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The Word tells us that we are kept in bondage to fear of death our whole

lives. He came to set us free from fear, for He did not give us the spirit of
fear. We look at life as this world we are in is life and it is light and then one
day death comes for us and we disappear into we know not what. We think
we fade away into an unknown world of darkness of death, as it is such a

In all reality, this is not true. It is the negative, it is the lying illusion. Christ
came to set us free from this bondage of fear. To set us free from the
bondage means to set us free from the FEAR of that Death. To set us free
from that fear means to reveal and show to us that death is nothing to be
afraid of. To show us this, means, it is not something evil, or mysterious as
we have been made to think. He arose from the illusion of death, to show it
was nothing to fear, it was an illusion itself.

SO we see this life is the negative and that life beyond the veil, beyond this
life, that one in the Spirit World, is the true, it is the real, it is the positive.
So in all reality, this world is the spookiness and mysterious and it is the fear
of death and it is the darkness, and beyond that veil, is life that never ends,
beyond that is eternity, beyond that is no more time, aging, sickness, sin, or
fear, beyond that veil is LIGHT. The true world and the kingdom of God. This
world, this flesh, this carnal perception of reasoning is the lying vanity of
illusion. Once the veil is removed from our hearts by new birth, then this
world is Heaven, it is the Kingdom. It is the Millennium, it is glory and
restoration. Once the veil is removed from over the heart and mind then it is
removed from all of creation. For the Lord said in Isaiah, He would destroy
the covering that covers all of the nations and the earth.

We have been taught death itself was annulled at Calvary., It was cancelled,
its power was taken from it, it is no more, it literally is gone as a vapor that
appeared for a moment but vanished away. It was a fleeting shadow. Now
we see death is unveiled and it is Christ Himself. John said He seen a door
open into heaven. What was that door? The end of the veil. The veil was the
closed door. SO in removing the veil, then all is revealed, all is made known,
a door that was closed that caused eternal life and God and the Kingdom to
be a mystery to us and caused death to be spooky to us, all of that is gone
and is no more. SO what was the open door? The rent veil, the end of the
veil, death was the veil, it is no more. We do not have to die as to what we
thought death was to go into heaven, we can go right now as Enoch did. Of
course, we see we are spirits and not flesh and thus we see we are, in all
reality, already in heaven. He hath translated us into the Kingdom already
the Word says. SO what was death but the veil of life and what is life but
Christ! SO to remove death is to receive and see life. Death is changed as
our bodies was changed from flesh to spirit, then death is changed to life. He
who had power over death was beat and robbed of his keys to death and
hell and the grave and now Christ has them and has unveiled them for what
they were, but lying vanities.

Paul turn my people from the darkness of the veil, by removing the veil,
through the revelation given to you and turn them unto the Light by showing
them the unveiled and how the veil is no more. Paul change their unbelief to
faith, change them from death unto life. So Paul comes along and says we
have already risen from the grave, we do not have to wait for a certain day,
now is the day, now is the time, today is the day of the rent veil, it is no
more, enter NOW into the joy of thy salvation, welcome Home!

Peter said His flesh was as to the veil and that when the veil was rent that it
dissolved his perception of his body and it was dissolved in his mind and He
seen He was already clothed upon by the new mind, the new way of thinking
the new way of perception that He had His new body already. Clothed upon
already by the body of immortality. Death itself is a lying illusion. When
someone dies, they simply remove the veil is all and they continue on living
as spirits as unto life or unto separation from God. They enter the true
world, the veil is no more for them. This was all finished at Calvary. Death
was an illusion, the grave was not the burying of a person, it was simply
burying the veil that was over them, that is why it fades away and turns
back to dust, because it was the veil. Remember, "...through the veil..or that
is to say...His Flesh...", tells us the flesh itself or how we perceive it, is the
veil. The veil is temporary, just as shadows are temporary. Just as when the
sun rises and burns away the morning fog, Christ arose and burned away
the veil, ending the veil once and for all. So we made it. What do we have to
do now? Just believe from our hearts what saith the Lord through the Word
of Revelation, then it is so. We are entering the Mind and World of spirits, we
are going to them, they are not coming to us, they await us, not us await
them. We can fellowship angels already. We are the Great Light of the
Ancient of Days.We already pulled our Jewish part or the Body into the Great
Light with us and for us and as us. All of that is done already, the Word said
so. So all is truly finished.

Believest thou this? Is anyone else teaching you this? On a daily basis? Is
anyone else giving these things as this message is? Are you hearing it? Are
you seeing it? Is it doing anything to your heart and mind? Is it growing
you? Are you excited over it? Then share it if you can say YES to any of it!
We encourage you, we ask you in turn share and encourage us also. May
God Bless You. Bro Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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