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Being that Jesus was in the Garden, He was with God and He was God, in

that Mind of God was Calvary. The Lamb slain before the veil or the world
could come into view.
Jesus being God, as to Christ in His Inner Man, then when His Outer Man
was made Sin, that was God going into the Veil, before the Fall in the
Garden, therefore enacting the Fall in the Garden, causing the Veil to come
over the Minds of Adam and Eve and the World came into view.

It is interesting that as the darkness came at Calvary, denoting the veil, that
we also say, it was the rending of the veil, as to the Inner Christ departing
and being separated from the Outer Jesus. This separation actually was the
Unbelief of that Darkness that would come and stand as a middle wall
between the Spirit and the Body. SO in that sense, it was a separation, but it
was an illusion of separation. Unbelief would separate between the two.

So Jesus being God, then we see what took place in the Garden. We see
God, we see the Tree we see the Serpent. We find an Outer Jesus or Body
being like unto the Serpent, and we find His Soul partaking of the Tree which
denoted Hell that His Soul would enter into, God tasting death. His soul of
forgiveness, His Body of sacrifice, bringing forth the Spirit of God upon
humanity as a Spirit of Grace.

This gives us an upside-down sort of image, God the Spirit is down here with
us as we might say and Jesus out there as to His Body in the Grave, and His
Soul is in Hell, while Humanity enjoys the Presence of God. So in this
separation, God is with us because we are in ignorance until we come to the
Knowledge of Truth. This knowledge is not as to the head, but it is when the
heart knows better. So we find Law as to a demand in our head, then it
moves into our heart, then it is transformed, from a cocoon of the veiled
curse, but is rent and made alive by The Faith which is the Righteousness of
the Law, turning that law into Spirit, which is the Nature of Christ, which is
what we are born of. Br. Pat

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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