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I speak this to the babes in Christ who are still in need of coming to such a

great salvation:

Simple Salvation and How a Christian Cannot Sin

In the Book of Daniel, the Word tells us that the Messiah would come one day and when He
would come He would, "make an end of sin". So, we find sure enough that Messiah came,
went to the Cross, was made Sin itself, took all of the Sin of the World upon Himself, and
God poured out His wrath upon that Sin and Sin was now forever gone from humanity. This
is simple and common knowledge.
Now we know this applies to those who actually believe this happened for them, the Word
says we believe with our hearts for such great salvation and as we think in our hearts, not
our heads, so we are. So we have faith from the heart in what Jesus did and thus we are
saved from our sins. Again this is simple and common knowledge.
So I was a sinner, born the first time shapen in iniquity, born in sin. I was a sinner, I had a
great need for a Savior. So I read the Word, I believed in my heart what Jesus did for me and
thus His Spirit entered my heart, causing me to be born a 2nd time. I was born again. To be
born again, I had to go to the Cross, I had to die to my first birth, I had to kill that old sinful
first man, so I could be born this 2nd time, not me living, for I died at the Cross, so it is now
Christ living within me. What one does to me they do unto Christ, I am His bone and Flesh. I
am married to the Lord Jesus and I am His Wife, His Bride, making me His Church. Again
this is simple and common knowledge.
So I was a sinner, then I was saved from my sins, for I had no other reason to be saved,
except from my sins. That was why Jesus came and died was because sin came to my
parents Adam and Eve and sin passed down upon all of humanity. So Jesus came, took all
of the sins within Himself, He died as a sinner, He took the wrath of God, He died so that we
would not have to die, His soul went to hell so that our soul would not have too, He even
went to the grave that we would not have too. He reversed all of what Adam and Eve had
done in the Garden. Again this is plain and simple and common knowledge and taught by
many churches and preachers.
So I was a sinner, in my first birth, then I was born a 2nd time. Now I am saved from my
sins, meaning I am not a sinner any more. I do not have the nature OF Sin anymore, it died at
the Cross. I crucified the flesh with its sinful lust thereof. Now I am Christ, according to the
measure I was able to receive. I am not shapen in iniquity anymore, I am the image of the
Son of God. I am not clothed with the darkness of Sin, I am now clothed in His Holy Robe of
His Righteousness. As are all true Christians. SO we are not sinners anymore. We are
What this means is exactly what David of old said. "My ways do not please God but my
heart is perfect before Him". SO He is saying, sin was the desires of sin and of lust that was
in my heart but I received salvation and now my heart is pure and sin does not exist in my
heart anymore. Now my body is still unredeemed as to the change of the body which
happens at the Thessalonian change. Until then my flesh is still weak and is still subject to
falling at times. That is not an excuse and if it falls it is not sin, it is my stumbling and
staggering because I have not been praying and studying and strengthening my inner Christ
and subduing my outerman into subjection like I should. It is why David fell into temptation,
because of the weakness of his flesh, but his heart was not in those deeds He had done. He
was overpowered by the outerman. Yes He still had to pay for it and He did, but it did not
cost Him His Salvation with God.
This is what 1John was speaking of when He said, "He that is Born of God CANNOT Sin, for
the Seed of God remaineth in Him and He cannot Sin". Because sin was of the heart and the
heart of the Christian is purified by the Faith of Jesus Christ and it is sealed and it is Perfect
before God. Paul understood this also in saying, "Oh wretched man that I am, as to his flesh,
who shall deliver me from this body, or this yet unredeemed outer man". Because it still
stumbles and staggers. He was speaking the same as David was, Paul was saying yes I
have inner salvation and am free from sin in my heart, but this unredeemed outer man still
causes me to stumble and stagger and it hinders me in my Christian walk and makes me
have to pray and fast to weaken the outer man so it does not keep being a daily hindrance
to me, to my Christ, to my daily walk with the Lord.
When this same 1 John spoke of those who say, we have no sin making God a liar, He was
saying to those self-righteous Jews who walked in the righteousness of their own works
and ways, saying they have no need for this new Savior Jesus. That is not what the elect
born again Christian is saying. We are saying yes we had sin and we had a great need for
the Savior and we went to His Cross and we seen there upon that Cross was an eternal
sacrifice for our sin and we believed in that Savior and what He did for us, that He took our
sin and He removed our sin and He died for our sin and thus He cleansed us once and for
all from our sins sending His Holy Pure Perfect Spirit into our Hearts! Sealing us within with
the Seal of God that cannot be broken and darkness cannot ever get into our heart again.
We are now SINLESS. Just as 1 John said we were.
The Word commanded us many times to be ye therefore perfect as our Father in heaven
was perfect, so now in our hearts, the real true you and, our inner man of the heart it is
perfect, through the blood of Jesus applied to our heart. We are now a perfect church He
came and returned for, without spot, wrinkle, sin, or blemish.
We are now in our inward man clothed upon by His Immortality! Death has lost its sting to
our inner man. This is what it means to be saved. Saved from what? From Sin. Because we
are saved from sin, then our inner man cannot die and our soul cannot go to hell.
This is what John was saying in that a Christian cannot sin. Sin was the Nature of Sin and it
was the nature of the devil that was in our heart. Our heart was covered with a darkness
which was sin and death. Jesus rent that veil and ended that darkness with the brightness
of His Coming Light that entered our heart and cast out the devil and its sin from us. Sealed
our hearts within with His Light, His Faith, His Love, His Eternal Life. Now that part of you
and I that departs the body at death, that person, the real you and I, it cannot sin, it is sealed
and it is saved, and it enters heaven when it departs the Body. One day the Lord will come
forth and call even that Body forth from the grave and save and redeem it also. But the real
you and I, the inner man the inner spirit, for we are spirit, it is one with His Spirit. His seal of
the Holy Ghost has sealed the real you and I from sin forever more.
So John was speaking the truth. Christians are sinless. So I hope this simple plain
exhortation helps those who seek it, to understand the utter reality, the joy and the peace
and safety a true Christian has in Christ that a sinner does not have. The world does not
have this, they are still in need of a savior. To be saved from their sin. Yea and amen! Be
Blessed, Bro. Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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