1995 4 Eng

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by BGen E. Morin " Director General Aerospace Equipment Program Management

Airworthiness E q uals nity for improvement and we must
0 P erational Ca P abilitY take advantage . I firmly believe that
our engineering, maintenance and
irworthiness is not just aircraft ser- operation activities are governed by
_ As I See It Accident Resume For Professionalism viceability or availability; it is a applicable and appropriate orders
1 concept that is directly related to which have been developed using
assurance of Air Force operational
~i sound airworthiness principles .

Taking Out The Garbage capability . Airworthiness is not the However, as in all things, some orders
Accident Resurne Flight Safety Award Survival Equipment - exclusive domain of engineers and cannot be supported by today's chang-
Heat Damaged maintainers ; it does and must include ing world, Even Transport Canada is
Slippery Ramp operators, aspects of materiel procure- performing a fundamental review of
ment, airfield facilities, aircraft design their aviation regulatory framework .

and performance, personnel education
Musings From The Editor Accident Resume
As a combined regulator, owner,

and training, to name a few. Flight operator and maintainer of aircraft as
Pitfalls Of Popping Jet Ranger Birdstrike Dumb Safety and Airworthiness programs well as our own accident investigator,
Prescription Pills Bombs Do Dumb Things are vital, complementary elements it behooves us (DNDICF) to ensure all

that assess risk and aid in the conser- aspects of aviation safety are covered
Lockheed P-ZH Neptune 117 vation of resources, both personnel and that a level of independence be
Accident Resume and materiel, critical to mission accom- clearly maintained between these vari-
For Professionalism
plishment . ous aspects . We must review our phi-

The need to embrace airworthi- losophy on centralized fleet controls
ness is not optional, it is a legal as opposed to individual aircraft or
i responsibility stemming directly frorn
Helo Afterburner organizational entities . We must focus
the Aeronautics Act, which specifies on striking the right balance between
Mission vs Situation Bucking Mule that the Minister of National Defence operational precedence and aviation
Stranded In The Cold is responsible for, amongst other safety, including clear delineation of
things, the Airworthiness of military authority for the decisions which
aeronautical entities . While airworthi- might have to be made . The MOC 500
ness has always been a primary con- primarily the need to demonstrate a restructure and Operation Excelerate
cern of military air operations, there fleet's initial and continuing airworthi-

initiatives are introducing greater
remains a requirement to more clearly ness . An annual certification requires devolution of responsibility with
articulate the policy and management that documented evidence of confor- appropriate authority and account-
framework necessary to fulfil all oblig- mity with the design specifications be ability. This adjustment involves tech-
ations associated with the Aeronautics presented to the Airworthiness nicians, engineers, operators, suppliers
Act . Review Board (ARB) for approval .
_ n r~~r F ~ and trainers ; those internal to DNDICF
Operations, flight safety, engineering and those external to DNDICF as rep-
and maintenance staffs make presen- resented by our aerospace industry

Air Command Flight Safety The Canadian Forces

The need to tations to the ARB which is co-chaired
by DGAEPM and COS Ops (Air
partners .
In summary, I believe we must
Director-Flight Safety Flight Safety Magazine Command) . Satisfactory compliance evolve toward an even more formal
Col M .1 . Bertram
Flight Comment is produced 6 Photo by Mike Reyno results in the issuance or renewal of approach to airworthiness manage-
Investiyation times a year by Air Command Flight a Canadian Military Aircraft Type
lCol R,W . Gagnon Safety . The contents do not necessar-
ily reflect official policy and unless Subscription orders should be direct-
airworthiness is Certificate (CMATC) .
ment, while enhancing its flexibility
and responsiveness to operational
Prevention I have recently established a team
otherwise stated should not be ed to : requirements without compromising
LCoI M.P Kennedy
Air Weapons SafetylEngineering
construed as regulations, orders
or dire<tives .
Publishing Centre,
not optional, that is working to improve and re-
define the full range of Airworthiness
our legal obligations . Both the
Airworthiness and Flight Safety
Maj B.A . Baldwin Ottawa, Ont. K1A 059
Contributions, comments and related documentation and processes . Programs are integral parts of
Editor Telephone: Area Code (613) 956 4800
criticism are welcome; the promotion While I appreciate terms like "re-struc- Aviation Safety ; both contribute to
Capt Jim Hatton of flight safety is best served by Annual subscription rate : for Canada, The current CF Airworthiness ture, downsize, delayer, re-engineer, the preservation of limited Air Force
Art Direction: disseminating ideas and on-the-job $17 .50, single issue $3 .00; for other
Program has been subjected to an process improvement" may have
experience . Send submissions to : countries, $21,00 US ., single issue resources . To paraphrase an Australian
DCA 2-6
$3 .60 US . Prices do not indude GST. independent audit and is generally become too "popular", they do not colleague, "while Flight Safety and
Translation Payment should be made to Receiver considered effective, but its scope is depict the truly massive amount of
Editor, Flight Comment, D.FS., Airworthiness are everybody's busi-
Secretary of State- Air Command Headquarters, General for Canada . This Publication limited . The published policy dealing change the Air Force is undergoing . ness, unless they know about it, it
Technical Section or its contents may not be repro-
Westwin, Manitoba, R3J OT0 strictly with airworthiness is technical- Some of these cannot be avoided in
duced without the editor's approval . might as well be nobody's business ." ~
Photographic Support ly focussed . The applicable order
Telephone: (~04) 833-6981 terms of their impact on CF
CF Photo Unit-Rockcliffe FAX: (204) 833 6983 ISSN 0015-3702 (CFTO C-05-005-0011AG-001) addresses Airworthiness Policy. There is opportu-
Cpl 1 .C . Marcoux

