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® » DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CE 362 Open channel flow sessional Experiment No. 1 DETERMINATION OF STATE OF FLOW AND CRITICAL DEPTH IN OP! CHANNEL. 1.1 General Open channel flow is generally affected by different fluid properties such as viscosity, density, surface tension and also the gravity. These effects result different state of flow in an open channel. This experiment mainly deals with determination of the state of flow in an open channel at a particular section, The state of flow is very important, as the flow behavior is depends on it. In order construct different structures in rivers and canals and to predict the river response the state of flow must be known. The experiment also deals with determination of critical depth, which is very useful in determining different flow phenomena. Open Channel Flow 1.2 Theory State of flow is an open channel is based on the combined effect of viscosity and gravity. Depending on the effect of viscosity relative to the inertia, the flow may be laminar, turbulent or transition. The effect of viscosity relative to the inertia is expressed by the Reynolds number given by, ® . eevee (LA) Where, V = Mean velocity R = Hydraulic radius P = wetted perimeter v= Kinematic viscosity of water A= Flow area Kinematic viscosity varies with temperature, The value of v at different temperature is given in table 1.1 When, Re <500 the flow is laminar S00SRe<12500 the flow is transitional Re> 12500 the flow is turbulent Most open channel flows including those in rivers and canals are turbulent. The Reynolds number of most open channel flows is high, of the order of 10° including that the viscous forces are weak relative to the inertia forces and do not play a significant role in determining the flow behavior. Depending on the effect of gravity the flow is classified as supercritical, critical and subcritical flow. The effect of gravity relative to the intemal force is expressed by the Froude number, defined as (2) Where, V = Mean velo ity D = Hydraulic mean depth = 4 (For rectangular channel, T = B) ® » A= Wetted perimeter T = Top width g = Gravitational acceleration B = Free surface width When, F,<1 the flow is subcritical the flow is critical Fel the flow is supercritical Generally the flow in most rivers and canals is subcritical. Since the state of open channel flow is primarily governed by the gravity forces relative to the inertia force, the Froude number is the most important thing parameter to indicate the state of flow. Depending on Froude number and Reynolds number, the following four state of flow are possible. 1. Subcritical Laminar Fi12500 IV. Supercritical Turbulent FI, Re>12500 The first two state of flow Sub critical laminar and super critical laminar are not commonly encountered in applied open channel hydraulics. Since the flow is generally turbulent is open channel, the last two states of flow are considered is engineering problem. Table 1.1 Physical properties of water Temperature, °C Kinematic viscosity v "10%, m/see 0 L781 5 1.518 10 1.307 ® » 15 1.139 20 1.002 25 390 30 798 40 653 50 547 60 466 70 404 80 354 90 315 100 282 1.2.2 Critical depth Critical depth is the depth at which the velocity is that the Froude number is equal to unity for a given discharge and given channel section. So, putting F= 1 in Eq, (1.2) Band simplyfying, one get, for rectangular section (13) Where, Critical depth Q Discharge B= Width of the channel In critical depth the flow is critical. When the depth is greater than the critical depth the flow is subcritical and when the depth is less than the critical depth the flow is supercritical. ® . 1.3 Objectives 1. To measure water depth at both w/s and ds of a weir 2. To determine the Re and Fr 3. To determine and observe the state of flow 4, To determine critical depth 5. To observe the sub critical and super critical flow, 1.4 Apparatus Flow channel, Broad crested weir, instrument carriage ete, Flow channel 1.5 Procedure Measure the depth of flow at section 1 and section 2 by point gauge ‘Take the reading of discharge from water meter Calculate velocity at both sections Calculate Re and Fr for both sections using Eq. 1.1 and 1.2 and determine the state of flow Calculate critical depth ye using eq. 1.3 veer ® » 1.6 DATA SHEE’ DETERMINATION OF STATE OF FLOW AND CRITICAL DEPTH Discharge, Q = Flume width, B= Critical depth, ye= Temperature = Hydraulic | Velocity | Hydraulic | Froude | Reynolds | State of Depth | Area | Perimeter g| of | A-Bty | P-Bi2y radius yee depth number | number flow =| flow, (m’) (m) R=4 By p-4 F, Re 3] yim) > | @s) T " (m) (m) 1 2 Level /Term : Reg No. Group No. + Signature of the Teacher 1.7 Calewlation 16 ® 1. Why the state of flow and critical depth of a river need to be determined? 