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The Longer Read


UNIT 1 AS IF BY MAGIC! ......................................................................................... 2

UNIT 2 LUCKY ESCAPES ........................................................................................... 3
UNIT 3 FANTASTIC SUMMER FUN! ......................................................................... 4
UNIT 4 WITH A LITTLE HELP .................................................................................... 5
UNIT 5 STEM STARS AT ‘THE BIG BANG’ .................................................................. 6
UNIT 6 STOLEN PHONE, STOLEN LIFE … .................................................................. 7
UNIT 7 VIRTUAL TEEN FORUM ............................................................................... 8
UNIT 8 PURRFECTLY PERSUASIVE ........................................................................... 9
UNIT 9 HOW TO … KEEP CALM AND PASS THE EXAMS! ......................................... 10
ANSWER KEY ........................................................................................................ 11

The Longer Read

The Longer Read Thames. Steven has spoken in public about how magic
helped him build confidence and overcome the
As if by magic! bullying he had suffered as a child. Now he has just
published his first book of magic secrets, so if you
If you’ve ever been amazed watching illusionists like haven’t learnt any new tricks yet, what are you waiting
Dynamo on television, then Leah Mae Devine is one to for?!
watch out for in the future.
Leah Mae has already made history by becoming the 1 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
first female magician to win the prestigious ‘Young Find evidence in the text to support your
Magician of the Year’ competition at the age of 16, answers.
after competing against six boys. ‘The biggest myth 1 Leah Mae beat a lot of other girls to win a
about magic is that “girls can’t do it”,’ says Leah Mae, magic competition. T F
talking to The Independent newspaper. She is now
among the Magic Circle’s 7% of female members. ______________________________________
Assisted by her younger sister Sarah Jade, Leah Mae 2 Leah Mae and her sister started performing
has been a magician for about ten years, since the age magic when they were young. T F
of eight. The sisters used to watch their mother doing
magic – she did more illusions than card tricks – and ______________________________________
Leah Mae always knew that she wanted to be a 3 The sisters performed in a show with some
magician. well-respected magicians. T F
And has Leah Mae always performed with her
15-year-old sister, Sarah Jade? (The duo perform
together under the stage name ‘Destiny’.) ‘Yes – even 4 Katherine Mills worked with David Blaine when
that first show, when I was eight, we did as a double she was a teenager. T F
act,’ says Leah Mae. ‘Sarah was just five or six at the ______________________________________
time.’ It’s no wonder they work so well as a team!
So what does the future hold for Leah Mae? At the 5 Steven Frayne didn’t want people to know that
moment, she is studying dance, and a future on the he had been bullied. T F
stage looks likely, either as a dancer or a magician, ______________________________________
because she has always loved performing. Destiny
have already performed at the South Tyneside
International Magic Festival, which by chance is close 2 Words in context Match the underlined
to their hometown in north-east England. As well as words in the text with definitions 1–7. Write
being among the acts opening the event, they also your answers.
performed at the Friday night gala alongside
1 succeed in dealing with a problem _________
prestigious magicians from Canada and the USA.
And what about the trick where the magician cuts 2 someone who is the first to do something
her assistant in half – does Leah Mae do that? Yes – _________
but with a difference. It’s Leah Mae who goes into the 3 without being planned or intended _________
box and her sister who holds the blade. But neither of
them has ever been hurt – not yet, anyway! Hopefully 4 admired and respected _________
the sisters have learnt some basic first aid just in case! 5 two entertainers who perform together
Just an illusion?
6 solve a problem _________
In recent years, illusionists like Dynamo and
Katherine Mills have helped bring magic to a wider 7 so that people hear about or see something
audience. Katherine has been a trailblazer and became _________
the first female magician to get her own show on
British TV. A psychology graduate, she was inspired by
the American magician David Blaine when she was a
teenager, recording his tricks and re-watching them to
try and work out how they were done.
Dynamo (a.k.a. Steven Frayne) has amazed
audiences worldwide with his ‘Seeing is believing’
tour. He has ‘levitated’ above the Shard building in
London and ‘walked on water’ across the River

