Celesta Brochure 2023 New Curved

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ci Cag Psst O ‘THE CULTURAL FIESTA be CE LESTAS INTERNATIONAL CSHeSO Ye Culbaral Pics | ashe 16TH - 19TH oe Organised by: City Montessori School [Dl Aliganj campus |, sector~0, Aligani, Lucknow 5)+91-522-522-4316506 ll +91-7704803582 or +91-9451176327 Micelesta@cmseducation.org; aliganj1 @cmseducation.org Blwru.cmseducation org/celesta CELESTY’ | INTERNATIONAL Celesta celebrates the contribution of culture tothe achievement ofthe Sustainable Development Goals from the national, regional and international perspectives building on national experiences, existing policies, frameworks and cooperation. It also celebrates the power of imagination and creativity. It has rightly been said that the beauty of the world les in the diversity ofits people, and CELESTA, through its series of competitions, reiterates this fact. Celesta provides the platform for studentsto get engaged and become more Imaginative, self-aware and collaborative global citizens. We alm to stimulate the ‘minds of children to express, expand and explore the world through music, dance, art, designing and showcasing their talents & skilson an open platform. Letus together spread the vibes of happiness & joyand bring anew order of “World Well Being”. The cultural globalization through this event will ensure transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world, extend and intensify social relations and promote peace andharmony amongstnations. [As we move on, we hope to relive those joyous moments we have experienced in the past years ofthis Cultural festa. We cordially invite you to this rendezvous to revealinthe glory ofthe amalgamation of the world's diversity asthe harbinger of a new United world, The cultural fusion that has resulted is breathtakingly beautiful We welcome yourparticipation this year. We extend a special invitation to the Principal of the school as our “Guest of Honour” We look forwardto seeing youin August 2023. Hence we hereby request you o kindly confirm your participation atthe earliest and submit the confirmation form or mall in to us at EGRET 2: soon as possible You may also reach us on Whatsapp numbers ESE EELS ss Looking forward toyour participation. . Message from the Founders of CMS Message from the President and MD of CMS oz Message from the Superior Principal & Head QAID of CMS 3 Le Letter of Invitation 04 fo) General Guidelines os rh Code of Conduct, 06 a Events at a Glance o7 a Rules and Judgement Criteria of Different Events 08-13 5 Programme Schedule 15 Fe A Brief Biography of DrJagdish Gandhi 16 uazm4a4Zzo INTERNATIONAL Crees CeaeTS, et ul Founders & Mentors We are happy that CMS Aligan| Campus is organizing the Ceesta International, 2023 from 16th to 19th DEF Avsust, 2023 where students of various countries of the world and various states of India wil be participating. Your sincere and honest effort are highly applauded ‘The aim of Celesta International is to promote cross-cultural interactions and opportunities of ‘multilingual learning between the children of various countries of the world on a global platform with an array of competitions in Music, Dance and Art. The basic aim is to enhance the similarities through shared artistic exoressions. Music is the food of the soul. It is our duty to preserve our rich cultural heritage for the upcoming generation. inthis International event, besides experiencing the pleasure of competitions, they will get an opportunity to talk to each other as intimate friends, without the thought of being the citizens of diferent countries. Their cultural assimilation with each other will be another pleasure experiencefor them Celesta International 2023 will oer yet another pleasant opportunity to students of the world to compete with each other as they do with students of their respective countries, We are sureit willbe the beginning of new ideas and bring children on a common world platform to discuss the need for a new World orderto ensure peaceinthe world Itis certainly a most commendable effort of CMS Aliganj Campus | for which the Principal and teachers deserve wide acclaim. We congratulate you and staff for the same and welcome all the delegates of Celesta International 2023. We wish success toall the participating teams. Dr Jagdish Gandhi DrBharti Gandhi Founder-Manager Founder -Director City Montessori School, Lucknow City Montessori School, Lucknow INTERNATIONAL eee MESSAGE FROM The CMS President & Managing Director Iwould share two special thingsin appreciation of music. Firstly, to share Albert Einstein's saying:"If | were not a physicist, | would