1.8 Assignment 2. How can you determine that the flow in a river is subcritical, critical or supercritical without taking any measurement? Reynolds no and Froude no, which one is more significant in determining flow behavior of a river? Why? vv ® . 1.9 Discussion Critical depth is 0.024m For upstream depth Re = 8216 and Fe = 0.0489 For downstream depth Re = 9834 and Fe = 0.11 ‘The state of flow for both depth is sub critical transitional From the experiment we get the state of flow for both depth is sub critical transitional where for upstream depth Re = 8216 ; Fe = 0.0489 and for downstream depth Re = 9834 ; Fe= 0.11. And critical depth is 0.024m. As the flow is sub critical (example is water leaving the dam), it means it has not very high kinetic energy and it will not damage the surroundings. So the flow is normal for river and hydraulic structures. Here sub critical flow occurs as the actual water depth is greater than critical depth, © » DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CE 362 Open channel flow sessional Experiment No. 2 FLOW OVER A BROAD CRESTED WEIR: 2.1General Weirs are the structures consisting of an obstruction such as a dam or bulkhead placed across the open channel with a specially shaped opening or notch. The weir results an increase in the water level, or head which is measured upstream of the structure. The flow rate over a weir is a function of the head on the weir. Energy ine BROAD CRESTED WEIR Common weir constructions are the rectangular weir, the triangular or v- notch weir, and the broad-erested weir. Weirs are called sharp-crested if their crests are constructed of thin metal plates, and broad-crested if they are made of wide timber or concrete. A Broad crested weir is an over flow structure with a truly level and horizontal crest. It is widely used in irrigation canals for the purpose of flow measurement as it is rugged and can stand up well under field condition. But practically some problem arises with the weir as there exists a dead water zone at the upstream of the weir and the head loss is more comparable to other devices. This experiment deals with measurement of discharge using the broad crested weir and also calibration of the weir. 2.2 Practical applications Broad crested weirs are robust structures that are generally constructed from reinforced conerete and which usually span the full width of the channel. They are used to measure the © . discharge of rivers, and are much more suited for this purpose than the relatively flimsy sharp crested weirs, Additionally, by virtue of being a critical depth meter, the broad crested weir has the advantage that it operates effectively with higher downstream water levels than a sharp crested weir, Broad crested weir in Albion, Michigan 2.3 Theory Consider the broad crested weir shown in fig.2.1 if there is no significant energy loss, according to Bernoulli’s equation, Mayer v= 2g (ih — y) So, theoretical discharge, Q=Av=A J2g (i, — Provided the critical flow occurs at control section (y —y.), then Q=B yey 2g Hh — y) Where, B isthe width of the wei. Now, fora rectangular channel section there e a relationship between total head and depth of flow as H = Sy. Hence putting ye~ Eq. 2.1 stands as, Q=@YoB Hs 2.1) © 7 2.2.3 Coefficient of discharge: Due to some assumption taken in the derivation of the governing equation, the theoretical discharge and the actual discharge always varies from cach other. So coefficient of discharge is introduced. If Qi is the actual discharge, then, the coefficient of discharge, Cu is given by, Qa ca=22 a Then, Qs= Cu @ 'SVgB M's (2.3) Coefficient of discharge for the broad weir is depends on the length of the weir and whether the upstream comer of the weir is rounded or not. Normally, in a field installation it is not possible to measure the energy head H; directly and therefore the discharge is relate to the upstream depth of the flow over the crest, y: in the following way, Qa= Cy Ca YGB ys snr sevsen(2.4) Where, Cyis the correction coefficient for neglecting the velocity head in the approach