The Longer Read

The Longer Read been very lucky – lots of victims of lightning suffer more
serious injuries, with clothes catching fire or the
Lucky escapes lightning causing cardiac arrest or permanent nerve
damage. Indeed, according to some sources, more than
2,000 people worldwide are killed by lightning every
Siri saves Texan teen
year, which is perhaps not surprising given that a
Tyler Frank spent nearly two days on the roof of her lightning bolt is five times hotter than the surface of the
house waiting for help after Hurricane Harvey had sun.
struck Houston, Texas, which lies near the Gulf of By the following day, the small black blister on Faith’s
Mexico in southern USA. The 14-year-old had woken in foot had disappeared. All that remained was the hole in
the early hours with flood water surrounding her bed. her shoe and another strange phenomenon which her
Luckily Tyler was safe because her brother Joseph had doctor had never witnessed before: before the lightning
carried her up to the roof with the rest of her family. All struck, Faith had always worn glasses, but afterwards
the family could see around them were flooded streets she could see perfectly well without them! In addition,
and chaos. she says that her eyes used to be dark green and now
Fortunately Tyler hadn’t forgotten to take her mobile they are lighter!
phone with her! She had already tried calling the
emergency services, but she was told that all the rescue 1 Read the text and complete the sentences with
workers were busy dealing with other casualties and between one and three words.
that because the situation was so serious, they were
prioritising the elderly. But as Tyler suffers from a 1 Tyler Frank and her family spent ____________
genetic disorder called sickle cell anaemia, she knew she on the roof of their home.
needed medical aid fast. With no sign of rescue, Tyler 2 The first people to be rescued by the emergency
had an idea. ‘Siri’s smart, let me ask her!’ she thought. services were ____________.
The voice-activated software called the emergency
3 After the hurricane, Tyler and her family moved
services who sent a helicopter. Eventually, Tyler was
flown to Texas Children’s Hospital where she spent
several days recovering. 4 During the hurricane, there was ____________
Like many survivors of Hurricane Harvey, Tyler’s than in any other storm.
family have lost everything: their home, their car and all
5 Some people who are struck by lightning
their possessions. Currently the whole family is living in
____________ attack.
one hotel room. ‘Everything’s gone,’ she told The
Independent newspaper. ‘We have to start over.’ At least 6 Before ___________, Faith’s eyes were dark
70 people lost their lives as the deadly hurricane swept green.
through Texas, and more than 176,000 homes were
damaged or destroyed and 600,000 cars were flooded. 2 Words in context Find the underlined words
According to the National Weather Service, 51.88 inches in the text and complete the sentences.
(131cm) of rain fell, which is the highest figure for a 1 This disease is potentially _________ for
single storm in US history. children and the elderly.

Lightning strikes at McDonald’s drive-thru 2 The government is currently _________

investment in education and health.
16-year-old student Faith Mobley from Haleyville,
Alabama, had a lucky escape when she was hit by 3 After the earthquake, doctors provided
lightning at a McDonald’s drive-thru. _________ on location for the victims.
The teenager, a part-time worker at the restaurant, 4 The tsunami _________ up the beach towards
had just started doing the dishes when she saw a flash of the village.
lightning outside. Before she could react, the lightning
had already travelled through the building, through the 5 The severe floods have brought _________ to
washing-up water and through Faith’s microphone large parts of the country.
headset, before passing through her body, down one leg, 6 The _________ of the road became very
and out of her foot. When she was interviewed by slippery because of the ice.
reporters later, she showed them the hole in her shoe
7 My cat is being treated by the vet for a blood
where the lightning bolt had left her body.
Faith’s co-workers called the paramedics immediately
and she was rushed to hospital. Dr James Hwang, who
treated Faith at the burns centre there, said she had

The Longer Read

The Longer Read SPACE CAMP

Fantastic summer fun! What is it?
A one-week camp for future astronauts.
What are you going to do next summer? Hopefully you won’t
have to stay at home and study! Maybe you’re planning to go But not in space, right?
backpacking, do voluntary work or get a summer job and Exactly! You won’t actually travel into space – you’ll be
make some money. Or perhaps you’re going to switch off staying at the Space Academy base in Huntsville,
and relax by the pool. But if you’re thinking of setting off on Alabama.
a summer camp, check out these great ideas. You might not And what will I do there?
be able to go to Fiji or the USA, but perhaps you’ll find There will be plenty of astronaut training, finishing off
something equally exciting closer to home! with a simulated mission to the International Space
SHARK CAMP Station, the Moon or Mars. You’ll also have the
opportunity to fly aircraft simulators and experience the
What is it?
multi-axis chair, as well as doing challenges such as
A 24-day trip diving with sharks on Fiji’s largest island, Viti
designing and launching a rocket and building a space
Are you kidding?!
So we’re there for a week, right?
Well, it might be hard to persuade your parents to let you
Well, the camp actually lasts six days (including five
swim with sharks without a cage – we’ve all seen Jaws,
nights). It starts on a Sunday morning and finishes the
haven’t we? But apparently sharks are beautiful, gentle
following Friday with a special graduation ceremony. You
creatures! In fact, people are more than 300% likely to be
check in between 10:30 and 11:30 on the Sunday morning
killed by a dog than by a shark!
for an orientation meeting at midday. The graduation
OK, so where is it exactly and what else will I do? ceremony takes place from 11:00-12:00 o’clock on Friday
You’ll stay with a Fijian family near the Shark Reef Marine morning.
Reserve near Pacific Harbour. You’ll start off scuba diving in
Is this camp for me?
the Beqa lagoon on the reserve, and have the chance to try
Advanced Space Academy is for 15–18-year-olds. About
some white-water kayaking down the Luva River. You’ll also
20% of all participants are international students, so if
do a research project about marine biology, shark habitats
English isn’t your first language, don’t let that put you off.
and the conservation of global ecosystems.

