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Any questions regarding your

international health insurance?
AXA will answer them quickly
and clearly.

FlexMed Global DB E&C/
FlexMed Global RK Premium DB E&C
Valid from 1st January 2018

I. Welcome to AXA Krankenversicherung. 3

II. You can reach AXA at any time. 5

III. FAQs concerning your international health insurance. 6

IV. Reimbursement FlexMed Global DB E&C 9

1. Direct settlement option 9
2. Reimbursement of costs paid by patients 9

V. Your insurance cover. 10

1. General information 10
1.1. Scope 10
1.2. Doctor and hospital selection 10
1.3. Medical necessity 10
1.4. Advance confirmation of assumption of costs 10
1.5. Previous illnesses 10
1.6. General terms and conditions 11
2. Tariff benefits covered by FlexMed Global DB E&C/ FlexMed Global RK Premium DB E&C 12
2.1. Scope of cover 12
2.2. Outpatient treatment 13
2.3. Inpatient treatment 14
2.4. Supplementary benefits for a parent or guardian accompanying children receiving
inpatient treatment 14
2.5. Dental treatment and prosthesis 14
2.6. Medical evacuation 14
2.7. Repatriation costs 15
2.8. Evacuation of additionally insured children 15
2.9. Additional benefits
2.10. Additional Assistance services 15

3. Exclusions 16

4. Particularities of the residual cost tariff FlexMed Global RK Premium DB E&C 17

5. Particularities of the daily sickness benefit tariff FlexMed Global Cash 17

I. Welcome to
AXA Krankenversicherung.
Welcome to AXA, one of the world‘s leading A partnership that pays off for you.
providers of insurance and financial services! You are insured by AXA Krankenversicherung
and services are provided by multiple-award-winning
In the event of illness, international health insurance AXA PPP International.
by AXA means that you and your family can count on
receiving the best possible international medical care This unique partnership not only offers you access
worldwide. to a worldwide network of medical providers, it also
provides you with an excellent multi-lingual 24/7
Some facts at a glance: customer service and comprehensive online services.
n AXA Krankenversicherung is one of the largest
This handbook is an important document and it
health insurance providers in Germany and is the
provides information regarding the tariff benefits,
pioneer in the field of active health management.
special services, assistance and support and on how
n The FlexMed Global tariff range provides you to submit claims and how invoices are reimbursed.
with global access to the best medical care and an In addition to this handbook, you will find a separate
around-the-clock service in the event of an description of the Customer Online portal which you can
emergency. use to manage your insurance matters comfortably and
conveniently wherever you are.
n The comprehensive benefits package for outpatient,
inpatient and dental treatment is perfected by special
Assistance Services.
n Numerous best ratings confirm the quality of our If you require further information
products. or have any questions concerning your
insurance, please contact us at any time
under Tel. 0049 221 148-39728 or via
the Customer Online portal:

Valid as of: 07.2016
AXA Krankenversicherung AG

AXA Krankenversicherung is a member of the inter-

national AXA Group. The ensuing capital strength offers
extraordinary security to customers and business

This is also confirmed by independent rating agencies:

Standard & Poor´s rates „excellent“ (AA-) and
Fitch rates „Very strong“ (AA-).

* Information regarding the latest rating is available on the Internet under or by telephone under +44 (0) 20 71 76 38 00.
Ratings are neither a guarantee of financial strength nor an insurance company recommendation.

II. You can reach AXA at any time.
How to manage your insurance online
You can reach us any time:
Using our customer portal Customer Online: Our Customer Online portal is the swiftest
and simplest way to submit an application for
This service will be made available to you immediately insurance. You can, of course, contact us using
upon registration, as soon as your employer has alternative channels:
registered you with us and you have received the policy
number and your customer number, you can use the By e-mail:
following functions available in our Internet portal:

n Communicate with AXA in a secure way By telephone:

n View your data easily and comprehensively 0049 221 148-39728

n Conveniently submit your bills and request You will receive swift and reliable assistance in
pre-authorisations more than 30 languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week. Our emergency service help desk can
n Send us your banking details also be reached on this number.
It‘s simple and quick and available any time and
anywhere. By post:
AXA Krankenversicherung AG
Expat Claims
Postfach 1320
65003 Wiesbaden

AXA PPP International has been operating in the field of Expat business for more than 40 years now and it looks after
employees seconded all over the world. The service centre is available around the clock, providing assistance to all
expatriates insured by AXA Krankenversicherung. We are delighted that our work has been acknowledged by numerous
awards over the past few years (please also refer to

III. FAQs concerning your
international health insurance
1. In the beginning 2. In the event of illness

Where do I find my customer number What should I do in a medical emergency?