channel. Generally the effects of the Cy is considered in Cg and finally the governing equation stands as, Qa= Ca QV GB yi! (2.5) And Q=O'VGB y's 2.2.4 Calibration: (2.6) Calibration means development of a define relationship between water depth and discharge of a flow measuring structure. For broad crested weir there is a relationship between upstream depth and discharge, i.e. Q = ky:". This relation is named as calibration equation. So calibration deals with determination of k and n and development of equation Q = ky:". The plotting of the calibration equation is known as calibration curve. There are two different ways to develop a calibration equation They ate — 1. Plotting best fit line by eye estimation 2. Developing best fit line by regression By eye estimation: As, log Q=N logy: + log k so, if Q and y; are plotted in a log-log paper, the graph will represent a straight line. So, different set of Q and y; are plotted in log-log paper keeping y1 in X axis and Q in Y axis. The best fit line is drawn by eye estimation. The slope of the line gives the value of n. Then for any value of yi, Q and n the value of k can be found form the equation Q = kyi" © » By regression: Q=ky? = log Q=logk +n log yi Let, log Q= Y, log yi =X, log k=K So, Y =K+nX Then, XY) = et OR? Where, N = Number of data And K = 20-20) The correlation coefficient is given by, NOXY)-ENOY) NEXD- ON WNOYI-BD For a perfect correlation, r = 1.0, if r is between 0.6 and 1.0 it is generally taken as a good correlation. 2.4 Objectives 1. To determine the theoretical discharge of the weir. 2. Tomeasure the actual discharge and hence to find out the coefficient of discharge. 3. To calibrate the weir. 2.5 Experimental setup: © » 2.6. Apparatus Flow channel, Broad crested weir, instrument carriage etc. Broad crested weir instrument carriage Flow channel © Cu ning actual discharge and coefficient of discharge: 2.5 Procedure Deter 1. Measure the upstream water level over the weir y1 at three points, then find the average depth and determine the theoretical discharge using eq. 2.6 2. Take the reading of actual discharge and hence find the coefficient of discharge Calibrating the weir: By eye estimation (should be done by students having odd student number): 1. Plot actual discharge against different upstream depth of flow over the crest in a log log paper and find the value of n and k as discussed in article 2.2.4 2, Develop the relation Q=ky:" By regression (should be done by even student number): 1. Fora table having column Q, yi, X, ¥, XY, X* as discussed in article 2.2.4 ( detailed given in calculation portion ) and find the value of n, k and r. 2. Compare the equation formed by eye estimation method. 2.8 Width of the weir, B= ® DATA SHEET FLOW OVER A BROAD CRESTED WEIR. 25 Group Depth Of ‘Actual Theoretical] Coefficient Of | Mean Coefficient No Water Over Discharge Discharge Discharge Of Discharge Weir Crest y(m) Qu(m*/sec) Qu(m'/sec) os Ca 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level /Term : Reg No. Group No. Signature of the Teacher 2.9 Calculation 26 ® 2.10 Assignment 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage uses of broad crested weir? 2. Why is it necessary to calibrate the weir? Broad crested weir designed so that 0.07 Hi lower limit signify? L<0.5. What does the upper and a 2.11 Discussion 28 © » DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CE 362 Open channel flow sessional Experiment No.3 FLOW THROUGH A VENTURI FLUME 3.1 General A Venturi flume is a critical-flow open flume with a constricted flow which causes a drop in the hydraulic grade line, creating a critical depth, It is used in flow measurement of very large flow rates, usually given in millions of cubic units. A Venturi meter would normally measure in millimeters, whereas a Venturi flume measures in meters. For measurement of discharge with Venturi flumes two measurements, one upstream and one at the throat (narrowest cross-section), are required, ifthe flow passes in a subcritical state through the flume. Ifthe flumes are designed so as to pass the flow from sub critical to supercritical state while passing through the flume, a single measurement at the throat (which in this case becomes a critical section) is sufficient for computation of discharge. To ensure the occurrence of critical depth at the throat, the flumes are usually designed in such way as to form a hydraulic jump on the downstream side of the structure, These