flight Comment No . 4,1995 1

Type : CF188714 These are not arbitrary changes directed to our readership base -
Date : 5 July 1995 for the sake of change but a concen- technicians on the floor, aircrew on
Location : 4 Wing, Cold Lake trated effort to capture our readers Squadron, controllers in the Tower
attention and have them want to etc . The success in maintaining Flight
rcum~t~nc read our publication . The tumble Comment as a first rate publication is
format is the industry norm for dependant upon our readers who pro-
1 he mishap aircraft was involved in government publications . The three vide us with relevant artides . Most of
a 2 v 1 air combat training mission
column spread gives us more options our readers do not want to read
that was being conducted on the in our layout and provides greater about the musings of a Headquarters
Cold Lake Weapons Range . The for-
flexibility in the use of photos and Staff Officer (particularly a semi-func-
mation completed four defensive
cutouts. Type change was at the tional editor) but are more interested
setups prior to the mishap engage-
suggestion of some of our veteran in what is happening at the front
ment . After the fourth defensive
s with a vintage forty-one year readers who have shorter arms than lines .
engagement, the #3 aircraft was An editorial apology to our
old home, Flight Comment has was required to decipher our scrawl .
cleared to return to base while the readers of edition 2195 as the photo
undergone some renovations . Change that is not as easily
Lead and his wingman continued with captions of the immersion suits in the
Most obvious are the physical noticeable is the philosophy behind
a pre-briefed 1 v 1 scenario . Survival in Cold Water artide should
changes - revamped cover design, Flight Comment which is to provide
Following a standard butterfly you - the readers - with a quality be reversed .
tumble format, three column layout
split, the two aircraft turned head-on Enjoy the new look - we welcome
Aircratt impact crater. and type change . My many thanks to aviation flight safety magazine . We
and established a left-to-left pass, have taken a concentrated effort to your comments . ~
the professionals at DCA 2-6, Graphic
with the #2 aircraft approaching from simultaneous roll to the nght which
Arts, for their suggestions . provide short, sharp articles that are
above . Just prior to the merge, Lead placed it in an inverted attitude . The
aircraft then continued to accelerate It is fortunate that this training
lost visual contact with his wingman
mission was conducted on the Air
and made the required safety call of as the pitch angle continued to steep-
Combat Manoeuvring Range and that
"Blind", This was acknowledged with en . At the time of impact, the aircraft


was inverted with a pitch attitude a recording of the mishap was avail-
a transmission of "Continue, visual"
approaching the able for use in the investigation .
vertical and an Considering the severity of the impact,
airspeed in the various recording devices on board
excess of 700 the aircraft, (i .e . MSDRS tape, HUD
tape, etc), did not survive and thus by LCdr M.E.C Courchesne, DFS 3-5
1 .12 . provided no usable evidence, At pre-
ecent flight safety incidents have relate it with the individual's history . contain, other than just plain Tylenol
At the time sent, it is considered probable that
been the cause of raised eye- For example if someone was adminis- (acetaminophen), codeine a pain killer
of the mishap, shortly after the initiation of the Split-
brows, numerous telephone calls tered pain killers in the course of a of the opiate family (related to
the visibility in S manoeuvre the pilot became inca-
and a certain degree of anxiety for rescue before blood or urine samples opium) . After it is absorbed, codeine
pacitated due to a G-induced loss of
the air-to-air is partly transformed into morphine
consciousness (G-LOC) ; however, the some aircrew . In the end the dust set- were taken then we would expect
range was good (that's why it is such a good pain
investigation is ongoing . ~ tled and all was resolved but as is "positive" findings) . Back to our story .
with a clear and killer) . It will have maximum effect 2
often the case it was an opportunity The toxicological analysis came back
definite horizon . with a positive for morphine . Now to 6 hours after ingestion and then
for lessons learned . The subject is air-
There was a that catches your attention . I know will be passed through the urine for
crew and medication .
layer of low One case in point . A CF aircraft that some aircrew experience real the next 48 hours . So at the time of
clouds covering flight the effect of the pill was long
encountered some difficulty and sus- highs while flying but that's endor-
the western por- tained damage . No one was hurt . The phins not "morphins" . Next we had gone . That was the answer to our
tions of the aircrew in accordance with ACOs images of aircrew shooting up mor- puzzle,
Carbon fibre protectron gear - low densityzone. range area ; But that's not really the issue . The
reported to the local MIR for blood- phine through their veins before a
however, this letting . (I must open brackets here flight , . . but that didn't really make issue here is taking other people's
by the wingman, who continued with layer became scattered as the flight and add that toxicological analysis sense . The aircrew in question had prescription drugs . Is it reasonable to
his attack in accordance with the proceeded into the eastern portion of think that if you are grounded on the
performed is for the purpose of ruling revealed at the time of the incident
training rules . the range . As such, weather is not out drugs, alcohol or controlled sub- that he had taken a Tylenol the prior basis of an injury and the drugs you
A 6 .4G "Split-S" turn from above considered a factor in this rnishap . In are taking for it that your fellow air-
stances as the cause of the occurrence evening for a headache . What
the Lead aircraft was initiated, with a addition, the technical investigator crew are safe to fly with them ; or that
and not for legal purposes such as Tylenol? Well it wasn't really his . He
G loading in excess of 6G being main- indicated that up to the point of it's not OK for the other individual to
prosecution, etc . . . And in all the got it from a fellow aircrew that was
tained for slightly greater than three impact, the engines were producing years of testing for flight safety the grounded for an injury and had been fly with these drugs but it's OK for
seconds . On the back side of this turn, thrust, electrical power was being sup- CF has held true to its word . When we prescribed Tylenol #3 and then #1 . you? Well maybe they thought a
the G load and the pitch attitude plied, and the aircraft appeared to be Protection gear - confined area . do find such substances, we must cor- The fog was lifting . Tylenol #1 and #3
decreased while the aircraft began a responding to <ontrol inputs . Continued on page 16