[Customer number]? AXA will provide you with swift assistance in medical
You will find your customer number in your welcome emergencies, simply call 0049 221 148-39728.
letter and on your insurance card. If you have already This service is available around the clock and includes
registered on our „Customer Online“ portal, you can call comprehensive support such as arranging medical
up your entire policy details under the heading [Policy evacuation or clarification of the possibility to settle
information]. directly.

What do I do with unpaid bills from a previous Which doctors or medical establishments
insurer? can I visit?
If you have undergone treatment and have claimed You are, of course, free to select a doctor or hospital of
medical treatment costs before the date of inception of your choice. However, the global presence of the AXA
your AXA insurance cover, please send the correspon- Group also enables you to fall back on a global network of
ding invoices for such treatment to your previous insurer medical service providers and hence also on so-called
as you did in the past. You can send us bills for treat- AXA partner hospitals. Direct settlement is possible with
ment after the commencement of your AXA cover in the the providers included in our network. Please contact us
following ways: accordingly if you cannot find your preferred doctor or hos-
pital in our MyGlobe network portal, which can be started
n Online: after your registration via the Customer
in our Customer Online portal. We will be happy to provide
Online portal
you with prior authorisation of your treatment and will try
n By e-mail: to arrange direct settlement with the selected service
nBy post:
AXA Krankenversicherung AG
Where do I find a list of AXA partner hospitals?
Expat Claims
You can call up a list of these hospitals under the
Postfach 1320
MyGlobe application which you can start via the
65003 Wiesbaden
Customer Online portal. We are, of course, also happy
to provide information regarding our partner hospitals
over the telephone, simply call 0049 221 148-39728.
If you are unsure what to do with an invoice, please
contact us for assistance. We will be happy to provide
What should I do if I need to be hospitalised?
you with immediate help and advice.
Please inform us as soon as possible if you have to
seek treatment in a hospital or clinic. In most cases
this will allow us to make payment arrangements
with the hospital to settle claims directly. This means
that, in most cases, you will not have to pay in advance
and swift processing of your claim is also guaranteed.
We can also help you to find a suitable hospital.
In medical emergencies the hospitals and clinics can
also contact us directly using the details on your
membership card.