flumes are called ‘standing wave flumes oe STAT OF OP FLOW PASSES To ayGv CA ITRAL DEPTH d, NN nr 4 i t me Bas of design of the Venturi flume Although weirs are an effective method of artificially creating a critical section at which the flow rate can be determined, a weir installation has at least two disadvantages. First, the use of weirs results in relatively high head loss. Second, most weirs create dead water zone 30 upstream of the installation which can be served as a settling basin for sediment and other debris present in the flow. Both of these disadvantages can be overcome with an open flume having a contraction in width which is sufficient to cause the flow to pass through a critical depth. Venturi flume is an open flume used widely in irrigation canal for measuring discharge and also as an outlet of canal to supply water in the field or distributor canal, But Venturi flumes have a disadvantage that there is relatively small head difference between upstream section and critical section, especially in low Froude number. This experiment deals with ‘measurement of discharge using a Venturi flume and also calibration of the flume, Comparison with weirs Venturi flumes have two advantages over weirs where the critical depth is created by a vertical constriction. First, the hydraulic head loss is smaller in flumes than in weirs. Second, there is no dead zone in flumes where sediment and debris can accumulate; such a dead zone exists upstream of the weirs, 3.2 Practical applications 1. It is used in flow measurement of very large flow rates, usually given in millions of cubic units. Aw University of Arizona Valley farm submerged Genesis manufactures flumes flume site © » 3.3 Theory Considering critical flow occurs at throat section of the flume, the theoretical discharge at free flow is given by, Qu=AV=AVe ‘Where A. and V.are the area and velocity at critical section of the flume. For critical state of flow, ‘Now, for a rectangular flume, Ac = bye and De = ye, where b is the width of the Venturi flume at throat section, Hence theoretical discharge is given by, Qu= AcVe = bye /9¥e ‘Now for a rectangular channel at critical section there exists a relationship between total head G.1) and total depth of flow as H = 3y., Hence putting ye =2H, Eq, (3.1) stands as, Qu= G Vg b HIS 6.2) Where H = Head measured sufficiently upstream of the flume. © 32 3.3.1 Theoretical Discharge in Submerged Flow Condition: Fig. 3.3 Submerged flow condition During submerged flow condition there exists no critical section, Considering Fig 3.3, applying energy equation between section 1 and 2, Now, if A and a are the cross sectional area at section 1 and 2 respectively then, using continuity equation, Hence theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition Q = avs =a [BOs v2) 63) iM © » Due to some assumptions taken in the derivation of governing equation the theoretical discharge and the actual discharge always varies from each other. So coefficient of discharge introduced. If Q, is the actual discharge, then the coefficient of discharge at free flow condition, Caris given by, 3.3.2 Coefficient of discharge: Ba Cage cosetetcenesee vtsentntntnseesise (3.4) Normally, in a field installation it is not possible to measure the energy head H directly and therefore the discharge is relate to the upstream depth of flow, y1 in the following way, QW = CCH"? YG byl? Gs) Where Cy is the correction coefficient for neglecting the velocity head in the approach channel. Generally the effects of Cy is considered in Cy and finally the governing equation stands as, Car QF Yg b yi"? (3.6) And Qe= "YG dy! G7 The coefficient of discharge at submerged flow condition, Cas is given by, Cane sotsnsennnninennsnnnasi seenennnet3.8) 3.3.3 Calibration: Calibration means development of a definite relationship between water depth anddischarge of a flow measuring structure. For Venturi flume there is a relationship between upstream depth and discharge ie. Q = ky". This relation is named as calibration equation. So calibration deals with determination of k and n and develop the equation is known as calibration equation, There are two different ways to develop a calibration equation. They. are: 1. Plotting best fit line by eye estimation 2. Developing best fit line by regression By eye estimation: ‘As, log Q =n log yi + log k so, if Q and y; are plotted in a log-log paper the graph will represent a straight line. So, different