probably be a musician. | often thinkin music. live my daydreams in music. | see my fein terms of music”. Such isthe lure of music] Secondly, | want to share the powerful experience of my son Arjun at the age of 18 when he was given a guitar and told to sing to a person named Andy with a brain tumour in a palliative-care hospice. Discovering that Andy had lost his power of speech, Arjun named a few music groups and Andy nodded forthe groups he liked. When Arjun started singing the first of these songs, to his utter amazement, Andy started singing the song with him! A person with total loss of ability to speak was able to sing perfectly! Such is the power of music, itsitsin a different part of the brain from speech. Thus itis rightly said that musichas a language of its own. Musichas the power to stir emotion and has been used powerfully for this effectiin times of war, orto rally people around a cause, for example, in the case of Latvia to gain its independence. Celesta International celebrates the spirit of music and dance, inviting participants from all over the ‘world to gather on one platform display their talents. | am delighted to welcome the delegates of Celesta International, which also promotes friendship, brotherhood and unity among young people of diverse cultures. !am confident that Celesta will provide a rewarding experience for you to remember! I heartily congratulate the Principal, staff and students of CMS Aliganj Campus I for organizing such an enriching event. Prof. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon President & MD, City Montessori School, Lucknow. ner aH AUGUST INTERNATIONAL nea CSR: MESSAGE FROM Superior Principal & Head, Quality Assurance and Innovations Department (QAID) CMS, Lucknow Dear Friends, ‘As Spanish philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeatit.” The past creates the present, Our modern world exists because of events that happened long before our time, Only by understanding those events can we know how we got here and where to go next. History full of transitions that have altered world's story. When you build your knowledge of history, you know more about what created our present day. When we instil good values in the minds of young people, we are collectively working towards progressive future of mankind. ‘At City Montessori school, our endeavour is to create global awareness among young minds and achieve world peace. ‘These young learners are coaxed to develop the ideas of humanity and community service. Hence, organizing various national and International events to develop such values and traits in our learners is our tradition, We hope that through this event there isa strong ethical and moral values created in the youth so that they are well equipped to face the challenges of life and attain immense successin their ventures. | wish the dynamic Principal Dr Kalpana Tripathi, Principal, Mahanagar campus and her dedicated team all the best for holding Reflections international-2023. | also extend my best wishes to all the participating institutions and hope that this event turns outto bea memorable experience forall Mrs Susmita Ghose Superior Principal & Head, Quality Assurance and Innovations Department (AID) City Montessori School, Lucknow any INTERNATIONAL eed Gin AUGUST Dear Principals of eminent schools/colleges of the world. Greetings and best wishes from City Montessori School, Aliganj Campus I, Lucknow. Let me take this opportunity to introduce our institution, City Montessori School The school, popularly known as CMS, had a humble beginning 63 years ago in 1959 with merely 5 students on its rol. It has grown to become the Guinness World Record Holder, for being the largest School by pupil with over 60,000 students on roll. The School is also the proud recipient of the 2002 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education. Its our pleasure to invite your school to participate in the 14th International Cultural Competition Celesta 2023 organized by our School every alternate year with the aim of promoting cross cultural interactions among the children of the various countries of the world on a global platform with an array of competitions in the field of music, dance and art. This four day festival has earned quite a name for itself and we have been getting entries from all around the world along with all the states of India, ‘The need for Celesta was felt when it was realized that modernization is diminishing the traditional forms of culture and art. It would be a grievous mistake if our cultural past is lost in the humdrum of modernization since our rich cultural heritage