HR Round 1-1

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Round 1

Mathura Company is hiring an employee; you are the HR manager of the company. You are required to recruit one
employee amongst the characters given below.

Name: Sisyphus

About the character

• High achieving and zealous.

• Dishonest.
• Arrogant and egoistic.
• Determined and tenacious.
• Always persistent towards his goals.
• Self-absorbed and greedy.
• Killed of his own guests without any remorse.

Name: Indrajit

About the character

• Skilled strategist and ultimate tactician.

• Loyal devout and fearless
• Pride and presumptuous by nature.
• Underestimates his peers.
• Devious and manipulative.
• Uses deceit as his weapon.
• Risk taker
• He encourages others’ wrong doings.

Name: Hera

About the character

• Punishes people who harm women.

• Assertive, reliable and a great advisor.
• Attempted to kill an infant.
• Duplicitous and vengeful.
• Extremely cunning and decisive.
• Attacks innocent people.
• Embraces position of leadership.
• Disowns her own child for his physical appearance.

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