2 Fhghi Comment No . 4,1995 Fliqht Comment No . 4,1995

cracked pulley on the engine throttle canopy come open . Recognizing the
cable assembly . The repair Cpl Albert high potential for disaster, Capt
was conducting did not require any Duggan quickly called the second CF5
inspection of the engine controls and to abort the take-off . The aircraft car-
it was through his initiative that the ried out a successful abort, stopping
defect was discovered . left undetect- well short of the end of the runway .
ed, this fault could have resulted in In the event the CF5 had made it
the failure of the pulley and subse- airborne, there was a very real possi-
quent loss of engine control. bility that the canopy could have
Recognizing the potential hazard, Cpl departed the aircraft and damaged a
CORPORAL WARRANT OFFICER Albert immediately notified his super- MASTER CORPORAL CAPTAIN flight control surface. Capt Duggan's
DENIS PLOURDE TONY MARTIN visor and the inspection crew chief. SCOTT MCCARTHY HENRY RAFFEL heads up situational awareness and
Cpl Albert is commended for his quick action ensured that the pilot of
uring a routine primary inspection 0 Tony Martin was the AESOP alertness and professional attitude . ~ hile enroute between Montreal the aircraft could handle the incident
Cpl McCarthy, an Aero-Engine
on a CH136 which had recently aboard a Sea King about to Tech on Labrador's was reviewing and Toronto in a T33, Capt Raffel before it became serious, ~
been modified by adding an air- depart for an extended overwa- the Automated Oil Analysis experienced a power loss with
frame mounted fuel filter, Cpl Plourde ter mission . The normal pre-taxi check Program (AOAP) records of a newly the aircraft's electrical system . All
questioned why the "press to test" calls for the AESOP to close the cargo arrived helicopter and detected irreg- attempts to correct the electrical
button is never activated during any door. In addition to this procedure, ularities in AOAP reading data . problem were unsuccessful . Flying in
of the first line inspections . This led although it is not called for in any Further investigation revealed crit- doud at night, Capt Raffel faced a
him to functionally check the system, checklist, WO Martin has adopted a ically high readings on the number very challenging partial instrument
and the filter by-pass light did not personal practice of leaning out of two engine nickel and chromium lev- panel situation . He quickly adapted to
illuminate in the cockpit . Suspecting the door and inspecting the side and els. These levels had been rising over a "partial panel" flying and with the
a possible fleet wide problem he underneath the aircraft for anything two month period and necessary cor- help of Toronto Centre controllers
promptly inspected other aircraft unusual . rective maintenance action had been descended out of cloud and conduct-
and the stock held in the squadron's On this mission, WO Martin missed, MCpI McCarthy realized that ed an uneventful landing at Toronto .
supply section . Three systems failed detected an oil leak that was not LIEUTENANT this flight essential component was on Capt Raffel's quick and effective
the functional check . noticed by ground personnel . Advising JENNIFER GRAHAM the verge of catastrophic failure . He action, despite his relative inexperi- CORPORAL
After he repaired the aircraft, Cpl the AC, he had the aircraft stopped immediately informed his supervisor, ence on this aircraft and the congest- DAVID MULLIN
Plourde continued his investigation and investigated the problem further . t Graham, an instructor with the had the aircraft grounded and recom- ed nature of air traffic in southern
and discovered that the "press to It was later determined that the leak Gimli Gliding Centre, was conduct- mended engine removal . Ferrography Ontario, resulted in a safe conclusion hile investigating a landing gear
test" button in the housing became was caused by a main gearbox strainer ing a daily inspection on a and engine tear-down confirmed his to a potentially dangerous situation. ~ retraction failure on a CFS, Cpl
seized when not regularly depressed . that had blown out under pressure on Schweizer 2-22 glider when she discov- suspicions . The number two gas gener- Mullin noticed that the tires on
Realizing that if the system became start up . Such a condition could have ered a frayed spoiler control cable . ator thrust bearing (the engine's main an adjacent aircraft seemed smaller .
defective, the pilots would never resulted in gearbox oil starvation . Upon closer inspection, it was deter- load bearing) had been improperly Through further investigation, he dis-
know if they are experiencing fuel WO Martin's professionalism and mined that half of the cable wire installed allowing the outer race to covered that a complete batch of
related problems, he drafted an attention to detail possibly prevented strands had broken . She discovered rotate and the bearing to move for- recapped (retreaded) tires were larger
Aircraft Inspection Change Proposal to the loss of an aircraft andlor crew . ~ this condition despite that the area ward and aft. than allowable design specifications .
functionally check the "press to test" where the spoiler cables run is difficult MCpI McCarthy displayed uncom- Cpl Mullin's exceptional dedication
button every Primary Inspection . to examine visually and the inspection mon professionalism and dedication in and professional attitude prevented
Cpl Plourde's high degree of pro- was being conducted in a poorly lit discovering and correcting a previous- further tire failures and potential acci-
fessionalism averted a potential flight hangar. ly undetected component breakdown dents due to tire failure . ~
safety hazard . ~ Lt Graham's alertness and atten- that could have resulted in an engine
tion to detail prevented the use of an failure . ~ CAPTAIN
aircraft in an unsafe condition and BRUCE DUGGAN
possibly prevented a serious flight
safety occurrence . ~ hile awaiting clearance at the
button of the runway, Capt
Duggan observed two CF5s carry-
CORPORAL ing out a formation take-off . When
11M ALBERT the formation was approximately
1000 feet down the runway, he
hile carrying out a repair on the noticed the second fighter's rear
number one pylon of a B707, Cpl
Albert, a machinist, discovered a

4 Flight Commenf No . 4,1995 Fliqht Commeni No . 4,1995

Type : Beechcraft King Air (C90A)
Date: 16 May 1995
Location : Southport, Manitoba

