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Think on this. Jesus was made your sin, therefore He became and He IS, your outer man.

inner subconscious is entered that outer man bringing it, the body, to the state of eternal life. Do
you grasp what this means, what it is saying. Your body was and is the cloud that received Him
at His ascension. He is here, closer than a brother or sister. There is no more "conscious-ness of

There is no more conscious, or law no more old man, no more first birth. It has been swallowed
by the 2nd birth. You are not the conscious it was done away with at the Calvary of your life,
you are the quickening Subconscious that stands where your conscious was. The same
resurrection power, the same Christ, the same quickening, the same Subconscious is now in you
and is YOU! Means your body that was flesh because of the former conscious, is now changed to
spirit by the Subconscious. Your body is changed! You are in heaven, you are heaven, you are
the eternal quickened Subconscious state of being. You did not conquer death, there was never a
death to you. Death was ordained to the lying outer man or conscious carnal mind and it died.

The new man is the truth, the real man, the subconscious that is now your consciousness.
The Christ of God. Do you see, do you understand? Oh My!!!

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