What else is on the itinerary? Don’t just take our word for it!
Day 1–5: after landing in Fiji, you’ll have an orientation ‘This experience was even more awesome than I had
session before diving at the Reserve. It’s really not a imagined. I’ll probably never do anything so exciting
question of whether you’ll see a shark, but how many you’ll again.’ Ava Ballinger
Day 6–11: plenty of time to work on your shark conservation 1 Read the text and tick the correct answer.
projects – these also count as voluntary work college credits. Shark Space
Day 12–14: you’ll travel to Rukua village on the island of Camp Camp
Beqa, where you can take part in a ceremony and hear 1 You will travel to different places.
stories about the Fijian shark god Dakuwaqa. 2 There is a ceremony on the last day.
Day 15–21: back at base, you’ll explore the soft coral areas of 3 Students learn about ecology.
Beqa lagoon, where there are more than 250 species of fish. 4 You can earn credits for university.
Day 22–24: time for the exciting white-water river trip
through the Luva canyon. 2 Words in context Match the underlined words
Is this camp for me? in the text with definitions 1–6. Write your
The minimum age is 15, and you must already be scuba- answers.
certified. 1 information before you start a new activity ______
2 can spin in different directions _______
Don’t just take our word for it!
‘This trip was absolutely amazing. I loved diving with sharks, 3 probably going to happen _______
being immersed in Fijian culture and making great new 4 the place that an animal usually lives in _______
friends. All in all it was an experience that I will remember
5 sending something into space _______
for the rest of my life.’ Sander E (17)
6 the place from which an activity starts _______

The Longer Read

The Longer Read ‘But Isaiah was a fighter,’ says his mum Tarah Acosta.
When doctors offered him cosmetic surgery as a teenager,
With a little help Isaiah turned it down – he said that he wouldn’t need it
unless it helped him to breathe or speak. All Isaiah wants
Isaiah Acosta had always wanted to record a rap song, is for others to accept him as he is – a teenager who loves
but never imagined that his dream would come true. music, fashion and hanging out with his friends – and to
Because he was born without a lower jaw, the 17-year-old be able to give a voice to the voiceless. As they say, actions
from Phoenix, Arizona, has never been able to speak. But speak louder than words!
now, against all the odds and with the collaboration of Oxygen to Fly by Isaiah Acosta
rapper Trap House, Isaiah has released his first song, I don’t care what people think of me
Oxygen to Fly, about the difficulties of living with his Proud and honoured that they carry me
medical condition, the difficulties he has faced in life, and Jaw gone but I love myself, like a lion to my family
the bullying he has experienced. Heart big through a tragedy
Writing is Isaiah’s lifeline – his lyrics contain everything I don’t care what the people say
that he would say if he could speak. ‘I’ve always loved I don’t ever say can’t or won’t
writing lyrics and putting down what bothers me into Had a dream to rap the other day
poems,’ explains Isaiah, texting on his mobile. Then at the Just accept me for my differences
age of 15, Isaiah fell in love with rap music. ‘I connect Everybody gonna hear my voice …
with rap – I enjoy the energy of it. Music has changed my
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
life and now (with help from Trap House), I feel like I’m
* CMN Hospitals is a non-profit organisation that raises
helping people with no voice.’
funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America,
Brought up in a problematic area of Phoenix, the rapper
including Phoenix Children’s hospital where Isaiah still
Trap House (aka Tikey Patterson), understands the
receives care.
transformative power of music. He knows that his own
life would have been very different if he hadn’t channelled
his energy into music, and he now campaigns against
1 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
guns and gang violence, as well as being a rapper. ‘I
Find evidence in the text to support your
would consider myself a servant of the community,’ he
says. ‘Yes, I’m a rapper, but more importantly I speak for 1 Isaiah started writing poetry when he was 15. T F
those that may not have a strong enough voice for the ____________________________________
things that need to be said on their behalf.’ 2 Trap House is interested in social issues. T F
Trap House agreed to be Isaiah’s voice. ‘I loved what ____________________________________
he’d written and could tell immediately that he had 3 Isaiah wasn’t able to help produce his song. T F
talent,’ says the rapper. ‘It was an incredible experience to ____________________________________
work with Isaiah and interpret his poetry to come across
4 Trap House was a patient at CMN Hospitals. T F
as a rap song.’ As well as writing the lyrics, Isaiah was
5 Doctors didn’t expect Isaiah to live very long. T F
involved in every other aspect of the recording process,
from choosing the beat to producing the track.
So how did the rap duo get together? It probably
2 Words in context Match the underlined words
wouldn’t have happened if Isaiah hadn’t been an
in the text with definitions 1–7. Write your
ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
(CMN Hospitals)* – he was looked after at one of their
hospitals as a child and still receives treatment there. To 1 the ability to become healthy, happy or strong again
cut a long story short, when Isaiah expressed interest in after a problem __________
becoming a rapper, CMN Hospitals put him in touch with 2 an idiom that means ‘despite many problems and
Trap House. The pair got on really well when they met up being very unlikely to succeed’ __________
and the result was not only the musical collaboration but
also a short film (by director Torben Bernhard) about a 3 the main pattern of sounds in music __________
music video that went viral on YouTube. By sharing their 4 someone whose job is to work for another person
experiences online, the rap duo has shown the world the __________
importance of supporting children’s hospitals like CMN
5 not allowing anything prevent you from doing what
you want to do __________
If you watch the film, you’ll soon see Isaiah’s ability to
overcome adversity, his resilience and determination. 6 an abbreviation that means ‘also known as’ when
When he was born, doctors said that he probably giving someone’s real name __________
wouldn’t survive, and certainly wouldn’t be able to walk.
7 causing a big and positive change __________

