I'll leave. I promise never to bother
you again. Losing you is one of my greatest fears but if you feel that you no
longer want us to be together it's okay I'll leave.

Okay tbh I've never seen Luxolo that serious. I can't tell him that I want nothing
to do with him because I love him.

Me : Luxolo please stop complicating my life. You know I love you but I need a
break from this relationship. I need to get my life together, find a decent job...
Can I please take a break?

He looked so disappointed. He just turned around and left. Seeing him leave
broke my heart but a break will do. I just hope he understands.

A month later


It's been a month since I've seen Luxolo. He's never bothered me again. To be
honest, I kinda miss him but I'm sure he's probably moved on now. I found a
Job. I work as a receptionist in a Hospital. I still live with Brian. He just won't
let me go. Tomorrow it's my birthday but I'm not excited because Brian has
been ignoring me when I'm telling him about my birthday. I've never really
celebrated my birthday but I hoped that I was gonna celebrate i this year.
Anyways I went to work. I won't bore you with the details but it's Friday so my
shift is shorter today. I don't work on weekends. I left work early and went to
the mall. I saw Luxolo going into some ladies boutique. He's probably going to
buy hi girl a dress or something. He moved on so quickly. I don't know why it
hurts me so much. I should also move on with my life. It's now clear that he
never loved me. I can't believe I almost wasted my life with him. At some point
he was gonna get tired of this pretence and leave me for another girl. I should've
known. I mean who falls in love with their maid? It was all fake. It was all a big
lie. I hate how I fell for his tricks and it still hurts me seeing that he moved on.
Anyways I just went home because I was getting emotional and I don't want
people to look at me like I'm crazy or something. I arrived at home and went
straight to sleep.

After sometime I woke up. Brian was back from work.

Brian : Sis are you okay? You look like you've been crying...

Me : It's Luxolo.

Brian : What about him?

Me : I saw him going into a ladies boutique.

Brian : (Looking shocked) W-whar? Are you sure it was him? Maybe it was
someone else.

Me : it was him. I know it was him .

Brian : Wow that's really bad. I'm so sorry sis.

I went to the kitchen and made us something to eat. I went to Brian's room to
call him for his food.

Me : Bro food is ready.

Him : Alright I'm coming.



It's Saturday and it's my Birthday. I woke up, took a shower and dressed up. I'm
taking myself out because no body seems to care. I went downstairs. I found
Brian making breakfast.

Brian : Happy birthday sis (he hugged me and kissed my cheek)

Me : Thanks

Brian : Where are you going all dressed up?

Me : I'm going to celebrate my birthday. I'm taking myself out.

Brian : How about we stay indoor we'll go out later

Me : But...

Brian : I promise you it'll be worth it.

Me : Fine.

We stayed indoors the whole day. At around 16:30 we went to some hotel. I
guess he's planned something special for me. 2 ladies came to me and pulled me
away from him.

1st lady : I'll be doing your hair and makeup

2nd lady : And I'll be fixing your dress.

Me : What's going on?

1st lady : There's a business party at McKenzie and Son Communications so we

were hired to get everyone ready. So Mr McKenzie appointed us to get you

Me : O_kay.

They did my hair and makeup. I got dressed into a beautiful red dress. Whoever
that picked that dress for me is a Sweetheart ❤ . I was so beautiful. I was led
to the dining hall. They opened the door.

Then boom! "SURPRISE!"

I look around it was so beautiful. Then from the crowd, appears Luxolo.

Him : Happy birthday Lunathi. (He gave me a hug)

Me : Thanks.

Brian came to us. I gave him a big hug.

Me : Brian thank so much for everything.

Brian : You thanking the wrong person. I'm not the one behind all of this.
Luxolo is.

Me : What?

Brian : Yes Luxolo planned all of this.

Me : Luxolo but why did you do all of this?

Luxolo : I figured out that I really messed up our relationship so the least I
could do is throw you a little party for your birthday. And I want you to know
that even if you moving on with your life my heart is still holding onto you. I
don't think I'll ever find a woman like you in this world. I just want to wish you
a happy birthday I pray to God that he blesses you with many more years.


Luu : I pray to God that he blesses you with many more years. Right now I
should be in London because I'm leaving this country. Before I leave I just
wanted to do something that will leave you with a good memory of me. Not all
the bad thing that happened. I guess this is the end of our love story. I'll always
love you Lunathi. My flight is at 20:30. Usale kahle sthandwa sami. I hope that
you find someone who won't hurt you like I did. Good bye.

Crowd : Ncahhh

Me : Wait! Luxolo please don't leave me. I love you and I can't let you go like
this. Please don't leave me.

Luu : Will you come back to me if I stay?

Me : Yes.

Luu : Then I'll stay babe

I jumped on him and hugged him. I wasn't planning to get back to him but
reality kicked in when I thought that I might never see him again maid me
consider going back to hi. My heart just can't let go of him. I know I may seem
stupid but I love him and I won't let his parents take him away from me.

Luu : Thank you so much for giving me other chance babe. I promise you, you
won't regret it. (He kissed me. The crowd clapped)

Me : Luxolo I saw you in a boutique yesterday so I thought that maybe you

were going to get your knew girlfriend a dress or something... I thought you
moved on.

Him : No I actually went there to pick up your dress.

Me : Thank you. I love it.



It's Sunday, the morning after my birthday. Luxolo and I slept in a hotel. I am
planning on going back to his house. I won't let Lilly win. Luxolo is mine and
he bought that house for us. I'm going to live in that house.

Luu : Good morning babe

Me : Good morning my love (He kissed my forehead)

Luu : How did you sleep?

Me : I slept like a baby. Please accompany me to go and fetch my clothes at


Luu : Are you moving back in with me?

Me : Yeah
He hugged me in excitement

Him : Thanks so much for another chance Lunathi. I love you I promise you I
won't disappoint you this time.

Me : I love you too Dr Goldsmith

We laughed. We went to Brian's house, thereafter we went to his house. We

found his mom and Lilly sitting in the lounge.

His mom : Oh you're back again with this fat thing

Him : Mother!

Me : Firstly Mrs Goldsmith, I'm not fat, I am curvaceous. I have a perfect figure
and thick hips and ass. That's not fat that's curvy. Secondly, this is my house. If
I like I can kick the both of you out of this house. I can come here whenever I
want. Thirdly, if you think that I'll leave Luxolo because of Lilly, you can forget
it. I'm not going anywhere. So you better start accepting me as your daughter-
in-law and even if you don't accept me, that won't kill me in any way. Wena
Lilly your days in this house are numbered.

I took my bags and went upstairs to the main bedroom. I expected to find Lilly's
clothes in the closet but they weren't there. I'm surprised. Anyways I packed my
clothes in the closet. Luxolo came in the bedroom smiling

Luu : I love the way you stood up for your safe back there.

Me : I had to. Your mom was getting on my last nerve. I really hate the things I
do when I lose my temper.

Him : I'm proud of you. I want you to be confident like that always. Don't let
anyone change you. I love you MaDlamini wami ❤

Me : I love you more.


Few weeks later


It's a Saturday morning. Lilly has been obeying my rules in this house, Mrs
Goldsmith left and went back to her house because she hated the fact that Lilly
has no power against me. Our love with Luxolo is growing each and every day.
He buys me gifts almost everyday, he takes me out for dinner. He's currently
taking me for driving lessons. I already have my learners licence. He's been the
most amazing boyfriend. I sometimes ask myself what have I done to deserve
such an amazing partner. Everything is great although Luxolo's father still wants
Luxolo to marry Lilly but I won't allow that. I don't know how I'll stop him but
God will make a way. Anyways I woke up and prepared myself to go to the
driving school. Lilly is jealous because I am learning how to drive and soon I'll
be able to go to work with one of Luxolo's cars. Luxolo's graduation day is
coming soon and his parents are refusing to go with him because I'll be there. I
can't let them miss their Last Born's graduation. But I also want to go with him.
I'm so confused on what I should do.

Lilly : Oh you're going to that rubbish school of yours?

Me : With that rubbish school of mine I'll be able to drive while you busy
walking like duck in this house. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to go.

I walked away, she grabbed my arm.

Me : Remove your filthy hands from my arm.

Her : Remember that even though I'm walking like a duck in this house, I'm
carrying the first born of Dr Goldsmith. Something that you'd never have. I'm
just glad that piece of shit you'd had in your womb didn't grow because it would
be a bastard like it's mother. You little brat.

This woman knows how to hurt me. She killed my baby and here she is calling
my baby a piece of shit. God knows how much I'm hurt right now but I won't
show her.

Me : I may have lost my baby, but let me just remind you that you killed my
baby. Now listen to me. I will not do the same thing to your baby because he
has done nothing wrong.


Me : The baby is innocent. I will not call the him names because his mother is a
sly bitch that goes around opening legs for every man that breaths on this earth.
Wait until that baby is born, I'll show you the real me. You'll know what I'm
made of. I will not kill your baby.

She just started slapping me. I just looked at her because she wanted me to beat
her back and she would use that against me for the rest of my life. I won't let
that happen. She stopped. She ran upstairs. When she was half way running up
the stairs, she tripped and rolled down the stairs. Okay that's not what I wanted
to happen. I ran to her. I shook her, she didn't respond.

Me : Philile... Philile wake up! Lilly don't do this.

I ran outside to get the security. He can drive. I gave him one of Luxolo's cars.
We carried Lilly to the car and drove to the hospital. She was admitted. I called
Luu : Babe I'm in a meeting.

Me : Luu Lilly fell down the stairs and she's not passed out. We're at **

Him : Alright I'm coming right now.

We sat on the benches. I saw Luxolo's parents coming rushing towards me.

Mrs Goldsmith : What have you done to her?

Me : I didn't do anything to her.

Mr Goldsmith : Stop lying. You hate Lilly because she is going to marry
Luxolo. You just wanted to kill her.

Me : I don't have time for this.

Luxolo also arrived at the hospital. After a while, the doctor came out of her

Doc : Who's Luxolo?

Luu : I'm Luxolo.

Doc : She wants to see you.

Luu : Doctor is everything okay?

Doc : Sir I'm sorry but the baby didn't make it.

Luu : What?

He just broke down. I don't blame him. I know the pain of losing a baby. It's the
most painful thing in the world. It's the worst experience. I went to him and
hugged him, trying to comfort him.
Me : Doctor can we see her.

Doc : Yes. You can see her

We all went to her ward.

Mrs Goldsmith : Lilly, What happened exactly?

She pointed her finger at me.

[15:46, 3/6/2021] Mkay: 47


I woke up the next day and went to the police station to free Lunathi.


I can't believe I spent the night behind bars. I just hope someone gets me out of
here because I can't stand this place. Luxolo promised to get me out of here and
I'm still worried how he'll do that. Shame poor guy. They served us porridge in
the morning. I can't eat that. I just looked at it. After a while, an officer freed
me. I saw Luxolo waiting for me. I ran to him and gave him a bone crushing

Me : Thank you for getting me out of there. O couldn't spend another second
Him : And I also can't spend another night without you . It was lonely and

I just laughed at him.

Him : Let's go home.

We went home. I took a warm shower and went stra…

[15:46, 3/6/2021] Mkay: 46

Lilly : We had an argument and she pushed me down the stairs.

Me : Lilly stop lying tell everyone the truth.

Lilly : She blamed me for her miscarriage and she promised to kill my baby too,
so she pushed me down the stairs.

Mrs Goldsmith : I knew it was you. You witch. You deserve to die a painful
death if you truly did this to my daughter-in-law.

Luu : Lunathi would never do anything like that.

Mr Goldsmith : Oh so you are choosing her over your baby Luxolo! She fed
you love portion. You always defend her no matter what. She bloody killed
your baby and you're taking her side?

Me : I didn't kill his baby. What would I gain from doing that?

Mrs Goldsmith : Let me call the police to come and arrest this criminal.

She did as she said.

Luu : Lunathi didn't do anything. I know she didn't.

Lilly : She did and she deserves to be punished.

After a while the police arrived. I just realised that I'm really getting arrested for
something didn't do. They handcuffed me.

Luu : Let go of my wife. She's innocent. She didn't do it.

They took me away.

Luu : Babe I'll get you out of there no matter what it takes.

I just cried my lungs out. I never thought Lilly is this evil. The police locked me
up. How on earth will Luxolo get me out of here?


Philile is disgusting maan. How can she lie like that?

Mom : It's a good thing that bitch is arrested now you will get married to Lilly
in peace.

Me : I will never get married to her. Lilly I hate you with all that is within me. I
hate you. I will never marry you.

I went home. I checked the CCTV footage. I saw everything that happened. It's
late now. Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'll go to the police station with
these videos. I locked all the gates and doors. The security called me.

Him : Sir your parents are here. They want me to open up for them.

Me : Don't open that gate. Send them away.

I went to bed. I couldn't sleep knowing that my girl is behind bars. Finally I



I heard a lot of noise coming downstairs. I rushed there and u found Luxolo
arguing with his parents.

Luu : Father would you stop calling her a bitch. I love her and there's nothing
you can do to change that.

His father : She's a bitch. She made you choose her over your own baby. She
bloody killed your child.

Luu : She did no such.

Him : She's still a bitch. She's a liar and a cheat.

Luu : You wanna know who's a liar and a cheat? It's your wife.

Him : Boy don't you dare...

Luu : Ask her who's Avethandwa's father... Ask her why she married you.

Him : Mamakhe what is this boy talking about?

His mom : I... Uhm...

Him : Who is Avethandwa's father?

Luu : Get out of my house. You're making noise. Take your bitch out of my

Wtf. How the hell did Luxolo find out about all this? His parents left. I went to
Me : Luxolo where did you get all this information?

Luu : I have my own ways. I know they'll never let me live in peace so I should
have something against then so that they don't bother me. O deal with them

Me : Does Avethandwa know about this?

Him : No. No one knows. I just found out about this yesterday.

Me : Wow. Are you going to tell him?

Him : I don't know. Maybe he'll be mad if I tell him

Me : But he's gonna be more mad of he finds out that you knew but you didn't
tell him

Him : I guess you're right I'll tell him.

Me : You should get to him before the parents.

Him : Please accompany me.

Me : Alright let's go.

We went over to Avethandwa's house. We saw Mr and Mrs Goldsmith's car on

the drive way.

Luu : Fuck we're already late.

Me : Let's go inside.

We went inside and found Avethandwa angry as fuck.

Aveh : Mother why did you lie to father? Why did you lie to me?Why did you
keep this away from everyone?
Mrs G : I'm sorry I was helpless. Your father wanted nothing to do with me. He
said he wanted nothing to do with a stripper. He wanted me to abort you but I
didn't want to. I had no choice I'm sorry.


Mr G : What are we supposed to do now because his father is claiming him


Me : What he can't just come here claiming to be Avethandwa's father. Where

was he when he had to go to school, have something to, etc and now that
Avethandwa is a lawyer he wants to have him back? That's bull.

Mrs G : Shut up you! This is a family discussion and you have no right to
intrude. Just mind your own business.

Luu : mother you'll never learn will you?