"The actual risk is usuallY~reater than the sum of the risk elements" CICCUmStani

he Beechcraft King Air was on a

training mission from the
IRCRAFT : The CT142 Dash 8 (a .k .a . enroute (not favourable for astro sITUATION : Weather was being
Southport airport . Upon returning
Gonzo) was unserviceable but was mission) . repeatedly checked for limits during the crew completed an instrument
1 soon to have its navigation gear pre-flight planning . No rules would be
OPERATION : The trip was a stu- approach to Runway 31L and pre-
repaired . Winds were "in and out" of broken if the trip was flown . A lot of
dent training night astro navigation pared for a touch-and-go landing .
aircraft limits for runway in use . "little things" were not going quite
mission Winnipeg-Churcfiill-Winnipeg . Shortly after a normal touch-down the
Aircraft required deicing for winter right, Discussion ensued with the
The course was on schedule . This was landing gear retracted, the aircraft
conditions . Fuel available was "dose" pilots and instructor navs . Were the
not an operational mission . settled onto the runway and skidded
to fuel required due to high enroute students going to get good training
to a stop near the 4000 foot marker .
winds . PERSONNEI : Crew consisted of 2 value? Maybe . Did we go flying? No!
Was I, the Aircraft Commander, ques-
ENVIRONMENT : Blowing snow
pilots, 2 instructor and 4 student navi- ~nvest Front view, final resting place .
gators, Last minute route change tioned for not completing the mis-
with wind rows on the runway.
required an extra 45 minutes planning sion? Yes! Did I do the right thing? I The Aircraft Captain (AC) was airspeed and full flap configuration to
Departure weather forecast same for
by students . Time of revised departure believe so . ~ conducting a Standards upgrading deactivate the weight-on-wheels
return and alternate with only slight
would be close to student check on the pilot sitting in the jump switches, thus allowing the landing
improvement . Possible high cirrus
nav "duty day" limits . seat . The copilot, a recently qualified gear to begin the retraction cycle . The
King Air pilot was performing normal AC saw what had occurred and
right seat duties and was not partici- applied power in an attempt to over-


pating in the check ride scenario . On shoot . The airspeed was still too low
touch-down the copilot did the touch- for take-off and as the right propeller
and-go check but omitted raising the struck the runway the AC chose to
flaps . When reminded by the AC, he abort . The aircraft settled onto the
reached up and raised the landing runway and skidded for approximately
gear lever. He immediately recognized 800 feet . The crew carried out the
his mistake and moved the lever down emergency procedures and exited the
can't count the number of times stopover in the countryside . myself, "Floggy looks nice and warm but it was too late . Sufficient lift was aircraft unassisted .
that I've looked at that flight safety A couple of weeks ago, I jumped over there in his winter gear. They being generated by the 70-80 knot Cockpit controls of CC145903 .
poster on the South door. You at the chance to do a test flight . rnust have put this knife in my poppy ~mmen~
know the one I'm talking about - Pathetic I know, but as it was a new suit for a reason . Now, if I can only
"DRESS FOR THE WEATHER" . Just year and I had not flown in a while, it distract him for a rnoment . . ." Despite all safeguards, the
going outside to catch a cold while would be nice (so I thought) to get up Too bad, so sad . I was faced with mind usually finds ways of defeating
having a smoke, I must have seen in the air again . A forty five minute the facts . I was stranded in the cold the system in new and innovative
that poster a billion times . I've spent test flight, partially over water . . . and the only person to blame for not ways . Incidents such as these are rare
enough time standing in the rain, Nah, don't need my personal survival being prepared was me! There was a and difficult to anticipate . Until a
heaving on a soggy cigarette that gear ; come to think of it, I don't think happy ending however. We did get practical solution is found our best
you'd think I'd have a good apprecia- I even need to wear my liner under- home four and a half hours later and countermeasures are awareness and
tion for what it's like to be stuck out- neath my poopy suit . I've been flying we were close enough to Halifax that attention to details . Aircrew must
doors (SURGEON GENERAL WARNS these things for a while and nothing there were a few doors that we could maintain full concentration on the
THAT SMOKING IS THE LEADING has ever happened . . . have banged on had things been task at hand ; a lapse in even a very
CAUSE OF HYPOTHERMIA) . Like Needless to say, a half hour later worse . routine duty can have costly if not dis-
Pavlov's dog, I've been forced to learn as I was standing beside my trusty (but Obviously I have learned my les- astrous consequences . ~
over the years that when outside in broken) steed, out at Chebucto Head son . The next day the temperature
the cold, it is better to put on a warm - a delightful three hour hike or three dropped to -29 (wind chill) and had I
jacket when the temperature drops . minute flight from home ; I was curs- gone flying I would have been ready .
In saying this though, I wonder ing my stupidity. "What I wouldn't Would you?
how many times I've gone flying and give for a pair of mitts and a warm Close up of left side view .
not been prepared for an unexpected hat" I thought . "It's not fair" I said to Anonymous ~

Flight Comment No . 4,1995 1

Flight Comment No . 4,1995
40 Transport and Rescue Sqn South P ort, Manitoba functioning normally. A precautionary
based in Yellowknife NWT has landing was carried out in the nearest
been identified by SICOFAA as the 1 he crew was on a final clearhood available field without further inci-
test for the student . Weather con- dent . The remaining portion of the
Canadian Air Force Squadron most
ditions were good, visibility 15 duck had bounced off the snow
deserving of recognition in view of
miles and ceiling greater than 20,000 deflector installed in front of the
the Sqn's outstanding Flight Safety
record . feet. The aircraft was proceeding to engine intake .
Grabber Green for practice forced The environment conditions were
SICOFAA is a Spanish acronym for
landings . After the student received favourable for bird migration . The
the System of Cooperation Between
American Air Forces . SICOFAA was clearance to enter Grabber Green, the helicopter returned to base on a trail-
established to enhance the exchange standards officer initiated a simulated er . The crew were examined at the
"tail rotor pedal locked in flight" . portion of the bird entered the cock- hospital . They had no injuries . The
of information and expertise among
Shortly thereafter, a flock of approxi- pit, passed over the head of the stu-
all of its member Air Forces in North importance of wearing a helmet with
mately 20 birds appeared in the wind- dent and ended up in the right rear the visor down was again stressed to
and South America . Currently, full their unparalleled flight safety record Safety Award include 437 Sqn,
screen . The aircraft was in level flight seat . Windshield plexiglass fragments
membership is held by the Air Force in operating Twin Otters in the far Trenton for the Sqn's professionalism all crews . ~
at 85 KIAS and 500 ft AGI, One bird were all over the cockpit . The stan-
of 18 countries. The member Air north . Seasonally flying in three dif- displayed during the operation of dif-
struck and broke out the upper half of dards offi<er took control and deter-
Forces of North America use activities ferent configurations (wheels, skiis ferent transport aircraft around the
the right windscreen . About a quarter mined the engine and controls were
of SICOFAA to maintain professional and floatsl, 440 T&R Sqn has consis- world ; and, 103 RU, Gander for their
contacts throughout Latin America . tently demonstrated outstanding pro- often heroic helicopter rescue flying
Canada has been a full mernber of fessionalism and a "safety first" atti- over the North Atlantic .


