Changing Deaths Form. - Pat Nichols - Patrick - Nich@live - Com - 2020-04-16 1032

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Death is not the emptiness of separation, it is the unity of and the realization of our eternal reality

of the changed body, that is spirit. He that is born of the Spirit, are Spirit. The last man Adam
was made, or it was revealed to it, manifested to it, the truth of the body, that it was a quickening
spirit. He that has seen me, as to this flesh, should not know me after it any longer, for it is a lie
of vanity, for you should see me as my Father, who is a Spirit.
Death was life in the veil, now unveiled, it is not a separation of one world to another, it is the
same truth and reality of life in eternal continuation, the power of the endless life, to never die,
for death is actually life itself. Death is unveiled and is life. Sin was His Righteousness in the
veil, flesh was spirit, in the veil, Satan was God, in the veil, the carnal mind was the Mind of
God, in the veil. Unbelief was Faith, in the veil. The Negative was the Positive, in the veil. The
Old was the New, in the veil. The Veil was the lying illusion that was not so, from the beginning.
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