Me : Guys stop arguing about me. Try and come up with a solution to this n

Aveh : Mother go and tell that boyfriend of your or whatever that Mr Goldsmith
is my father not this rubbish you're telling me. Blood or not he's my father. He
raised me me with love. He taught me to be a man I am today. My last name is

Mrs G : It's Anderson. Your last name is Anderson.

Aveh : My last name is Goldsmith and no one will change that.

Mr G : Avethandwa is my son and that won't change. Tell that man of yours that
before he gets to Avethandwa that he has to go through me first. No one can do
a thing to my children. Not while I live.

That's the first time I saw Mr Goldsmith like that. This man loves his family
although he hates me but he's a good father to his kids.


I was woken up by a call. It's and unregistered number. I answered

Me : Hello?

?? : My daughter how are you? (Man's voice)

Me : Listen here Mr McKenzie, I want nothing to do with you. I'm not your
daughter you animal.

I hung up

Luu : Babe do you have to scream so early? (I didn't even realise that I'm
shouting )

Me : it's Brian's father.

Luu : Babe don't you think it's about time you give the man a chance to explain
himself... He's been trying to talk to you but you never give him a chance to. I
know he's done the most horrible thing but he's grown now. Maybe he's
changed. I'm totally against gender based violence but give him a chance to
explain. Wht of he kills himself because his own daughter hates him and she's
calling him an animal?

Me : Maybe you're right. Let me call him and apologies for speaking to him like

I dialed his number and called him. He didn't answer.

Me : He's not answering.

Luu : Maybe we should go to hi house.

Me : I don't know where he lives.

Luu : We'll ask Brian for directions

Me : right let me call him.

I called Brian.

Brian : Sis what's wrong?

Me : A good morning would be nice big bro

Him : Wtf I told you not to wake me up not unless it's an emergency.

Me : Well I need father's address.

Him : Why?

Me : I eat to pay him a visit

Him : Can I tag along? I want to hear what he has to say

Me : I'm not going to fight the old man.

Him : Fine. I'll text you the address.

I got off bed and did my hygiene process and wore my short jumpsuit.

Luu : Put on appropriate clothes. We're going to see your father.

Me : Exactly. I'm not going for amalobolo.

Luu : You're so stubborn.

Me : Fine.

I changed into a nude knee length dress. That's good enough.


Luu and I went to father's house. We knocked and he opened. He looked

surprised to see me.

Me : Good morning father.

Him : She just called me father.

Me : I just want to apologise for the way I spoke to you. I tried calling you but
you didn't answer.

Him : I thought you wanted to throw more insults.

Me : I'm sorry.

Him : Come in my children.

We went inside. His house is so beautiful and clean. It looks like there a woman
living with him.

Luu : Lunathi are you gonna introduce me?

Me : Oh sorry. Father this is Luxolo my boyfriend and Luu this is Craig

McKenzie my father.

They shook hands.

Me : Father I'm here because I want to hear your side of the story. What
happened between you and mother?

Him : My daughter please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Just then Brian came in with food. This guy's mara

Me : Father what happened?

Him : It was 1999, we were both in high school doing our matric. I was just a
childish playboy. Everygirl in school wanted to be with me except Lindiwe. So
one day we went to the matric dance and my friends always spoke about
Lindiwe that she's beautiful but none of us can get her. I disagreed with them. I
told them that I can get Lindiwe. So I wanted to prove them wrong. O
approached her. (he narrated a flashback)

☁ Flashback ☁

Craig : Hey beautiful

Lindi : Craig if you think I'm all other girls forget it. I don't like you.

She turned and walked away. Craig held her hand.

Lindi : What do you want?

Craig : A chance to talk to you and get to know each other.

Lindi : I'll never give you a chance.

Craig : And what if I tell you I love you.

Lindi : You don't love me.

A group of girls Attention seekers approached them.

Girl 1 : And what is nerd doing with a fine guy like Craig?

Girl 2 : Maybe she is asking him to dance with her lonely ass.

Craig : Woah bitch hold it right there. I'm here with her because I love her and
she loves me. We love each other and there's nothing you can do to change that.
(He say that and kissed Lindiwe's lips. ) Now get out of here.

Lindiwe : Why did you do that?

Craig : What?

Lindi : All of that act

Craig : That wasn't an act. I know you love me and I love you so what act are
you talking about.

Lindi : Craig I'm way out of your league. Yours rich your handsome and I'm
just a poor nerd so why would you love me?

Craig : Because you are the most beautiful girl I know. You're kind, carefree.
You're just amazing. I love you okay.

They kissed. The kiss got heated and thing got out of hand. Craig went back to
his friends. They started drinking. Craig got drunk and started spilling out

Craig : Eh yoh I told you guys that I'll get Lindiwe. As I'm talking to you I just
tapped her ass bro. I broke her virginity.

His friend : You lie. How the fuck did you get her

Craig : It was easy. Tell her how beautiful she is while kissing her she
eventually gives in.
Craig was so loud that everyone could hear him. He told everything that
happened in detail. Everyone was listening. He was to drunk to even notice that.
Lindiwe went to him and gave him a hard slap.

Lindi : You bastard. You lied to me. I don't know why I believe you. You only
slept with me because you wanted to prove yourself to your peers. You bloody
Joe. I hate you.

☁ End of flashback ☁

Dad : I regretted everything I did. Weeks later I found out she was pregnant and
she was busy telling people that I raised her. When they told her to get me
arrested she refused because the doctor's would state that she was not forcedly
penetrated. Her parents kicked her out because of the pregnancy. I tried by all
means to take her to my house but she refused. She wanted nothing to do with
me. I tried giving her food and money to atleast take care of the baby but she
didn't want to take it anything from me. I started falling in love with her but she
never gave me a chance to love her and my baby. My daughter please forgive
me. I was stupid back then but I promise you I've changed. After that whole
scandal I realised my mistake and changed my ways. I raised Brian alone but I
taught him never to abuse woman l. I taught him to respect and appreciation
women. I taught him to protect women. Brian is a gentle that I should've been
when I was growing.

Me : Father, mother told me straight in my eyes that she hates me because of

my father's doings. She told me you raped her. She's made my life miserable (I
told him everything that mother did to me.)

Dad : Baby I'm sorry. I swear I didn't rape your mother. Yes I used her but I
didn't rape her. I regret everything that I did to your mother. I didn't think that
this could ruin her life like this but treating you the way she did because of my
sins ain't fair. I want to see her.
Me : Father it's of no use because she hates me. She told me never to set my
foot in her house.

Dad : Once again. I'm sorry my child.

Me : I'm glad I've heard your side of the story and I forgive you.

Dad : please allow me to be your father, allow me to love you and protect you.

Me : I love you dad.

Dad : God knows how long I've been waiting to hear those words coming out of
your mouth.

He gave me a warm hug. I can't believe I finally have my own father. I may
have lost my mother but j gain my father's love.



My father requested that we go to mother's place. He wants to apologise for

what he did to her. We all went to mother's place. I knocked and she opened.

Mom : I thought that I made it clear that I don't want to see you im my house.

Me : Good day to you too Lindiwe. I have a little surprise for you.

Father appeared. She looked so shocked.

Me : Why are you so shocked? Do you know this nice old man?

Mom : Get out of my house

Luzuko cane outside.

Zuko : Sis!(He ran to me and hugged me) How are you?

Me : I'm good. I just missed you. Bro this is My father Mr McKenzie, my big
brother Brian and of course you know Luxolo. Guys this is my little brother

Them : Nice to meet you.

Me : Mother what exactly did father do to you? Please tell me in front of him.


Me : Mother you told me you hate me because of my father's doings... What did
he do to you?

Dad : Lunathi calm down. Lindiwe I'm sorry. I know that you're still angry at
me. I don't blame you but you can't punish my daughter for this. She has done
nothing wrong. How can you tell you own daughter that you hate her? Please
forgive me. Not for my sake but did the sake of my daughter. I didn't mean to
hurt you. I'm sorry.

Me : mother you told me that father raped you. Did he?


Me : Mother please answer me.

Mother : No he didn't.

Me : Then why did you lie to me?

Her : Because he humiliated me and caused so much trouble in my life.

Me : Did he not try to make things right between you guys? Mother I know
you're hurt but father tried so many times to ask for forgiveness but you pushed
him away. Mom please find it in your heart to forgive him.

Mom : Lunathi you are wasting your time. Get out of my house.

Me : Mother please.
Zuko : Mother you lied about the whole rape issue ? Please remind me why is
still live under the save roof with you?

Me : No bro don't even think of leaving her. She needs you. You are the only
person she has. She may not admit that but she needs you.



This coming weekend we're going to Pretoria for Luxolo's graduation. It's
Thursday today and we're leaving tomorrow morning. Luxolo went to fetch his
suit from his tailor. I'm sitting alone thinking about Luxolo's mother and her
drama. My phone rings and disturbs my thoughts. I checked the caller ID.
Argg Speak of the devil. It's Luxolo's mother.

Me : Good day Mrs Goldsmith

Her : Lunathi tell me what do you want from my son? If it's money name your
price. I'll give you the money. I can't go to the graduation with you. I won't miss
my son's graduation because of you.

Me : Mrs Goldsmith my father is a very wealthy man. I don't need your son's
money. I'm with him because I love him. He's the love of my life. If he wasn't
there for me you and Lilly would've killed me by now.

Her : And so you killed her to have Luxolo to yourself?

Me : I didn't kill her baby.

Her : Lunathi I don't like you and I'll never like you. You'll never have a place
in this family or my house.

Me : That's right but I'll always have a place in Luxolo's heart and in his house.
He loves me. I will go to that graduation and you won't stop me.

Her : Where were you when he had sleepless nights because of studying.
Working so hard so that he becomes a doctor. Now that he's a doctor you want
to come and Chaw his money? Where were you? You were in my house
scrubbing floors instead of going to university or making your own money.
You're still unemployed, uneducated, depending on my son's money. You
useless skank. You will do whatever you were doing before Luxolo became a
doctor. You'll be scrubbing my floors while I look at my son graduate for what
he worked hard for.

This woman has no idea that my own mother is behind all the insults she giving
me today. I should be doing my third year in university but here I am being
insulted by her. I just hung up and took a nap. This woman knows how to make
me feel worthless.


I bought Luxolo some beautiful accessories for Saturday. I think she'll love
them. I drove home. I'm super excited to show her. I parked my car and went

Me : Babe I'm home. Lunathi!

I went to our room. I found her sleeping peacefully. Went closer to her and
noticed that her pillow is wet. What could made her cry? I shook her.

Me : Babe wake up. Wake up I bought you something.

Her : hmmm leave me alone.

Me : What's wrong? Did I do something that upset you? What is it so that I can

Her : It's not you. I think I have to go to university. Meanwhile maybe I could
find a job.
Where's all of that coming from? This is weird.

Me : Why? You can go to university next year but I don't understand why you
need a job all of a sudden. Is everything okay?

Her : It's your mother Luxolo. I recorded our conversation. Take my phone and
listen to it. I'm drained. I have no energy to explain what happened. Let me go
back to my peaceful sleep

She went back to sleep. I took her phone and checked the audio out. I played it.
Why would mother do this? This woman doesn't get tired. I've tried so hard to
make her realise that she's not any better than Lunathi. Lunathi became an
independent woman at an early age. Unlike mother who depended on men.

I called mother using Lunathi's phone.

Her : I guess I spoke some sense into your broke ass earlier on.

Me : Actually you're speaking to Luxolo. Mother whether you like it or not she
is coming with me to Pretoria. If you don't like that then sorry but I don't really
care. Stop calling Lunathi if you have nothing good to say.

I hung up. What's wrong with this woman?

I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting for so long. I hardly find time to write and
post. Managing this page is really hard for me right now. Sometimes I feel like
quitting but y'all have shown me so much support. I can't just let you down like
that. I know I haven't posted in a really long time. I'm so sorry.


It's Friday morning and we're in a flight to Gauteng. Luxolo was working
nightshift so he fell asleep. I guess I also fell asleep because I was woken up by

Luu : Babe wake up we're about to land.

Me : Already?

Luu : Sweetheart we weren't flying overseas, it's just going from Cape Town to

Me : Mxm (I just his arm) Are your parents coming?

Him : I don't know and I don't care.

Me : You should care. Even though they hate me, they are still your parents.
They should come to your graduation. You're a doctor because of them. They
paid for your studies, they got you a place to stay while you're studying in UP,
they made sure you have food to eat, your mother's prayers kept you going. She
may hate me but she your mother and she loves you.

Him : If she loved me then why doesn't she love the person I love?

Me : Because she is looking out for you. She thinks I'm here for your money.
She thinks I'm here to destroy you because I'm unemployed and uneducated.
She sees me as just a maid. I guess she wants her son to get married to an
educated lady.

Him : is Lilly educated?

Me : Well she once told me that she has a diploma in HRM.

Him : that still doesn't give Mother a right to hate you.

Me : Babe I heard that your grandparents are coming over next week to talk
about Lilly and losing her baby.
Him : Can we not talk about this? I don't need this right now.

We landed and made our way to the hotel we'll be using for the weekend.
Luxolo got a call from his father but he ignored it.

Me : Iphendule

Him : No

Me : Then I'll answer it for you.

Him : Fine.

He answered and out it on loudspeaker.

Him : Hello father

His dad : Son. Your mother and u are already in Pretoria. Where are you?

Him : I'm already in the hotel.

His dad : Avethandwa said he's waiting for you guys. I'll tell him to go to the
sane hotel as you guys.

Him : Okay

He hung up.

Me : At least they are coming.

Luu : Mxm.

So I woke up and did my hygiene process. I got dressed and did my hair and
makeup. I looked so beautiful. One would swear I'm the one graduating . I
went to wake Luu up.

Me : Babe wake up. It's finally your big day.

Him : Five more minutes.

Me : Ha.ana vuka man Luxolo. I'm ready.

Him : What? You're ready? (He said opening his eyes. ) Wow you're so

Me : Thanks now go and take a bath.

He got ready. We looked so handsome.

Him : Hawu babe aren't you gonna say something?

Me : You're so handsome sthandwa sami

Him : Thank you.

We went to the venue with Avethandwa. When we got there we found the rents
and aunt Joyce (Me Goldsmith's sister). What is she doing here?

Luu : What the fuck is going on here?

His mom : Good morning to you too son. (Smiling)

Luu : Mother you know very well that I can only come with 4 guests. What's
wrong with you?

His mom : Well then I guess only your family members should go inside. (She
said looking at me)
Luu : Lunathi is a family member. Let me go and get another ticket.

Security : Doctor please go inside. The ceremony Will begin in no time.

Me : Luxolo it's fine. I'll be here outside.

Aveh : no I'll stay. You can go.

His mom : Aveh get inside.

Me : Go inside Avethandwa.

Him : Mom I can't let a lady stay here alone. I'll stay with her.

His dad : There securities. Go inside Avethandwa.

They all went inside. I stayed there alone for like five minutes. I started getting
cold. It's April guys. Some guy went to the entrance. He's a graduate. He saw
me sitting there alone. He came to me.

