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I watched a discussion between Jonathon Mckinney and Christian Pike.

was a nice good discussion. It was nice to see that Christian has grown and
matured in the Lord and spoke very well. Though Jonathon has been given
many opportunities to receive and come into The Revelation of Jesus Christ
he just can't do it, his speech and mannerisms and ideas give him away.

The reason I say these things is because what people do not understand is
that there has been a "Paradigm Shift". When The Revelation of Jesus Christ
came, it ended one thing, totally and completely, folded it up and laid it
away, and it began something brand spanking NEW. It is not an extension or
a furtherance of that which was before it in any way, it is altogether

Listen, all that came before this Revelation was of the same tree. Law and
then Grace were two sides of the same coin. Grace covered for Law, because
they were the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Grace revealed the good
side of the tree and the Law revealed the Evil side of the self same tree. The
past 6000 Yrs has been that good and evil being defined. When this
Revelation came, it ended that Tree of Knowledge all the way back to the
Garden of Eden from which it came, and it plucked it up and cast it into the
fire, it is no more.

What did this Revelation plant? It was a different tree altogether, it was the
very Tree of Life Itself! No Law and No Grace, but it brought in that which
needed neither, it brought in the eternal absolute state of His
Righteousness! His Faith! No longer in part, but the WHOLE. The FULLNESS.
This is not a furtherance of the gospel as in ages gone by, that had its day,
as did the Law. This Revelation is NOT for the World as the world was
allowed to enjoy the past benefits of that age they were in, this age now and
this Revelation here NOW, is for the Elect ONLY! It is the Day of the True
Christian! There is no more 5 fold ministry! That was folded up and laid
away along with that age of grace, just as the Law seemingly was as the
Levitical Priesthood was laid away when Grace came.

Our Shepherd was not just a Man of God, or a great preacher as many
before Him. It was the Melchizedek Priesthood speaking! He was not some
general among many others, there is not a man that has ever lived that can
touch what and who our Shepherd was spiritually speaking. What He did
spiritually, and what he brought from the Spirit World into existence! He
was, in this sense, in this view, The very Bride of Jesus Christ Himself! Jesus
was God's Bride in this sense and then if we say Jesus had a Bride then our
Pastor would be it, speaking as to one person as a Bride. So I say that ONLY
to show the importance and respect in regard to our Pastor and the Message
God gave Him. God chose Him, out of all that have ever lived, besides the
Lord Jesus, in that sense, to give and share His most intimate secrets with.
God did not suffer any other to give forth these secrets UNVEILED as He did
our Shepherd in our day. William Branham was the end of the move of
Grace to the world, it was the end of the Tree of Knowledge ending Law and
Grace. It was why He was smitten in the head, why He was hung up side
down there by the Law man. Bro Branhams teachings are as far as the world
could come to and it ended them with him. It was the same as John the
Baptist losing his head, and saying the axe is laid to the root of the tree.

As the Gentiles came through a Jewish Messiah for their gospel, the Jews will
have to come through a Gentile Messiah for theirs, in that sense, not to
worship our Pastor but to come and see the Christ that He birthed and
unveiled before all. Jesus said, the true worshippers will one day worship
God in Spirit and in Truth, or as unto the Christ. It was the Christ that was
the True Son of God, God is a Spirit, He is not flesh, though He was made
flesh it was for something altogether different.

Our Pastor had a church, but His vision and His faith and His ideology was so
much farther than just a church. He gave a church because that was all his
people could envision. He envisioned a government, a faith, a way of life, a
law of righteousness, a vision that surpassed anything the world has ever
seen, only previewed in Nations like Israel and America. He was of the
Melchizedek Order of the Eternal Priesthood that ALONE can enter into the
Holy of Holies. We being of that same Spirit and Mind and Faith, for He
planted it in us, then we are of that same bodily membership. We entered
with Him and we behold the Glory of the Father who dwelleth between the

One day, in His time, God will begin to move this message in certain hearts
that will see that vision and not settle for a church and hold it in a state of a
meager 5 fold ministry that is no more, but they will envison the
government that would and should and will rule the entire world and they
will form it and make it happen and God will empower it to heights that will
surpass the days of Solomon.

