UNIX WK 6 Notes

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Week 5 Fab 9 2023

source code
interpretted language - perl, python
-not prepared immediatley for execution

#!/bin/bash - she-bang
which bash - /bin/bash
which perl - /usr/bin/perl

$PATH - lists of directory

absolute path - entire path
relative path - search in google

.. parent directory
cd ../../../
pwd output: /

. current directory
./sctipt - ./ -means lookup the file in the current directory

chmod -x <script> - execute permission

set nu

chmod 0764 script.sh

echo $?

$0 $1 $2 etc - positional arguments

1 #!/bin/bash
2 echo Hello world
3 echo $1
4 exit 0

u301263435@s301263435:~/work$ ./script.sh
Hello world

u301263435@s301263435:~/work$ ./script.sh pwd

Hello world

u301263435@s301263435:~$ _MSG="Goodbye cruel worl" ; echo $_MSG

Goodbye cruel worl
u301263435@s301263435:~/work$ ./script.sh $_MSG
Hello world

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