Him : Hey why are you sitting here alone?

Me : I came to my boyfriend's grad but his parents cane with another family
member so I was forced to stay outside because I'm an extra guest.

Him : Oh I'm so sorry for that. I have an extra ticket. You can have it. (He said
handing it to me)

Me : Are you serious?

Him : Yeah.

Me : Oh my gosh thanks so much. I don't know how to thank you. I really

appreciate this. How much will it be?

Him : I'm not selling the ticket. I'm giving you the ticket.

Me : Thanks so much.

I went inside. I got a perfect place in the front row. I saw my man going up on
stage. It was such a wonderful moment. I can't believe I almost missed it. The
ceremony went on. After the ceremony, I went out like everybody else. I got a
call from Luxolo

Me : Babe

Him : Nana where are you?

Me : I'm at the exit. I'm coming to the parkings.

Him : Exit?

Me : I'll explain later.

I went to them in the parkings.

Me : Hey guys

Mrs G : And then wena? Why are you smiling?

Me : I just saw the love of my life graduate. Give me one reason why I shouldn't

Luu : How did you get inside?

Me : Babe I have my own ways. (Here I am making myself look like a magician
in front of these people )

Aveh : I'm just glad she went inside. Now let's go and take pictures.

We went to take pictures. The camera men said we'd get the pictures within 30

Mr G : I'm still wondering how you got inside.

Joyce : Why are you shifting the attention to her because we should be talking
about Luxolo right now.
Luu : What brought us together is over. Aveh and Nana, let's go back to out
hotel. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend as if we're a happy family. Joyce
there's nothing to talk about. Talk to your brother and sister-in-law. Leave me
out of it. You just cane here so that Lunathi won't go inside. Well then mission
accomplished. Goodbye now.

We left them there and went to our hotel.

Luu : Now tell us exactly how you got inside.

Me : few minutes after you went inside, a guy came to me and asked me why
I'm sitting alone. I explained to him. Luckily he had an extra ticket and he gave
me free of charge.

Luu : That's amazing. I wonder who's that generous guy

Me : His tall, caramel oh and he has a tattoo of a lion on his left hand.

Aveh : What? (He looked worried)

Me : What's wrong?

Luu : It's nothing.

Aveh : Guys I'm tired let me go to my room and rest.

Me : Alright.

He left. Luxolo is staring at the wall and is very quiet.

Me : What's wrong? You're so quiet and tense?

Him : Uhm it's nothing. Maybe you could ease my body (He gave me a naughty
look and perk my lips) don't you think?

Me : Maybe I can (Smiling)

He kissed me hungrily while his hands are exploring my body. He made me lie
on my back facing the ceiling board. He took my clothes off. I also helped him
remove his clothes. As soon as we're both naked, he thrusted in. He pounded me
like he hasn't had sex in a long time. He goes deeper and I scratch my nails
deeper on his back. He fucked me until we both reached our climax.

Admin : I tried to make it long



It's been month since Luxolo's grad and Joyce has been causing me pain. She
said Luxolo my still get married to Lilly because she was carrying his first born.
Luxolo's family is agreeing with her.

Luxolo : What is worrying you so much?

Me : I once slept behind bars because of that woman and you expect me to feel
safe around her?

Luu : You're safe don't worry.

"SAFE FROM WHAT?"That's Joyce.

Luu : That's none of your business Joyce. Whatever you're planning won't
happen. Nothing with separate us

Joyce : And nothing will stop me from separating you. I will do everything
possible. Even if it means killing her.

Luu : You will not kill her.

Joyce : Watch and see.

Am I about to die for the sake of love? This woman is dangerous. She'll kill me.

▶ Next day

I was woken up by a phone call from Brian.

Me : Dude you just disturbed my peace. What do you want?

Him : Good morning to you too. I'm fine thank you.

Me : Get to the point.

Him : Sis Father and I are going to the United States in June. It's business.

Me : What? That's next month.

Him : Yeah. Baby sis take care. Don't miss me to much.

Me : Are you kidding me I'm gonna miss you.

Him : Well be back before you know it. I love you sis we'll talk later.

Me : I love you more take care.

He hung up.

"Who do you love?" That's Luxolo. What? What kind of a question is that?
Before I knew it my phone was flying across the room and hit the wall so hard
that it broke.


Me : It's Brian.

Luu : Don't lie to me. Are you cheating on me?

Me : Dude are you kidding me?

Luu : Oh so you calling me dude now? If you're calling me dude then who are
you calling babe?

Me : Luxolo what's wrong with you? Are you okay?(I touched his forehead)

Luu : Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands. Get out of my room.

Me : Ayibo kanti you're serious? Babe I was talking to Brian. He said he's
leaving with father to the United States in June.

Luu : I said get out of here.

Me : No. I'm not going anywhere until you hear me out.

Luu : Fine.

He dragged me out. I screamed telling him to leave me alone. Everybody woke


Lilly : What's with the noise?

Luu : She's fuckin cheating on me.

Me : I'm not cheating on you.

Joyce : I told you she's using you for your money.

Me : Luxolo what has gotten into you?

I went downstairs. I went outside to the garden. I need to get out of here. I need
to go to Brian.

I went back inside the house. I went to the kitchen to drink water. I opened the
door in the kitchen and I saw Luu and Lilly making out on the kitchen counter. I
felt my heart getting heavy. I felt like my brain cells are popping. I just ran
outside. I left that house. I started running I don't know where to. I heard a loud
hooter and boom it was lights out for me.


Hey guys I'm Siyanda Vilakazi. I'm 24 years old. Im from Durban. So I was
driving this morning and a lady was running on the pavement. All of a sudden
she crossed the road Infront of my car. I tried stepping on the break pedal but it
was too late. I knocked her off. I quickly ran to her. I checked her pulse, she's
still alive. I looked at her face she's so beautiful but she had tears in her cheeks.
Why is she running in her pyjamas? I quickly took her inside the car. I rushed
her to the hospital. What is troubling her?



I am feeling a banging headache. I try to open my eyes but it seems impossible.

I try harder until they finally open. I hear beeping sounds. I'm in a hospital bed.
I see a guy sleeping beside my bed. I look around and I find a bell. I ring the
bell and the guy next to me wakes up.

Him : You're awake. Thank you Lord.

Me : Water. Can I have water

He helps me drink water.

Me : What am I doing here?

Him : I... I knocked you down with my car. I'm sorry it was an accident.
Me : For how long have I been here?

Him : It's been almost a month.

Me : What? Fuck they are gone.

Him : Who's gone?

Me : It doesn't matter. Just get me out of here.

Him : But...

The doctor comes in.

Doctor : How are you?

Me : I'm perfectly fine. Please get me out of here.

Doctor : But we need to do some check ups first.

They did their thing.

Doc : It seems like everything's fine so we're gonna discharge you.

I was discharged.

Me : Dude what's your name?

Him : Siyanda. Siyanda Vilakazi.

Me : Okay

Him : Give me directions to your house.

I'm going to Luxolo's house. I'm pretty sure he's back to his senses. He dropped
me off there. I went inside.

Luxolo: And she decides to come back from whoring

Me : Luxolo I was Admitted in St Eve's hospital and you didn't even bother to
check on me.

Luu : Why would I worry myself about you when I have a wife?

Me : A wife?

Luu : Mrs Philile Goldsmith is my wife and she's pregnant with my baby. Now
get out of my house.

Me : Luxolo please don't do this to me. I have no where to go. My family is in

the US right now.

Him : Then go to them.

The securities dragged me out. I don't even know where to go. A Mercedes S
class stopped beside me. It's Avethandwa

Me : Avethandwa

Him : Nana how could you allow Lilly to marry Luxolo in front of you?

Me : like hell I would. I just found out he's married.

Him : What? How?

Me : It's a long story. (I felt tears escape my eyes.)

Him : Don't cry come inside. I'm going to Luxolo's place.

Me : He kicked me out. I'm coming from his house.

Him : This is ridiculous. Come in and tell me what exactly happened.

I went in the passenger seat.

Me : One morning I was woken up by Brian's call. He told me that he will go to

the US with father. After that he bid goodbye and told me he loves me. I also
told him I love him and hung up. Your brother asked me who was I talking to?
He threw my phone on the wall and broke it. He caused drama. Later that
morning I found him fucking Lilly in the kitchen. I got angry and I ran away.
My plan was to go to my brother's house unfortunately I didn't even get there a
car ran me over. I became conscious this morning. The guy who ran me over
drove me to Luxolo's house. That when I found out that he's married and I'm no
longer welcome there.

He didn't say anything. He started the car and drove to Luxolo's house.

Me : Avethandwa I have had enough. I can't go there now.

He ignored me. He parked in the driveway and pulled me out of the car. We
went inside the house.

Aveh : Luxolo! Are you out of your mind. Your girl almost died because of you
and all you do is throw insults at her and throw her out of your house? Are you

Luu : Oh she ran to you now?

Aveh : She's been in coma for a month the first day she was discharged she
comes to see you. You're an animal. I can't believe you're my bother. I'm
ashamed to call you my brother.

Me : Avethandwa can I leave now?

Aveh : She has no where to go.

Luu : Go to your mother's house.

I just walked out. I heard someone groaning. I went back inside. Avethandwa
was punching Luxolo. I stopped him. He's gonna kill his own brother.

He followed me outside.

Aveh : Where are you going?

Me : To my mother's house.

Aveh : That woman hates you.

Me: I'm still going there.

Aveh : I'll drop you off.

He drove me to my mom's house. I knocked and she opened.

Her : What do you want?

Me : Mommy I came to apologise for everything I've done to you and for
everything father did to you.

Her : Get out.

Me : Mother I need a place to stay.

Her : Oh so you'll go around whoring with your father and think you'll come
back to me? Get out.

Me : Moth...

She slapped me and punched me in the stomach. I felt my head getting heavy
and I blacked out.

I woke up in beeping sounds again.

Doctor : Congratulations ma'am. You're two months and three weeks pregnant.

Me : Pregnant? Are you sure?

Doc : Yes.

It didn't make sense. I was knocked off by a car, in coma for a month, and my
mother punched me in my stomach. How can the baby survive all of this?

Me : Doc is the baby okay?

Doc : Yes the baby is okay.

Me : Okay doctor Thanks.

Doc : please try not to be stressed.

Me : Doctor I have a lot to take. I'll try not to stress.

Doc : Okay I'll discharge you today so you can go and celebrate.

Only if she knew . Lord please protect my child. I was discharged. I called
Avethandwa using the public phone.

Aveh : Hello?

Me : Avethandwa mom got me admitted in St Eve's hospital again.

Aveh : are you okay

Me : Yes. Please come and fetch me.

In no time he was here.

Me : Avethandwa I'm pregnant.

Him : What?

Me : Yes I'm 2 months and three weeks pregnant. I don't know how but my
baby survived all this.

Him : Please allow me to take you with me in my house.

Me : I'd really appreciate it.



My life is a mess. My mother hate me, my Father and brother are in the US, the
father of my child broke up with me and got married to the girl that hates me so
much, I'm unemployed, I live with my ex boyfriend's brother's house and I have
a child to raise alone. This morning I'm doing job hunting. I went to a clothing
store. I applied for a job there. The owner of this store is a sangoma. She's been
saying weird things to me. Things like there's a dark cloud upon you. Things
that all sangoma's say, so I'm not paying attention to her.

Me : Ma'am I really need this job.

Her : Go to your man's house my child and set him free.

Me : What are you talking about?

Her : You'll get all the answers you're looking for in his aunt's room.

I took a taxi to Luu's house. I knocked and he opened the door.

Me : Aren't you supposed to be at worked?

Him : I took a day off to take care of my lovely wife.

Me : Are you insane? Anyways I need my job back.

Him : Are you crazy?

Me : Luxolo I have a child to take care of. I need a job.

Lilly : Babe who's there? Oh Lunathi what a surprise.

Luu : She wants a job as a housekeeper.

Lilly : Uhm... Actually we do need a housekeeper so give her the job.

Luu : Fine.

Me : Thank you.

Lilly : But you won't stay here.

Me : It's okay.

Lilly : You're so pathetic.

I went inside it was so dirty. I worked until very late. They went to sleep. I went
to aunt Joyce's room. I looked around looking for whatever the sangoma was
talking about... I looked inside the drawers and I found love portion. So this is
what aunt meant when she said she'll do anything possible to separate us. I took
the love portion and went to Aveh's house. I went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and did my hygiene process. I got dress and went to a
traditional chemist in town. I bought something to get rid of the love portion
immediately. I went to "work". I made breakfast and sprinkled that thing in
Luu's food. I served them.


I served them and went to clean the pool. I heard noise inside the house. I ran
Luu : Stop apologising and answer my question. What are ypu doing in my
house and where's Lunathi?

Lilly : Babe we're married and expecting a baby.

Luu : We're what? How did that happen because I know I'd never do that in my

Lilly : Aunt... Aunt Joyce used love portion on you. (Crying)

Luu : Get out.

She went upstairs crying. I followed her. I heard her speaking on the phone.

Her : I'll give you my account number and you transfer all his money into my
bank account. I'll text you the account number...


Her : Okay I'm on it.

She typed the account number and left her phone on the bed and went to the
bathroom. I quickly took the phone and typed my account number instead of
hers and sent it to the person. I left the room.

She came back. Her phone rang.

?? : It will reflect in 24 hours. Right now get out of there. Leave.

Her : Alright thanks.

I went downstairs.

Luu : Lunathi. Babe where have you been?

Me : I'm homeless Luxolo. You threw me out of your house. I got knocked by a
car, stayed a whole month in ICU. When I finally wake up and get discharged, I
came to you and you chased me out. I went to my mother she beat me up I
ended up in hospital again. I found out I'm pregnant and your brother took me to
his house and allowed me to stay there while you were living here with your
lovely wife. I'm only here to do my job as a maid.

Luu : Babe I'm sorry. None of that were my intentions. She poisoned me. Joyce
fed me love portion.

Me : I know. I'm the one who got rid of it.

Him : Luna I'm sorry.

Me : Luxolo I almost died because of you and all you can say is sorry? I'm still
amazed how my baby survived all of these things I've been put through. You
should be lucky my father knows nothing about this or you would've been dead
by now.

His phone buzzed. He took a look at it.

Him : What? (He fainted)

I looked at the message. Money out R______...


This guy can't be serious. Did he really faint? My phone beeped. I checked
Money in R_____ I poured a jug of cold water over him he jumped.

Him : My money. Where's this bitch? Philile!

Me : She's gone What's wrong?

Him : She stole my money.

He called his parents.

Mrs G : Hello son.

Him : Mother your dear daughter in-law just took my money. She took all of my
money and ran away.

Mrs G : She wouldn't do that. You know what? We're coming there now.

She hung up. In no time they were here.

Mrs G : What is she doing here?

Me : Ma'am i don't date married men. I'm just here doing my job.

Mrs G : Whatever.

Mr G : What happened exactly?

