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Death is seen as darkness, it is seen as absence, we know it came forth from sin and that sin is but

unbelief. So this plainly tells us that death is unbelief, it is also the result of unbelief. It is the beginning
to an end, whereas faith and light and love are just the opposite, they are the end to the beginning of
what death is ending.

So if we see death as a black empty hole that exist because of the absence of light, the absence of faith,
the hollowness and emptiness of need and desire to be filled, for the Word tells us of things that never
says “enough”. Now we have a translation of our inner man into the Kingdom, and then we supposedly
await the same salvation for the outer man.

What this means is simply, the inner man is the realm of comprehension of the divine revelation from
God, then the outer man is the side where those things that were revealed to our spirit and faith are
simply manifested. We comprehend that we have been translated through faith into the Kingdom which
is the Mind of God, we see this in our understanding, yet we still die in our bodies, we still get sick and
age etc. So we see there must be a time when inward glory and inward light of divine comprehension
that has been given to us of God via revelation, must, be made manifested in our mortal genes.

So we are told by preachers and laity and others that we are to “wait” for those things to be manifested.
However when Jesus was here, He never told anyone to wait, but said again and again, if thou can
believe, now is the time. The resurrection and life is here right now, you do not have to wait Martha.
There is not coming a time when Messiah will appear, He is here now. Paul told us, to believe right now
that we are already dead to sin and alive unto God and that we have already been resurrected from the
dead. Jesus said, “He that believes in me shall never die”. Yet it appears so many have died and basically
all do die…or do they? Now of course death as to the separation from God is the only death, and the
body only sleeps.

The Word tells us that when Jesus hung on the Cross He said, “It is finished”. Meaning our death, burial,
and resurrection was complete, our translation into glory was complete, our redemption to our outer
man was complete. He was the last Trumpet sounding, He was the Voice of God, His words did indeed
conquer death, not just as to the inner man but the outer man also. Many of the Saints arose when He
did and walked about the town.

So what all of this means is, the time is now. It means the emptiness of the void of death through sin of
unbelief is gone forevermore. That hole has been filled with light and love and joy and peace. The word
said death holds people in bondage through fear, yet God hath not given us the spirit of fear. Perfect
Love, that is in us and is us, hath no fear, it cast it out. Meaning we are not in bondage to it, nor in
bondage to death, for how can we be bound with that which does not exist to us any longer? How can
we be in bondage to that which never truly existed to begin with?

So we know death was a lie, it was the veil of unbelief, that it was limited and could only hold humanity
in their fleshly form of lying vanity for so long a time. Then it would have to release them unto their true
form as spirits back unto God. We see also how over time that death became stronger because sin
became greater and lives became shorter. So all of that we find that Jesus ended at Calvary and reversed
every bit of it. Death was as a room where the light was off, and now we are born again, that room has
the light switch flipped on and is not empty but is filled with life and light. That’s the end of death. The
void has been filled. Unbelief is now The Faith. Sin is changed into His Righteousness, and death is no
more it has changed unto eternal life. Did you hear that? Death has been reversed, it is now eternal life.
It is that way to your inner man and that way to your outer man.
Remember the outer and inner are actually the one and the same. You are Spirit. You are but One Being,
whole and filled and holy and righteous and pure and clean. You are The Faith of Jesus Christ itself. You
are the Christ State of Being, you are Him, you are His Holy Divine Nature, you are His Mind and
Understanding. Spirit is invisible, because it is of another level of vibration, another level of
understanding, another plane of existence. However when a veil is cast over it, then contrast and
definement take place. Suddenly spirit is a tree, a cloud, a dog, a star, an earth, a human, a body. When
a veil is cast over the spirit, then shadows are revealed, separation takes place, times is instigated and
on and on it goes.

Science tells us that everything is but a constitution of mass and energy that can never be destroyed but
only the form may change. A good example that has been given is fire to a tree or a home. The fire has
simply caused the form of the tree or house to be changed into another form. The elements have
returns back to their original state so to speak. However all of the energy and mass that made them
their once form is still there, only changed. Death is the same way, it is just a rearrangement of the form
is all. The mass and energy are still there, the spirit and body as we say are still there, but because their
form has been rearranged to another level, another understanding, another level of “perception”, then
we do not see it any more. We look at the ashes and we do not think of a tree or that this is our house,
we do not see the house anymore we see but ash.