When do I need to obtain prior confirmation If the treatment is in the future and you require confir-
of the assumption of costs? mation that the costs will be assumed, please call us
As a rule, you are free to choose the doctor or hospital on 0049 221 148-39728. Also please inform us under
and are eligible for any medically necessary treatment this number if you have any questions regarding ongoing
covered by the tariff benefits – in most cases even or completed treatment. Our service team will take you
without prior confirmation of assumption of costs (for through the necessary steps.
exceptions please refer to Chapter V. 2 „Tariff Benefits“)
If you have already planned to undergo medical What should be observed when presenting
treatment, then obtaining prior confirmation of the invoices? What details must bills and receipts
assumption of costs does have many advantages: contain?
Invoices can be submitted easily and via different
n We will contact the hospital and ensure that your
channels. The most secure way is to upload the
admission to hospital is simple and smooth. Where
document via Customer Online. In addition, you can
possible, we will arrange for direct settlement of
send us your documents also by e-mail or by post.
the costs with the hospital, so that you will not need
Please ensure when submitting documents that they
to make an advance payment.
contain the following information:
n Our medical specialists will oversee your treatment.
n Name, address and telephone number of the
n In the event of evacuation or repatriation, we will treatment provider,
make the necessary arrangements.
n Name, address and date of birth of the patient,
If you require confirmation of the assumption of costs, n Name/description of the illness, nature of treatment
please simply call us any time of day or night on and date(s) of treatment and
0049 221 148-39728 or e-mail us at
n desired method of payment for the reimbursement
of costs.
3. Reimbursement of costs
Prescriptions must clearly contain the following
How can I have a claim settled as quickly as
possible? n The medicine(s) prescribed.
Please note the particularities of the FlexMed Global RK
n The price of the medicine(s).
Premium DB E&C tariff in chapter 4. If you are covered
by FlexMed Global DB E&C, there are two ways of reim- n Payment confirmation.
bursing costs in the event of a claim:
In the case of dental treatment, the documents must
1) AXA reimburses the service provider directly
contain the following information:
(so-called direct settlement): If you have informed
us in advance on 0049 221 148-39728 regarding n Description of the treated teeth.
your treatment, our service team will contact the clinic/
n Details of the treatment performed.
doctor administering the treatment directly and shall
agree, wherever possible, direct payment of the medical
Payments paid or rejected by other insurance carriers
treatment costs. This means that you can undergo
must be substantiated.
treatment without requiring cash and you do not have
to settle with AXA. The selection of one of our partner
Important information:
hospitals from the global AXA network also allows for
Please note that in some countries (e.g. Japan, Belgium
direct settlement which means that you are not required
or Italy) not all of the information we require is noted on
to effect payment in advance.
the documents. In such cases you can send a covering
2) AXA reimburses your own expenses: letter to AXA Krankenversicherung AG,
If you have paid for services yourself, simply send Expat Claims, Postfach 1320, 65003 Wiesbaden,
us your receipts, either via „Customer Online“ Germany, or an e-mail to with the
by e-mail ( or by post exact details of the illness and the type of treatment
(AXA Krankenversicherung AG, Expat Claims, received. Upon request we will be happy to provide you
Postfach 1320, 65003 Wiesbaden, Germany). with a special self-certification form for this purpose,
Our service team will contact you if any further which you can submit together with the invoice.
information is required. As a rule, presented invoices
are promptly reimbursed by AXA provided that the By when must I submit my bills?
information they contain is complete. Your bills should reach AXA within 6 months of

How will my costs be reimbursed? 5. Complaints
All eligible costs you incur during medical treatment will
be refunded to a bank account of your choice. Please Who can I turn to if I have a complaint?
call either our helpline on 0049 221 148-39728 and Satisfied customers, top service and high-quality
give us the bank account details or simply attach the international health cover are what we aim for. If you
details when you send us your bills. If we do not have are dissatisfied with our service or the benefits
your bank details, we will issue a cheque and send it provided by your insurance cover, please call us on
by post. Please used the secured connection in the 0049 221 148-39728. We will deal with your
Customer Online portal to provide us with your personal complaint swiftly and without red tape. Please also feel
account details. Following reimbursement of your costs free to use the e-mail address:
you will receive an e-mail informing you that you can If you would like to contact us by post please write to:
call up the benefit statement in the Customer Online AXA Krankenversicherung AG, Expat Claims,
portal. This document provides you with a clear overview Postfach 1320, 65003 Wiesbaden, Germany.
of the payments made to date. Please note that the
reimbursement of costs by transfer to some countries You, as the policyholder, can contact the ombudsman
(e.g. USA) may be subject to charges imposed by the for private health and long-term care insurance to settle
receiving bank which, unfortunately, we cannot foresee any disputes arising from the insurance policy out of
and which we will also not reimburse. In such cases court.
please arrange to be sent a cheque or use the direct
settlement option. OMBUDSMANN
Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
In what currency are costs reimbursed? Postfach 06 02 22
Depending on the type of account, refunds to you 10052 Berlin
can be made in all major currencies. In the case of
out-patient treatment, the exchange rate on the day of
treatment and in the case of in-patient treatment the AXA Krankenversicherung participates in the procedure
exchange rate on the day of admission shall apply. with the ombudsman for private health and long-term
care insurance.

4. Changes to your insurance details In addition, in the event of a complaint, you can also
contact the German insurance arbitration service
How do I change my contact data? (Ombudsman) or the supervisory authority:
Your contact data are communicated to us by your
employer. Should you need to change them, please Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
contact your HR Department directly Postfach 1253
53002 Bonn
What happens if I move to another country?
Your employer will also let us know directly if you are
seconded to another country. Should you notice 6. General information
anything in your details which is no longer up-to-date,
please contact your HR Department directly. The protection of your personal data is very important
to us. It therefore goes without saying that all data are
How can I add another member of the family to subject to the prescribed data protection guidelines.
the insurance cover?
Insurance of other members of your family is also
managed by your employer. Please contact your
HR Department without delay.