must be preserved as our emotional symbol ‘We welcome your participation in CELESTA International 2023 to witness the astonishing and amazing beauty asit unfolds itself day by day in this four-day long, cultural fiesta, We accord special welcome to the Principals of the Schools invited to be with us. Keeping in mind the deluge of entries, preference will be given to teams accompanied by the Principal of the institution. The Principal is not expected to be the team leader but would be a special “Guest of Honour” as we would deem it an honour if the Principal could accompany the teams. ‘This competition is scheduled from the 16th to 19th of August 2023.It is our endeavour to focus on cultural exchange for positive and constructive purposes. Mrs. Shivani Singh Mrs. Jyoti Kashyap Co.Convenor,Celesta International & Convenor, Celesta International & Principal, CMS Aiganj Campus! Senior Principal, MS Align Campus: Lucknow, Indi Lucknow, Ind aa) be ee ae Wa © The team from the participating institution should comprise a maximum of & participants from classes Vill to XIl. The age group of the team members should be between 13 to 18 years ‘© The team members should be accompanied by 1 teacher in-charge and 1 teacher accompanist. The team should consist of 8 student participants and 2 teachers. We extend a special invitation to the Principal of the school, s our Guest of Honour. @ Thetotal number of members in the team should nat exceed 10, @ A modest amount of Rs. 1000/- is being charged per participant as registration fees. There are no registration charges for the Principal/Team Leader/Teacher Accompanist. © We request the team to pay the registration fees of Rs. 8000/-for 8 participants through a Demand Draft payable at Lucknow in the name of CITY MONTESSORI SCHOOL, LUCKNOW along with the registration form. ‘© Kindly confirm your participation at the earliest and latest by the 15th of June 2023 positively through e-mail. Please complete and ‘esmall the Registration Forms alongwith the travel form, by the 15th July, 2023. Thereafter no school would be accommodated, © No change in the names of participants will be entertained once the registration ofthe team is confirmed by the host school except under unavoidable circumstances, © For the group events (Le. Choir, Choreography, Traditional Folk Dance & Orchestra) the team should include a minimum 6 student participants, else the team would be disqualified for that particular event. (© The student participating in Art & Painting should not be participating in the Choir competition. Similarly the student participating in 3D Collage should not be participating in TD. Competition as these events would be held simultaneously. © Itisnot essential for a team to participate in all the events. However, once registered for an event, the team is obliged to participate in that event. ‘© To qualify for the Championship Trophy, a team will have to participate in all the events. © A special prize would go to the team showcasing best practices contributing sustainable development. © The teams should arrive in Lucknow by 15th August 2023 positively for registration. © The introduction ofthe teams will be held on the 16th of August 2023, ‘© _Itisessential for the team members and leaders to be present at the venue till the prize distribution ceremony held at the end of the festival ‘© The participants will have to bring their own gadgets for practice purposes. © All musical instruments required by the participants will have to be arranged by the teams themselves. © Air/Ral fares will be borne by the participants / participating institutions. Boarding, lodging and transportation will be provided free of cost. © Since we have limited numbers of seats, o a “First Come Fist Serve” would be followed. you from 15th August, 2023 to 20th of August, 2023. (© Any plans of sightseeing and tours (apart from the local sightseeing organized by the host) can be arranged independently by the teams at their own risk. The host will not be liable for any such endeavour. @ Weare responsible to accommod: © Kindly send all information through mail at aliganjt @emseducation.org. All the correspondence should bear the name of the school, city and state agetena MS eagetnse CELESTA |atgtsr INTERNATIONAL ce CODE OF CONDUCT Kindly go through the brochure thoroughly and check the spellings of the names of the participants before filling up the registration form for CELESTA International. (On reaching the venue, the teams must report to the Control Room within an hour and get themselves registered. All the documents & departure schedule has to be submitted in the control room