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Week Two health.

Lesson One -An activity, e.g. fishing laughter, arrival

Topic: Revising nouns and noun TYPES OF NOUNS:
phrases. ✓proper nouns e.g. Mary, Kaduna, Monday,
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you July.
should be ✓common nouns e.g. boy, town, day, festival,
able to: month.
❖ Identify nouns and noun phrases in ✓Abstract nouns and collective nouns e,g,
sentences. honesty,
❖Write out nouns and noun phrases in happiness, knowledge, laughter, poverty.
sentences ✓Collective e,g. a flock of sheep, a team of
❖Make sentences with the nouns. players,
Definition: A noun is any word that names. a heads of cattle, a swarm of bees.
It may name :
-a person e.g Musa, John.
- a place, e.g. Africa, Nigeria. Kano.
- A thing, e.g. table, pen.
- A quality, e,g, honesty,
- A state of being/ mind e.g. happiness
NOUN PHRASE character.( complimenting ths subject, ‘the man.’)
A phrase is a group of words without a object and a ▪Subject complement: The Principal has declared
compliment part of a verb and which does not express a tomorrow a public holiday. (* Complementing the object
compete thought. e.g. ‘tomorrow).
I going down the hill
ii frozen with fear
iii no the table
A phrase is a noun phrase when it is performing the
functions of a noun. E.g.
❖The subject of a verb: To do well in life is everybody's
ambition (object of ‘IS’.
❖The object of a verb: I love weaving my hair( object of
▪The subject of a preposition: She told me about her
sister( object of about).
▪Subject complemen: The man seems an unpleasant
character.( complimenting ths subject, ‘the man.’)
▪Subject complement: The Principal has declared
tomorrow a public holiday. (* Complementing the object

A phrase is a noun phrase when it is performing the

functions of a noun. E.g.
❖The subject of a verb: To do well in life is everybody's
ambition (object of ‘IS’.
❖The object of a verb: I love weaving my hair( object of
▪The subject of a preposition: She told me about her
sister( object of about).
▪Subject complement: The man seems an unpleasant
Class Activity
1. Underline the noun phrases in the
following sentences:
a) He gave him an impossible
b) Swimming early in the
morning keeps me fit,
c) He was suspended for wearing
jeans trousers to school.
d) His dilemma was what to do at
that point in.
e) We went to see Ada, our able team

2. Write out the nouns in the above

sentences and make sentences
with any five.
Lesson Two
Topic: Argumentative writing( IGCSE)
‘The Government and Not The Society is to Blame for The Wide Spread of Corruption in Nigeria ’
Give reason and example to support your view.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be
able to:
✓Define Argumentative essay.
✓Explain the features of an Argumentative essay.
✓Write an Argumentative essay correctly.
DEFINITION: An argumentative writing is a form of writing
in which you attempt to persuade the reader to agree to
your point of view on a controversial subject matter.
An argumentative essay would require you to:
▪Prove a point or
▪Present a view point or
▪Balance two sides of an argument.
❖Presenting a view point.
❖Appropriate information.
❖Concluding the argument.
a) Class debate on the topic in
b) Write a debate on same topic.
Lesson Three
Topic: Vocabulary Development:
Register of institutions.
At the end of the lesson, you
should be able to:
• Identify and pronounce the words
• Make sentences with some of the
• Use dictionary to find the
meanings of some given words on
page 17 of Nelson Functional
a)Students study the words that are
connected with institutions as shown
on page 16 of Nelson Functional
b)Respond to activity 1 in page 17.
Form five sentences using any five
words of your choice as shown in the
table on page 17 of your English text book.
Lesson Four

Topic: The Pure vowels

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
• Identify the twelve pure (monophtongs) vowel sounds.
• Pronounce both the sound symbol and the words they occur.
There are twelve (12) pure vowels:
No. 1 / I: / see, seat
NO. 2 /i/ Market, sit
No. 3 /e/ heard, pet
No. 4 /æ/ man, pat
No. 5 /a:/ father, barn
No, 6 /Ɔ/ pot,
No. 7 /Ɔ:/ port, call
No. 8 /u/ good, pull
No. 9 / u:/ do, pool
No. 10 / ʆ/ ship
No. 11 /ʒ:/ girl, learn
No. 12 / ә/ doctor, above
pure vowels
Test of orals
Attempt questions 1-20, page 217- 218. of CATCH-UP
ENGLISH. Write the question and the right option.

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