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Research About

Academic Year 2023

Semester 2nd

Program: Nursing

Student Name: Omar salem - Abdulrahman alghamdi - Mohammed basha -

Salman Al-Sharif - Fahad aldabis
Student ID Number: 150038 – 21110663 – 21110251 – 21110725 - 21110630

Program Year/Level: Nursing 2

Course/Code: PEDNU - 302

Instructor Name: Dr.boshra

Assignment Title: Congenital anomalies of urethra

Due Date: 8-5-2023

Date of Actual Submission: 8-5-2023

Student Agreement:

I understand if my assignment is late, that 10% of the total assignment grade will be
deducted if submitted anytime within the five academic days following the due date. Later
than this, I understand that I will receive a zero on the assignment.

Student Signature:

Instructor Signature:

1. This cover sheet must be attached to the assignment.

2. Written assignments are to be submitted in soft copies (electronic) in Word.

Assignment’s contribution

Congenital anomalies of urethra

Group Leader: Omar salem Student ID No 150038


No Name of ID No Task/s Signature

1 150038 Introduction and causes, Medical
Omar salem management and Urethral duplication
organizing the essay

2 Mohammed fuad basha 21110251 Normal anatomy of the male urethra,

Mullerian duct remnants, Nursing
diagnosis,Nursing interventions,
Arabic video
3 salman alsharif 21110725 Physical exam and conclusions
,Urethral duplication, Arabic video
Congenital anomalies of the urethra
4 abdulrahman alghamd 21110663 Megalourethra,Complications, Cowper’s
syringocele, Nursing interventions,
Mullerian duct remnants
5 Fahad aldabis 21110630 Congenital anomalies of the urethra,
Congenital urethral stricture,Congenital
urethral polyps,Anorectal malformations
Cowper’s syringocele


The Topic The Page

Index 4
Introduction 5
Definition 5,6
Causes 7
Physical examination 7
Diagnostic studies 8
Medical management 8
Nursing intervention 9
Complications 9
Conclusion 10
References 11
Plagiarism 12

 Introduction:
Although seizure and epilepsy is one of the most prevalent and severe neurologic disorders, our
knowledge of its intricate pathophysiology and, consequently, the rationale for much of its therapy,
is still limited. In order to introduce neuroscientists to areas that might be subject to scientific
inquiry, this article addresses the clinical features of seizures and epilepsy. The definitions of
seizures and epilepsy, a review of diagnostic techniques, a discussion of numerous clinical
syndromes, and elements of differential diagnosis,
The following article gives for neurologist and nurses a general understanding of seizures and
epilepsy. Our discussion of processes, epileptogenesis, and therapeutic strategies is wide in scope
rather than clinically specific, and we pose concerns that may be of interest to basic scientists.
Numerous sources (Engel and Pedley 2008; Duchowny et al. 2012; Engel 2013) provide additional
details on differential diagnosis, pharmacological dosages, and clinical care.
Before classifying seizures and epilepsy, we first define seizures and epilepsy.
genetics and pathophysiology. The need of a precise historical account of an incident that may have
been a seizure is then discussed, along with the proper application of ancillary/confirmative testing
such the electroencephalogram (EEG), neuroimaging, and genetic analyses. With the aid of these
techniques, a physician is able to distinguish epilepsy from a variety of clinical illnesses that
resemble seizures but are pathophysiologically unrelated to epilepsy.

è Definition:

Seizures are episodes of abnormal motor, sensory, autonomic, or psychic activity (or a
combination of these) that result from sudden excessive discharge from cerebral neurons.A part
or all of the brain may be involved. The two primary categories of seizures recognized
internationally are generalized seizures, which include electrical discharges throughout the
entire brain, and partial seizures, which start in one specific area of the brain.. While
consciousness is reduced during a complex partial seizure, it is intact during a simple partial
seizure. The term "unclassified seizures" refers to seizures with insufficient data. One region of
the brain's nerve cells have an electrical disruption (dysrhythmia) that results in aberrant,
recurrent, uncontrolled electrical discharges
This increased neuronal discharge manifests as the typical seizure.There may also be associated
loss of awareness, excessive movement, loss of muscular tone, and behavioral, emotional,
sensory, and perceptual problems.

Seizure International Classification :

Seizures that are only partial (starting locally) Simple partial seizures (without consciousness
impairment and with only the most basic symptoms :
With motor symptoms, specific sensory or somatosensory symptoms, autonomic symptoms, or
compound forms.

Complex partial seizures, characterized by a variety of symptoms and typically accompanied by

impairment of consciousness :

Only with symptoms of awareness impairment, compound forms, cognitive symptoms, affective
symptoms, psychosensory symptoms, psychomotor symptoms (automatisms), and psychomotor

generalized secondarily partial seizure

Convulsive or nonconvulsive generalized seizure that are bilaterally symmetric and lack of focal
onset :

Tonic -clonic seizures ,Tonic seizures, Clonic seizures, Absence petit mal seizures, Atonic
seizures, Myoclonic seizures bilaterally massive epileptic Unclassified seizures

epilepsy :
A category of diseases known as epilepsy are characterized by unprovoked, recurrent seizures.
Specific clinical characteristic patterns serve as a classification system for epileptic disorders.
At least two unprovoked seizures that happen more than 24 hours apart are considered epilepsy

 Causes:
Seizure causes can be categorized as idiopathic (genetic, developmental abnormalities), acquired, or
a variety of other causes.
Acquired seizure causes include cerebral vascular disease, hypoxia of any kind, including vascular
insufficiency, fever in children, head injury, hypertension, and infections of the central nervous
system.toxic and metabolic situations (such as exposure to viruses, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia,
hypoglycemia, and renal failure), aging of the brain, drug and alcohol withdrawal, Allergies