at the time of registration. Students will wear their complete school uniform at all times during the competition. Identification badges will be presented to the participants upon arrival. These must be worn at all times Outstation team members (including teachers) must be present at the venue at all times during the entire fest. Team leaders must assemble with their teams in the ‘Auditorium sharp at 8:00 am for the Prayer Assembly every day, Neither the participants nor the team leader will be permitted to stay in their rooms during the events. No friends or visitors will be allowed to meet either the participants or the team leaders until the competition is over. Discipline and decorum is to be maintained at all the times. Team Leaders will be personally responsible for the conduct Of the team members. Any breach of conduct may lead to disqualification of the team. The key of the room should be deposited at the Reception every day before leaving for breakfast. Meal Timings: Outstation participants are requested to abide by the following timings for the convenience of the catering staff: Creo me U RCE LU) Te ee LURE EOLA CONN ei Kindly mention your correct email id so that necessary details may be sent to you. Team leaders must take care of the belongings of the team members. Note: Depending upon the number of entries received, the programme schedule is subject to change. CELEST/ pe L C [ i} Se eee MT SENATICNAD 4 Cchesle, Prt roti ORCHESTRA/TOPIC 17 sores CHOIR/TOPIC lit ty Only one participant will be allowed. The participant is supposed to bring his own material and colours. Drawing Art Paper (Chart paper 22x28 inch) would be provided by the host school. Judgement Criteria Time : 2Hours ARTISTIC SKILL DEMONSTRATED. Topic : Climate Action (SDG-13) rr QUALITY OF ART WORK. jen ORIGINALITY. re) INTERPRETATION OF THE THEME. IDEAS AND CONCEPTS. cr f f WELESTA INTERNATIONAL CT pant will be allowed. The participant is supposed to bring his own material and colours. Art sheet (Chart paper 22x28 inch) would be provided by the host school. 7 4 Time : 3 Hours Judgement Criteria Topic : Affordable and VISUAL IMPACT. clean energy (SDG-07) LEVEL OF CREATIVITY. AESTHETIC DISPLAY. CLARITY WITH RESPECT TO THEME. ORIGINALITY OF WORK. Bote AQ CELESTA |aiigtsr INTERNATIONAL Cases The team will be allowed a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 8. Pre-recorded instrumental music is allowed. Lyrics based songs are not allowed. (However the use of alaap and shlokas is allowed). Time : 6Minutes Judgement Criteria Topic : Gender Equality (SDG-05) INTERPRETATION OF THE TOPIC. toy APPEAL. TRANSLATION OF THE EMOTIONAL CONTENT Sy OF THE MUSIC. NATURAL EXPRESSION AND BODY LANGUAGE. BS 0 EE a ee CELESTA |stats INTERNATIONAL os Pre- recorded songs & music will be allowed. Commercial songs are not allowed. The team will be allowed a minimum of 6 Participants and a maximum of 8. 4 ‘ Time : 5 Minutes Judgement Criteria Topic : Good Health and well- COSTUMES. being (SDG-03) APPEAL. CO ORIGINALITY OF THE FOLKLORE. ae SYNCHRONIZATION. PRESENTATION. The team will be allowed a minimum of 6 participants (excluding teachers) and a maximum of 10 (8 students + 2 teachers) Commercial songs or tunes are not allowed. Time : 5Minutes Topic : Partnerships for the Goals (SDG10) ion print & Judgement Criteria RHYTHMIC INTERPRETATION. MELODY. APPEAL ORIGINALITY. CREATIVITY. The team will be allowed a minimum of 6 participants and 2 teacher accompanists and a maximum of 8 students and 2 teacher accompanists, No commercial songs and Pre-recorded music will be allowed. The song may be in any language. The lyrics will have to be submitted in triplicate at the time of registration along with the name of the lyricist Not more than 3 accompanists are allowed who have to be a part of the 10 member team. Judgement Criteria SYNCHRONIZATION. MELODY. APPEAL. DICTION. INTONATION. Time : 6 Minutes Topic : Peace, Universal Brotherhood, Patriotism (SDG-16) ae ter Iso ageeno CELEST/ \ | acepsr INTERNATIONAL Tuesday, 15th August, 2023 Arrival of outstation teams Wednesday, 16th August, 2023 88) 7 05:00am «Registration of outstation teams iS) 12:30 pm : Lunch 01:30 pm : Press Conference & group photograph of delegates 04:00 pr : Registration of local teams 05:30 pm : Inauguration of Celesta 2023 07:30 pm : Dinner Thursday - 17th August, 2023 07:00 am : Breakfast 08:00 am : Prayer Assembly, Edu: Film & Talk on Education 10:00 am : 1) Choir (Stage Event) 2) Art & Painting (Non-Stage Event) 01:30pm ; Lunch 02:30 pm : Choreography (Stage Event) 04:30 pm : Tea 05:00 pm : City Tour 07:30 pm : Dinner DAY CELESTA INTERNATIONAL era