The Invisible - Pat Nichols - Patrick - Nich@live - Com - 2020-06-23 2052

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When something is invisible, how do you see it?

You don't see it, with the

physical eye, because the physical eye is controlled by the brain and the
brain is controlled by carnality. In other words it can only see what is on the
level it can see. Everything is vibrating on some level and things such as
lights and sounds are on certain levels of vibrations that our eyes and ears
can detect. Let it drop below or rise out of range of our eyes and ears and
we suddenly cannot detect them anymore though they are still there.

Things such as violet and infrared light, and things like a dog whistle a dog
can hear but you cannot. Think about radio and cellular and TV waves in the
air and all around us we cannot see.

So, we know our outer lower state of consciousness that controls our eyes
and ears can see what is on its level, but that which is beyond that level it
cannot see. One of the reasons is because they are of a higher or lower
vibration. So we either have to change their vibration speed or we have to
change what controls what we see. In other words, there is a subconscious
level of vibration, that when awakened or when it is freed to do so, it can
see those invisible vibrations. If we remove the outer conscious from being
the controller of the body and replace it with the subconscious and let it
control the body, then we have Body 2.0 so to speak, we have an upgraded
body that lets us see all levels of vibrations.

If we liken water to the spirit, then in its liquid form, it is unformed or

without form and void of form, so it must be given an outer shell to begin
the form then subject it to a lesser state of vibration to form it into a solid,
such as water in a cup put in a refrigerator. If we get the water now out of
the cup, it has frozen to a solid and is become conformed to the image of
the cup. The subconscious became frozen in that sense and caused it to
become conformed to the image of the cup or the body so to speak. The
freezing cold is denoted by the soul, which was the atmosphere the
subconscious had fallen to.

The Law was the solid ice, grace was as to the light melting it back to water,
and this revelation we have come to over the years is the changing of the
water back to its vapor form.

We have used the conscious and the subconscious as the inner man and the
outer man in our teachings so we would have something to contrast with.
Never forget however they are one and the same. We have taught on this
many times in the past.

So we see Jesus was and is God. We see though He was still the eternal God
he got tired, he slept, he ate, he laughed and cried, he felt hot and sweat
and cold and ice. He knew people who had died and he knew of babies being
born. He smelt the stinch of a dead body or an animal, he seen lightning
flash from thunderstorms and felt the rain on his face. He felt the pains of
the whipping and the beating and the cruelty of the cross, then he died. He
was a normal person just like you and me are. As far as our humanity goes.
He was every bit as human as we are. God Almighty in a Human Form, born
as we are grew as we do and died as we do. God Almighty.

Our pastor told us that Man was the 3rd part of the trinity of God that had
fallen. Which was the Sonship realm. So we see 1/3 of the trinity of God was
smitten, or it had fallen. It had been cast out of heaven. This is what it is
referring to in Revelations when it speaks of 1/3 or a 3rd of this was cast
down and a 3rd of this died and so forth. So we know this was the smiting of
the Man Christ Jesus, who traded places with us. God who was in a body but
was not in the carnal mind, because the flesh of that body of his was dead,
just as when we are born in and of the flesh, the spiritual part is dead to us
till new birth.

So this God descended from that higher state of being and came into the
body, went over the hill so to speak, into the shadow to be captured by it
which awakened the flesh and when the flesh was awakened as to God, then
it awakened all flesh to life. If He as a Spirit was captured by the shadow
willingly then all spirits were captured by the flesh. When Jesus was made
sin, then Spirit or Word was made Flesh in that sense. God tasted death and
what was the death He tasted but the Fruit of the Tree of the Carnal Mind.
The outer Eve of God partook, which was the feminine side of God, which
was Jesus.

Now there is many ways to see these things, so we could say as to the
feminine side of God was His wife and what we call smitting her or veiling
her in darkness, was so no one could view the beauty of His wife, or see her
naked. He was a gentleman to that extent. Calvary, and the great mysteries
of Calvary, the secrets of the wife of God hidden behind the blazing wrath of
God... for its protection? Yes. The shadow that projected from that smiting
on the cross was cast over all of creation, because God, like Moses, now had
a veil over His eyes, His Mind.