Luu : Apparently Joyce fed me love portion to make me fall in love with Philile.
Lunathi helped me get rid of that love portion. I chased Philile out of here. After
that I got a notification showing that my money has been transferred to another

Mr G : What are we going to do now?

Me : Mr & Mrs Goldsmith and Sir Dr Goldsmith I...

Mrs G : Stop wasting our time. We're busy with a family discussion that doesn't
concern you.

Luu : What do you want to say Lunathi?

Me : Sir Lilly thought she played you but I played her. I heard her talking to
someone about transferring the money. She sent her account number to that
person. She went to the bathroom. I took her phone and changed the account
number to mine. She left thinking that the money will be transferred to her
account but it was transferred ty account so Sir you'll get your money back
before the end of today. First go and make your account more secured because
she might be able to get access to the money again.

Luu : Wow babe thank you so much.

Me : I came here to free you from the love portion and now the I'll transfer back
your money. My job here is done. Mr & Mrs Goldsmith I've caused so many
troubles here. You guys never liked me. Luxolo, I'm tired of being hurt and
having to come back to you as if nothing happened.

Continuation 2

Me : I'm sorry for tearing apart such a beautiful family. Luxolo i pray that you
find someone that will love you and someone that your family approves of. Mrs
Goldsmith I promise you that you'll never see this fat pig again.

I walk towards the door.

"Lunathi I'm sorry" said Mrs Goldsmith.

Her : I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I did it out of jealousy. You're
just so beautiful and independent. Something that I've wanted to be at your age.
I was jealous of you. Now you saved my son from that witch and saved him
from being bankrupt. Please forgive me.

Luu : Please don't leave my love. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend to
you. I should protect you as your man but instead you're the one protecting me.
I have failed as a man but I am ready to change for the better. Please don't leave.

Me : I need a break.

Him : What about our baby?

Me : point of correction, my baby. Luxolo there's nothing you can say to change
my mind. I need a break from all this. My job here is done.
I walked out. Trust me that wasn't easy. Breaking up with someone I love so
much ain't easy but I can't be risking my life any baby's life for the sake of love.



Okay so I've lost the one person I really love because of my family. They just
had to ruin everything for me. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with
Lunathi. I wanted to make her my wife. She still loves me. I know she does but
I've hurt her so many times. I have to get her back. I can't imagine what my life
would be without her.


Believe me when I say I don't even know where I'm going. I don't have a phone,
i can't call anyone. I went to the mall looking for a job but no luck. I sat on the
benches outside thinking of where I'll spend the night as it's getting late. I'm not
going to Avethandwa's house because that would be the first place luxolo would

"Oh my gosh Nana" I turned around I saw Zinhle. I ran to her and gave her a
bone crushing hug. Tears started flowing down my cheeks.

Me : Awungikhuzanga ngani?

Zee : What do you mean?

Me : Why did you let me date my boss?

Zee : Babes what's wrong? What did he do to you?

Me : It's a long story. All I can say right now is that I'm pregnant and homeless.

Zee : Lunathi, what happened between you guys?

Me : Lilly happened.

Zee : Oh God. Let's go to my apartment I want to know what happened. Maybe

I could help you out.

Me : Thanks Zinhle but i don't want to be a burden to you.

Zee : Don't be silly. You're like a sister to me and no body would let their
sibling sleep on streets especially when there's a bun baking in the oven.

Me : Thank you so much Zinhle. I don't know how I will ever repay you.

We went to her apartment. I narrated everything to Zinhle.

Her : I forgot to warn you about Joyce. That woman is a witch. I'm so sorry for
everything you've been through.

Me : Oh well enough about me. How have you been?

Her : Everything is going great. Right now I am selling fast foods near the taxi
rank. I am currently building a small restaurant in town. I'm tired of being a
maid now. Those people have no mercy on us.

Me : Wow that's really great Zinhle. How I wish Lilly could see how far you've
taken yourself since she was always making fun of our homes and shit.

Zee : Maybe you could come and help me there. We'll share 50/50

Me : Zinhle that's really great but i can't accept 50/50. It should be 75/25. You
started this business on your own. All I want is to be your employee. I'll take it
from there.

Zee : If you say so then it's fine but if you need anything I'll be there for you.

Me : Thank you so much.

Zee : I'm just happy that you found your father and brother.

Me : Yeah me too.


It's been a week since I've started working with Zinhle and it's really fun. No
body screaming at me telling me what to do and what not to do.

"Can I have a chicken burger and fries" I know this voice maan. I pick my head
up it's Brian standing there and smiling. I scream and hug him.

Me : You're back?

Him : Yeah. What are you doing here?

Me : It's a long story.

I explained everything to him.

Brian : that son of a bitch I'll kill him

Me : No bro don't. Don't tell father about this.

Brian : Are you crazy? How am I supposed to keep this from him?

Me : Brian don't. You know he'll lose it.

Brian : Please come home at least.

Me : And leave my friend after everything she's done for me?

Zee : Ha.a chommie I'll be fine. You'll visit whenever you want to.

Me : At least let me carry on helping you. I'll volunteer. You don't have to pay

Her : Fine if you insist.

Me : Thank you for everything Zinhle. You're truly God sent. I don't know
where I'd be right now if it wasn't for you. Maybe I would've freezed to death
being homeless in winter is no child's play but you can to the rescue. Thank
you. I don't know how I'd ever thank you.

Her : It's what true friends do Lunathi. Stop praising me. We're here to help
each other. I trust you that whenever I'm in trouble you'll be there for me and
you'll help me. Thanks for spending this week with me. It was nice having you

Me : I love you mnganami

Her : I love you too friend.

I left with Brian. We went to father's house. I went to my room, took a shower
and took a nap.

"Angel wake up." That's dad

Me : Awu daddy why did you have to wake me up mos

Him : Angel are you okay? Brian told me everything that happened

Me : Gosh this guy. Daddy I'm okay and the baby is fine.

Him : When are you going for a check up?

Me : On the 28th

Him : Nana that's tomorrow

Me : Are you serious? I'm going for a check up tomorrow.

Dad : Okay rest now and pray to God that I don't kill that boyfriend of yours.

This guy .


Living without Lunathi is torture. I went to work today and a patient was
admitted. He was involved in a car crash. I was told he's mother has been
robbed and she's left with no penny therefore she can't afford the hospital bill.
Other doctors are planning on discharging the guy because he's being treated for
free. I decided to go and check on that person. I went in his ward and he was
lying there lifelessly. I took a look at his face only to find out that it's Luzuko.
Does Lunathi know about this? Dr Jones came in the ward.

Dr J : Goldsmith, the boy's mother has lost hope that he will wake up so she said
we should switch off the machines and let him rest in peace.

Me : That will not happen. I will pay for his bills and treatment. This is my
brother Luzuko Dlamini. Don't tell his mother anything about me because she
hates me. She will want to transfer him to another hospital.

Dr J : What am I supposed to say to her?

Me : Tell her you're not allowed to switch off the machines.

Dr J : But...

Me : Please do me this one favour.

Dr J : Fine.

Me : Please take good care of him.

I left the ward. I asked the receptionist to call Lunathi because she wouldn't
want to hear my voice.

Her : Good day Ms Dlamini. I'm calling from *** Hopsital. Your brother
Luzuko Dlamini has been involved in a car accident.

Nana :....
Her : Please speak to Mr Goldsmith about that?

She handed me the phone.

Me : Hi Lunathi.

Her : Luxolo how's my brother? Is my mother there?

Me : No. Mother is not here. Apparently she was robbed and she is broke. She
doesn't have money to pay for Zuko's bills so she requested that we switch off
the machines because she has lost hope that Zuko will recover.

Her : What? Please don't switch off the machines. I'll do anything just please

Me : Don't worry I won't. Lunathi please come to the hospital though. I need to
see you.

Her : Okay.


My baby bro . I quickly went to the Hopsital. The receptionist gave me

directions to his ward. I saw my brother lying there. Lord please heal my
brother. I cannot live without him. Lord this boy is innocent. Please take me
instead. He still has to change my mother's situation. He still has to achieve his
goals. Please heal him in Jesus mighty name.


I went to check on Luzuko and I found Lunathi praying for her brother. My
heart sank. I went inside.
Me : Lunathi.

Her : Luxolo. He... My brother...( She couldn't even speak because of all the
crying. I gave her a hug trying to comfort her)

Me : He'll be fine. Stop stressing yourself. You don't want to lose that baby now
do you? (She shook her head) Lunathi be strong. He needs you right now.

She looked at Luzuko without blinking.

Me : What's wrong?

Her : (Smiling) He just moved his hand. He moved his hand. Luzuko!

Me : Luzuko?

He opened his eyes.

Lunathi : Luzuko are you okay?

Him : Can I have water?

Me : Lunathi he's awake.

We gave him water.

Me : Luzuko what happened to you?

Him : It's my stepmother. My father's wife ran me over with her car. She hates
mother because I am the reason why father is still seeing my mother. So she
tried to kill me.

Me :What happened to your mother and all the money she had?
Him : She got in an argument with Mr Mckenzie and she paid someone to kill
him and his son. The person she paid stole all of her money.

Luna : She's so evil. She wants to kill my father?

Zuko : Bhut Luxolo I heard you talking about switching off the machine.

Me : Uhm we'll talk about that some other day.

Luna : I'm just happy you're alive.



Today I'm going to fetch Luzuko. He's been discharged. I won't let him stay
with mother because akanaso isineke to take care of Zuko in his condition. I
went to the hospital and signed his discharge papers. He was using a

Me : Zuko do you want to see mom before we go to Father's house?

Zuko : No. I'm not ready to face her. She requested the doctor to switch off the
machine while I was still alive. What kind of a mother is she?

Me : Luzuko she's still our mother. She loves us very much.

Him : Oh please. That woman almost killed you.

Me : About that... Later that day I found out that I'm pregnant.

Him : You see? She almost killed your baby too

Me : Bro mother dislikes me but she would never trade you for anybody else.
Her sending me Dr Goldsmith's house after being kicked out, telling me to
break my virginity for money, she did all of that so that you can go to

Him : No she did that to punish you for your father's mistakes. What kind of a
mother tells her daughter that she hates her? Mother should have loved you and
protected you. A normal woman would make sure that what happened to her
doesn't happen to her daughter. That's not what mother did.

Me : Bro I get what you're saying but let's at least pass by and greet her.

Him : If you say so.

I drove to mother's house. I knocked. She opened.

Her : What are you doi... (She saw Zuko) Oh my baby.

She hugged him and kissed him all over his face. You could see the happiness
written all over her face.

Mom : Thank you bringing my son you can go now.

Me : Mother I...

Mom : You're what?

Me : Mom I can't live without you. The fact that you hate me hurts me so much.
Growing up I always wanted to make you happy but i actually turned out to be
your enemy. Mother what can I do to make things right? I can't stand you
looking at me with hatred.

Mom : Lunathi when I was your age, I had no mother's love nor my father's
because of you. You made me lose my family. Now get out of my house.

Zuko : Mother I'm going with her.

Mom : You're not going anywhere.

Me : Mom please take care of my brother. Luzuko I love you baby Bro (I kissed
his forehead) Mother I've tried my best to be a good daughter but it seems like
I'm not good enough. Mommy I'm pregnant but I'll make sure my baby doesn't
go through what I went through. I won't bother you again. I'll only come to visit
Mom : Don't come to my house again. I will not have another word with you.

She closed the door. I drove home to father's house. Lord help me become a
better mother to my child. I don't want him/her to go through what I'm going
through. I don't want my baby to know the pain of not having a mother. I want
to be there for my baby. Kanti what is it that I've done to mother?


4 months later


I'm six months pregnant and my baby bump is so big. It's like I'm gonna give
birth anytime soon. I've been living with my big brother and dad. Today I'm
going out for shopping. I did my hygiene process and wore my yellow maxi
dress. It is so damn hot it's only October but it's like December. I went to the
mall and did some shopping. Brian called me and i answered.

Me : Hey bro.

Him : Lunathi where the fuck are you?

Me : I'm in Canal Walk mall.

Him : Are you insane? Why would you go to that mall alone? In this condition?

Me : I'm pregnant not ill

Him : Come back here now.

Me : Fine.

He hung up.
I took my shopping bags and went to the parkings. I don't remember where i
parked my car. I started crying because I don't know where I'm gonna start

"We meet again gorgeous" I turned around and I saw the guy from the

Me : oh hi

Him : Why are you crying?

Me : I don't remember where I parked my car.

Him : What car is it?

Me : It's a royal blue Hyundai Elantra.

Him : Okay go and sit in my car while I go and ask for help from the car guards.

Me : okay.

He led me to his car. I got inside the car. As soon as I closed the door, three seat
belts held me tight. I couldn't move what's going on. This guy got in the drivers
seat. All the doors locked.

Me : Please get these seat belts off me.

Him : And what I say no?

Me : Why are you doing this to me?

Him : I guess your boyfriend Luxolo never told you anything about me?

Me : What are you talking about?

Him : You'll find out soon but first let's have some fun.
He took an injection he tried injecting me with its by I kept on moving with the
hopes of breaking free from the belts

Him : Stop moving otherwise the injections will break inside you arm.

Me : Leave me alone. How did you trick me into this?

He injected me and it was lights out for me.


Hey guys I'm Fezile. Im 25 years old. Luxolo was my high school friend. We
went to the same university. We both studied medicine. Our friendship ended
when he pushed my pregnant girlfriend down the stairs and I lost my baby. He
keeps denying it. After our graduation I found out that the girl I gave the ticket
to is his girlfriend. I want to get my revenge on him. I've been following
Lunathi for some time now. Finally I've captured her. I drove to my house. I
carried her to my secret underground floor in my house. I tied her up and woke
her up.

Me : Wakey wakey.

Her : Who are you and what do you want from me?

Me :



It's been an hour and I'm waiting for Lunathi to come back because it only takes
around 15 minutes to drive from the mall. I'm starting to get worried. Her phone
is going straight to voicemail when I call her. That's so not like her. I took my
phone and car keys and went to the mall to look for her. While I was driving
into the parking lot I heard something cracking. I stopped my car and checked.
It's a phone. Lunathi's phone. I looked around I saw her bag and car keys next to
the bag. I quickly called Luxolo.

Luxolo : Hey bro how are you?

Me : Don't bro me. Where's my sister?

Luu : What do you mean where's your sister. Don't tell me she's missing

Me : Luxolo where are you?

Him : I'm in Canal walk

Me : Come to the parkings. I need you to drive Lunathi's car. Who you with?

Him : I'm with Aveh

Me : Okay send him instead

Him : No I'm the one coming. Aveh will drive my car.

In less than 5 minutes he was here. I gave him the car keys.

Me : I'll go to my cousin. He's a gangster so he'll probably find her in some way.

Luu : Okay I'll come with you.

We got in the cars and drove to my cousin's house. We didn't knock, we just
went inside.

Me : E bro. Dude where are you?

Cousin : Bro you're here? Luxolo?

Luu : Fezile?

"Help me! Can somebody save me!" A voice coming from the basement. Ayibo
wait that's Lunathi's voice.