So lets use ash as an example. The house was your body. Death came and you died thus your house
turns to ash or dust. All that took place was a change of form, nothing went anywhere, only the form of
what we perceived it too be has changed. So ash would be as to its original state, which spiritually
speaking it would be spirit. So spirit took on a form of humanity, but it was and still is and always will be
spirit. Life is spirit, the body is spirit, the mind is spirit, God is Spirit. When the seed falls into the ground
and it appears to die, we find the little germ of life inside of it comes forth and it begins to grow and
take root to become whatever it is. Death was an illusion to that seed. What was actually taking place
was Life itself, not death. It is said when a woman is giving birth to new life that she comes closest to
death. Death is not the end, it is the end of the illusions, it is the end of the veil, it is the end of the lying
vanities we call the world. It is the end of tangible matter. It is the original elements of all you are
changing form and returning back to your first estate as spirit.

If death was a hole, like unto the grave, then it has been filled my friend. This what is called the outer
man simply needs to be awakened to its glory and salvation. It is redeemed. It is saved, it is in heaven, in
glory, hid with God in Christ whom heaven has received. The Son of Man, who is in heaven. Joseph
commanded that when they leave Egypt to take his bones with them. This showed the change of the
body from its Egyptian fallen sinful worldly state of lying vanities, to be translated into Canaan Land or
Heaven. The Jews pilgrimage denoted the same thing, the body of sin being changed to enter into
Canaan Land or Heaven.

We find Moses having to do with the Body as to natural sight, only going so far in the journey of life,
then the Spiritual Joshua had to take over. See the crossing of the Jordan was as unto Joshua, not
Moses. Showing the changeover that when the Moses side of us as to the natural veiled side of Human
Flesh is done, then it changes, it is released from the veil, crosses the Jordan, passes through the veil, to
enter, as a spirit back into the Spirit World or Canaan Land, its original state. Because all it was on this
side was a lie, for contrasting purposes, to define and comprehend so an eternal state of being could be
formed. So what Joshua did in the crossing was showing the reality of what Moses actually did do.
Moses seen He was actually a Spirit. The veil only hid His Spirit from view, showing the flesh is the veil of
the Spirit and if the veil is a lie then this means we have and are and always will be Spirit.

What is taking place is the fullness of the understanding of the redemption of the body being made
known. Once it is complete, the eye of understanding is complete. Then the eyes of understanding take
over and they command what thine eyes see and where thy body is and what it is. Once this happens
then it is as Elijah’s servant, when his eyes came open, he was not seeing with his physical eyes, he was
seeing with his eye of understanding, the spiritual eye, that overpowered and hid his physical senses,
subduing them to the Spirit, not the flesh anymore, and causing Him to see where He truly was and
what was truly around him and where he literally was. His One Sense of The Faith superceded His
weaker fleshly feminine senses, subduing them, swallowing them up, erasing the veil, removing the veil,
that was over his mind that caused him to think he was flesh and to have 5 fleshly senses, this was all
gone in that moment. His conscious was swallowed up of the subconscious. His inner faith had
swallowed up his outer unbelief. Eve was swallowed back up into Adam from which she came. Truth
swallowed up the lie. Spirit swallowed up the Flesh, for it was only Spirit. Crystal clear, and transparent
like glass. The Invisible God that can only be seen or comprehended by Eyes of Understanding. The Eyes
of Faith can only see the Faith State of Being. We know Jesus no more after the flesh, because that was
the lying vanities he left hung up on the Cross, from there as Joshua He was his true image, the
quickening spirit. The veil of his flesh could only go so far. Then it had to change, enter what appeared to
be death, and there is so much we could say on that and what that means and implicates.

We are trying little by little, here and there, to remove the veil from the mind of our bodies redemption
and reveal who, what and where we are in God. I pray these past few post have been enlightening, eye
opening, shocking, amazing and a great blessing to you all. They have certainly been too me. I have been
rejoicing over these things for days now. Be sure and write and let us know how these things are to you
so our hearts toward you is encouraged the more. God Bless You. Bro. Pat

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