Friday - 18th August, 2023 07:00. am : Breakfast (08:00 am : Prayer Assembly, Edu: Film & Talk on Education 10:00 am : 1) Traditional Folk Dance (Stage Event) 2) 3D Collage (Non-Stage Event) (01:30 pm : Lunch 02:30 pm : Orchestra (Stage Event) (04:30 pm : Tea 05:00pm : Leisure Time Activities 07:30 pm : Dinner Saturday - 19th August, 2023 To0am Breakfast SY) 2008: Paver Assembly * Edu: Film & Talk on Education 1:00pm _: Lunch 2:30 pm + Prize Distribution Gide We CELEST. INTERNATIONAL Cees AL BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF DR JAGDISH GANDHI Founder, City Montessori School (CMS), Lucknow, India nis AUGUST Dr Jagdish Gandhi, a social activist right from student days was greatly influenced by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Vinobha Bhave. In 1959 Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and his wife Dr. Bharti Gandhi laid the foundation of City Montessori School popularly known as CMS, with five children to impart value based education. Slowly and steadily CMS became a popular school of Lucknow for meaningful education and ideal grooming of children. CMS has attained a unique status for being the world's largest school by pupils in a single city with more than 62,000 students studying in Eighteen campuses in Lucknow recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records. ‘A dynamic leader, Dr Jagdish Gandhi is a staunch promoter of unity of mankind, unity of religions, universal brotherhood and world peace. Well known educationist and promoter of peace, Jagdish Gandhi was awarded the Derozio Award for outstanding contributions to education and human enrichment. He is a peace representative of the World Peace Prayer Society, USA. Under his dynamic leadership CMS was honoured with UNESCO Prize for peace ‘education in 2002 in recognition of his efforts to promote universal values of education for peace & tolerance. Dr Jagdish Gandhi was the first Indian to be honoured with the Key to the city of Georgetown, USA, by its Mayor, for being a true visionary in the field of education by introducing concept of Quality Control Circles in Education. He is the Founder-Chairman of World Council for Total Quality and Excellence in Education (WCTQEE). His talks on TV channels News India 18, Aaj Tak, APN News, Sadhna Plus News, India Voice, Bharat Samachar, India News, Network 10, K-News & Aalami Sahara News Television Channels are very popular and are listened to with interest by a large number of followers of all religions, who admire his deep spiritual commitment. DR JAGDISH GANDHI STRIVING FOR WORLD UNITY SINCE 1959 62 years of silent endeavours of Dr Jagdish Gandhi sor wors uni trough mearngut education (a 1. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, Or Jagdish Gandhi, besides imparting quality education, haz been trying to inculeste universal values of Truth, Nonviolence and Love for Whole Humanity inthe minds of over 62,000 students of his school — the Cty MontessoriSchoo (CMS) Lucknow, Indi. 2. Drawing inspiration from Victor Hugo who said "there is one ‘thing stronger than all the armies ofthe world and that is AN IDEAwinosetime has come" andfam the continuous strugeeof Nelson Mandela for justice, Dr Gandhi came up with te IDEA that "Enforceable International Law and Empowering the International Court of Justice is THE IDEA’ whose time nas come, With this IDEA in mind, he called upon the World Judicary on the need of Enforceable inernational Law to safeguard the future of world’s two billion children and generations yetto-be-born. For the lst nine years he has ben organizing International Conferences of Chel Justices of the Worldasthe self-appointed guardian of worle'stwo lion children 5. Baha'u'lah had taught that “Earth is but one countey and) ‘ankinditsctizen’ and that the world wll not survive without ity of hearts, He sai that remedy fr althe il of This Day is UNITY OF HEARTS! Inspired by His teachings, Or Gandhi propagates Hs concept of Unity of Hears, ‘Oneness of God’ ‘Oneness of Religion’ and ‘Oneness of Mankind’, chrough manifold eaiy school activities and also through 23 annual international events, toover62,000CMS students ther parents and globalsocetyat large. Dr Jagdish Gandhi 4 Inspired by Albert Einstein's thought that "Only Word Law can censure progress towards a Cvlzed peaceful community", he has been running a campaign by cling al nation of the world ta empower the Inlenatlonal Cour of Juste for peace resoltion of ntenational disputes, which wil alo obviate the needtorarmed cons. Inspires by Nobel Laureate Jan Tinberge's observation that wor’ problems canbe solved ony by strengthening the