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With the Spirit and Body being One, we understand why it is said of Jesus,

that He was "made a quickening spirit". A natural or physical human body as

we know and understand it to be, cannot walk through walls or on water etc.
However Jesus was a Spiritual Body, a Quickened Spirit that appeared as a
Body to the physical eyes. How could His Body do those things? Because His
Body was The Spirit, it was A Spirit and The Spirit. A Tree is a spirit, the
stars are a spirit a grain of sand is a spirit. Inside this great Spirit are all
things that exist for they are all Spirit. Where could one go that God is not?
He fills all in all. This is a simple concept we have been taught, but has much
greater meaning than we have considered.

I heard a song today, that was fitting and timely, it said, He turns Graves
into Gardens. I thought yes that is what He does. He defeated death by
entering death. He defeated hell by entering hell. He took the keys to death
and hell, meaning He revealed and made known the secret mystery of death
and hell and once they were unveiled they had no more power over anyone.
It is their secret in the veil of the unknown that keeps them in power.

So we see by this when they are revealed, then, it is said, the graves and
hell gave up the dead that was in them! Did you hear that? When death
is revealed as to what it actually is, then it cannot hold anyone anymore, as
well as hell.

So again, we see death is the opposite end of life, if we use a stick as an

example, one end of the stick is life and the other end is death but it is all
the self same one stick. When a person dies, the spirit we say is separated
from the body, and the spirit goes back to its home, so it is not a death in
that since, it is just a sleep, as to the body. So spirit goes to its home, back
to God who gave it and the body is a sleep and into the grave it goes.

Now we have said that body is spirit, and this means if this be true, that this
body/spirit is not dead it is only asleep. A spirit is asleep in that sense. It is
not asleep as we count sleeping, for in our sleep it is something that has to
do with the veil being over our eyes and the darkness has brought us a
world of dreaming of sin and shame. However, spirits do not sleep. We find
Elisha's bones or spirit not sleeping in that sense as it raised a man from the
dead or awoke it from sleep. So if body is spirit how can it sleep?

Spirit sleeps in this sense, it has gone into another world, or it has changed
dimensions, and from a human view it cannot be seen anymore. If I was
standing near your bed and you was asleep, you would not see me, because
you are in another world. So it is that way with spirit, it is asleep in the
sense it is in another dimension and our eyes and mind cannot see it any
longer in its true form, we still see it in the veil of our physicality and its

Remember now, it is the same with the body being a spirit as a tree is a
spirit. When God unveils Himself as a Spirit in the Tree and we receive that
revelation and though our physical eyes may see that tree, our spiritual eyes
of understanding see something different and that is God. When this inward
sight, overtakes the physical sight then we will see spiritually with what was
once our physical eyes. So we see a body in a casket and we see it closed
and lowered into the ground, but if we could see it spiritually with spiritual
eyes we would see it very different. As these revelations come our faith is
empowered and Love as Strong as death overcomes that veil of death and
carnal perception and we witch over in our senses from carnal life to spiritual
life and we see dead people walking around, that are not dead after all.
Elijah prayed for the Lord to open the eyes of understanding of Gehazi and
let His Spiritual Eyes control his physical eyes in that sense and suddenly
Gehazi seen something different than what His carnal perception was telling
his physical eyes. His eyes were receiving new information from another
source of a much greater sight.

Now we see in this that Elijah had that sight already. Being he had that
sight, and though it seemed his physical body was walking here on the
earth, yet he had a sight that was not physical and was seeing the spiritual
world. This was because He was a spirit. Only a spirit can see spirit. In the
physical world a man can be insane and claim to see pink elephants walking
around, and what is amazing is that to that man, his physical eyes are
seeing what His brain is telling him to see. Those things are true to him. So
it is in spiritual reality when the eyes of faith and of God and of spirit are
opened to us and they take over, we will see that spirit world just as real as
we see the natural world, for spirit will tell the eyes what to see.

This is what happened with Adam and Eve, they switched over from spiritual
sight to a natural carnal sight. Because another mind had overtaken them.
We say flesh is God within the veil and that is true but God is a Spirit and
the veil is darkness of another spirit over that Spirit, feeding our spirit
another view of perversion. It takes spirit to inherit Spirit, so God being a
Spirit cannot be in a physical body, only as to the time and season of our
comprehending. Once we move passed that understanding and into this
understanding we begin to see it was not as we had thought, it was not
Spirit in a Body, it was Spirit within spirit and spirit within Spirit.

