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Bienvenue au 4° jour du

Nous allons commencer dans quelques minutes

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Jour 4 : Maîtriser Facebook ads (créatives,

test, optimisation …)

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Sommaire :

1. Comprendre le fonctionnement de la plateforme Facebook

2. Réaliser des créatives publicitaires (photos /vidéos)

3. Calcul des coûts publicitaires, Ciblage d’audiences

4. Stratégie de Testing

5. KPIs du gestions de publicité, Analyse & optimisation des données

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Quelques chiffres :

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Partie 1 :
Facebook ADS

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Eviter les blocages Facebook :

- Document des erreurs à éviter + solution au blocage : lien ici

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Les bases de Facebook ads :

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
La relation entre les éléments du BM:

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
La créative publicitaire

- Exemple de publicité rentable (testé & approuvé) ⇒ Dossier ici

- La structure d’une créative winner : Hook + Content + Call To Action

- Accroche ⇒ dynamique ya3ni fiha 7araka soit produit wla caméra ⇒ Durée 2 - 3
secondes maximum
- Content ⇒ Parties dyal 3 secondes li kaybiyno bénéfices dyal produits ⇒ Darori
tbedel bloc bach nass matmalech men créative dyalk
- Call To Action ⇒ Had partie aghlabia dyal nass kaynsawha ⇒ golihom dokhlo 3andi
ne site bach chriw

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Stratégie de Testing Facebook ads :

- Calcul des coûts publicitaires

- Campagne en COB ⇒ Budget : 15$ /jour (test pendant 2 jours )

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
KPIs, Analyse :

- Mindmap ici : lien

- Démonstration live du gestionnaire de publicité

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Partie 2 :
Le Catalyseur

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Le Catalyseur™ By Auraflu Academy :

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Concours :

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Le Catalyseur™ By Auraflu Academy :

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
90 jours résultats ou remboursé

→ La seule chose que tu “peux perdre” → Qu’est ce que tu “peux gagner” si

si tu rejoins le Catalyseur™ : tu rejoins le Catalyseur™ :

Un peu de temps à te former pour Créer ton business à succès depuis chez

comprendre les bases d’un projet toi et profiter de revenus récurrents.

à succès et construire ton business Quelque soit ton âge ou ton capital…

e-commerce et vivre de ton activité En utilisant nos stratégies prouvées.

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
90 jours résultats ou remboursé

→ Ce que tu “peux perdre” si tu ne rejoins pas le Catalyseur™ :

● L’offre unique du 5 DAYS CHALLENGE

● +100H inutiles pour se former sur Youtube

● L’anxiété et la peur de prendre la mauvaise décision

● +20.000 dh perdus dans des anciennes stratégies

● Le risque de perdre plusieurs mois avant de trouver le produit winner

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Programme du 5° jour :

Mardi 29/08/2023

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
Jour 4 du ‘5 days challenge’ :

● Les méthodes secrètes dyal la création de contenu fe TikTok.

● Réalisation des vidéos Tiktok virales

● Stratégie de lancement des comptes de 0 à 5K abonnés en 1 semaines

● Etude de cas : Processus bach lancina brand f 2022 f TikTOk bla ads, ghir b contenu gratuit

o derna +8Kdh de CA fe simana lowla

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.

1. Créer un business manager Facebook + Configuration

2. Trouver les meilleurs exemples d’inspirations

3. Réaliser la créative publicitaire + Montage

4. Lancer la campagne de Testing

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.
15 minutes

Copyright © BMC AGENCY 2023 - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any portion of this document without written permission from the legal team. Any violation will be subject to legal action.

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