SICOFAA since May 1992 and partici- tude during operations In the rigor- Well done to 440 T&R Squadron
pates in many of its committees . ous far north environment . and all past recipients . ~
This year's SICOFFA Flight Safety Previous Air Force Squadrons that
Award acknowledges 440 T&R Sqn for have received the SICOFAA Flight

by Capt 1 .P.5 . fortier, DFS 4-1

SLIPPERY ~AMP his CF18 was doing some bombing

work over the Petawawa ran 9 e .
Time being up, the pilot elected
to selective jettison the MK82
"pickle" . Now these war stories are all
supposed to have a moral or a least a
snappy antidote . Here goes :
Imagine if the fuse arming wire
Snakeye bomb on his station 8 pylon had snagged instead . You would have
that at this point had become extra an armed, low drag, 500 Ib bomb pro-
T he follvwing incident came within A fuel tender was called to baggage . The thing would drop ceeding towards the ground while fly-
photo by OCdt Paul Scott
two inches of becoming a catastroph- replenish CH135106 . The tender "safe", and the EOD crew on the ing formation with the underside of
ic accident . All personnel who oper- entered the ramp on the urea side of ground wvuld have a new toy . the jet . If you are sitting in the jet,
ate vehicles in the vicinity the ramp and after carrying out a A few eyebrows were raised trust me on this one, you would like made on a Friday afternoon, you
of aircraft should take note of this brake check, the driver felt that the when the bomb came off, deployed to be at some altitude when the know a few lemons make it off the
occurrence and learn that: ramp was not as slippery as he expect- its retarding fins, and proceeded to bomb hits . It would be advisable to assembly line once in a while .
a . Do not assume that urea is spread ed . He did notice that a tow crew had Snow Clearinq Ops Winnipeg blow up real good when it hit the stay out of fraglblast envelope on This is not just a fighter jock
to all areas of the aerodrome; and difficulty walking due to slippery con- photo by Cpl J. C. Marcoux
ground . Bummer for the EOD folks, selective jettison .lust in case what story ; armament is arrnament, and
b. Proceed around the line of parked ditions . The driver continued towards but see, that wasn't supposed to hap- happened . . . happens .lust because arming wire is as common as patches
between the aircraft, the tender
aircraft versus between them, the parked aircraft which were facing pen . you set yourself up for a safe jettison on a flight suit .
entered a skid which hurled the ten-
especially in conditions where outward towards the field . When he It was not finger problems with doesn't mean it will happen that way . The bottom tine is caution . It does
der towards the last aircraft . Brakes
traction is poor realized where CH135106 was located, the pilot, and the aircraft worked as In this case, emergency jettison not cost anythinq to jettison in a safe
were applied with a pumping action,
1 he ramp was covered with approx- he elected to drive between the last could have resulted in the same envelope . Assuming everyth~ing will
but the tender would not respond to advertized . Everything should have
imately a quarter inch of ice two helos rather than driving past the gone according to plan . Yet that incident . work just fine will not cost you any-
attempts to change direction . The
following a freezing rain shower. last one, then turning around and Another nugget of trivia is that thing either - in 99°~'0 of all cases . That
vehicle skidded for approximately 60 dumb bomb pulled a Murphy on
Because aircraft were parked on the approach his destination from the everyone . Why? if the tritonal filler of the MK82 con- 1 °/o, however, is a real bruiser .
feet and came to a rest with the front
ramp, heavy equipment could spread front . This route led the driver off the What happened was that the tains a bubble, a good impact can set Dumb bombs do dumb things .
tire two inches from the aircraft left
urea on only two thirds of the ramp area where urea had been applied fin release wire snagged on one of it off, even with an unarmed fuse . And they do not have friends . ~
skid . Fortunately there was no dam-
and none was spread in close prozimi- and onto the hard ice surface . When age to the aircraft, tender or driver, ~ the pylon sway braces, functioning Quality control is pretty good nowa-
ty to the aircraft . he attempted to direct the tender the bomb as per normal high-drag days . But if you own a car that was