IV. Reimbursement FlexMed Global DB E&C
1. Direct settlement option
The global presence of the AXA Group enables us to Please call us at any time on
provide you with access to a global network of selected 0049 221 148-39728, send us an e-mail to
medical service providers. This shall, of course, not or use our Customer Online portal:
preclude your right to select the doctor and hospital of
your choice.
You can access the list of hospitals and treatment pro-
In the event of inpatient hospital treatment we shall viders included in our AXA network using the MyGlobe
always endeavour to arrange direct settlement in ad- application which can be started in the Customer
vance by issuing a cost assumption guarantee so that Online portal. If you choose to receive treatment at the
you shall not be required to pay the comparatively high facilities within our network, all you will need to do is
hospital costs upfront. Accordingly, it is important that present your personal insurance card and you will be
you inform us of any planned treatment in good time. assured of receiving qualified treatment – we will take
care of everything else.

2. Reimbursement of costs paid by patients

If you have paid for the services yourself, please submit Important information:
your invoices as quickly as possible (within 6 months Please note that in some countries (e.g. Japan, Belgium
at the latest), preferably directly via the Customer Online or Italy) not all of the information we require is noted
portal. For swift and orderly processing of your on the documents. In such cases you can send a
supporting documents please ensure that the following covering letter to AXA Krankenversicherung AG,
information is contained in the bill(s): Expat Claims, Postfach 1320, 65003 Wiesbaden,
Germany, or an e-mail to with the
n Name, address and telephone number of the treat-
exact details of the illness and the type of treatment
ment provider,
received. Upon request we will be happy to provide you
n Name, address and date of birth of the patient, with a special self-certification form for this purpose,
which you can submit together with the invoice.
n Name/description of the illness, nature of treatment
and date(s) of treatment and
Our service team will examine the submitted invoices
n desired method of payment for the reimbursement and instruct the subsequent reimbursement of costs. If
of costs. any requisite information is missing, we will contact you
in the short term.
Prescriptions must clearly contain the following
information: Please use the Customer Online portal to provide us
with the bank account details to which we should reim-
n The medicine(s) prescribed.
burse costs. If we do not have your bank account details
n The price of the medicine(s). we will send you a cheque by post. We recommend the
latter especially in cases where your bank charges fees
n Payment confirmation.
for the receipt of payments from abroad.
In the case of dental treatment, the documents
must contain the following information:
n Description of the treated teeth. In the event of an emergency
n Details of the treatment performed. please contact our 24/7 hotline on
0049 221 148-39728 as quickly as possible,
Payments paid or rejected by other insurance carriers which guarantees you swift assistance in
must be substantiated. medical emergencies.

V. Your insurance cover.
1. General information
1.1. Scope 1.4. Advance confirmation of assumption
AXA offers you insurance coverage abroad for illnesses, of costs
accident or other defined events. The scope of the We recommend that you contact us in advance if you
insurance cover is defined in the Group Insurance Policy, are planning medical treatment, especially if you are
the General Terms and Conditions (Parts I and II) and, planning to stay in hospital. In this case you may benefit
where applicable, in special agreements, and according from the following advantages:
to the statutory provisions in Germany.
n We can confirm to you whether the hospital/the
person administering treatment is included in the AXA
network. In the case of our selected contract partners,
1.2. Doctor and hospital selection
all you will need to do is present your insurance card
As the Insured you are free to choose, worldwide,
and you will be assured of receiving qualified treatment
among doctors and dentists, midwives, child delivery
- we will take care of everything else.
attendants and members of state-recognised
medical assistance occupations (medical and medical n We can also be of assistance even if you visit an
assistance professions) who are authorised to provide establishment which is not included in our network.
medical treatment according to the law of the respec- We will contact the hospital and ensure that your
tive country of temporary residence. admission to hospital is simple and smooth. Where
possible, we will arrange for direct settlement of the
For alternative healing methods (cures) it is also costs with the hospital, so that you will not need to
possible to call on the services of other treatment make an advance payment.
providers who are licensed locally and who have under-
n If you have to be admitted to hospital at short notice
gone recognised training.
or if you have had an accident, contacting us later
will also be helpful. We shall strive to arrange direct
If no doctor or dentist is available to provide medically
settlement with the hospital also in such cases.
necessary treatment at the place of temporary
residence or within a reasonable distance, in a case of n Our medical specialists will oversee your treatment.
medical emergency the costs of services provided by
n In the event of evacuation or repatriation, we will
other treatment providers are refundable.
make the necessary arrangements.
In the case of medically necessary day care treatment
and inpatient treatment, you are free to choose among In addition, all of the benefits, services and treatment
public and private hospitals provided that these are which require advance confirmation of the assumption
permanently supervised by doctors, they have sufficient of costs are listed in detail in Chapter 2 „Tariff Benefits“.
diagnostic and therapeutic facilities and also keep
medical records.
1.5. Pre-existing conditions
Pre-existing conditions are conditions suffered prior to
1.3. Medical necessity the inception of our insurance cover, i.e. before the
A precondition for a claim to an insurance benefit is that application was accepted. All pre-existing conditions
the respective examination or treatment, including any are included in your insurance cover.
prescribed medicines, remedies and medical devices are
medically necessary. Medical necessity must be traceable
on the basis of objective criteria (e.g. in the form of
medical diagnoses, laboratory results, X-rays, models).