If God is a Professor then He speaks to the Kindergarteners, then to the

elementary students then the high school students and then the colleges all
on different levels. Each level of understanding brings a different level of
reality as well with it.

So Elijah was a spirit and He understood this of his body and was able to go
into the spirit world with his spirit body or his spirit.
Listen to this carefully....Jesus was a quickening spirit! Though it appeared
he had a physical body and could walk and talk and sleep and eat, it was
yet, still, a quickened spirit. Again, if everything that exist is not Spirit then
the Bible is a lie. So we are not saying anything strange or foreign to you.
So YOU ARE SPIRIT!!! You are the Holy Ghost! You receive the conformity of
the image of what you thought was a physical body unto The IMAGE of
Christ which was and is The Holy Ghost. An Unknown Spirit that has
conformed to an image by faith of the Word which is spirit. Word is Spirit
and Word became Flesh, thus making Flesh also Spirit. Remember the water
example of vapor, liquid and ice or solid. Still water just in another form,
God appearing in another form.

The Earth is heaven and now we understand how it is heaven. We have been
taught in part and a multitude of ways how it is indeed heaven. Then if God
buried Moses in Heaven, then everyone else is buried in heaven also. For all
of those physical bodies that went to sleep were put into the earth or
heaven. If heaven is Spirit and the bodies were put in heaven or Spirit and
only spirit can inherit or go to Spirit then Body is Spirit. Only the Spirit can
receive the things of the Spirit.

The Great Light is Here, changing everything by divine perception from

natural to Spiritual, from Physical to Spiritual. Because it was and is and
always has been Spirit. You are an Angel and you dwell in Heaven or the
Spirit. Yes, you had a lying vanity of what was carnally called a "Human
Experience" but that was the lying beast side of life. It was not so from the
beginning. You are The Angel of God, You dwell in Heaven and Earth is
Heaven and your Body is Spirit. So You are a Spirit or an Angel walking in
Heaven. We are the angel flying through the heavens. Michael is disputing
over your body, saying to our carnal perception, this body is not a physical
beast body anymore, that was your lies to it Satan, it is a Spirit and has
always been Spirit.

Spirit or Faith was made subject to the 5 senses so the recording of the
reality for the forming of the ManChild would be first, one of darkness, within
the veil for its development. Then upon maturity it would rend that veil and
be birthed forth as that true angel or Spirit. A Spirit that has come to know
who and what it is. This is the new birth, which is the birth of that faith. Now
this Spirit and this Faith has subjected those senses to them, to that
Spiritual Eye and the Mind of The Spirit to see as Adam and Eve seen before
the fall.

So back to death, is it a separation? No! It only APPEARS to be a separation

because our carnal mind that yet holds our physical eyes in its control
cannot see into that Spiritual World yet, to recognize the Change of that
Body. Death is the Change of the Body. This is why the change happens and
then immediately the tribulation sets in because the Tribulation is Calvary
and Calvary is Death! So this is why the change happens at the first of the
week that death rules and reigns. It is why Jesus was transfigured then right
after that went to the Cross. He was showing us spiritually that death was
the change if the body in the true dimension of Spirit, but to the natural man
it was seen as a death or a sleep or a separation.

We say Adam became a living soul. Yet when He died He went somewhere
else and seemingly without his body. Yet He was the body. He was
everything that body recorded him as. The body is the image of physical
sight and how we recognize one another. So what that means is, in that
spirit is like a child in us, the body is in the darkness of the unknown of the
foreknowledge of God. Meaning we have seen the body as something to
grow into from a child and be a mature man or woman. As we have matured
physically we have matured mentally in our knowledge. Therefore the spirit
within as we say has also been maturing, or that sub-conscious part of us
has been maturing, growing and changing. Then that dark veil that has
housed that spirit, veiling it as a body, can not hold the spirit any longer
from its true form, so it changes spiritually and goes home as we say. What
is left behind is the veil of what we perceived was a physical body. Yet that
same physical body corrupts and rots and returns to the dust, which is the
Earth, which is heaven and you cannot go and find that body any longer, the
same as it was said of Moses they searched but could not find Him.

