Jesus The True Adam - Pat Nichols - Patrick - Nich@live - Com - 2020-03-11 0932

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The woman and the beast in the garden are only a type, which is really represented by Adam

and Eve, Jesus, being the true Adam. The beast was only used to represent Adam, in that,
at that time Adam represented Christ; the children – 1st power, the woman – 2nd power and
the man – 3rd power (3rd heaven – supreme rule). GLP/SC

When we consider the fact that our Pastor said that the true Adam was
Jesus, then that alone should tell us incredible things. If the garden was the
spirit of God or it was Heaven, then we see that the true Adam was christ
and the true Eve was Jesus. A spirit in a body. Then we have to ask ourself,
what was the serpent? Then we come to see that the outer Jesus or the
outer Eve was separated at the cross which placed it in darkness.
What was that darkness? It was the Declaration of the law of God from the
spirit of God that no flesh may glory in his sight and that no flesh can work
its way back into its original state.

The Apostle Paul told us that the law working in his members or his flesh it
deceived him and slew him making him think that his works could ever be
accepted by God. Only the spirit which is the nature of God can fulfill the
requirements of the law. When the flesh was separated from the spirit it was
in the presence the law that demanded it be under subjection to its husband.

Ironically, flesh did indeed submit itself to its husband which was Satan the
darkness. However, what it was supposed to do was be in subjection who it's
true husband which was the inner Adam, or the inner christ.

So being that Jesus was the true Adam, calvary would be the true Garden,
then we see the serpent in the tree and we see both of the trees. The tree of
knowledge and the Tree of Life. One is the inner christ one is the outer Jesus
and we find the serpent in be out of Jesus which is the deception that has
gone forth and taking over the world. Saying that flesh, which lives off of
blood life can enter the presence of God and work its way by being good
back to heaven. It is a deceiving serpent. To think flesh can remain sinful
always and still have the Spirit of God and of Life among it is a deception
and a lie.Calvary, in that sense is the strong delusion God hath sent to
deceive the world the wicked of this world.

So in that Jesus is the true Adam, then we see how the entire Word of God
was and is about Him and is Him. Even in the Book of Revelations, we find
the 4 horsemen are Him and they denote 4 stages of his life, which we have
brought out before. The Mount that burned with fire which was Mount Sinai
being cast into the waters or the people which was the blood and the Law
covering the earth and the 3rd part of things smitten because His Body was
smitten then a veil covered 1/3 of all things and our flesh is a 1/3rd of what
we are and was smitten as a Lamb, paying for sin, and His blood was the red
dragon that parallels the, mount of fire in another dimension casting down
spirits into the flesh, as the outer Eve swallows the inner Adam, we as
spirits, or we as the seed of God entering the body of blood which is the red
blood cell or egg of the woman.

Adam and Eve is the story of Jesus and the story of Calvary. As we have
said before, overlay Calvary with the Garden and vice versa, it is amazing.
Moses' writing of Calvary which was the hinder part, the flesh part, the to be
made sin part of God or Jesus. He starts off with in the beginning and John
comes and says in the beginning and then it says, The Revelation of Jesus
Christ. The entire Bible is His Revelation and when you are born again it is
yours also.

Cain was the flesh that was made sin, Abel was the sacrifice of his soul into
hell, which had to do with his blood crying out why hast thou forsaken me,
and Seth is His Spirit going back to God who gave it.
Two Trees or two pieces of wood to show the cross which means a battle in
the man Christ Jesus, a war in his heaven, an inner Christ and an outer
Satan, disputing over the body, as to who will be the true God that will rule.

I hope this helps you and blesses you mightily! I hope you see the things we
have been sharing are backed up by the Revelation and by the Word of God
and by quotes from our Pastor. We know this we speak of, and it is of God,
it is from God, it is God speaking these things to you and to me. Bro Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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