The Longer Read

The Longer Read Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, and George and Ed went
on to discuss their experiment on the popular BBC TV
STEM stars at ‘The Big Bang’ programme Springwatch.
Who knows what exciting new projects will win next
Meet Josh Mitchell and Emily Xu, winners of this year’s year’s big £2,000 top prizes – maybe yours! Organizer
UK Young Engineer and GSK UK Young Scientist of the Mark Titterington believes that the future looks bright
Year awards at The Big Bang Fair, the UK’s biggest STEM because the scientists, engineers and inventors of the
fair for young people. future are already producing such exciting work.
Young engineer Josh (18), from Holmes Chapel School Hopefully more young people will be inspired to enter the
in Cheshire, was awarded the top prize for his project to competition by their achievements.
design an inexpensive 3D printer. The flat-pack machine, Who knows what exciting new projects will win next
called ‘The Plybot’, fits into two 13-inch pizza boxes and year’s competition – maybe yours! If you’re under 18 and
can be assembled very easily. If Josh can market his love STEM, check out The Big Bang website to find out
product, it will be sold for just £49. ‘I’m delighted to have how to take part.
won and I hope the success continues into my
1 Read the text. Match the beginnings 1–6 with the
crowdfunding campaign for The Plybot to get these
endings a–f.
low-cost 3D printers into people’s hands,’ he said.
Meanwhile, Emily won the top science prize for her 1 Josh Mitchell ___
project ‘New Ways of Separating Mirror Image Molecules’ 2 The next inventor of a project ___
to create safer and more effective pharmaceutical drugs. ‘I 3 Two young men ___
am very honoured to be given this award,’ she said. ‘The 4 Emily Xu ___
Big Bang experience is definitely one that I’d recommend 5 Roxanne El-Hady ___
to any other young person interested in pursuing science.’ 6 A machine at the fair ___
The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair is
held every year to celebrate achievements and inspire a) thinks the fair will encourage young scientists.
young people in STEM. More than 80,000 visitors b) takes photographs.
attended last year’s fair, which was held at the National c) travelled abroad after winning a competition.
Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham. As well as d) wants to sell an invention.
interactive exhibitions and careers talks, there were also e) won a prize for their project about birds.
more than 150 stands about everything from bioplastics f) could win a lot of money.
and satellite broadband to space exploration and wearable
gadgets. Particular highlights included a stand where you 2 Words in context Find the underlined words in
could take 360-degree selfies which were then converted the text and choose the correct definition, a) or
into a 3D model of yourself, the ‘rock music milkshake b).
machine’, which made milkshakes using sound waves
from an amplified guitar, and a nanotechnology
1 Crowdfunding is
exhibition called ‘Dotography,’ consisting of photographs
a) getting money from a large group of people to
so small – a single pixel! – that they aren’t visible without
start a project.
a special microscope attached to your phone.
b) selling a product to people who want to buy it.
Every year 500 young finalists of The Big Bang 2 When you are honoured, you are
Competition are selected from around the UK to show a) given a prize.
their ideas at the fair. Ten of them are chosen to pitch b) proud that you have been given something.
their projects to a panel of judges, who award the top 3 Highlights are
science and engineering prizes to their favourite projects. a) the most expensive part of something.
Emily and Josh have joined an impressive list of past b) the most exciting or interesting part of something.
winners, including young engineers David Bernstein and 4 A selfie is
Sankha Kahagala-Gamage whose ‘Medivest’ jacket was a) a photo that you take of yourself.
designed to predict epileptic episodes using smart b) a portrait of a person.
materials, and Stuart Chau, Ethan Dunbar Baker and 5 When something is investigative, it
Rogan McGilp whose ‘Hot Rod’ car was built for Rogan’s a) is intended to discover something new.
13-year-old brother David, who has a disability. Previous b) is very interesting.
science winners also include Roxanne El-Hady for her
6 When you go on to do something, you
research into climate change in Wales, and George Rabin
a) do something that takes a long time.
and Ed Thurlow for their investigative project ‘Do birds
b) do something after you do something else.
have a favourite colour?’ Roxanne went on to win a prize
at the EU Contest for Young Scientists – a trip to the Joint