Me : Lunathi? Fezile who's screaming?

Him : Uhm it's nobody.

Me : Nobody? You have Lunathi here don't you? BITCH WHERE'S MY


Him : Your sister? Lunathi is your sister?

Luu : oh so Luna is here? What do you want from her?

Fez : You killed my baby

Luu : I didn't. Christina was the one who pushed Thando. I was trying to catch
her from falling. Christina found out that we were throwing a party celebrating
Thando's pregnancy. She pushed Thando because she wanted to get back to you.

Fez : Stop lying.

Luu : Why would I push her? Fezile you were like a brother to me. Why on
earth would I kill my brother's baby?

I'm so confused.


I'm so confused. How do they know each other?

Fez : I always ask her but she never wants to talk about it. Let me call her.
He called Thando and put it on loudspeaker, she answered.

Thando : Hey babe

Fez : Babe I'm going to ask you a question. Please promise you're going to
answer me.

Thando : Okay I promise

Fez : Who pushed you down the stairs?

Thando : Fez you promised never to ask me that question.

Fez : Answer me damnit.

Thando : I... I was not pregnant in the first place. Fezile I'm sorry. You were
cheating on me and I wanted to get your attention. I had to lie.

Fez : Wait you what?

Thando : I asked Christina to act like she's pushing me. Luxolo tried catching
me but that would fail my plan. I pushed Luxolo away when he was trying to
catch me. I faked a miscarriage.

Fez : Thando it's over between the two of us. You made me hate my brother.
Luxolo has been a good friend to me from high school. Don't ever call me.
Before I hang up I want you to apologise to Luxolo because he was listening to
our conversation.

Thando : I'm sorry Luxolo.

Fezile hung up.

Fezile : Luxolo I'm sorry. I should've trusted you.

Luxolo : It's okay now let go of Lunathi. She's innocent.

Fezile : Wait Brian how are you related to Lunathi?

Me : She's my sister. She's Craig's daughter.

Fezile : So you mean to tell me I kidnapped my little sister? Lunathi!

He went to where Lunathi was. We followed him. He untied her. She ran to me
and hid behind me.

Me : Sis relax he won't harm you. This is our cousin Fezile.

Nana : He's our what?

Me : His mother is our father's big sister.

Fez : I'm sorry Lunathi I didn't know. This was a big misunderstanding. Luxolo
didn't actually push my girlfriend down the stairs actually my ex girlfriend. I'm
really sorry you guys.

Nana :

Fezile : Sis I'm sorry I'll never hurt you again.

Nana : Okay I forgive you

Fezile : Can I hug you?

Nana nods

They hug.

Fezile : Lunathi I'm sorry.


Today I'm going to hospital for a checkup. I went to hospital. Well Brian drove
me to the hospital. He doesn't allow me to go out alone ever since I was
kidnapped by Fezile.

He held my hand.

Brian : Let's go.

Me : Brian you don't have to hold my hand I can walk.

Brian : What if you fall?

Me : Why would I fall?

Brian : I'm not gonna let you fall. It's better to hold you than to regret not
holding you now let's go.

We went inside. We bumped on Luxolo.

Him : Oh hey guys

Us : Hi/hey

Him : What are you guys doing here? Is everything okay?

Me : Yeah everything's okay. I'm here for the checkup.

Him : Oh can I please tag along?

Me : Uhm okay.

Him : Thanks.

Brian : Luxolo since you're here let me go to work.

Brian is so unbelievable mara.

Me : Brian...

Him : Bye Sis I'll see you at home (He kissed my cheek and left.)

It got so awkward. We went to the doctor.

Dr : Ms Dlamini... How are you?

Me : I'm good.

Dr : So you're ready to know the gender of the baby?

Me : Yeah. I'm so excited.

Dr : Uhm Dr Goldsmith can you please excuse us.

Luu : But I'm the father of the baby...

Dr : You are?

Luu : Nods.

Dr : Where were you all these months?

Luu : Dr Zungu don't interfere in family matters. We are not here for marriage
counseling or whatever. Just do the ultrasound and shut your mouth or should I
do it myself?

Dr : Goldsmith I'm older than you and that's no way to speak to your elders.

Luu : Exactly old lady but if you're just doing your job I wouldn't be speaking
like this

Me : Would you two stop it! I came hear for a doctor's appointment not in some
Paternity Court or something. Now stop arguing. You're ruining my day. I just
want to know the gender of my baby and go home and celebrate.

Dr : I'm sorry.
She went ahead with the procedure. She did the ultrasound sound.

Dr : Congratulations you're having a baby girl.

Luu : Wow thank you so much babe.

He kissed my forehead. Ahh gosh I miss being with this guy.


Dr : Oh wait it seems like you're having twins. Their both girls.

Me : Wow that's amazing. I didn't even know I have twin genes.

Dr : Congratulations.

She printed out the pictures.

Luu : I'll take you home.

Me : No don't worry I'll request an uber.

Luu : And I'm not taking that risk with my babies. I'm gonna take you home
even if it means carrying you to the car.

Me : Luxolo get back to work.

He literally picked me up and took me to his car.

Him : Why are you so stubborn Lunathi? I had to carry to the car because of
your stubbornness.
Me : I'm tired of you and Brian treating me like a 5 years old baby. Ndimdala
kalok Luxolo.

Him : Older than who? It's because we care Lunathi.

He got in the car and started driving.

Luu : Lunathi what can I do in order for you to forgive me? Lunathi I'm ready to
do anything for your forgiveness.

Me : Luxolo we dated for 4 months. That was the most stressful 4 months of my
life. It's been 4 months since I've left you and it's been the most peaceful 4
months of my life.

Him : It was my mother and I promise you she's changed. She also wants you to
come back. Believe or not people do change.

Me : Then why does my mother still hate me? I've begged for forgiveness and I
still don't know what I'm apologising for but she just hates me.

The flashbacks of my mother telling me that she hates me kept replaying in my

mind. It brought back the pain in my hurt.

Luu : Aw Nana stop crying. Give her time. She'll come around.

Me : How much time should I give her? I've done everything in my power to
beg for forgiveness but she just doesn't want to forgive me.

Him : I'm sorry for that. One day there'll be a situation where by she'll need your
help. She'll come back to you.

Me : She won't. Mother doesn't have a penny but she chased me out of her
house. That woman wanted to kill father not thinking that if she hurts father
Brian would also be involved. Brian is fucken innocent. he has nothing has
nothing to do with this.

Luu : Lunathi Stop stressing. Try being as calm as possible.

Me : What can ever make me happy right now?

Luu : This (Showing me the pictures of my princesses. My heart was filled with
joy all of a sudden.) That's the smile I wanted to see.

Me : You know how to make me feel better.

Luu : That's what I'm here for.

Me : Luxolo why were you and Dr Zungu fighting?

Him : She's one of those old doctors who think they are better than young
doctors like myself. She always gives us orders.

Me : Oh

Him : Never mind about that. Fezile invited us over. He's throwing a reunion

Me : Oh that's nice.

Him : Lunathi please forgive me. I'm sorry for all the pain I've put you through.
It was never my intention. I'd never want to hurt the love of my life. Lunathi I
was not in my senses. I'd never do that to you. All I've wanted was to fight for
our love and I'm still going to do so. I love you and my daughters. I bet they'll
look as cute as their daddy

Me : Oh please keep dreaming. They'll look like their mother. If they look like
you'll take us on a holiday

Him : And what do I get if they look like me?

Me : Uhm I don't know. Why don't you decide?

Him : If they look like me, I'll get to name them first.

Me : Hahh usile.

Him : Mxm I love you Lunathi

Me : I love you too Luxolo.

Him : You do?

Me : Yes I love you and I love very much. I was just hurt Luxolo. Breaking up
with you brought a lot of pain in my heart.

Luu : Nana I will never hurt you again. Please let me back in your heart and
give those wounds in your heart a remedy because they were created by me in
the first place.

Me : No you didn't. Your parents did and I was very selfish. I should've
supported you but I left you. I should be apologising. I'm sorry

Him : I love you Lunathi.



Guys the joy I have that I have my Lunathi back is beyond measure. Before I
take her back to my house I want to make sure that my parents will treat her like
family. I don't want to hurt her again. So I dropped her at her father's house and
went to my house. I've been living with my parents ever since Lunathi left me.
So I found mother making dinner.

Me : Hey mom.

Her : Hello baby how are you?

Me : Mom stop calling me baby. I'm 24 years old for Christ's sake.

Her : You'll always be my baby boy Luu. Have you heard anything about
Lunathi? I'm worried about her especially because I am the reason behind all of
this. I honestly didn't mean to take it this far. I just wish she could come back
and let me treat her like my own daughter. I shouldn't have treated her that way.

Me : Mother I doubt you'd ever treat her like your daughter even if she comes
Her : I will treat her like my own daughter. Lunathi has never wronged me.
Luxolo one of the days, I was going through your laptop and I saw a video from
the camera footage, the day when Lilly miscarried her first baby. Lilly slapped
Lunathi so many times but Lunathi didn't hit her back because of the baby Lilly
was carrying. Lunathi was the one who helped Lilly get to hospital. I always
judged her, mistreated her, insulted her but to be honest she has been nothing
but a blessing in this family but your father and I were too blind to see that. She
saved you from Joyce and Philile. She saved your money. Luxolo she is the girl
you should marry but she does deserve the things we've put her through. If her
parents weren't there for her, the things we did could have killed her.

Me : They weren't there for her.

Mom : What do you mean?

Me : Her mother hates her for her father's wrong doings so she kicked her out of
her house. When you kicked her out of my house she had nowhere to go but
luckily she found her father and big brother. She lived with her big brother until
she made peace with her father.


Mom : What kind of a mother hates her own child? I know I've been a bad
parent to you and Avethandwa but I love you guys. How can a mother hate her
own child for her father's sins?

Me : I don't even know where she lived when I was under a spell because she
left Avethandwa's house. Her father and brother were in USA.

Mom : Why didn't they live with her?

Me : She was in hospital. She was hit by a car and she was in the ICU for a

Her : And I added pain on top of all the things she was going through. Oh Lord
please forgive me. This child deserves to be loved but I did otherwise.

Me : Mother please promise me one thing.

Mom : What is it?

Me : That you'll never hurt Lunathi again.

Mom : Son, I will never do that to her. I promise. But how will I ever get a
chance to apologize to her?

Me : Well mom Lunathi and I are back together.

Her : What? How? When?

Me : Today she had a doctor's appointment. I bumped on her in the hospital so I

went with her to the ultrasound sound. She's carrying twin baby girls. We fixed
things between us and we're back together.

Mom : (Excited) I have to plan a welcome home party for Lunathi. Let me go
and tell your father.

We went to father.

Mom : tatakhe Lunathi is coming back home.

Father : Oh okay.

Me : Is that all you're gonna say?

Father : Uhm that's great news.

Me : Let me go and freshen up. I'm bring my girl home tomorrow.



So today we're going to Fezile's reunion gathering. I don't even know what I'm
gonna wear. You know father hasn't introduced me to his family. It's been a
really long time now.

Me : Dad when are you gonna introduce me to your family.

Dad : When we gather for Christmas.

Me : Daddy what if they don't like me.

Dad : They will love you. I always told them that I have a daughter but she lives
with her mother. They always wished I could find you and here you are.

Me : Daddy who's Fezile?

Dad : My older sister's son.

Me : I met him at the Luxolo's graduation. He was very nice to me. Few days
ago I found out that he's my cousin so he invited us to a reunion party along
with Luxolo. Apparently they were best friends since high school.

Dad : Oh that's nice.

Me : Where's Brian he's supposed to take me there?

Dad : He said Luxolo will take you there.

Me : Ayi this guy

I went to my room. I got ready. I wore floral dress. I tied my hair up and wore
white sandals. Heels are exhausting. It's spring and im 6 months pregnant. I
can't wear heels bathong I'll faint. I took my clutch and went down stairs.
Luxolo called.

Me : Hey

Him : Come outside I'm waiting.

Me : Aren't you gonna come in and greet my dad.

Him : I'm scared of him.

Me : Come he won't bite.

Him : Alright.

He knocked. I went to open for him.

Him : Wow you're so beautiful.

Me : Thank you. Come in. Hes in the lounge.

He went dad.

Luu : Molo tata

Dad : Molo Nyana how are you?

Luu : I'm good. Father I came to fetch Lunathi we're going to Fezile's party. I
hope you dont mind me stealing her.

Dad : As long as she comes back in one piece.

Me : Dad!

Dad : What? Goodbye now.

Me : Mxm goodbye

We went to Fezile's party.



We went inside. There weren't so many people. I think it was his close friends
only and then us.

Fezile : Hey guys. Thank you all for coming. The purpose of this whole thing is
to reunite with my long-lost loved ones. For the past 5 years I departed from my
brother from another mother because of a huge misunderstanding. I always
seeked revenge on him. I decided to use his girlfriend as my revenge. I cannot
even begin to explain what I almost did to her only to find out she's my baby sis.
That day I learnt the truth that my friend wasn't responsible for what I accused
him of doing. When I asked him for forgiveness he forgave me without
hesitation and so did lil cuz. Later that day I called him again to apologise, he
said to me "If a brother holds grudges against his own brother he ain't no
brother. Stop apologising man or I'll kick your ass." (Everyone laughed at the
last part.) Luxolo bro thank you for forgiving me and letting me be your brother
again. Ladies and gentlemen let us welcome my little cousin Lunathi Mckenzie.
Come and let them see you.

I got up and went to him. Everybody gave me a round of applause.

Fez : Lunathi do you have anything to say to my people.

Me : Uhm don't have much to say but i just want to thank all of you for
welcoming me. Well actually I do have a lot to say but I can't stand any longer
my feet are killing me (Everyone laughed) I'll speak some other time but other
than that i just want to thank you for your warm welcome.

Fez : Luxolo please come forward bro and say something.

I went to sit down. Luxolo went to the stage.

Luxolo : Good day Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Luxolo Goldsmith. I don't have
much to talk about but forgiveness. The person who actually taught me to
forgive is Lunathi. Lunathi has been through so much pain because of me be
always forgives me. She taught me to forgive someone I really love no matter
how much they hurt me but if he/she seeks for forgiveness I should forgive. She
made me realise how hard it is to hold a grudge. Holding grudges filled your
heart with pain. It drains you but when you forgive you, there is peace love and
happiness. Thank you Lunathi for teaching me how to forgive and many othrr
things you taught. They really do matter. And Fezile, I love you man, even
though you were angry with me I still didn't lose hope that one day you'll find
out the truth. I love you man and nothing will ever drive me away from you.

Everyone : Ncoah.

The party went on. Everyone was having fun. I went to the bathroom. Someone
bumped my I almost fell but someone caught. It's Fezile

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry"

Fez : Londiwe are you out of your mind? How can you push a pregnant lady?

Me : Fezile relax it was an accident.

Fez : I'm sorry it's just that I don't want you to feel the pain of losing a baby.

Me : Actually I've been there.

Him : I'm so sorry to hear that.

