Ethics, Etiquette, Values

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Ethics : a set of moral principles that relates to the
difference between good and bad.

Etiquette : a customary code which indicates the

proper and polite way to behave in society

Values : the things and principles that are most

important to us such as our feelings, ideas, and
The reason you behave Set of rules for not
correctly according to embrassing yourself in
your world view polite company

Who you are Who you wish to

Deeper and more appear to be
personal; the right and
Social; it is not created
wrong are judged
by an individual.
What is right? What is important?
What is the correct action? What should I achieve?
Constrains Motivates
Influenced by different Influenced by family
professions, organization, background, culture, religion,
institute, etc. community, etc.

Values are the things we consider important; ethics are the "shoulds” and“should
nots”of living we adhere to as we try to get what we want
Expected behaviors or conventions determined by cultural,
situational, and professional factors.

In professional situations, displaying proper etiquette can give

someone a competitive edge over others who may not be using
proper etiquette.

It can be applied to many areas of an individual's work life

including e-mails, phone calls, and business meetings.
Positive Prevent
Atmosphere Misunderstandings

Build Strong Reflect

Relationships Confidence

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