The Longer Read

The Longer Read the criminals from taking out loans in your name, or
going on a spending spree and acquiring massive debts.
Stolen phone, stolen life … ‘We all remember to protect our possessions by locking
Abby Brown was angry when thieves stole her mobile, our house,’ Mike Haley of Cifas told the BBC. ‘But we
but she was devastated the moment she discovered that don’t take the same care to protect our most important
they had stolen her identity, too. The fraudsters asset – our identity.’
changed Abby’s passwords so she couldn’t get online,
while pretending to be her and sending inappropriate What can you do to prevent identity theft?
messages to her friends. Unfortunately, the thieves You shouldn’t share personal information online.
didn’t have to try very hard. Stealing Abby’s identity If you get suspicious junk mail, you mustn’t open it – it
wouldn’t have been so easy if she had locked her phone, might be a phishing scam.
and if she hadn’t left her bag unattended. She and her Don’t allow others to know your passwords and PIN.
friends had gone for a picnic on the beach one summer When you have to choose a new password, don’t use
afternoon at South Harbour in Blyth, Northumberland, something obvious, like your date of birth.
when the crime occurred. You should shred all sensitive documents – don’t throw
them away.
Fortunately, Abby’s mum Debra was able to lock her
daughter’s social networking sites so that they couldn’t 1 Read the text and answer the questions.
be accessed from other devices. By logging on to her 1 What did the thieves do to Abby Brown’s
own accounts, she could tell Abby’s friends that her friends?
mobile had been hacked and the messages were fake. ____________________________________
‘Once someone gets their hands on your phone, they get 2 What two mistakes did Abby make?
your whole life and you can’t stop it,’ she told the Daily ____________________________________
Mirror newspaper. ‘My daughter is afraid to go out now 3 How did Debra Brown help her daughter?
because she’s scared she will run into these people. They ____________________________________
know so much about her!’ 4 What happened in 2016?
Unfortunately, identity theft is getting more and more 5 What does the figure of 88% refer to?
common, reaching record levels in the UK in 2016 when ____________________________________
172,000 frauds were recorded – the highest figure since 6 What did criminals in the USA use one person’s
records began 13 years ago. According to the fraud identity to do?
prevention organization Cifas, more than 325,000 ____________________________________
frauds were recorded in the UK in 2016, with many of
these affecting under-21-year-olds. Moreover, 88% of 2 Words in context Match the underlined words
these crimes occurred online – and it’s often much in the text with definitions 1–6. Write your
easier than you’d think. In the USA, young people are answers.
even more at risk due to the fact that they are given
social security numbers at birth. If a criminal stole a 1 financial information about someone that a bank
child’s identity, they probably wouldn’t realize there was uses to decide whether to lend them money
a problem until they tried to open a bank account or __________
apply for a credit card at the age of 18. One victim of 2 left without being looked after __________
identity fraud had his data stolen at the age of seven,
3 using someone’s identity to do something
but he wasn’t aware of it until 10 years later when he
applied for his first job. He learned that he already had
a bad credit rating, and someone had bought a $40,000 4 reached or obtained __________
boat in his name! 5 the highest point than anything before
How do fraudsters get access to your identity? They
don’t have to steal your phone or hack your computer – 6 information about something or someone
they often just exploit personal information from social __________
networking sites. Some also obtain sensitive
information through phishing scams (fraudulent emails
that appear to be from official organizations). Once
they’ve got the information they need, nothing will stop

The Longer Read

The Longer Read then two days editing in the studio. She’s enjoying working
with the cast of proper actors and organizing the costumes
Virtual teen forum and the props, which is what she’s really into. She said
they were going on trips to Pinewood Studios (where they
This conversation: Information about film-making courses filmed Star Wars) and Leavesden (home of Harry Potter),
and also on a trip to the BFI cinema in London to watch all
Jack Tuesday 5th May 19.08 the short films they’re making. It must be great to see your
Hi all! Can anyone help me? I’m a total film buff and I name in the credits – I think I might go next year!
want to learn more about film-making. A friend told me
that she’d heard about some great film courses all around Tara Tuesday 5th May 20. 40
the UK, but she couldn’t remember the name of the Also, just to say that they also run intensive courses during
organization. Has anyone done one of these courses? I’m February half-term, if you’re interested. I recently
particularly interested in writing scripts and also enquired and they told me that I could choose between
set design/visual effects. I’ve never studied film before animation (in Bristol), screenwriting (in Newcastle), VFX
but I’ve made video clips and done some basic animation. or documentaries (in London). I’m planning to do the
Thanks for your help! visual effects one – that sounds awesome!