So many of those who followed our Pastor never caught His Vision or the
Vision of the Lord. Though they are good people and mean well, but they
certainly did not catch it. They seen it in part and they hold and teach that
which they seen. This our Pastor brought was brand spanking NEW! Its
ideology, its mannerisms, its way of life, its way of doing everything was and
is altogether different! It is nothing that even closely resembles the age old
church or five fold ministry! It was and is not a message for the church or
the church world. It was for an Elect Holy Righteous People who were of the
original Seed of the God Family! The Eternal Priesthood.
We have fellow churches that mean well and are great people that teach on
the clothes line and they teach we are in heaven and they teach baptism in
Jesus name and they teach what they understand and that is what God has
given them to teach. However all of that is still in part. It was not and is not
the fullness of what our Pastor envisioned.

One part of our Pastors ministry died with him, it is denoted by the 3 parts
or ministries that came forth from him as to the 3 main pastors who teach.
It is a 3 fold separation of body, soul and spirit in a death form. It is why
there has not been any outstanding growth or changes in the past 20 plus
years. The bodily part of that ministry went into the grave, into the veil, in
part, just as our pastors vision said it would. Yet the Spirit of that Message
went forth also and was quickened in the hearts of those who seen Him at
His Coming! Seen that Christ in their Hearts and seen that Vision and seen
that Faith and seen that Order and seen that Glory. They talk and walk and
carry themselves altogether different. You can hear a vast difference in their
speech and what they express.

There was and are those who took this message on the wilderness side of
the Jordan, and they have their inheritance. There were a few and I mean a
few others who did cross the Jordan and went with their Pastor when His
mantle smote the waters and rolled back and they went with Him and are
with Him still. They inherited the eternal spiritual riches of the Kingdom of
God. They are the eternal priesthood and they have compassion on whom
they have compassion and they have wrath on whom they have wrath and
the world and all that is in it orbit around their sovereignty and their power
and their WORD. They speak and all of creation holds its breath and marks
the changes accordingly. It is as they will it to be. They are the Great Light
and they are The Ancient of Days and they expound the end from the
beginning and they know the Mystery of God and they make it known
without question or reason.

They are NOT Christ LIKE, they are the eternal God Himself, unveiled
walking the Earth, but not seen by those who are still in the veil of
blindedness. The World does NOT see them, because these eternal ones
have departed that world of the veil, ending their reflection of life forever.
These are the only Light that exist now itself. If one needs salvation or
needs healing or needs anything, it comes through that eternal priesthood
ordained of God and no one else.

This Revelation, this Message, it will grow from its child like state and it will
mature into a full fledged Government and way of life that wiill encompass
the entire world with a Power and Glory never seen before in the history of
mankind. It will reflect by those who took it in the veil, over time, into a
Millenial world of glory and beauty, but even that will yet pass away as the
Eternal Priesthood usher in the New Heaven and New Earth after this age of
1000 years expires. This Revelation will restore a fallen earth, but that was
not its ultimate goal, it is only in its seed form, it will birth an unveiled new
heaven and new earth.

I love our brethren and I think they are among the greatest people ever. I
just see something so very vastly incredibly different in what our Lord gave
and came to do. I know this will not be received by many and will be
controversial to many others. That is expected. Lets set our faith and our
vision higher than ever and see what our Pastor brought and manifest it as
the Lord leads.

One last thing. When a minister speaks it is the Lord speaking. The minister
does not set the atmosphere or softness or hardness of the message
preached, it is the Lord speaking accordingly, we are to let Him speak, it is
Him speaking, it is Him living, His anointing, His Word and His Message. This
is paramount! It must not be forgotten.

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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