1.6. General Terms and Conditions
1.6.1. Person insured
Your employer has registered you as a seconded
employee to be covered by AXA‘s international health
insurance. Other persons covered may be your spouse,
partner and your children who accompany during your
period spent abroad.

1.6.2. Date of inception

Your insurance cover commences at the time your
employer specifies your cover to commence when you
are registered. The date is specified in your welcome
letter or you can enquire directly with the HR depart-
ment of your employer. You will receive the welcome
letter immediately after you have been registered. We
will also promptly send you your individual insurance
card. You will find the most important information con-
cerning your insurance cover (policy number, customer
number) on your insurance card, as well as the different
ways to contact AXA. Should you require short-term
confirmation of coverage after your insurance cover
has started, please e-mail us at or,
alternatively, call our hotline on 0049 221 148-39728.
Our staff are available around the clock to provide assis-

1.6.3. Termination of insurance cover

Insurance cover shall end with the termination of
the insurance agreement, i.e. as soon as your employer
notifies us of your departure from the plan. This regu-
lation also applies to pending claims.

1.6.4. Reimbursement of costs

In the event of medical treatment or other measures
for which benefits are agreed, reimbursement shall
essentially be limited to the local assessment basis.
Individual cases are examined separately.

In this case you will benefit from the advance confir-

mation of the assumption of costs as AXA contacts the
hospitals and doctors outside of its own global network
in order to negotiate costs and agree direct settlement
where possible.

2. Tariff benefits under FlexMed Global DB E&C/
FlexMed Global RK Premium DB E&C
2.1. Scope of cover
2.1.1. Validity of the insurance cover 2.1.2 Insurance cover in your country of usual
Please refer to the tariff option applicable to you. residence
You can call up the tariff for which your employer has You will be covered for a total period of up to three
registered you with us in our Customer Online portal by months per insurance year during temporary periods
clicking on [Policy information]. Here you can also see, spent in the country you have left or will leave for your
if you have worldwide insurance cover including USA secondment on behalf of your employer. The only
(Region 1) or excluding USA (Region 2). exception applies to home leaves for USA nationals/
residents: If you enjoy insurance cover in Region 1
As a rule, you enjoy worldwide insurance cover also (worldwide including the USA), you are fully insured
outside the country to which you are seconded. The during a home leave for a period of up to 3 months also
only exceptions are periods spent in your home country in the USA. Persons insured in Region 2 (worldwide
(see above) and in the USA. If you enjoy insurance cover excluding the USA) are covered for medical emergencies
in Region 1 (worldwide incl. USA), then you are fully in the USA for up to 6 weeks per stay.
insured in the USA as well. Persons insured in Region 2
(worldwide excluding the USA) are covered for medical
emergencies in the USA for up to 6 weeks per stay.

Travels to the USA for the purpose of medical treatment Please note: We deem an emergen-
are not covered. Please inform us via your HR depart- cy to be the sudden, acute occurrence of
ment urgently and in advance if you plan to stay outside an illness or the acute deterioration of health
of the country you are seconded to for longer than three which constitutes an immediate threat to
months. health.