Suki Tuesday 5th May 19.42 Jack Tuesday 5th May 20.57
Hi, Jack. I think your friend might mean the BFI (British Yes – me too! Thanks, everyone, for all the info. That’s
Film Institute) – they’re well known for their film courses. really useful! I’m going to have a look at the website now
They are based in London at the Southbank Centre but for more information.
there are more than 40 courses all over the UK, so there
must be one near where you live. I did one and I was really 1 Read the text. Match the names a–d with
happy with it. They’re very hands-on and you can get sentences 1–6.
involved in all areas of film-making, from writing
a) Jack _____
storyboards to doing the lighting or being the camera
b) Suki _____
operator – you really feel like part of a professional film
c) Ahmed _____
crew, and you can try out all the proper equipment. Plus,
d) Tara _____
the teachers are really committed to film and they gave us
loads of support and advice. They told us that we were the 1 He/She is interested in doing a course in the
future of the British film industry! school holidays.
2 He/She enjoyed using professional tools to make
Jack Tuesday 5th May 19.50 films.
Thanks, Suki. How amazing is that? The courses aren’t 3 He/She is researching a website to get
expensive, are they? How I can find out more about them? information.
4 He/She knows someone who did a filmmaking
Suki Tuesday 5th May 20.14 course.
No – they’re subsidized so you don’t have to pay very much 5 He/She gives advice on where to find information
– probably no more than £25. Each course lasts about 40 about filmmaking.
hours, with all the classes in the evenings or at weekends, 6 He/She has a little experience in animation.
so you can combine it with being at school/college. Check
out the website for the up-to-date prices and there’s loads 2 Words in context Find the underlined words in
of information on there about all the different activities the text to complete the sentences.
that are available. They also have some great video clips by
1 I would love to learn more about ___________
people who’ve done the course. Everyone was really
and how to create stories for films.
excited about it and said that you wouldn’t regret it! Oh,
the only other thing is that you have to be over 16, so you 2 My cousin is ___________ football. She talks
could apply for next year. about nothing else!
3 There is a series of ___________ on TV about
Ahmed Tuesday 5th May 20.36 endangered animals.
What a great idea! My sister’s doing one of the two-week 4 I need to get myself a ___________ camera and
BFI residential courses right now and she loves it there – stop using my phone to take photos.
she told me she was having the time of her life and
5 This was one of the first cartoons to be made
learning loads. She said there are about 60 students on the
using computer ___________.
course and they’re all making short films in groups.
They’ve just spent two days filming on location in Oxford, 6 My mum changed careers and is now
___________ as a tour guide. She loves it!