See what was left behind was Elijah's mantle to Elisha. Elisha was showing,
in his type, as the Body of Elijah, that would die, while Elijah was showing
the spiritual change of Elisha's body that it was in reality Spirit. The Horse
that appeared to take Elijah was Spirit, it denoted the Spirit, that's what a
horse types, Spirit. The Fiery Chariot denoting as the Horse pulling the Body
was actually showing they were One in Unity, Horse and Chariot or Spirit
and Body.

Lets look at what Paul said. Speaking of the Husband and the Wife, He talks
of them then says a strange thing, He says I am speaking of Christ and the
Church, how they are ONE. If Christ is a Quickened Spirit then the church is
also. Saying the Man and woman are ONE as to their union of relations that
produces the child which is both Father and Mother yet He is but One
Person, meaning that He is the manifestation and He is the Revelation
manifested that Spirit and Body have always been One as One Spirit. God is
a Spirit and if He reproduces Himself He is reproducing Spirits. God is Spirit,
Adam came from God making Him Spirit, Eve came from Adam, making her
Spirit, the children coming from them are Spirit and those children who are
spirit are reproducing more spirits. God the Father of Spirits, not Bodies.

The bodily part was the lie, the deception. You were never a flesh and body
being. This is how Jesus could make the statement that He was with God
before the world ever was. How could Jesus have been there when He did
not have a body as to His first birth from Mary, yet He has it in His ascension
and from the eternal standpoint of there being no time, He has always had
that Body, yet it was born of Mary. Because being a body was a lie, it was
simply Mary who was a spirit producing spirit. This world of bodies is a lie.
God is a Spirit and He one day as we say cast the wicked dead into the
eternal Lake of Fire alive. It is not a natural fire, for only one thing in
creation is eternal and that is God and He is a Fire so they are cast into Him.
A body is not eternal, meaning it is a lie, the soul is not eternal, it is a lie,
spirit is eternal, so if the wicked are cast alive in their so-called bodies into
the lake of fire, they must be spirits, for only spirits can burn for eternity.

Again, Jesus walked through walls and on water. Phillip disappeared and
reappeared in another town miles away instantly. Just Peters's shadow
healed the people. Paul's apron healed and raised the dead, because we ay
well they were anointed, when what we are really saying is they were spirit.
Faith removes the veil changing the object from carnal perception of it being
a shadow or an apron into a spirit of healing etc. This is why Christ said what
you do to the least of these you do unto me, for He was a Spirit, and You
are a Spirit. When Christ returns with the Saints who are the Holy Angels, of
those who have died or slept, He appears in the Spirit and the veil is
removed from the wicked and they see Him as He is, Spirit and they see
what they were or are, Evil Spirits. Faith makes us Good Spirits and Holy
Spirits, while Unbelief made them Evil Angels of Unbelief. God simply
removes the veil from their eyes and they see Him already in the Heavens
which is the Spirit. He is not coming back as you have been made to think.
Our pastor said we will not be anything more than we already are right now
but that God will simply remove the veil from off the eyes of the wicked and
THEY will SEE what has been among them all of the time.

Remember Gehazi! They will see us as the Angels of God and themselves as
Demons. They will see us in Heaven as the Rich Man did and themselves in
Hell. Death was an illusion, the same as the Body was. Death is defeated
because it never actually existed, then this means the body never actually
existed, so the only thing that remains is Spirit! The Angelic World is all that
has ever been. Angels of God battling Demons and Devils, till the veil could
not contain it any longer. Jordan is swallowed up and that world and what
appears to be this world are but the One Self Same One World of Spirit!

Remember the Earth opening up to swallow the flood that came after the
woman? That was the Jordan of Death that was after us or after our spirit to
cut it off from God by the unbelief of separation but God tasted death and as
the Spirit swallowed it up and took it within Himself as Jesus on the Cross.
That darkness that entered Jesus was the Earth opening up receiving death
into the body of Jesus as the veil of lies and deceptions that death could be
made or seen as a reality for a time! When it was not so from the beginning.
The final veil is being removed, death the last enemy is being unveiled as
Unity and Life and The Change of the Body not the separation of it, but One
with Spirit as Spirit!

May God Bless You. Bro Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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