2.2. Outpatient treatment – Monitoring equipment (e.g. pulse oximeters, heart
Reimbursement of costs: monitors), insulin-, infusion- and pain pumps, inhalers,
infusion and inhalation apparatus, aspiration and
n 100 % of the invoice amount for medically necessary
suction equipment as well as sleep apnea therapy
outpatient treatment, including medicines and
equipment (CPAP), iontophoresis apparatus,
dressings prescribed due to illness, an accident, preg-
coagulation monitors (Coagu Check), blood
nancy or delivery.
sugar measuring devices, blood pressure measuring
Medicines must be obtained from a pharmacy or from devices;
an alternative officially authorised dispensary. – Wheelchairs, walking frames, home dialysis
equipment, special bedclothes for allergic persons
In the case of pregnancy and childbirth all medically
(= encasings), white canes, procurement and
necessary costs will be assumed including the costs
training – but not the upkeep – of a guide dog;
of specialists, antenatal and postnatal care of the
– CPM devices.
mother and the care of newborn babies. This includes
routine ultrasound scans (up to 3 times) and consul-
The listed medical devices have to be prescribed by a
doctor and they must not be considered to be general
n 100 % for remedies consumer goods.
Inhalations, physiotherapy, physical exercises, mud
n 100 % for optical aids (spectacles, lenses and
wraps, hydrotherapy, baths, massages, speech
contact lenses) up to 200 Euro per insurance year.
therapy, ergotherapy, electrotherapy, light therapy and
podological therapy are classified as remedies. These n 100 % for alternative treatment methods by alter-
remedies have to be prescribed. native practitioners, acupuncture (needle technique),
homoeopathy, osteopathy and chiropractic.
n 100 % for medical aids following advance confirma-
tion of assumption of costs by the insurer. Expenses for alternative treatments are only reim-
bursable if they are administered by doctors or other
Only the following aids are classed as medical aids
medical care providers who can prove that they have
(incl. the repair thereof) under both tariff alternatives:
had relevant training recognised in the country of
– Electronic reading devices, hearing aids including
treatment and are licensed or authorised to provide
otoplasty and initial equipment with batteries,
such treatment there. For example, in Germany these
speech aids including initial equipment with
would be alternative medical practitioners as defined
by the German Alternative Medical Practitioners Act
– Orthopaedic made-to-measure shoes, orthopaedic
shoe fittings, orthopaedic shoe insoles, orthesis,
bandages; n 100 % for medical consultation and diagnosis,
– Replacement body parts (e.g. prostheses, epithesis), including pathology, radiology, computer tomography
pacemakers, walking aids and surgical hose, wigs (CAT scans), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT),
following chemotherapy and in the case of Alopecia positron emission tomography (PET) and
totalis, scars caused by an accident, radiation or
n 100 % for psychotherapy up to a maximum of 20
surgical scarring;
sessions per insurance year.
– Stomaostomy, tracheostomy and incontinence
articles, breast pumps, enteral feeding and n 100 % for preventive check-ups (screening)
n 100 % for vaccinations recommended by the World
– Provision of oxygen with oxygen concentrators, liquid
Health Organisation.
oxygen, oxygen bottles, respiration equipment;
n 500 Euro for giving birth as an outpatient, even
with no proof of actual costs, upon presentation
of the birth certificate and subject to waiver of reim-
bursement of actual costs.