The Longer Read

The Longer Read madness something amazing could happen. Perhaps we’ll
start to realise that buying stuff isn’t making us happy.
Maybe cats won’t make us happy either, but it’s got to be
Purrfectly persuasive … better than insurance adverts!’ And apparently, ‘copy-cat’
campaigns are planned in Atlanta, Barcelona and Cape
Feline friends take over London
Nowadays it seems we can’t go anywhere without being WHAT DO YOU THINK? SHOULD ADVERTISING BE
bombarded with adverts for things we don’t need. That’s BANNED IN PUBLIC SPACES?
why a group of friends in London formed ‘C.A.T.S.’ (the Anny03 22 May @ 16:30
Citizens Advertising Takeover Service), to create a space Yes – it’s ugly to see ads everywhere. And it isn’t fair
where people could take a break from all the ads. For two because we can’t choose whether to look at them or not –
whole weeks, they replaced all 68 billboards at Clapham we’re a captive audience!
Common Underground Station with pictures of cats, cats CityBoy 22 May @ 16:52
… and more cats! Because of the fact that money from advertising is used to
There were cute little kittens and big furry cats – black pay for public infrastructure, I think it’s something which
ones and grey ones and ginger ones. All the cats on the we have to accept. It benefits consumers as well as
billboards were either real rescue cats (from animal companies.
shelters such as the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home or the GreenGreg 22 May @ 17:13
Cats Protection League), or photos of the pets whose Ads can be so persuasive. They definitely shouldn’t target
owners had generously supported the campaign. ‘And young kids at an age when they’re much too susceptible to
why cats?’ we asked James Turner, one of the founders of peer pressure.
C.A.T.S. Apparently, they had considered using photos of CatLover 22 May @ 18:22
forests or friends or other feel-good things, but they chose No way! Not only do adverts make you smile, but they
cats because they thought it would help the story to go also add colour to ugly places. Imagine Times Square
viral. In the online world, everyone loves cats! Plus, most without those huge eye-catching signs!
of the cats on the billboards needed new homes, so this
was a good way to lend a hand. 1 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?
James Turner, founder of Glimpse, the group that Find evidence in the text to support your
organized the campaign, explained that they weren’t answers.
trying to make money or sell anything. ‘This isn’t a clever 1 The C.A.T.S. organization wanted to find homes
marketing stunt for a pet food brand,’ he told The for all the cats on the posters. T F
Independent newspaper. ‘The people behind it are ______________________________________
volunteers who raised the money using Kickstarter.’ In 2 Cats are very popular on social media. T F
total, more than 700 people donated £23,000 to the ______________________________________
crowdfunding campaign. Every supporter received a 3 There was also a cat-poster campaign in Paris.
reward – from a cat-themed app for a £5 donation, to a T F
photographic portrait of the pet whose owner gave ______________________________________
£2,500. One cat-crazy supporter even flew to London 4 In Tehran, all adverts were removed for almost
from Virginia, USA, to see his pet on the giant billboard in two weeks. T F
the station! ______________________________________
The Clapham Common cats aren’t the only experiment 5 The C.A.T.S organization wants the public to
in ‘advertising takeovers’. In Paris, activists replaced 600 challenge the government. T F
bus shelter ads with satirical posters in a campaign called ______________________________________
‘Brandalism’, whose objective was to question the ‘green’
credentials of multinational companies before the United 2 Words in context Find the underlined words in
Nations climate change conference in the city. And in the text to complete the definitions.
Tehran, Iran, all 1,500 municipal advertising billboards 1 when something is _______, it makes you happy
were replaced with pictures of art for ten days, to
2 _______ is a variety of objects or things
encourage citizens to visit the city’s art galleries.
Back in London, the people behind C.A.T.S. just want 3 _______ are baby cats
us all to think about the power that ad agencies and 4 things that belong or relate to a city are _______
brands have over us. ‘We want to inspire people to think 5 a _______ is a structure that protects you from
differently about the world and realise they have the the weather while you are waiting for a bus
power to change it,’ they say. ‘Imagine a world where
6 when something is _______ it is covered with fur
public spaces make you feel positive!’ ‘We know this is a
silly project,’ adds James. ‘But what if we did this in every 7 _______ are qualities or achievements that make
major city in the world? Cats everywhere! From all this you suitable for something

The Longer Read

The Longer Read should you stay up late revising! Try to switch off and have
an early night, and set your alarm to avoid oversleeping.
How to … keep calm and pass TOP TIP: Be sure to double-check the start time of your
the exams!
4 What to do during and after the exam
Before the exam: revision and preparation Good time management is crucial to get through the exam
1 How to revise successfully. When you’re about to start the exam, read all
Managing your time effectively is essential for good the questions carefully and calculate how much time to
revision. Plan ahead – don’t wait until the last minute! dedicate to each section. Don’t spend too much time on one
Make a revision timetable and vary the subjects so that you part, or you will run out of time for the rest. If you don’t
don’t get bored. Find the revision techniques that work for understand the instructions, tell the invigilator straight
you, such as note-taking, highlighting key information, away. After the exam, don’t waste time comparing answers
making diagrams and drawing pictures, recording your with your friends – what’s done is done, and you did your
notes, etc. And make sure you set achievable goals – best! It would be more effective if you had a good rest
instead of trying to read one huge book, break it down into before preparing for your next exam rather than worrying
smaller chunks. Choose a quiet space where you can study about things you can’t change.
(at home or in the library) but make sure you meet up with TOP TIP: Think positively and don’t give up. Good luck!
classmates too – they will be studying the same topics so
you can test each other. Online revision apps can be useful,
1 Read the text. Match the beginnings 1–6 with the
but remember that people still used to pass exams before
endings a–f.
mobile phones were invented! So try turning off your phone
to avoid getting distracted. 1 It’s important to know which revision method
TOP TIP: Find out exactly what type of activities will be in 2 Studying with your friends
the exam, and do sample papers if possible. 3 Eating eggs for breakfast
4 Working late in the evening
2 How to stay healthy and beat exam nerves 5 Getting ready the night before an exam
A healthy diet and plenty of sleep are essential to exam
6 If you read the paper through, this
success. Studies have shown that some foods (such as eggs)
can improve cognitive performance, so make sure you eat a
good breakfast. Instead of snacking on sweets, experts a) may help you work better.
suggest bananas for a sustained energy boost. Some people b) will help you plan your time in the exam.
also take fish oil tablets for brain health. You’ll lose c) is best for you.
concentration if you’re dehydrated, so drink plenty of water d) will reduce stress on exam day.
– but avoid coffee because caffeine is no substitute for
e) isn’t a good idea.
proper rest. You should aim to sleep eight to ten hours a
f) allows you to test each other.
night, and stop studying two hours before bedtime in order
to give your mind time to relax. You won’t be effective in
2 Words in context Find the underlined words in
the exam if you’re exhausted! Physical exercise and fresh
the text and choose the correct definition, a) or b).
air are also important – not only do they improve
concentration, but they also reduce stress. So keep a good 1 Achievable goals are
study / life balance – you don’t have to give up the gym or a) goals that are possible to reach.
time with friends. Take regular breaks and use those b) goals that are easy to reach.
activities as motivational ‘treats’ while you’re studying. 2 Chunks are
TOP TIP: If you’re feeling anxious about exams, ask a
a) parts of a book.
teacher, doctor or counsellor for help.
b) parts of something.
Are you ready for exam day? 3 Tablets are
3 What to do the day before and the morning of your a) small, solid pieces of medicine that you swallow.
exam b) small pieces of food.
Make sure you know exactly where and when the exam will 4 Stationery is
be held. Check the location on a map if necessary, and find
a) items like paper, pens and pencils.
out how to get there if it isn’t at your school and you’re
using public transport or if someone is going to drive you b) bus or train tickets.
there. Prepare your bag the night before (stationery, a 5 When something is crucial, it is
bottle of water, etc) – you’ll sleep better if you know that a) extremely important.
everything is ready. It goes without saying that you b) necessary.
shouldn’t go out the night before your exam, but neither