Me : Yeah it's okay. Excuse me I need to use the bathroom real quick.

I head to the bathroom.



After the party Luxolo said he wants to pick up something at his house before
he takes me home. So we arrived there.

Me : I'll stay in the car

Him : Oh come on at least come inside and greet everyone.

Me : Urg fine.

We went inside. It was dark.

Me : Luxolo why is it dark because I'm pretty sure it's not load shedding. The
street lights are on.

Then boom the lights turn on


Oh it's a welcome home party. I really didn't expect this.

Mrs Goldsmith : Welcome home Nana. I just wanna apologise for everything I
didn't to you. I've been the worst mother-in-law. I'm really sorry for the way I've
been treating you and thank you very much for giving my son another chance to
prove his love for you. We as the Goldsmith family want to apologise for
everything, thank you for coming back and for the wonderful gift you're

Me : Thank you for this surprise party. I can't believe I'm having 2 parties in one
day. This is so amazing.

Aveh : Lunathi thanks for coming back. I promise you that we will never be the
reason for you to cry or be in pain again. I believe we have all learnt our
lessons(eyeing his mother)

Mrs Goldsmith : Oh come on Avethandwa. I've learnt my lesson okay? Can I

give you a hug Lunathi?

Me : (Surprised) Yeah sure.

She gave me a hug. For the very first time in my life I'm getting a hug from Mrs
Goldsmith. This is shocking. The party went on until it was late. We went to
sleep. In the morning I was woken up by Brian's call.

Me : Brian why so early?

Him : Sis I need your help. I forgot that my ex classmate Lwandle is getting
married today. Can you please help me get Zinhle? I would like her to be my

Me : Brian are you crazy? How can you ask me so late? What am I gonna say to

Him : I don't know something. Please. I'll give you whatever you want.

Me : Fine I'll try whatever I can do.

Him : Thank you. Love you

Me : Mxm.

I hung up. I called Zinhle

Her : Hello chommie are you okay?

Me : Yeah I'm okay.


Me : Yeah I'm okay

Her : Then why would you call me so early?

Me : I need a favour. Are you busy today?

Her : Of course honey I'm running a business.

Me : Can I take your place for today?

Her : Nana I can't let you work there alone.

Me : Come on I'll be fine.

Her : What do you want?

Me : My brother Brian is going to a wedding and he'd like you to be his date.

Her : Nana I don't have something nice to wear.

Me : Hello? We're the same size. Come over I'm in Luxolo's house.

Her : Hold on did you just say Luxolo's house?

Me : Yeah Luxolo and I are back together.

Her : Aw babes I'm so happy for you. I knew he'd come around

Me : Thanks chommie. Woza ke

Her : Alright I'm coming

After all those calls Luxolo was still sleeping. She called me telling me that
she's here. I gave her an outfit and facebeat. She looked so beautiful. Oops I
forgot to call Brian and tell him that she agreed. So I called him.

Him : Sis what did she say?

Me : She ready. We're waiting for you now.

Him : Alright thank you so much. I'm coming then.

Me : Alright.

In no time Brian was here. He picked he up and they left. When Luxolo woke
up it was around 09:00. I was ready to go to Zinhle's restaurant.

Luu : Babe where are you going?

Me : I'm going to Zinhle's restaurant

Luu : Zinhle has a restaurant?

Me : We have a lot of catching up to do.

Him : Order the food from home.

Me : No silly. I'm going to work there instead of her today. She went to a
wedding with Brian

Him : they know each other?

Me : Like I said we have a lot of catching up to do.

Him : Can I at least be there with you? I don't want you to be somewhere alone.

Me : Babe I won't be doing that much work. I'm just managing the restaurant.
There are chefs, waiters and everything. I'm just there to be a manager.

Luu : Wow her restaurant is that successful?

Me : Very successful.

Luu : I'm still taking you to there

Me : Whatever

He dropped me off. My day wasn't so bad. The problem started when I heard
that there's.


The problem started when I heard that there's a "Karen" that wants to see the
manager. I had to go there. Guess what? The "Karen" is my mom.

Me : Good day ma'am. How may help you? (Had to hide that she's my mom
before she causes drama.)

Her : Lunathi? What is wrong with your workers? They gave me the wrong
order. Tell them to give me what I ordered.
Me : Ma'am what was your order?

Her : Beef lasagne

Me : I'm sorry but we only have chicken lasagne on the menu so there's 0%
chances that you ordered Beef lasagne. Why do like making people's lives
difficult? These people have done nothing wrong to you. They don't even know
you and you want to get them fired?

Her : Excuse me but the customer is always.

Me : Not when the customer claims that she ordered something that is not on
our menu. So are you gonna change your order or should I ask the security to
escort you to the exit?

Her : I don't want your cheap food anyways.

She took her bag and left. Yuhh that woman can be pain in the ass. Later we
closed and Luxolo picked me up.


Me : Yes father.

Him : Sir or Mr Goldsmith would be much better.

Me : uhh okay.

So early in the morning this man is bitter. Plus it's a Sunday. Speaking of
Sunday I think it's about time I go to church. Last time I went there I was doing
matric. Anyways I made that bitter old man some food. I gave it to him. I ate
my own food and went to take a shower. After taking a shower, I wrapped a
towel around my body. I went back to the bedroom. I found Luxolo making the

Him : You took a shower so early?

Me : I'm going to church to today.

Him : Oh that's interesting. Can I come with?

Me : Of course. As long asou promise that you're gonna wear something


Him : Oh come on I'm not so bad.

He went to the bathroom and came back. He wore a navy suit and a white shirt.
He didn't wear a tie. I was wearing an a-line dress and small block heels. I tied
my hair up and we went to church.

Luu : You look beautiful muntwam.

Me : Thanks. You don't look bad yourself.

Luu : Well I'm handsome by nature.

Me : oh please don't flatter yourself.

Luu : Mxm whatever.

We arrived at church. Everyone was looking at me like they've seen a ghost.

The service went on. Until the pastor preached.

Pastor : Children can disappoint us bazalwane. It's better to stay at home than to
come to church and join the worship team while you're sinning.

Congregation : Amen!

Abomama were looking at me and shaking each other's hands.

Pastor : Angikho ke lapho bazalwane. Let us open the book of Matthew 5:7-8

The pastor was talking about me simply because I used to teach children in
Sunday school how to behave and now I'm pregnant. I dislike those old ladies in
church because all they do is sit there and gossip. Their daughters are lousy
bitches going around fucking with every guy they meet. I only fucked with one
guy in my life and I don't see myself with another man other than Luxolo. So
let them gossip all they want but we all know that their kids are slowly killing


I decided to leave church because it was getting intense and I couldn't stand that

Luxolo : Babe this is why I don't go to church. Christians tend to be

judgemental. When one is in trouble, they gossip him/her instead of helping

Me : No that's not true. True christians dont behave the way they do. They have
turned the gospel of Christ into a joke and church into a playground. In the old
days, church felt like home. Not all Christians are like this. Babe I promise you.

Him : If you say so.

We drove home. We found his parents in the lounge.

Us : Good day mom and dad

Mom : Hey kids. Guess what? Momma made her famous Sunday lunch for us.
Why don't you guys invite Avethandwa?

Me : I'll help you with setting the table.

Luu : Let me call Aveh.

Mom : no nana. I don't want you to hurt that baby.

Me : Mother it's just setting the table.

Her : How about you upstairs and change into more comfortable clothes

Me : Alright then. If you insist.

I went upstairs and wore a long floral dress. I tied my hair up. I went downstairs
and everyone was already dining. Even Aveh was there already.

Me : Aveh you came here so fast?

Him : Luna you know that I'd do anything for a home cooked meal.

Everyone laughed. We said grace and ate in silence. Luu decided to break the

Luu : Father I need to go and pay for the damages.

Mother : You're right son. In fact tata when are we getting them married?

Mr G : And why should we get them married?

Aveh : Bathong! Weren't you the one who said "No grandchild of mine will be
born out of wedlock"

Mr G : Stay out of this conversation Avethandwa. I only said that because Lilly
was carrying the first born.

Luu : Father are you hearing yourself? Lilly was carrying the firstborn? Well
the "first born" was not born so the baby Lunathi is carrying is my first born.

Mr G : Can we have lunch in peace?

Luu : Father I'm your son. I'm talking to you about these things because you're
my father.
Mr G stood up and left the table.

Luu : Ma.


Luu : Ma next Saturday I'm going to pay for the damages. Please tell your
Psycho husband that whether he likes it or not, I will marry Lunathi.

He also stood up and left.

Aveh : Ayibo Luxolo where are you going? (He followed them)

Mrs G : And then? What's going on with these guys?

Me : Mama, Luxolo can't be fighting with his father because of me.

Her : Don't even start with that conversation. Lunathi stop being kind and caring
okay? If you do people will take you lightly. If it means that they should fight
then let them fight. You deserve to be called Mrs Goldsmith. You're carrying
the first born after all.

Me : I know mother, but father, I mean Mr Goldsmith...

Her : Carry on. Call him father.

Me : But mother this morning he forbade me from calling him father. He

insisted that I should call him sir or Mr Goldsmith.

Her : He did what? This man is gonna know me today.

She also left and went upstairs. Okay so these people made lunch only to leave
me alone in this huge dining table. I cleaned up the table, washed the dishes and
went to watch TV. I think I fell asleep because I was woken up by being shaken.
I was not shaken, Luxolo was carrying me to the bedroom. Ahh this guy . He
placed me on the bed.

Me : You do realise that youve woken me up already by carrying me to bed.

Him : I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.

Me : Nah its okay. How's your father?

Him : Mxm I don't know what's wrong with that old man. He's bitter nje these

Me : He's bitter because of me. He hates me

Him : He doesn't hate you. Ijust don't know what's wrong with him.

Me : Then he'll come around now come and sleep.

He joined me in bed. We cuddled to sleep.


3 months later


Well Luxolo did pay for the damages. It's December. I am now 9 months
pregnant. I'm expecting the babies anytime soon. Mr G is still bitter. I really
don't care. Luxolo is a sweetheart. Mrs G is the sweetest mother I never had. I
haven't seen my baby bro for months now. I really miss him. My mother? She
got her job back and bought a house. Brian is in a relationship with Zinhle.

My thoughts were disturbed by my phone ringing. I answered.

Me : Hello?

?? : Hello is this Craig McKenzie's daughter?

Me : Yes.

?? : I'm calling from ** Hospital. Your father has been in a car accident.

Me : What? I'm coming right now.

I cut the call.

Luxolo : Babe are you okay? What's going on?

Me : It's my dad. He's been in a car accident. I need to go to the hospital.

Luxolo : Baby relax. I'll check on your dad. Stop stressing because you're gonna
hurt yourself and my princesses.

Me : I want to see him.

Him : But Lunathi

Me : I SAID I WANT TO SEE HIM! (I screamed at him)

Him : Okay fine. Let's go.

He grabbed the car keys and drove us to the hospital. The receptionist told us
where to go. We waited. The doctor came out.

Doc : Mr McKenzie?

Me : Yes.

Doc : He's not badly injured. He just broke his arm. He'll be discharged before
today ends.

Me : Can we see him?

Doc : Yes. Come in.

We went inside. He was awake and sitting on on the bed.

Me : Daddy what happened?

Him : I got a call from your mom saying her son is sick he needs to go to the
hospital but she had no one to take him there.

Me : Luzuko? What happened to my baby bro?

Him : I don't know. I drove there and I crossed a four-way someone hit my car.
I couldn't get there.

I got stressed. I hope my brother is okay.

Me : Luxolo I need to go to Luzuko.

Luu : Baby you're stressing too much.

Me : How can I not stress when my little brother is sick? He's life is in danger.

Luu : Baby please stop stressing.

I felt sharp pain in my abdomen. I felt liquids running down my legs.


Me : Luxolo... I think my water just broke.

Luu : Oh God. Let me call the doctor.

Me : You're a Doctor do something

The pain was getting worse. I felt like I was loosing my mind. Luxolo went to
get the doctor. I started feeling hot. He came back with porters. They put my on
a stretcher. If being in labour is like this then I'm never having a baby again.

Luxolo : Baby you'll be okay. Stop crying.

Doc : Make sure she doesn't faint. Dr Goldsmith please wait outside.

Him : No. I want to be here.

Doc : Fine.

I gave birth to 2 beautiful babies. They looked so much like Luxolo .

Luu : Thank you for giving me this beautiful gift my love. (He kissed my

Me : So you told me that if they look like you you'll name them first, so go

Him : Aw really?

Me : Yeah go ahead.

Him : Well thanks for giving me the honours. How about Lathitha and Lilitha

Me : Those are beautiful names. And I'll name them Indibusise and Indiphile.
Lathitha Indibusise and Lilitha Indiphile Goldsmith.

Luu : Mom and dad are on their way here. I told them.

"We're already here" that was Mrs Goldsmith.

Her : Let me see my babies. (She looked at them. And took them.) They are so
cute. What are their names?

Me : Lathitha Indibusise and Lilitha Indiphile.

Mr G : They look a lot like Luxolo.

Luu : My beautiful princesses. 06 December the best day of my life.

Mrs G : Congratulations My children.

Luzuko flashed in my mind.

Me : Luxolo... Luzuko.

Luu : Yeah right. Let me go and check on him. Do you know your mom's

Me : go and ask dad.

Luu : Alright I'll be back.

He left.

Mom : What happened to your brother?

Me : I don't know. Father said he fell sick and he needed to be taken to hospital.

Mom : I hope he's okay.

Doc : Excuse me sir and ma'am. Please let her rest now.

Mom : Okay. Bye baby. We'll check on you tomorrow.

Me : Bye.

I felt so sleepy but I promised myself that I won't sleep when Luxolo ain't here
because people steal babies in hospital.


I went to check on Lunathi's brother. I knocked on the door and Luzuko opened.

Zuko : Hey Luxolo.

Me : I was told you're sick.

Him : That's not true.

Me : Can I speak to your mother?

Him : Yeah come in.

I went inside. His mom was in the lounge watching TV.

Me : Molo mama.

Her : Hi Luxolo how are you?

Me : I'm good Mah. You called Mr McKenzie. He got in a car accident on his
way here.

Her : Oh my God is he okay?

Me : Yes. I came to check on Luzuko. Lunathi sent me since she's in hospital.

Her : She's visiting her father?

Me : No. She just gave birth.

Her : Oh Congratulations.

Me : Thank you. Mother why did you call Mr McKenzie because I can see that
there's nothing wrong with Luzuko.

Her : My son. I came been very unfair to my daughter and her father. I deny
Craig an opportunity to be there for his daughter, I spread lies about him and on
top of it all I hated my daughter for her father's mistakes. I have made Lunathi's
life a living hell. She is uneducated it is because of me. My baby girl had so
many dreams but I stopped her from achieving her goals. Craig always wanted
to make things right but I stopped him. He wanted to take care of me and his
daughter but I refused because i wanted nothing to do with him. Now I realise
how much pain I've caused to the both of them. I've also caused pain to my son
Luzuko because I separated him from his sister that he loved so much. Lunathi
has tried so many times to come back home but I'd push her away. You saved
my son's life when I had no money, yet I chased Lunathi out of my house. I
have done so many bad things and now I want to try and make things right. I
didn't know how I'd call Craig because he would've never came to me or
allowed me to see him after everything I did. So I lied and said Luzuko is dying.
That's the only way I could get him to see me.