2.3. Inpatient treatment 2.5. Dental treatment and prosthesis
n 100 % of the invoice amount for the costs of Reimbursement of costs:
inpatient treatment due to illness, an accident,
n 100 % of the invoice amount for medically necessary
pregnancy or delivery.
outpatient dental treatment
Cover is granted for the costs of: n 100 % for professional dental cleaning, up to
100 Euro per insurance year
n Hospital care
n With the insurer’s prior written declaration of
n Board and accommodation in a single or twin room
assumption of costs, 50 % for dental prosthesis
n Private medical treatment including:
– prosthetic dentistry, e.g. bridges, prosthetics
n Operations and anaesthetics
– crowns and partial crowns, also in the case of
n Medicines and dressings treatment of an individual tooth
– implants
n Medical consultation and diagnosis, including
– functional analysis costs within the scope of a
pathology, radiology, computer tomography
dental prosthesis measure
(CAT scans), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT),
– functional therapeutic costs
positron emission tomography (PET)
n Midwives n 100 % for dental prosthesis due to an accident
n Complications in connection with pregnancy or n 100 % for orthodontic treatment if the treatment
childbirth such as, for example, premature birth, mis- commenced before the insured person reaches
carriage, ectopic pregnancy the age of 19 – up to 1,500 Euro per insurance year
n Psychotherapy n 100 % for orthodontic treatment due to an
n Medically necessary costs of transportation to or from
the nearest suitable hospital
Particularly in the event of treatment involving dental
n Transportations which are necessary for medical prosthesis, inlays, implants, periodontal treatment and
reasons and prescribed by a doctor, provided that an orthodontic measures it is always wise to send us the
appropriate means of transport is used. In this case a dentist‘s treatment plan and cost estimate together with
doctor‘s certificate must be submitted confirming the the cost estimate from the dental laboratory.
medical necessity
n Inpatient follow-up rehabilitation
2.6. Evacuation
The costs of subsequent inpatient rehabilitation n 100 % reimbursement of the costs of medically
measures are reimbursable if and to the extent to necessary or sensible evacuation to the country
which the insurer has agreed to accept such costs in from which the principal insured departed on an
writing prior to commencement of the subsequent assignment for the policyholder or to the home
rehabilitation measures and provided that no other country of the insured person or to the nearest
cost carrier assumes these costs. suitable hospital.

Medically sensible is a return transport in the following

2.4. Supplementary benefits for a parent cases when
or guardian accompanying children receiving
n a medically best possible treatment in the country of
inpatient treatment
residence is not guaranteed, and/or
Costs incurred for the accommodation of an adult
accompanying a child are covered by the child’s n the healing process can be remarkably improved by
insurance. This shall only apply in the case of children returning.
under the age of 16.
Any evacuation must be prescribed by a doctor, or-
ganised by the insurer and be carried out with the
insurer‘s prior written approval. An evacuation can also
be organised by an Assistance Provider commissioned
by your employer.

As far as a separate preauthorisation is issued for the 2.10. Additional Assistance Services
following, the insurer furthermore pays up to 100 % for: Insurance cover is more than merely the reimbursement
of costs in the event of illness. The numerous Assistance
n the return travel costs of all covered family members.
Services provided by AXA are a very helpful complement
n accommodation expenses and return travel costs of available to you around the clock. Costs which we incur
an accompanying person (over 18 years) on return of with third parties within the scope of Assistance services
an insured person under age (under 18 years). are not covered under your tariff benefits. In this case
we shall inform you in good time.

2.7. Repatriation costs

Our Assistance Services at a glance:
n 100 % reimbursement of the direct costs of
repatriation incurred upon the death of an n Information on the best medical care available
insured person, only if repatriation is organised by on location.
the insurer or an Assistance Provider commissioned AXA Assistance helps you to select the best medical
by your employer. service provider (doctor, hospital, pharmacy) in his
immediate vicinity.
Repatriation shall be to the country from which the
principal insured person departed on an assignment for n Organisation of an early return journey home
the policyholder. If you have to return to your usual country of
residence earlier than planned, AXA will help you to
make the travel preparations.
2.8. Evacuation of additionally insured
children n Assistance in the case of lost documents
n 100 % of the necessary costs of returning AXA Assistance will assist you abroad to obtain
additionally insured children under the age of 18 replacement travel documents.
home, provided that the principal member and all
additionally insured adults were or are to be evacuated n Informing relatives in the event of illness
or are deceased. If, in the event of an emergency, you are unable to
contact your relatives, AXA Assistance shall help
by communicating important information and shall
2.9. Additional benefits keep the family duly informed of all developments.
n 100% reimbursement of deductibles according
to Section 61, clauses 1 and 3, SGB V (Deduct- n Wheelchair and luggage assistance
ibles for Medicines and Remedies) and according to If a wheelchair is required when travelling, AXA will
Section 61, clause 2, SGB V (Hospital Deductibles) ensure that a wheelchair is available at the airports of
up to 280 Euro per year under the FlexMed Global RK departure and arrival and it will organise transpor-
Premium DB E&C tariff. tation of luggage.

n Translations
AXA Assistance will support you with the translation –
oral and written – of medical documents.

