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Genre Film Title Conventions visible

Adventure/Comedy Hunt for the Wilderpeople - Two clear protagonists
- A clear villain
- Tension
- Plot twists
- Exaggerated situations
- Comedic language

Paste film poster below

How does this help set audience expectations
of the film?
In the poster we can see that they are looking
forward which lets the audience know that they
have an adventure or a journey ahead of them.
They are looking up which could suggest that
the villain in the film is a higher force e.g.
police. It could also suggest that their journey is
going to be through rough terrain as they are
seen to be looking challenged by the journey
ahead; this is further implied by the background
being outside. The boar suggests that this is
going to be a comedy as it looks out of place
next to the two protagonists which adds comedic
value to the poster.

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