Me : Let us go to the hospital right. They are both in the hospital so I'd like to
you to tell them what you just told me.

Her : Thanks Luxolo.



I'm still waiting for Luxolo to return so that I can rest. After a really long time
he came in. He came in with my mother.

Me : Oh Thixo. Did you come here to finiah me off and kill? I wouldn't be

Tears rolled down her face. Okay that's the first.

Luu : Babe she's still your mother.

Me : Luxolo how many times have you wronged your mother? Has she ever
told you she hates you? How about my mother? I've been living my whole life
trying to please her. I made sure i don't disappoint her but I am the
disappointment itself. She hates me. She's thrown me out her house so many
times. Even when i had no where to go. Luxolo i should be doing my third year
in medicine this year if she hadn't forced me to go and find a job. My life would
be like a normal girl's life. I never experienced anything that other kids
experienced. I never had a birthday party, i never went to matric dance, never
got a chance to go to university, never even got to spoil myself with the money i
I earned when i was your maid. Didn't have a decent meal. I'm still failing to
understand what it is that I did to hear my own mother tell me she hates me.

Mom : Lunathi I'm sorry. I have been so even ashamed of calling myself a
mother. I don't know why I did this to you. I was so selfish. Even if you don't
forgive me I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being a
mother to you. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. Luxolo i totally
understand why she's saying this. I made her be like this. Lunathi is not a
disrespectful child. She is respectful and a responsible young lady. She raised
herself to be come who she is because honestly i was not there for her. I didn't
buy her needs, I didn't do anything for her. Lunathi I lied to you. Your father
didn't rape me. It's just that he humiliated me in front of all matriculants. He lied
to me. Learners loat respect for me because of him. When I fell pregnant with
you I was chased away from home.


Mom : I was chased away from home. I became a street kid for sometime.
Learners would see me on the streets and make fun of me. Craig would beg me
to go and live with him so that he could take care of me and his daughter but I
refused. He would give me food and money. One day some lady offered me a
job as a maid. I worked for her. Her kids would deliberately make the house
dirty juat to see me working while i was pregnant. They'd call me all sorts of
names. When i finally gave birth, Craig came to see me in the hospital. Seeing
him just made me sick. I forbade him from comung to see me again but he still
came to see me. I decided to move from that place and come this side. I never
saw him again. I kept finding piece jobs. Lunathi life was difficult. However
you once told me that I should've made sure you don't have go through same
pain. You were right. I should've raised you with love and protected you. I
denied you your father's love. Baby Craig loved you the day he found out I was
pregnant. I'm sorry Lunathi and I wish Craig was also here so that i couldn't
"I'm here" that was dad.

Craig : Lindiwe I'm sorry. I tried to make things right but you just wouldn't let

Mom : I'm sorry Craig. I'm sorry Lunathi.

I just cried. I didn't know what to say. I didn't think I'd hear my mother saying
all of that. I had already made peace with the facf that she hates me and she'll
never love me.

Me : Mommy I love you.

Her : I love you too my baby.

Me : You do?

Her : Of course I do. Lunathi please forgive me. I love you very much. Seeing
you giving up on me made me realize how much I've hurt you.

Me : Mommy I love you and all I wanted to hear you say is "I love you". Even
if you didn't mean it but i just wanted to hear you say those three words.

Her : I mean it Nana I love you. Can I please see my grandchildren?

Me : Yeah of course.

Her : They are so cute. What are their names?

Me : Lilitha and Lathitha

Mom : Congratulations my baby.

She kissed my forehead.


I got discharged. I'm home. Mr Goldsmith is still bitter. That old man has issues
shame. Mrs Goldsmith, she's an angel. I'm still amazed and shocked at how she
just changed in a short period of time. To be honest I don't trust my mother.
What would make her love me all of a sudden? I want to see what evil she's
planning but I'll look after my daughters. I don't want her anywhere near them.


You guys are probably wondering why I want Lunathi back in my life and most
of you probably think I'm planning evil against her. Well I'm not. She's my
daughter. I was not planning on apologising or anything but ever since I chased
her out of my house, I never found peace. I was just unhappy. Luzuko didn't
make things any easier for me. He would leave home without telling me where
he's going, when I ask him where he comes from he would be like "You have no
right to ask me that question. I lost respect for you when you told my sister,
your daughter that you hate her." He would get involved in fights in school.
Every time when I remind him that I'm his mother, he should respect me he
would be like "What are you gonna do to me? Will you hate me and throw me
out of your house?" Every night he would ask me "Mother you're sitting here
having dinner. Do you ever think of where your daughter is? What she ate?
What if that sick mother-in-law of hers kills her? How would you feel?" Luzuko
loves his sister like crazy.

☁ Flashback of one of the days at home☁

Zuko : Mother how do you live with yourself?

Me : Luzuko can we live in this house in peace?

Zuko : (Shouting) There won't be peace in this house until you bring my sister
back. Mother when you're sick who takes care of you? Is it not Lunathi? Who
sacrificed her education for my education? Who sacrificed her whole life for my
success so that one day you'd get out of the poverty you were faking all along.
Lunathi always puts other people first before herself. Lunathi did everything to
make you happy.


Me : Luzuko she doesn't make me happy. She brought all the pain in my life.

Him : Really? Did she choose to be conceived and born? Did she choose to be
Craig's daughter? Lunathi is not the one that brought you pain. You are the one
who slept with a man with 30 minutes of dating. You refused to let Craig raise
Lunathi and take care of you. Lunathi and Craig did everything they could to
please you.

Me : I lost my family.

Him : They never loved you! Were you the first teenager to fall pregnant? No.
Did other girls get chased away from home? No! Your family never loved you.
They wanted a way to get rid of you. Mother you told me your baby sis also fell
pregnant but they never chased her out. Maybe they got rid of you because
you're so arrogant and selfish. Blaming an innocent baby for your mistakes.
Lunathi was not there when you agreed to sleep with Craig so don't fucken
blame her for your mistakes. I'm even ashamed of calling you me mother. There
won't be peace in this house until you bring back my Lunathi.

He stood up and left. Those words really broke my heart. Later he came back
with a wound on his arm.

Me : What happened to you? (Trying to help him.)

Him : Don't touch me.

☁ End of flashback☁
Luzuko became violent. He changed. He was no longer the same but whenever
he sees Lunathi he became normal. This says a lot. The words Luzuko spoke
that day made me realise how much of a bad mother I've been. I wanted to make
things right. But by the look of things, she still doesn't trust me. It hurts me so
much that my own daughter doesn't trust me. As much as it hurts it can never
compare to the pain I've caused her. I don't know how I can ever make up for
the damage I've made.


My life us messed up. I can't concentrate in school. It worries me that Lunathi

was forced to leave home because of my mother. I miss my sister. I always tried
to speak some sense into mother's head and finally she got her senses back. I
just want to see my sister.



So it's almost Christmas and dad is gonna introduce me to his family. Today
we're leaving going to grandpa's house. He's gonna pick me up at Luxolo's
place. My phone rang it's him.

Me : Hey dad

Him : Honey I'm waiting for you outside the gate.

Me : What? Dad I haven't even taken a shower or baths the girls.

Him : Nana I don't want to drive in the dark. I'm old.

Me : Hhayi dad you're not that old and you're not gonna drive in the dark.

Him : Sweetheart. We're going to eMtata. Now get the girls ready and let's go.
Me : Okay

Luu : I'll bath the girls and get them ready. You go and take a shower

Me : Thank you you're a life saver.

I took a shower, dried up, lotioned and got dressed. Luxolo got the girls ready.
We were done. I took Litha and Luxolo took Lathi and the bag and escorted me
to the car. I got in the car with the babies.

Luu : Molo tata

Dad : Hey son. How are you?

Luu : Kinda sad you're taking my little family away

Dad : Don't worry they'll be back soon.

Luu : Alright have a safe trip guys.

Dad started the car and we hit the road.

Me : Dad why are we using a car to go to there?

Dad : Because I want them to see my car. Those people always looked down on
me because when I rich the age 20 I already had 2 kids. They disappointed in
me and they were saying I got no future. But when I graduated University and
got a job they started becoming close to me again. So I want you to know that
50% of the people there might dislike you and 50% will love you

Me : Dad you're getting me scared.

Him : Don't be. I'm here with you.

Me : Where's Brian?

Him : He'll come tomorrow.

Me : What happened to Brian's mother?

Him : She dropped him on my door step and with a letter saying she still has to
get her life back together. I never saw her again.

Me : Wow that's sad.

Dad : That's one of the reasons why some of my family hates me, it's because
they had to help me raise him because I couldn't raise him alone.

Me : I'm sorry to hear that.


We arrived eMtata. Everyone was looking at my dad's car. It's a black Maserati
Levante. He parked the car in the driveway. Everyone was looking at who's
gonna come out of the car. Dad open the door and got out of the car. Some lady
came running to him and gave him a hug.

Lady : Bhuti. I missed you so much. Where have you been? And look at your
car. It's so beautiful. Makazi is gonna be jealous yohh.

Dad : She's here?

Lady : Duhh. Fezile just arrived too. He's inside.

I guess it's Fezile's mother.

Dad : Well I brought you guys a gift. It's in the car. Go and get it out.

She came to the car. She opened the door and screamed. She gave me a hug.

Lady : The Lord has finally brought you home. My brother's life was miserable
without his daughter. Not knowing what she ate, where she is. Thank God
you're home. What's your name?
Me : I'm Lunathi.

Her : Nice to meet you Nathi. I'm your aunt Zinzile.

Me : Nice to meet you too aunt.

Her : I have 2 sons Luthando and Fezile. Oh god who are these cuties in here

Me : They're my daughters.

She took Lathi.

Her : They are so beautiful.

She stared at them for so long without saying a word.

Me : Aunt what's wrong? Are you okay?

Her : No I'm fine. I just had the craziest thought. They kinda look like my son's
best friend.

Me : that's because he's their father. I met Fezile in Cape Town. I found out that
Luxolo and Fezile were best friends since High school.

Her : Oh. That's why. I was starting to think I'm going crazy. Let me help you
carry the bags.

She took the bag and Lathi and a bag. I took Litha. Dad took his bag and locked
the car. We went inside. There were a lot of people. This house is so big. I could
tell these people are rich.

Dad : Molweni.
They greeted back.

Dad : Well ngalahlekelwa Umntana ndimncinci kakhulu. Some of you felt sorry
for me and so of you were like "Tshotsho". I thank God who has brought my
daughter back to me. Everyone meet my Daughter Lunathi and my


Dad : Everyone meet my daughter Lunathi and my granddaughters Lilitha and


Old man : And how sure are you that she's your daughter?

Dad : I will not answer that question because that is a very stupid question.

Some old lady : Hhayi Bhuti it's obvious it's he's daughter because naye
unabantwana ababini emncinci kanje.

Dad : Makazi (He gave her a death stare) now prepare a room for her. Brian will
be here tomorrow

Girl: She's so Beautiful malume. I'm Olwethu.

Girl 2 : I'm Zandisiwe.

Lady : And I'm their mother Londeka. Your father is my little brother. In fact
he's the last born.

Me : Nice to meet y'all.

Old man : I'm James. Your father's eldest brother.

Old man 2 : I'm Samuel your Father's brother.

2 ladies didn't introduce themselves. Well all the ones that introduced
themselves to me seem like nice people. I haven't seen Fezile and his brother.
Aunt Zinzile : Where are these idiotic boys of mine?

"Really mom? Idiotic?" That was some guy I guess it's Luthando. Fezile came
in behind Luthando.

Fez : Nana?

Me : Fez!

I ran to him and gave him a tight hug. Oko ndamgcina ngoNovember.

Me : How you?

Him : I'm fine little one.

Me : Oh come on. You're only 4 years older than me.

Fez : Oh Nana this is my brother Luthando. Luthando this is Lunathi uncle

Craig's daughter. Lunathi where are my nieces.

Me : They are with aunt Zinzi

He went to them.

Him : They are so beautiful. Hayi maan baze bafana noLux

Me : That's what everyone says.

We stayed up until late at night. Everyone went to sleep. I slept with Olwethu
and Zandisiwe. They kept telling me about their boyfriends.
Olwethu : So who's the father of the Twins.

Me : Luxolo Goldsmith.

Zandi : Oh Thixo. Akakuhluphi?

Me : Like how?

Zandi : Ngamantombazane?

Me : No.

Olwethu: It's just that there's this maid that worked for him he kept bragging
about. She's been working for the Goldsmiths for 3 years. He said that he really
likes her and he'd do anything to have her.

Cont. 2

Me : When did he tell you that?

Zandi : Last year.

Me : He came here last year?

Olwethu : Yes. We're friends with although he had a fight with Fez, he still
came to see us.

Me : Oh okay.

Olwethu : I just hope that maid doesn't destroy your relationship.

Me : I'm that maid.

Zandi : what? Yes before I met my father things were kind of tight at home and
I had to find a job to help my mom. So I got a job as the Goldsmith's maid when
I was 18. We started dating this year on February.

Olwethu: Oh this makes sense now. Knowing you really changed him. Phela he
was a player. I hope he never goes back to his old ways.
Me : I kind of knew he was a player because before we started dating he slept
with the other maid. I was even scared of him because he seemed like a very
arrogant person.

Zandi : Be careful with Fez and Lux.


I slept thinking about what Zandi said when she said be careful of Lux and Fez.
What was she talking about? I woke up in the morning and did my hygiene
process. Everyone was already awake. I bath the Twins and got them dressed.
We all had breakfast as a family.

Grandma: So what degree do you have or working towards?

Me : Grandma I'm not in any tertiary institution. I was still saving up money to
take my little brother to University since I couldn't go.

Grandma: Why couldn't you go?

Me : I didn't have money and my mom was struggling.

Dad : Mother would you stop asking these.

Grandma : No I'm just shocked that she knows very well that she doesn't come
from a rich home but she still goes and fall pregnant. Indleko zikabani lezo?

Dad : That is none of your business. Please remind me why I brought my

daughter here. I didn't bring her for insults. I brought her here because she
wanted to meet her own family. She was so excited to meet you and all you do
is throw insults at her? Sweetheart we're leaving tomorrow.

Luthando : Malume it's not even Christmas yet and you're taking her away from

Dad : Should I watch these people insult her. Let me tell you something. Ever
since she was born, I was not there for her, the only family she had was her little
brother and mother. Now I'm trying by all means to make up for the times I was
not there in her life. All I want is to see my little girl happy and you people are
making it impossible.
Old lady : Then make your little girl happy. We have nothing to do with that.

Dad : Makazi Lunathi is a child just like Zandisiwe, Olwethu, Fezile,

Luthando, Ziphozethu etc. Why treat her differently? If you don't want to accept
her as family then fine I'll take my kids and leave. I promise you you'll never
see me again.