Fhqht Comment No . 4,1995 Fhqht Cornment No. 4,1995

Type : CH136213 t was cold . I knew it was cold laundry mat . Two hours later, a smile AGAIN! ! This heater now decided to
Date : 15 June 1995 because when I took the battery swept across my face as a 4X4 work overtime . . . about 20 times
Location : Cook's Bay, Lake Simcoe, out of my helicopter that night, I ploughed through my footprints over . My concern for the crown's prop-
Ontario froze more than my fingers and nose along the snow drifted roadway to erty was aroused as a small mass of
fighting the 35 knot winds and minus the aircraft . Hick #1 busily set up the flame erupted from the heater nozzle
45°C temperatures . Wading through heater as I diligently erected tarps up through the tarps, through the
the sometimes thigh deep snow drifts around the aircraft to duct the heat engine compartment, and another ten
he purpose of the flight was to
carrying the ever increasing heavy bat- through the engine and transmission feet past the closed engine panel on
conduct Night Vision Goggle
tery to my car was not particularly my compartments . Half an hour later, I the other side .
(NVG) float landings . Following
idea of fun in Southern Manitoba . became suspicious of Hick #1's ability Luckily the "fight or flight"
the first pilot's approachllanding,
The wind had subsided by the to operate the heater as he crouched response kicked into fight and I along
the aircraft captain took control and
morning of departure . It was surpris- around it displaying a rather large with the short-haired Hick#2 literally
elected to fly a right-hand circuit
ing what a hair drier, block heater, portion of his personal anatomy with threw the heater away from the air-
using a reciprocal final approach
booster cables, tow rope, gas line anti- his verbose profanity constantly craft . It flamed out immediately on its
heading facing towards the lake
freeze and patience can do to coax a increasing . He finally called for help . second bounce . Knocking my eyeballs
centre with the calm water as his sole
frigid car into serviceability . Hick#2 arrived quickly adorned in back into their sockets, I carried out a
final reference . On short final, the tail
contacted the water with right drift The foremost problem of the his baseball cap and thin gloves . In a through inspection of the aircraft .
morning was the sun's ability to suffi- flash he had the heater's pilot light Amazingly, even the threads of the
and the helicopter immediately rolled
to the right . The aircraft came to rest ciently increase the temperature of my aflame . The heater was stationed on hoses were not affected . Starting the
copter was in a slightly nose-high atti- Visual limitations contributed helo for a start . A phone search the right side of the helo with the heater AWAY from the aircraft
inverted in 5 feet of water. The crew tude, banked approximately 40° to to the crash since the crew's vision was revealed a heavy equipment operator nozzle pointed at the ten o'clock posi- worked considerably better, An hour
egressed with minor difficulty and the right, and moving laterally to the degraded by the use of NVG . Properly with propane Herman Nelson type tion five feet from the helo, later the aircraft started as if it had
only one minor injury. right . maintained NVGs can, under ideal heaters . For a scant $20 cash, an indi- POOF! ! Imagine my surprise to been on the beach in the Caribbean .
Damage to the main rotor lighting conditions, provide only 20140 vidual was willing to come out and see the heater backfire . Hick#2 looked Flying home that day, I thought
blades suggests that they both acuity with optimal focusing and melt the thick frost off my airplane . pretty stupid void of his eyelashes and often how I would have broken the
contacted the water lightly adjustment . Any lack of maintenance, However, I would have to wait eyebrows . His once straight collar new to my boss had the outcome
with the white blade eventual- error in adjustment or degradation of because the heaters were being used length hair was now tightly curled up been different. ~
ly causing a sudden decelera- lighting conditions vastly reduces the to thaw frozen water lines in the local around the rim of his hat . POOF
tion as it was advancing . The visual capabilities of the NVG system .
white blade was bent around The crew was well prepared
the mast and it entered the for their underwater egress having

cockpit and contacted the recently completed the course at
instrument panel . It also Survival Systems . It is essential that
sheared off the upper Wire personnel receive this training as soon
Strike Protection System as fiscally possible following their
(WSPS), VHF-FM antenna, arrival at the unit . ~
and damaged the upper hinge
assembly of the right pilot's
door causing it to depart the
aircraft .
t was a cold windy winter night in It was pitch black and we were brakes on causing the aircraft nose to
the wee hours of the morning . I facing into a bitterly cold wind . The dip down and hit the mule . The
This flight represented the first was the mule driver assigned to crew on the mule started to turn their impact resulted in a six inch puncture
attempt to perform a NVG landing tow an Aurora from one side to the backs into the wind for comfort . As in the RADOME .
The helicopter sustained consider-
on water . Direction as to the proper other side of a hangar via a taxiway . one individual turned, he inadvertent- The investigation recommended
able damage during the crash
techniques and, more importantly, After passing through the congested ly kicked the transmission gear lever that tow vehicles be prevented from
sequence . The upper roof support
approval should have been sought ramp area onto the taxiway, the tow from D1 (drive) through neutral and shifting directly from drive to reverse .
assembly and transmission were
from 10 TAG HQ prior to the flight . crew leader asked me to stop the directly into R1 (reverse) . The mule All mules were modified accordingly. I
almost completely torn free . The tail-
New flight manoeuvres require mule to allow the walking crew to immediately lurched into the air, learned not to allow people to move
boom was bent to the left during ini-
testing and validation by a qualified ride on the mule for the taxiway por- made a large noise, and started back- around on a moving mule . ~
tial contact . Damage to the right aft
test establishment before they are tion of the trip . After everyone was wards . The Aurora continued forward .
tube assembly suggesis that the right
performed by the line units . safely on board ., we continued Someone yelled "Brakes!" The brake-
float contacted the water as the heli- towards our destination . men on the airplane slammed the
Recovery of CH136213 .

