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1) contaminate (v) to dirty something = POLLUTE (kirletmek)

e.g. – The weather has been contaminated by chemicals.

2) divert (v) (from/to) to change direction (yönünü çevirmek, saptırmak)

e.g. – Traffic had to be diverted because of the accident.

3) extend (v) to make something longer or larger (uzatmak, genişletmek)

e.g. – He extended his vegetable garden.

4) expand (v) to make or grow larger (genişle(t)mek, genleşmek)

e.g. – Metals expand when heated.

5) clog (v) to blog (tıkamak)

e.g. – The road to the airport is clogged with traffic.

6) squeeze (v) to press something tightly (sıkmak, sıkıştırmak)

e.g. – Would you squeeze some oranges and make me a glass of juice.

7) adapt (v) (to/for) to change so as to fit a different situation (adapte etmek, uydurmak)
e.g. – When we moved to France, the children adapted to the change very well.

8) adopt (v) to take a child of other parents as your own; (evlat edinmek)
to take and use something as your own (benimsemek, kabul etmek)
e.g. – They decided to adopt a baby girl.
- He adopted his friend’s ideas.

9) adjust (v) (to) to get used to = ADAPT (alışmak, adapte etmek)

e.g. – He soon adjusted his new way of life.

10) devote (v) (to) to give completely to (adamak, vermek)

e.g. – He has devoted his life to helping blind people.

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