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When a person is committed to an insane asylum, it is because they have

crossed a boundary in accordance with what society has esteemed as

normal. They make certain allowance of crossing the boundaries to some
extent according to the acceptance of society. If we were to go back to the
1920's so to speak and people began spiking their hair and women shaving
their heads and being lesbians and trying to marry and women dressing as
they do today and the tv and movies that are out and the huge porn
industry and the style music and stars of today, the piercings and the
tattoos and on and on, that generation would look at this generation and
deem them all INSANE! Not just a little insane, but full blown insanity.

The point here is that as a society, what has become acceptable has crossed
the line by so far that the line does not even exist anymore, it is as if they
simply erased the line and said, now have at it, go and do and be whatever
your wicked heart can devise and imagine, and they are and have been.
Insanity is spreading like a raging fire. When people ransack and destroy
and steal and wreck their own cities and towns in the name of protest, which
is a lie, it is just an excuse to steal and destroy, that is insanity. When guys
wear their pants down so that their underwear is seen, that is insanity, they
are insane and have been infected by mental dementia.

Colleges are teaching liberalism and socialism and communism to the

students today and have been for years as it crept into them. An entire
educational system mass-producing an insane generation after generation.
Teach anti-Christ doctrines and atheistic thought. Spewing the same vomit
that if of their father the devil. Then those students go into society and
vomit all over the home, vomit all over the jobs and all over social media
and the news media and so forth.

Morals came from God, as a guide to us and help lead us unto good things
and for our safety. Imagine if we took away the police and took down road
signs and speed limits and stop signs and red lights, it would be mass havoc,
deaths would increase and there would be so much more loss of life. Yet as a
society we know all of these things, so we would have to ask the question if
we have natural laws to keep us alive and protected and it is deemed for our
own good, why would we not hold more so to the standards of mental and
heartfelt morals that guide our souls and keep us from eternal death?

Are we teaching these values to ourselves? Are we self-disciplining ourselves

to hold these morals and standards as a witness to others? Are we teaching
them and burning them deep inside of our children with love? Are we guiding
what they watch on TV or in books or are we up to knowing who and what
the daycares and schools are teaching them? I remember back in 2001 the
Walton County School System was infested with practicing witches, Satan
worshippers and lesbians already. almost 20 years ago it was that bad, I
know firsthand. Some of them told me they were and some of them seen I
was a spiritual person and invited me to their witchcraft seances and other
such foolishness until I told them I was a Christian. They said, you are not
like the other Christians we know of, there is something different about you,
there is a power with you, you have an entity that watchs over you and
protects you, it is very powerful. I told them it was the Angel and Spirit of
the Lord. Shortly after that they began trying sending demons to attack me
and I always rebuked them and I soon thereafter moved on from that job. I
heard later of deaths and many accidents befalling these same people.

God is the authority above all authority. This God and this authority are
inside of you and I. It is your inner man, your sub-conscious person, that
one that wields the power of faith from God, that faith that spoke all things
into existence, that faith that is the very authority of God, that commands
the devils and demons to leave, that heals the sick, that raises the dead

What those witches were seeing was beyond the veil of my conscious outer
self and was seeing my inner sub-conscience angelic being that it was the
Son of God, it was the Spirit and Angel of God. My outer conscious mind has
robed me in an outer conscious form of flesh, that is changed and is in
heaven. How is it that it is in heaven? For when my conscious mind died at
Calvary, the veil was rent and the conscious was swallowed up by the sub-
conscious and now standing in its place is the sub-conscious. Jesus basically
said, no one can see my sub-conscious unless my subconscious reveals itself
unto them. Speaking of His inward Father. Yet He also said, He that has
seen me, as to my sub-conscious, has seen my Father also.

Remember, we are truth veiled and hidden and covered over, by a lie, we
are light hidden in darkness, we are spirits having a fleshly human
experience. So, remember also that all of this is in you and it is of you.
Christ and Satan, Spirit, and Body, Inner Man and Outer Man, the Conscious
You and the Sub-Conscious You, the unbelief of your own conscious mind
and the faith of your heart or subconscious mind. You are the Volume of
That Eternal Great Anointed Book. You are the Book or Epistle of God, you
are the story of the Bible, you are the outer Jesus working out your own
salvation to become as to the Christ. You are Adam and Eve, you are the Ark
of His Covenant, and faith is that covenant if thou can believe saith the Lord,
all that I have is yours. That is all God has ever required of us, simply to
believe Him and take Him at His Word(s).

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is come, it is come to reveal to us who we

are, who you are. There is a sermon of our pastor titled, "the revealing of
who you are". As the head is revealed as to Jesus, so is his many bodily
members. This means the harvest time is here and now, He is gathering
some into his barns and casting others into the fire, the petals are opening,
the corn is ready to be gathered and is being gathered, taken into the barn
and the shuck is being removed. The weeds are being cut down and burned,
as fires of lust and perversion and civil unrest overrun the world.

His Righteousness is being revealed from Heaven to us the Saints, and unto
the World, His Wrath to them is being unveiled from heaven also, as they
sear their conscience, shipwreck their faith and cut off that lifeline of grace
by evil doings.

Though it is invisible and though one cannot see it with their physical eyes,
the Great Judge of all the Earth is here and is come and He is setting the
sheep on the right and the goats onto the left and binding them all into
bundles to show where they stood and stand with Him. Bound by sports,
bound by money, bound by self, bound by addictions, bound by alcohol,
women, men, drugs, lust, and so forth. Bound by styles and by fashions,
bound by tv shows, bound by what others may think of them, bound by
churches and religion. Bound by popularity, arrogance, material possessions.
His eyes are going too and fro throughout the earth seeking His own, the
lost and not everyone is lost, many are at home in this world.

Come out of the world and be a separate people and I will receive you saith
the Lord. Come out of unbelief and have faith in God, believe with thine
heart and it shall be so. God Bless You all. In His Love, Bro. Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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