10 Flight Comment No . 4,1995 Flighi Comment No . 4,1995 11

On one aircraft, this was an especially right hand wheel assembly of another
important discovery as the backshell aircraft while it was being towed .
was broken in such a way that it may After bringing his observation to the
have caused failure to the CSED on attention of the tow crew, he was told
weapons station six . This could have it was a normal condition . Not totally
prevented the jettisoning of the exter- conuinced of its serviceability, he
nal fuel tank on station number five . obtained permission from his supervi-
The checking of fuselage CSEDs is sor to investigate further .
not normally part of the pre-flight Cpl Humber removed the wheel
CORPORAL CORPORAL checks . As a result of Cpl Shore's assembly to find that the brake rotors
REGINA HANNQN ALAN MACISAAC detection, the checking of CESDs in had been badly overheated and exten-
pre-flight checks has become common sively warped . Had this condition gone
s a member of1AM5 tasked to pl Maclsaac had just completed the practise . Cpl Shore is commended for gt Seabrook, a Flight Engineer, was Cpl Grogan undetected the potential for a right
quickly boresight all 4 Wing retermination of the wing root his professionalism and attention to carr Y9
in out a p re-fli g ht ins pection and MCpI Wilson, Air Weapons hand main landing gear brake failure
Fighter aircraft, Cpl Hannon dis- strain gauge wiring on a CF18 air- detail . ~ of an Aurora when he found an Techs, were convoying a load of was significant .
covered that the gun gas purge duct craft . Prior to closing panel 113L and electrical clamp hanging on the left rocket pods when MCpI Grogan Cpl Humber's professional attitude
manifold assembly on one CF18 was 34L he carried out a security check of aileron trim cable . The clamp was noticed smoke coming from the back and persistence led to the discovery of
improperly positioned . Cpl Hannon the hydraulic drive unit (HDU) mount- jammed against the pulley located at of the lead trailer. They immediately a potentially dangerous situation . ~
notified her supervisor and upon fur- ing area . Cpl Maclsaac extended his the wing fillet area . He immediately ceased the towing operation and con-
ther investigation it was discovered check to include the HDU, mechanical quarantined the aircraft and arranged firmed that there was smoke coming
that the manifold assembly was dam- linkages, related wiring and clamps . for photos to be taken, The investiga- from one of the tires; but fortunately
aged beyond repair. While inspecting the upper portion of tion revealed that a contracted techni- no flames . MCpI Wilson proceeded to
Had this damage not been found the HDU, he noticed that the paint on disconnect the remaining trailers
cian had used the cable as a storage
and the aircraft proceeded on a gun the leading edge flap crossover shaft place for materials during a recent while MCpI Grogan informed the
firing mission, the consequences could was scored . He immediately asked a Tower and 410 Sqn Weapons
wiring modifications program . The
have been serious . Although the gun qualified Airframe Tech to look at this clamp had been forgotten by the con- Controller of the situation . The lead
gas sensing system provides safety problem . Subsequent investigation tractor, missed by the independent trailer was disconnected from the tow
protection, a malfunction could result revealed that the wing fold cable had CORPORAL inspection and was not noticed during vehicle, pushed off the convoy route
in an explosion of accumulated gases been improperly routed through a RICK PILON and pointed in a safe direction . They
the "B" (before flight) check .
in the nose wheel area resulting in clamp causing the cable to chafe Although the aileron trim system waited with the disabled trailer until
severe aircraft damage, possibly against and deeply score the cross uring a scheduled Tutor aero they briefed the firefighters arriving MASTER CORPORAL
is a secondary control, the potential
endangering the pilot . over shaft . Had this shaft failed in engine periodic inspection, Cpl on the scene . DAVE LAMARRE
for a serious airborne incident was
Cpl Hannon was not required as a flight a serious flight control condition Pilon detected what appeared to averted . As a result of this incident MCpI Grogan's and MCpI Wilson's
part of the boresighting operation to would undoubtedly have occurred . ~ be a crack on the main spar bulkhead . and a similar incident two weeks later, quick thinking averted a dangerous hile performing a routine inspec-
look at the gun gas purge duct mani- Although not in his field of expertise, all aircraft which had completed the and potentially dangerous situation . ~ tion on a Twin Huey, MCpI
fold assembly, nor was this particular he suspected that there could be a Lamarre, a Flight Engineer,
wiring modification were inspected
area readily visible from her vantage safety impact, thus reporting his dis- noticed a slightly greater than normal
for FQD in this area . ~
point . Her professionalism and atten- covery to his supervisor. He continued amount of residual oil in the main
tion to detail averted a serious flight to investigate by researching unfamil- transmission mount area . Concerned,
safety incident . ~ iar technical orders and surveying he chose to conduct a more thorough
other available aircraft . Cpl Pilon dis- inspection than normal and discovered
covered four of the eight aircraft that a transmission mounting bolt was
undergoing periodic inspection dis- loose and had actually failed . Had this
played similar symptoms . condition gone undetected, the stress
Cpl Pilon is commended for his on the remaining three bolt would
CORPORAL professional attitude and high stan- have been unacceptably high - possi-
DAVE SHORE dard of technical excellence . ~ CORPORAL bly leading to a catastrophic failure .
DOUG HUMBER MCpI Lamarre's professionalism
hile performing pre-flight checks and attention to detail possibly pre-
on two CF 18s, Cpl Shore detected hile performing maintenance on vented the loss of an aircraft andlor
broken backshells on electric a CFS, Cpl Humber heard an crew . ~
plugs connected to the fuselage CSEDs unusual noise coming from the
(Command Signal Encoder Decoder) .

12 Flight Comment No 4,1995 Fliqht Comment No . 4,1995 13

our point of view depends upon When you are being pressured by For flight operations, this might Type : CF188113 Investigation
where you sit . From Flight Safety's time constraints, fiscal cutbacks, over be likened to having a Board of Date : 15 June 1995
viewpoint, our goal is to preserve From the initial inves-
tasking or even threats to your career, Inquiry convened to investigate an Location : Klamath Falls, Oregon
resources and prevent injury . if safety should be viewed as a hinder- tigation, the Board deter-
accident . There comes a point when
With the increase in changes mined that a technical
ance, what will it take to refocus your the stench of a problem is obvious to
being discussed or implemented failure of the AC electri-
thoughts? everyone, but what can the first per-
he aircraft "Hornet 2" was number cal system had occurred,
everyday, many of the measures to This is analogous to taking out son to "smell" a problem do when his
promote efficiency and safety should 2 of a two-ship formation sched- a subsequent failure of
the garbage . We all generate waste, caution goes unheeded?
uled for a 2v2 Defensive Air the emergency DC power
be originated, or at the very least, and its disposal is a job that must be As you rush to get one more jet
always supported by the end user . Combat Training Mission with USAF system then caused a
done . In most cases it's not your job serviceable or try to squeeze one more
With the aim of improving flight safe- F16s . Approximately one and a half reversion to the MECH
title, but you share a responsibility in task into the flight, are you paying
ty, we offer our concerns and recom- minutes after a formation takeoff on mode, and that an
the process . The same can be said for attention to all of your senses? Does
mendations, but not everyone takes Rwy 14 and just prior to entering uncontrolled roll to the
flight safety, as long as there is no something not feel right? Maybe
cloud the aircraft experienced a loss of right had resulted in the
time to heed them . damage or injury, then everyone must you're in a position to see a problem
A hallmark of the Flight Safety all AC power. The pilot separated from pilot's decision to eject .
be doing their part, right? WRONG! developing . When work becomes
system is honest and open reporting lead, remained below cloud, then Investigation into the
Suppose the garbage is your responsi- overwhelming, pause to evaluate the
rejoined lead approximately fourteen cause of total AC power Crash site looking North, destination aerodrome
of hazardous conditions or occur- bility and on garbage day you forget priorities and risks to ensure things
miles southeast of the field . Lead failure was limited due to in background.
rences, The mandate for Flight Safety it in your haste to leave the house . For are done the best way possible .
is to deal with these reports in a non- a while, you don't see any problems in Flight operations can be just like coordinated with Seattle Center to the lack of obvious indica-
punitive manner . So with that edict, waiting another week . But in a few tions in the wreckage . All elec- simulations suggest that landing in
garbage . Handled with proper respect
trical components that may MECH-OFF-OFF is feasible on a suit-
we sometimes question how to best days small insects begin to swarm . in a timely manner, the risks are mini-
provide information are able runway. The aircraft may have
express our concerns in effecting a After a few more days, cockroaches mal. But when proper practices are
change for safety. In some cases, rec- undergoing lab analysis . The been successfully recovered had the
begin to crawl around . Given the right not followed, you better know the
Board was certain that a appropriate speeds been maintained
ommending a procedural change can environment and enough time, even risks and be ready to accept the conse-
be a step in the right direction, but depletion of battery power in the flapless configuration ; never-
rats and mice find a few scraps for a quences.
was the cause of the reversion theless, the probability of a successful
not always . Remember, it is always meal . If allowed to fester long Lt(USN) Irwin retired from ihe
you in the field who must remain con- to MECH-OFF-OFF mode and recovery is certainly diminished given
enough, the only way to eliminate USN lul 95 after having completed his
controllability was undoubted- an emergency landing gear extension
scious and alert for the situations the problem is by calling in an last billet as the CF18 desk officer at
ly affected by the degraded speed of 180 kts, tire speed limitations
which can result in damage or injury. exterminator. _DfS . ~
Flight Control System . In addi- of 1901210 kts, a high landing weight
tion, the flaps would not cycle and no available nose wheel steering
without battery power leaving or anti-skid braking . The decision to