Urited Nations System, Dragan Gana aporeached Koh Annan the thon Secretary General, United Nations n behalf of two bllon children of the word, questing him to safeguard the future of world's two billion’ children by initiating. steps to. make International aw enforceable andbindinguponall the nations of thewori 6. Walking onthe footsteps of Vinoba Shave, hes making tireless efforts to ins his concept of li agat (victory to the word) in thehearts& minds ofhisstudents who greet eachother withthe call Jagat and have imbibe the spit of global unity. He ralsinghisvoice forte safe future of world'stwoillonchiléren and generations yet tobe born which has attracted worldwide 2. Another person who accordingto himhas savedhisspiritua if, ‘his daughter prof Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, Or Gana regs his Second daughter a5 his ‘Spitual Mother’ because she prevented him from contesting for a second term in state legislative assembly electionsandbe inoled ndivsiepolts, since the family had now accented the Baha Faith for spintual regeneration 2nd the faith prohibits its followers ‘rom Participatingin Dive Polis whichitbelevesisahindrancein spiritual progress. Unique endeavours towards World Unity through Meaningful Education or Jagdish Gandhi is a visionary and a far- sighted person, who has been making incessant efforts to make the vision of One \Wirld into a reality His courage and fahting sprit not against persons, butagainstallodes and impediments inte path of relation of b his vision, bound by sound reasoning, 3 exceptional. His vision is Works Unity, which, “> he believes canbe attained by 2 two-pronged strategy. Or Gandhi firmly believes that ‘i Jagat based quality education to chien andineulcatingin young Impreslonable minds the Ideas of Word Unity: and the other one Is to make efforts at global level by approaching the World Judiciary, for making efforts to make this worl a better place to lve in 20.8 to bequeath tothe next generation and generations vyetto.be born, a safer ané brighter inheritance than that was bequeathedtous. Convinced that human progress springs from education he established City Montessor Schoo! (CMS) in 1959 atthe age of 23 years with intial enrolment of only Schildren is aimto establish > Ma (CMs was not only to impart the best quality education but azo to ineuleate in children an intense feeling for international Understanding for poitieal unity and economic equality of the worl that would bring to anendal disputes arising of borders or border encroachments or arsing out of economic esparity among nations, which have been the principal cause of wars inluding world was in the past. According to him eternal peace can be established in the world only by fllowing one world order in which the political and econome system is one and the same and in which there are no rail religious or regional squabbies. Inmpressec by the success of his vibrant edueationa system based ‘on global prottes the present strength of students has grown to 62,000, He has launched a parallel campaign for uniting the world by convening the International Conference of Chief ustices of the World every year in December, in whieh, ways and means are discussed to convince the statesmen and rulers of sifferent nations to unite the werld under one political and ecanomic system as a permanent means of puting to an end the ongoing Aisputesinthe wor a> a nea Venue of theevent Jue August World Unity Convention centre (WUCC) | Cty Montessori School, Kanpur Road Campus, LDA Colony, Wek nds CELESTA INTERNATIONAL WORLD UNITY CONVENTION CENTRE City Montessori School, Lucknow, India CMS - City Montessori School is the world's largest city-school with 21 campuses in the city of Lucknow. The school that began with 5 children in 1959 on 2 borrowed capital of 300 rupees, today has above 62,000 students from Montessorito Class Xilin the current session. CMS founders, Dr Jagdish Gandhi and Dr Bharti Gandhi were inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and Sant Vinoba Bhave. They started CMS with vision to inspire generations of children to become socially motivated and conscious citizens of India and the world. Their motto ‘Jai Jagat’ has been the school’s greeting from the beginning. CMS children are taught the value of "vasudhaiv Kutumbakam’, or the Earthis but One Country and Mankind its Citizens.’ +91-522-522-4316506 celesta@emseducation org; aligan}1 @cmseducation.o7g Gamapised by: City Mong anneannel wwwemseducation org/eelesta Aliganj Campus |, Sector ~ 0, Aliganj, Lucknow IB) -21-770es2582 or 9-945176827 a a

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