3. Exclusions
With AXA‘s international health insurance you will enjoy 11. for abortion with the exception of the following
comprehensive insurance cover for medically necessary three events:
treatment which applies worldwide. a) due to a medical indication – danger to the life
or the health of the expectant mother.
However, within the scope of your cover, the insurer‘s b) due to a eugenic indication – danger of a physical
shall not be liable to pay claims: or mental impairment of the child – possibility to
abort in the first 22 weeks with exemption from
1. for illnesses – including their consequences – or for
consequences of accidents or occurrences of death
c) due to ethnic (criminological) indication –
which were caused by warlike events, civil commo-
pregnancy caused by rape;
tion or civil war. This exclusion shall not apply if the
insured person staying outside of Germany does 12. for remedies, even if they are prescribed as re-
not actively participate in the warlike event, civil medies, if their composition is not revealed, food
commotion or a civil war; supplements, tonics, cosmetics, mineral waters and
bath salts and oils, potency enhancement remedies,
2. for illnesses – including their consequences – or for
contraceptives (unless an underlying illness exists),
consequences of accidents or occurences of death
hair restorers and over-the-counter aids to slimming
which were caused through active participation in
and laxatives;
acts of terrorism;
13. for treatment or pharmacotherapies which do not
3. for illnesses and accidents caused deliberately,
conform to generally accepted medical practice or
including their consequences, or for the treatment
which are deemed to be of an experimental nature;
of addictions;
14. In addition, under the FlexMed Global tariff the insu-
4. for illnesses and accidents that the insured person
rer is not obliged to pay for illnesses and their con-
has sustained in a crime committed by him/her
sequences and for the consequences of accidents
such as murder, manslaughter or rape;
or death caused by nuclear, biological or chemical
5. for health resort and sanatorium treatment and for contamination.
rehabilitation measures of statutory rehabilitation
Further benefit limitations
6. for outpatient medical treatment in a spa or health Should medical treatment or an alternative measure,
resort. This limitation shall not apply if, during a for which benefits have been agreed, exceed the amount
period of temporary residence, medical treatment of treatment deemed medically necessary or if the
becomes necessary due to the manifestation of an fee charged is inappropriate, we shall be entitled to
illness not connected to the purpose of the period reduce our payments to an acceptable amount. Where
of temporary residence or due to an accident; expenses for medical treatment or other services are
strikingly disproportionate to the services provided, we
7. for treatment administered by the spouse, civil
shall not be obliged to perform in this respect.
partner, parents or children; material costs are reim-
Other claims for reimbursement
8. for accommodation due to an insured person In the event also of any claim to benefits from a
requiring nursing care or custody; statutory accident insurance or from a statutory pension
insurance provider or a claim to statutory medical care
9. for treatment due to the unfulfilled wish to have
or accident care, these must be called upon first.
own children (artificial insemination);
10. for cosmetic/plastic surgery which does not If the insured is entitled to claim against several
constitute medically necessary treatment; entities liable to pay compensation for the same insured
event, then total reimbursement must not exceed total

4. Particularities of the residual cost
tariff FlexMed Global RK Premium DB E&C
If your statutory health insurance (SHI) remains in For additional information please contact us via e-mail
effect in Germany and your employer has taken out at or by telephone under the number
private residual cost insurance for you and for the family 0049 221 148-39728.
members accompanying you for illnesses suffered
The General Terms and Conditions (here: AVB-E) of the FlexMed
during your secondment abroad, a separate rule shall Global RK Premium DB E&C tariff apply.
apply to the reimbursement of costs. We have briefly
summarised the necessary steps which enable the
simple settlement of reimbursable costs in a separate
information sheet. These will be provided via the
Customer Online Tool.

5. Particularities of the daily

sickness benefit tariff FlexMed Global Cash

If your employer has taken out the FlexMed Global As the daily sickness benefit tariff is only valid in connec-
Cash tariff you can claim globally applicable daily sick- tion with a FlexMed Global full cost insurance policy, this
ness benefits in the event of an incapacity to work for cover shall also lapse when the insurance expires.
a maximum period of 78 weeks (including the selected
Further explanations regarding, for example, the scope of insurance
qualifying period of 42, 91 or 182 days). cover and the limitation of the duty to indemnify are set down in
the General Terms and Conditions (AVB-E KT) of the FlexMed Global
Cash tariff. Your employer will be happy to provide you with these
upon request.

AXA Krankenversicherung AG, 50592 Köln

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