Is it not strange that at the death of Jesus it is said the veil is rent in two,
but it was actually his death and the shadow of his death that fell over
creation and the rending of the veil is not denoted till He rises from the
grave. I know it meant the spirit and body were now separated and this
departing of each other was a rending. To reveal the shadow, to reveal the
soul, where Satan dwelled.
So you have a spirit, a soul and a body and the soul exist because of the
body, causes the soul to be dark or a lesser light that veils and hides your
spirit. Remember, conscious is the stone in front of the tomb of the
subconscious. Two Minds, or Two Cherubim, with blood or the soul in
between, man making himself God. At new birth this all changes and things
are not in the negative view but the positive view and things are back to
their normal or prefallen state.

So back to the beginning, we see the invisible as to the Invisible Spirit we

call God, must be comprehended. You cannot see thoughts with physical
sight. Yet thought can be formed into anything like water can. So you have
to understand the invisible, then once you understand it, faith is formed and
that new faith supersedes the previous faith and now we see without eyes.
When a person has a vision with their eyes open, is there eyes actually
seeing this or is it the subconscious mind has taken over and the person is
seeing with spiritual eyes or the mind in him showing this vision to him has
superseded his physical limitations and manifested a sight or a seeing
without physical eyes. It is really simply, when you imagine something in
your mind, your physical eye does not see it. You can see a pink elephant
carrying the moon with purple wings and a dragon tail in your mind, but you
physical eyes never seen, the same with your dreams. We see things all of
the time our physical eyes never see.

So when what we call death happens the conscious level of controlling the
body is over, the subconscious departs and enters the higher level of the
divine and heavenly realm, where it sees without physical eyes, it feels
without physical touch, it hears without physical ears, for it is a being of
Faith and os of the Faith state of being from which all things came from,
meaning it is all things to begin with. it does not have to have physical sight
when it is sight itself, sight came from it to begin with. This is why when The
Faith comes it is The Faith of God that made all things because it is God and
it is the sum of all things, for God is the Faith State of Being. The
subconscious that was made conscious or a state of consciousness so the
body could exist and have some form of existence.

So water is formed into ice which is the body, then the water is divided from
the water and the inside of the body is liquid water which is the soul of
reasoning, the unknown God, the without form and void being, then the
water is divided from the firmament and the vapor exist there where the
angels are. All 3 exist as One World. It is hot in one part of the earth and ice
cold in another and yet liquid form of water all over. So all 3 exist in you, as
you and are you. And those 3 are One. They are only singled out as 3
separate things because of our perception. We are changing that perception
so they can be seen as they truly are One.
So how does God allow some part of Himself to be separated from Himself?
By the illusion or the appearance of separation, which is Shadows. Allow a
shadow to be cast over that part of Himself. He is doing so for reproduction
purposes, so secret things are being done behind or underneath those
shadows, many things are hidden or distorted because they are His secret
things, his hinder parts. DO not the husband and wife so the same? Go
behind the veil to reproduce. Calvary was veiled and only the true Bride can
enter therein and produce the Image of God in the heart.

God can't hide in that sense he is too big He is everywhere, so He has to

suffer the part he desires to hide to be distorted, changed into a lie. So, the
carnal mind hides and veils and distorts the truth of God so that part of God
cannot be seen. Only those willing to die to self, then rend the veil by that
dying, they will then enter into the secret place of God wherein lay the Keys
to the Kingdom, the Key to death, hell, and the grave. If I do not want to
see what the film is projecting anymore, I dont want to believe its lies, I
must power off the film projector and then suddenly the light comes back

Movie theaters are dark, then we watch what it is telling us from a negative
called a film, like something has a film or a veil over it and it projects upon a
wall, or a middle wall of partition. Even popcorn has to do with eating of
spiritual things. Movies denote a very spiritual thing. Is it a godly spiritual
thing or a devilish thing? Look at Little Bethlehem, it had seats like a theater
would have, it had a projection room but the light came forth from where
the minister stood outward unto the people, not from behind the people to
keep them in darkness, but it rather shined out upon the people. The
minister was the projector and we were the middle wall it was shining on to
rend the veil.

The sermon book called the seed of life is one amazing read. May God Bless
You. Bro. Pat
Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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