 Physical examination (sign and symptoms):

Seizures frequently occur in the emergency room, and the most prevalent cause of spontaneous
seizures is new-onset epilepsy. The kind and scheduling of laboratory and imaging examinations
should be determined by the patient's medical history and physical examination. A seizure cannot be
distinguished from a non-seizure event (such as syncope or a pseudoseizure) by a single sign,
symptom, or test. For patients experiencing their first seizure, electroencephalography is advised,
and for adults, neuroimaging. Children who have risk factors such head trauma, focal neurologic
impairments, or a history of cancer should also undergo neuroimaging. Computed tomography is
not favored over magnetic resonance imaging unless there is a suspicion of serious cerebral
hemorrhage. A seizure is frequently associated with abnormal sodium and glucose levels in the
blood. People with Hospitalization or antiepileptic medication are not necessary in the presence of a
normal neurologic examination, normal test results, and no structural brain illness.

 Diagnostic examination (lab results)
Epileptic seizures range substantially in scientiic
phenomenology and might markedly have an effect on the
affected person's pleasant of life. As healing interventions
cognizance on discount or removal of seizures, the correct
documentation of seizure incidence is essential. However,
affected person self-assessment as compared with goal
assessment through video-electroencephalography (EEG) tracking or long-time period ambulatory
EEG discovered that sufferers ile fewer than 50% in their seizures, on average, and that
documentation accuracy varies extensively over time. For properly scientiic exercise in epilepsy,
novel and viable seizure detection strategies for ambulatory long-time period use are needed.
Generalised tonic-clonic seizures can already be detected reliably through techniques that depend on
movement recording (eg, loor electromyography). However, the automated detection of different
seizure types, consisting of complicated partial seizures, would require multimodal methods that
integrate the size of ictal autonomic alterations (eg, coronary heart rate) and of feature motion
patterns (eg, accelerometry). Innovative and viable gear for computerized seizure detection are in all
likelihood to boost each tracking of the inal results of a remedy in a affected person and scientiic
studiesin epilepsy.

 Medical management:
In convulsive reputation epilepticus (SE), accomplishing seizure manage inside the first 1–
2 hours after onset is a substantial determinant of outcome. Treatment is likewise much more
likely to paintings and be fee powerful the sooner it's far given. Initial first useful resource
measures have to be followed via way of means of setting up intravenous get right of entry to
if viable and administering thiamine and glucose if required. Calling for assist will assist green
management, and additionally the capability for video-recording the events. This may be
carried out as a exceptional hobbies research to tell later management, furnished ok steps to
guard statistics are taken. There is excessive excellent proof helping using benzodiazepines for
preliminary treatment. Midazolam (buccal, intranasal or intramuscular) has the maximum
proof in which there's no intravenous get right of entry to, with the realistic blessings of
management outweighing the marginally slower onset of action. Either lorazepam or diazepam
are appropriate IV agents. Speed of management and ok preliminary dosing are in all
likelihood greater essential than preference of drug. Although simplest phenytoin (and its
prodrug fosphenytoin) and phenobarbitone are certified for mounted SE, a now giant frame of
proof and worldwide consensus helps the application of each levetiracetam and valproate as
alternatives in mounted reputation. Both additionally
have the benefit of being nicely tolerated as
protection treatme.

Nursing intervention:
Nursing interventions for seizure :

1-Keep sharp objects away from the patient during the seizure

2-Carry out medications as indicated

3-Do not leave the patient during and after a seizure.

 Complications:
Any age group might be affected by seizures. They may pose a life-threatening situation if
untreated. Its difficulties include, among others:

Kids have trouble learning , permanently harm the brain , pneumonia due to aspiration , mental
health problems , problems with pregnancy , injuries sustained from falls, loss of orientation, and
cuts while performing normal tasks like driving or climbing stairs. Kidney damage is one of the
most prevalent side effects of medications

 Conclusion:
Seizure under-reporting has been proven in numerous studies5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18 with unique designs and settings, and this locating represents a irst-rate project for scientiic
studies into epilepsy. Overall, best approximately 50% of seizures are suggested via way of means
of sufferers and under-reporting is greater common for complicated partial seizures or seizures
taking place throughout the night. Lack of attention that a seizure has took place seems to be the
number one reason for under-reporting.
Chemotherapy has very harmful side effects but can treat cancer cells that have spread throughout
the body. These therapies are
still in use today, albeit
they might not be the only

 Reference

1-Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing. 12th ed. Page (1881)
Causes :
Physical examination ( signs and symptoms) :
American College of Emergency Physicians Clinical Policies Committee, Clinical
Policies Subcommittee on Seizures. Clinical policy: critical issues in the evaluation
and management of adult patients presenting to the emergency department with
seizures. Ann Emerg Med. 2018;43:605-25
Diagnostic studies:
RD Nass et al. The role of postictal laboratory blood analyses in the diagnosis and
prognosis of seizures

Medical management:
Acute systemic complications of convulsive status epilepticus-a systematic review
Crit Care Med, 46 (2018), pp. 138-145

Association of time to treatment with short-term outcomes for pediatric patients with
refractory convulsive status epilepticus
JAMA Neurol, 75 (2018), pp. 410-418

Cost of status epilepticus (SE): effects of delayed treatment and SE duration

Epilepsy Behav, 89 (2018), pp. 8-14

Nursing intervention:
NANDA international nursing Diagnoses: Definition & classification 2021-2023

Automated seizure prediction Epilepsy & Behavior, Volume 88, 2018, pp. 251-261
The future of seizure detection The Lancet Neurology, Volume 17, Issue 3, 2018, pp.

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