Aunt Zinzi : Craig don't leave.

Grandma : Let him go if he wants to go.

Dad : Lunathi go and pack your bags.

I stood up and went to my room. I packed all my things and took the bags
downstairs. So it's clear that nobody wants me here. I guess Nobody wants in
their lives. Even my mom was chased away from her home because of me. Am
I a curse?

Fez : Cuz don't cry. We'll visit you in Cape Town. (I didn't even realise that I
was crying)

Zandi : Yeah we'll visit you Nana.

Me : I love you guys.

Dad took the bags to the car. Just when we were leaving Brian drove in. He
parked the car.

Brian where are y'all going?

Me : Back to Cape Town.

Dad : Brian get in your car we're going back to Cape Town.

Brian: But dad Christmas is only 2 days away.

Dad : Get in your car we're leaving. I'm not spending Christmas with people
who hate me.
Brian : Okay.

We got in the cars and left. My babies were sleeping so peace fully.


I guess I fell asleep on the way because I was woken up by dad.

Dad : Wake up honey we're home.

Me : Already?

Him : Yeah. You were sleep the whole drive from Eastern Cape.

Me : Wow okay. Dad...

Him : Yes Nana

Me : Do you love me?

Him : Of course I do. Why would you ask that question?

Me : Dad everyone around me seems to hate me. Am I a curse? My mom was

chased away from her home because of me, your family hates you because of
me, Mr Goldsmith is always grumpy because of me. It seems like I'm the cause
of pain to everyone around me. Nobody stay with me and still be happy.

Dad : Baby don't say that. I love you and you're not a curse. You're a blessing.
Ever since you came into my life, my life changed. I felt like I am becoming a
better father to my kids. You brought joy in my heart. Brian always wanted a
little sister and he got one. He loves you. Then your little brother Luzuko, he
also loves you. Your mother loves you too Lunathi. Luxolo the father of your
kids loves you. You make us happy and we love you. Those people are not my
family. If they hate us then they are not family. Family members don't hate each
other now do they?

Me : No.

Dad : I love you Nana. Never ever doubt that.

Me : I love you more daddy.

We went inside. I was still exhausted so I just went to bed.


I woke up the next morning. I did my hygiene process and bath the Twins too. I
fed them. I went downstairs.

Me : Good morning daddy.

Him : Good morning Nana.

Me : Where's Brian?

Him : In his room. I think he's still sleeping.

I went up to his room. I opened the door he was sleeping. I woke him up.

Me : Brian vuka. Wake up dude we need to do shopping for Christmas.

Him : Ha.ana go with Luxolo. I'm tired.

Me : But you've rested enough mos.

Him : Try driving from Capetown to UMtata and from UMtata to Cape Town at
the same day and tell me if I've rested enough.

Me : Mxm whatever.

I decided to call Luxolo and tell him I'm back.

Luu : Hey babe. Miss me already.

Me : Oh please don't flatter yourself.

Him : How are my princesses?

Me : They are good.

Him : So how did your family treat you?

Me : They hate me Luxolo. They hate me and my dad. I'm back in Cape Town
because dad couldn't take the insults they were throwing at me.

Him : Aw I'm so sorry to hear that. So when are you coming back here? I don't
know I'm still in my father's house.

Him : I want to see my babies. I'll come over.

Me : Alright. I love you.

Him : I love you more sweetheart.

I hung up. I heard a car hooter at the gate. No it can't be. How can he come here
so fast? I peek through the window it's not Luxolo. The security guard opened
the gate. 3 cars drove in. It's my cousins and aunt Londeka and Zinzile, uncle
Samuel and Uncle James.

Me : Dad they are here. (Screaming)

Him : Who's here?

Me : My cousins.

Him : They are?

Me : Yeah.

I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door. I jumped and hugged

Olwethu : Are you only hugging this flat ass nigga?

Me : no
I hugged all of them.

Me : what are you guys doing here?

Uncle Sam : We want to spend Christmas with our niece for the first time.

Me : come on in guys.

They came inside.

Olwethu: Where's Brian?

Me : in his room. Come guy let me take you there.

I led them to his room.

Me : Brian wake up.

Him : I told you to go with Luxolo

Me : No silly. Your cousins are here.

He opened his eyes and he was so embarrassed that he was talking in his sleep
in front of his cousins.

Brian : oh hey guys.

Zandi : get up man. You guys are taking us out.

Brian : Oh Lord my money.

Fez : Guys I'm going over to Luxolo. I want to see him.

Me : He'll be here any minute. Let's hope downstairs and let this nut head get

I went downstairs and served breakfast to abantu abadala. Luxolo arrived.

Luu : Hey babe. (He perked my lips.) Where are the girls?

Me : Go and check at the backyard.

We went to the others at the backyard.

Luu : Lunathi you didn't tell me they are here.

Me : They just arrived.

Luu : Hey guys. (They greeted back.)

Just then Brian came outside.

Brian : Alright guys let's go.

Aunt Zinzile : Leave my granddaughters at home. I don't want you going around
with them during festive season.

Me : Okay aunt. I took them back inside.

☁ Narrated☁
They went out and enjoyed themselves. They spent Christmas together as a
family. On New Year's eve, Lilly came back to Lunathi and apologised for
every evil she committed. Lunathi forgave her but told her to stay in her lane.
She came holding a new born baby girl.

Lilly : Lunathi please help me and raise this child for me. I'm dying from
cancer. I can't leave my daughter alone in this cruel world. Please raise her for

Lunathi : Lilly what are you saying to me? You can't die.

Lilly : It the truth. I got diagnosed with cancer.

Cont. 2

Lilly : I only have a few months to live.

Lunathi : Its okay. I'll take the baby.

Lilly : I'm really sorry for all the pain I've caused you Lunathi.

Lilly left. Lunathi was heartbroken. She knew Lilly was evil but she never
thought things would end like this. She didn't think Lilly would leave this world
so soon.

Lunathi's POV

I'm deeply hurt by what Lilly just told me. I took the baby. She's so beautiful.
She also looks like Luxolo. So all the babies look like him He's so gonna rub
that in my face.

I went to Luxolo carrying the baby.

Me : Babe. Lilly was here. (I narrated everything to him)

Him: let me hold my baby.

I gave him the baby. He looked at her and smiled.

Him : It's so unbelievable that this innocent baby came out of that evil woman.
God has blessed me with 3 daughters at the same time. What are we gonna
name her?

Me : How about Lithalethu Isiphile?

Him: That's perfect.



It's been a few months and I've been calling Lilly to check on her. Today I'm
planning on visiting her and showing her the kids. Our relationship has
improved. We're more like friends now. I drove to her apartment with the girls.
I knocked on her door. She opened. She's gaining weight.

Me : Hey girl.

Her : Hey Nana how are you?

Me : I'm good.

Her : The girls have grown. They are so beautiful.

Me : Yeah they are growing really fast. How are you feeling today?

Her : Lunathi I don't know what's happening but I'm feeling normal. If I hadn't
been told the test results I would say I don't have cancer

Me : that's great.
Her : it's not great Lunathi because I know I will die anytime soon.

Me : Don't say that Lilly.

Her : It is what it is Lunathi. I can't change any thing now.

Her phone rang. She answered.

Lilly : Hello

?? :...

Lilly : speaking

?? : ...

Lilly : What? No it can't be. Are you serious.

?? :...

Lilly : Oh my God this is a miracle.

?? :...

Lilly : thank you so much.

She cut the call.

Lilly : Lunathi you won't believe this. I got a call from St Eve's Hospital. They
told me that I got the wrong test results. They mistaken my results for Philile
Thompson and I'm Philile Thomas. I didn't have cervical cancer. It was just
pregnancy complications. Dr Johnson said I need to go to the hospital to do
some check ups again.

Me : Woah that's amazing. Let me drive you to hospital.

She got ready. I drove her to hospital. The doctors did some tests. The doctor
came back.

Dr : Ms Thomas all the tests came back negative.

Me : Lilly!

She jumped and gave me a hug.

Lilly : Nathi I thought I was dying. I was so heartbroken and scared.

Me : I'm so happy Philile. We need to celebrate. Let me call Luxolo and tell

Lilly : Lunathi Luxolo still hates me. It's not like he's gonna be happy or

Me : Oh come on he's not that bad.

Lilly : No Lunathi. Already you've done so much for me. After all he pain I've
caused you, you still forgave me. Seeing how good hearted you are make me
feel guilty everyday of all the things I've done to you. Please forgive me

Me : Its okay Lilly

Her : Lunathi please carry on raising my baby. I don't think I'm ready and
capable of raising the baby.

Me : it's okay I'll raise her.

Her Thank you Lunathi.

I went home.

Me : Luxolo baby I'm home.

Luu : Oh welcome home babe.

Me : I was with Lilly. She got a call from hospital saying that they have
mistaken her results with someone else's. She doesn't have cancer.

Luu : Oh

Me : That's it? Oh?

Luu : Am I supposed to throw her a party? She may have apologised but that
doesn't mean she's my wife or something.

Me : Mxm you're so mean sometimes. Anyways she asked me to carry on

raising Lethu and I agreed.

Him : Okay. I made dinner.

Me : Alright let me go and freshen up.


6 years later


Lunathi is finally a medical doctor. The babies have grown. They're doing their
1st grade. Philile has moved on and found herself a boyfriend. Zinhle and Brian
have a 3 years old son. Mr Goldsmith is still bitter. Lunathi and Luxolo are up
and down with the wedding preparations of which Mr Goldsmith does not
approve of.


It's Monday afternoon. I'm going to fetch my babies from school. I parked my
car and went to get them from the Security guard.
Me : Hi Joseph (The security)

Him : Hey Doc

Me : Stop calling me that Joseph you know my name.

Litha and Lathi came running to me.

Me : Hey babies. Where's Lethu?

Joseph : Her grandpa fetched her.

Me : He did? Why didn't he take Litha and Lathi with him too?

Litha : uTamkhulu uthe he's taking her somewhere.

This man is up to something. Why would he take Lethu and leave my kids? I
decided to call him.

Him : Lunathi

Me : Father is Lethu with you?

Him : I'm not your father and yes she's with me.

Me : Why did you leave Litha and Lathi? Where are you?

Him : I'm at home.

I hung up.

Me : Let's go bunnies. Bye Joseph.

Him : Bye.
I drove home. We went inside and indeed they are home. I went to Lethu.

Me : Hey baby (I kissed her cheek. She wiped her cheek ) Baby what's wrong.
Did mommy do something that upsetted you?

Her : You're not my mother.

Me : Then who's your mother? Stop being ridiculous. I'm your mother.

Her : Stop lying. I hate you. I want my mother now!

Me : Isiphile don't raise your voice at me.

Her : Lunathi who is my mother?

"What's going on here?" That's Luxolo.

Me : I don't know what's going on.

Lethu : Grandpa told me the whole truth. He told me that you stole me from my
mom and you want to make me your slave just like your mom did to you. Now
who is my mom?

Luu : Father are you insane? How can you brainwash her like that? With lies!

Me : Oh... So that's why you fetched her from school and left the others.

Mr G : Did I lie to her? Lunathi are you her mother?

Me : Father you're confusing the child. I may not have given birth to her but I
raised her and I love her. She's my daughter and I want all the best for her.
Lethu you are my daughter and I love you nana.

Her : Then why did you steal me from my mother?

Me : Honey I didn't steal you. Your mom's health was not stable and she asked
me to raise you so just incase she dies. I promise you.

Her : Oh so I'm your charity case?

Me : No.

Her : I want to see my mother. I want to know her.

Me : Mr Goldsmith what have you done to my child? What is it that I've done to
you? You hate seeing me happy. You always want to make me suffer.

Luxolo : Father you have a house. Right now I want you to pack your bags and
and go to your house. You left your house just to hurt my wife.

Mr G : Luxolo you're chasing your own father out of your house?

Luu : Father leave my house.

Lethu : Papa ain't going anywhere. If he leaves then I'm leaving with him. You
angry at him because he told me the whole truth.

I can't stand this drama. I just just lost 2 patients and now I'm coming home to
this? I decided to call Lilly.

Her : Hello Babes.

Me : Hey.

Her : What's up you sound so

Me : It's my father-in-law. He lied to Lethu and told her that i stole her from you
whatsoever and Lethu is angry at me. She wants you. I don't know what to do.

Her : It's okay Lunathi you can bring her. I promise you'll she'll visit every
weekend. I know it's unfair that you're the one who raised her and now she
betrays you eskhaleni. Thank you for raising her for me Lunathi I'll forever be
grateful for that.

Me : Are you ready to raise her though?

Her : Yes don't worry.

Me : Okay. I'll bring her. Philile if she gives you any problem don't hesitate to
call me. So when should I bring her?

Her : It depends on when she wants to come.

Me : Okay I'll ask her then.

Guys I'm deeply hurt. I really love Lethu. I will never forgive Mr Goldsmith for
this. He turned my baby against me. Some of y'all may think I'm being dramatic
but hearing your child tell you that she hates you at the age of six really hurts. I
just pray that the Lord protects her and I pray that she follows the good Philile
not the bad Philile.



Today I'm taking my leave for the whole month. I want to make sure I enjoy
every moment before and after my wedding. I'm supposed to go and fetch my
dress and my bridesmaid's dresses but then I have to take Lethu to her mother.
She wants to leave. I got her ready.

Me : Let's go Lithalethu.

I drove to Lilly's house. I knocked. She opened the door.

Lilly : Honey unjani (I hugged her)

Me :I'm okay. Here's your daughter.

Lilly : Oh my word she's so grown. She's so beautiful.

She picked her up and gave her a hug. Okay when Lethu was 6 months, Lilly
stopped me from taking Lethu to her because should would be really confused
of having 2 moms. She only saw her when she was 6 months. She's seeing her
for the first time. I do send her pictures though. Lilly was in tears actually
seeing her daughter for the first time in 6 years.

Lilly : Hi Lethu.

Lethu : Are you my mommy?

Lilly : Yes.

Lethu : Mommy who is she? (Pointing at me.)

Lilly : Baby. She's my friend. Well more like a sister. She took you when I had
cancer. I thought I was dying. She raised you for me. She's a really good person.
You love her don't you? (Shook her head no.) No sweetie. You should love her.
She's been there for you when I couldn't. She really loves you.

Lethu : Then why did she take Father away from you?

Lilly : No sweetheart. I'm the one at fault here. I'll explain that when you're
older. Now apologise to Lunathi for all the bad things you said to her

Lethu : I'm sorry.

Me : You're still gonna be one of my flower girls on Saturday right

Lilly : Definitely. When are we fetching the dresses?

Me : Can we go now?

Lilly : Alright then. Let me get ready.

My bridesmaids are Lilly, Olwethu and Zandi. My maid of honor is Zinhle. My

flower girls are the three of my daughters. Well it was supposed to be Lethu
and Litha but Lathi cried and I added her too . Finally I'm getting married to
the love of my life. I've been waiting for so many years.❤❤❤.

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