Answer key

Unit 1 Unit 4
1 1
1 F; She beat six boys. 1 F; He fell in love with rap music when he was 15. (He
2 T (‘even that first show, when I was eight, we did as says he has ‘always loved’ writing lyrics and ‘putting
a double act,’ … ‘Sarah was just five or six at the time.’) down what bothers me into poems’, which suggests
3 T (‘they also performed at the Friday night gala he did that before he was 15.)
alongside prestigious magicians’) 2 T (‘he now campaigns against guns and gang
4 F; She was inspired by David Blaine and recorded his violence, as well as being a rapper. ‘I would consider
tricks when she was a teenager. myself a servant of the community’ he says.’)
5 F; He has spoken in public about how magic helped 3 F; ‘Isaiah was involved in every other aspect of the
him after he had been bullied. recording process, from choosing the beat to
producing the track.’
2 4 F; Isiah was – and still is – a patient of CMN
1 overcome Hospitals.
2 trailblazer 5 T (‘doctors said that he probably wouldn’t survive’)
3 by chance
4 prestigious 2
5 double act 1 resilience
6 work out 2 against all the odds
7 in public 3 beat
4 servant
5 determination
Unit 2 6 aka
1 7 transformative
1 two days
2 elderly people / the elderly Unit 5
3 into a hotel
4 more rain 1
5 have / suffer a heart 1d
6 the lightning struck 2f
2 4a
1 deadly 5c
2 prioritising 6b
3 medical aid
4 swept 2
5 chaos 1a
6 surface 2b
7 disorder 3a
Unit 3 6b
1 Shark Camp Unit 6
2 Space Camp
3 Shark Camp 1
4 Shark Camp 1 The thieves sent inappropriate messages to Abby
Brown’s friends.
2 2 She left her phone unlocked and her bag unattended
1 orientation on a beach.
2 multi-axis 3 She locked Abby’s social networking sites and told
3 likely Abby’s friends that the messages (from Abby’s phone)
4 habitat were fake.
5 launching 4 There was a record number of identity theft cases.
6 base

Answer key

5 The percentage of identity theft crimes that occur Unit 9

6 They used it to spend $40,000 on a boat. 1
2 2f
1 credit rating 3a
2 unattended 4e
3 in his name 5d
4 accessed 6b
5 record levels
6 data 2
Unit 7 3a
1 4a
a) Jack 3, 6 5a
b) Suki 2, 5
c) Ahmed 4
d) Tara 1

1 screenwriting
2 really into
3 documentaries
4 proper
5 animation
6 having the time of her life

Unit 8
1 F; They wanted to find homes for some of the cats
on the posters, but some of the other cats belonged to
supporters of the campaign.
2 T (‘In the online world, everyone loves cats!’)
3 F; The posters in Paris were satirical.
4 T (‘And in Tehran, Iran, all 1,500 municipal
advertising billboards were replaced with pictures of
art for ten days’)
5 F; It wants the public to question advertising and

1 feel-good
2 stuff
3 kittens
4 municipal
5 bus shelter
6 furry
7 credentials


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