the pilot no option but to per- land in the MECH mode remains with
form a flapless approach for the pilot ; nonetheless, it is imperative
which there are no recom- that they be well informed and highly
mended speeds in the CF18 trained in order that they are able to
orbit below cloud while planning the AOIs or the checklist . It is estimated make that crucial deci5ion . ~
approach . As they began their that the aircraft was 50 to 60 knots
straight-in approach to Rwy 32, below the required speed for a flap-
approximately seven and a half min- less configuration during the final
utes into the flight, "Hornet 2" lost all stages of the approach . Since the air-
hile the equipment was being and two of them showed signs of the starboard side where the aft cabin
stowed following a sea deploy- heat damage as the plastic housing battery power and the aircraft flight craft was well outside the predicted
heater difuser is located . This is where
ment, the Safety Systems Tech had bulged . Removal of the plastic controls reverted to mechanical envelope for this configuration, it is
it is believed the gear was stowed for
(MECH) mode . At one and a half miles reasonable to conclude that the flight
noticed the helmet inner shell was cap confirmed that they had been an extended period of time . The tem-
on final at 250 feet the aircraft controls became aerodynamically lim-
extremely loose . Upon closer inspec- exposed to extreme heat . The exact perature at the difuser outlet is 140
tion the liner, top plate and helmet source for the heat damage can not departed controlled flight and the ited and the aircraft could not be
°C . The damage inflicted upon the
pilot ejected . The aircraft crashed in a recovered .
had been exposed to high tempera- be confirmed but it is believed that it helmet rendered it unserviceable and
farmer's wheat field and sustained
tures and had melted . was due to the gear being stowed in a dangerous situation could have
"A" category damage . The pilot
Although it was only the helmet the aircraft near a heater difuser. resulted had the flares ignited .
received minor injuries during the
that was found damaged at the time Passenger transfer during ship- McDonnell Douglas designed the
parachute landing,
the initial message was generated, borne operations is a routine evolu- MECH mode to allow the pilots to ~'.~.~
shortly afterwards the contents of the tion and life vestslhelmets are stowed return to the carrier in a severely Aft section of Cf 188113.
survival vest were inspected . AWST onboard as a result . They are often Continued on page 16 damaged aircraft . However, their
inspected the condition of the flares stowed aside the reeling machine on

14 Flight Comment No . 4,1995 Flight Comment No . 4,1995 15


artist: Ron E. Lowry

he Neptune entered RCAF service J

in 1955 and was retired in 1968 .
Of the 25 airframes to enter ser-
vice 117 was the only one to be Continued from page 3 Continued from page 14
equipped with smoke generators . The
Tylenol is a Tylenol right? Well ask
Neptune was powered by two Wright
rower Silken Lauman, is a sinus med-
R-3350-32W two-row radial engines
ication just a sinus medication? She Mai E.~ . Ukrainetz
rated at 3,500 hp each and two learned a hard lesson . When you take
Westinghouse J34 turbojets each rated This incident could have resulted
medication make sure you know

at 3,400 Ib s .t . The Neptune had a max in an interesting situation within the
exactly what you are taking and what
gross weight of 79,895 Ibs and a ser- for and the possible side effects . The aircraft had either a fire started or the
vice ceiling of 22,000 ft . problem with taking another person's flares gone off . All aircrew must be
vigilant as to where flying gear is

The Neptune is part of the CANAV medication is that you don't know
collection donated to Air Command how it will affect you and you might placed or temporarily stored in an air- 1
by Larry Milberry . ~ also be unaware of any allergic reac- craft, especially near a heat source .
tions . Many prescription drugs are We were lucky this time and

now available in over the counter it is imperative that all sources of heat
strength . That does not mean that withm an aircraft, direct or mdirect,
they are safe to fly with . Tylenol #1
preparations are now available with- are identrfied and known by all crew
out a prescription . As well many other members. ~
over the counter drugs contain sub-
stances which affect the central ner-
vous system . You realize that this can
jeopardize flight safety. The bottom
line is except for the occasional plain
Tylenol which contains only aceta-
minophen your best bet is to consult
your flight surgeon, This way you will
both be aware of the exact nature of
the medication and its compatibility
with flight operations . ~

'16 Flighi CommenT No. 4,1995




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