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Nursing Care Plan

Unit: 3Th Medical Diagnosis: Gastroenteritis Date:6/02/2023

List of Priority Nursing Diagnosis

1. Abdominal Pain related to viral infections evidenced by Diarrhea.

2. Family Deficient Knowledge related to New disorder and treatment evidenced by Lack
of information.

3. Risk for Fluid volume Deficit related To vomiting evidenced by dehydration


Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Planning/Expected Nursing Interventions

Assessment Evaluation
Diagnosis Outcome Intervention Rational
1 Subjective Data: “I
feeding cramp pain Abdominal Pain After 2 hours of nursing 1- Administer 1- Bismuth salts,an- After 2 hours of
in my abdomen and related to viral interventions the antidiarrheal medica- tidiarrheals are com- nursing interven-
diarrhea ” as child will be reduced ab- tions as prescribed. monly used for treat- tions the child was
infections evi- dominal pain and be reduced ab-
verbalized by the denced by Diar- ing the diarrhea. dominal pain and
stop of diarrhea.
Child. rhea. 2-Monitor and record stop of diarrhea
vital signs every 4 2- Fever, .
hours tachycardia,
Objective: dyspnea, or
• Restlessness hypotension may
• Fatigue indicate
T: 36.9 ̊C
P: 80/min
R: 24/min
BP: 160/90 mmHg
Subjective Data: Family Deficient After 24 hours of nurs- 1-Educate the child and 1-Educate the child After 24 hours
Not knowing the disease
“as verbalized by Knowledge re- ing intervention the the family about the and mother about of nursing in-
the Child“ lated to New dis- child will be able to causes of and treat- the importance of tervention the
order and treat- ments for gastroenteri- hand washing child will be
ment evidenced 1-Family will verbal- tis. able to
Objective: by Lack of infor- ize understanding of - toileting and peri-
• Restlessness mation. causes of gastroenteri- anal hygiene before 1-Family will
• Fatigue tis, mode of transmis- and after preparing verbalize un-
sion, and management food for others. derstanding of
V/S: of symptoms. causes of gas-
T: 36.9 ̊C 2-Good hand wash- troenteritis,
P: 80/min 2-The child might take ing will to prevent mode of trans-
R: 24/min proactive measures to the spread of infec- mission, and
BP: 160/90 mmH prevent subsequent tious agents. management of
gastroenteritis bouts by symptoms.
being aware of the po-
tential causes of this
Subjective Data: Risk for Fluid vol- After 8 hours nursing in- 1-Encourage the patient 1-To replace the loss After 8 hours
L feel nauseous and ume Deficit related tervention the Child will to increased fluid intake. fluid in the body. nursing interven-
abdominal pain. “as To vomiting evi- be able to reduce amount tion the Child was
verbalized by the denced by dehydra- of fluid output and nausea 2-Administer antiemetic 2-reduce vomiting be able to reduce
tion is removed. medications as order and the risk for fluid amount of fluid
Child“ output and nausea
volume deficit.
is removed.

• Restlessness
• Fatigue

T: 36.9 ̊C
P: 80/min
R: 24/min
BP: 160/90 mm

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