AD-CERT-CT-02 Edit A Contact in Xero

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Xero advisor certification: Self-paced / Edit a contact in Xero

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Set up contacts in Xero

Edit a contact in Xero

By Xero Education Published: Sep 3, 2021 7m (4)


Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll be able to do by the end of the lesson.
You’ll learn the following:

1. Manage a contact record

Update and organise your contacts. Quickly create

transactions for them and send out customer

1. Manage a contact record

Update and organise your contacts. Quickly create transactions for them and send out customer statements.

View and edit a contact
Open a contact to see their activity, create new transactions and update their information.
Click the icons to see the details.

Xero advisor certification: Self-paced / Edit a contact in Xero

  

Use the contact options
Keep your contacts up to date and use groups to help manage them. Send statements to your customers for their records, or
send them reminders for any overdue payments.

Click the tabs below to see the details.

Contact options Send statements Add to a group Merge a contact Archive a contact

Xero gives you options[1] to add your contact to a group, merge them with another contact, or to archive them. You can also
send statements to your customers.
Xero advisor certification: Self-paced / Edit a contact in Xero

Correctly answer the questions to complete the lesson.

Question 1
You want to see what a business has paid you during the last 12 months. Where can you find this in the contact's details?

Select the correct answer and click Submit.

Invoices awaiting payment

 Money in and out graph

Contact activity
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Xero advisor certification: Self-paced / Edit a contact in Xero  Complete

Wrap up
We’ve summarised the key sections of this lesson for you.

We’ve covered
Click on the items to reveal each summary.

Manage a contact record 

Learn more
Click the link below to learn more about the topics in this lesson.

View and update your contacts in Xero

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