set of Qs and yi are plotted in log-log paper keeping y: in x axis and Q in y axis. The best fit line is drawn by eye estimation. The slope of the line © Cu gives the value of n. Then for any value of y corresponding Qa is found from the best fit line. Using these value of h and Q and n the value of K can be found from the equation Q = kyi’ By regression: Q=ky => log Q= log k +n log yi Let, log Q= y, log yi =X, logk=K So, Y= K+nX mea) Cay) Fea Where, N= Number of data So, K= anti log K The correlation co-efficient is given by, For a perfect correlation, r=1.0. If ris between 0.6 and 1.00 it is generally taken as a good correlation. Qvvs. y graph: As, generally, Q-ky" so, in plain paper the graph will be parabola. But in log- log paper it will be an straight line as log Q =n log y + log k which is a equation of straight line (y=mx +c) © s 1. To determine the theoretical discharge of the flume at free flow and Submerged flow condition, 3.4 Objectives 2, To measurement the actual discharge and hence to find out the coefficient of Discharge at free flow and submerged flow. 3. To calibrate the flume. 3.6 Apparatus Flow channel, Broad crested weir, instrument carriage etc. Broad crested weir Flow channel © ; 3.5 Procedure Determination of theoretical discharge and coefficient of discharge in free flow condition: 1. Measure the depth of flow upstream of the flume and determine the theoretical discharge using equation 3.7 2. Take the reading of actual discharge and hence found find the coefficient of discharge using Eq. 3.4 Determination of theoretical discharge and coefficient of discharge is submerged flow condition: 1. Measure the depth of flow at section 1 and section 2 and determine the theoretical discharge equation 3.3 2. Take the reading of actual discharge and hence find the coefficient of discharge using equation 3.8 Calibration of the flume (for free flow condition only): By eye estimation: 1. Plot actual discharge against different upstream depth of flow over the crest in a log log paper and find the value of n and k as discussed in article 3.2.5 2. develop the relationship Q = ky" By regression: 1. From a table having columns Q, yi, X, Y, XY, X?, Y? as discussed in article 3.2.5, (Detailed given in calculation portion) and the value of n, k and r 2. Compare the equation formed by eye estimation method. © » 37 TA SHEET FLOW THROUGH A VENTURI FLUME Channel width, B = Throat width, b= Free Flow Condition ‘Submerged Flow Condition Dis 5 5 Gp yi | Q@e=@ Ya b | Cer ys fy: | M |e Co 5Q om | Hm) Actual | (m | (m) (Qs = ava = (m*/s) discharge a (mys) 1 2 4 3 Level /Term : Reg No. Group No. : Signature of the Teacher 3.8Calculation Calibration of flume: 1. By eye estimation: ® ‘Actual discharge, Qa(m*/s) Depth of water at upstream, yi(m) Calculation from graph: 38 ® . 2. By regression: yi Q Xelog y: Y= logQ xy x? y? Summation yx- dy- yxy- Yxe= | y= 2)-(E XIE) wee) (Say n= x 2 -WlS4)_ W K= Antilog K= ae (eee) - (er Sat Lor )-F) r= Equation, Qe ky" © « 3.9 Assignment 1. What are the advantages, disadvantages and uses of Venturi flume? 2. What is the difference between free flow and submerged flow? How can you create submerged flow in laboratory flume? 3.10 Discussion a 42 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CE 362 Open channel flow sessional Experiment No. 4 FLOW THROUGH A PARSHALL FLUME 4.1 General The problem of Venturi flume is that there is relatively small head difference between upstream section and critical section, especially in low Froude number. This problem can be alleviated by designing a flume which has a constructed throat section in which critical flow occurs followed by a short length of flume in which supercritical flow occurs. A flume of this type was designed by R.L. Parshall and widely known as the Parshall flume. Practically this type of flume is used in small irrigation canals for flow measurement purpose. It is better than all other devices discussed before as it is more accurate, can withstand a relatively high degree of submergence over a wide range of backwater condition downstream from the structure, and it acts as a self-cleaning device due to the fact that high velocity washed out the debris and sediments present in the flow. However, when a heavy burden of erosion debris is present in the stream, the Parshall flume becomes invalid like weir, because deposition of debris will produce undesirable result. Another problem arises with this flume is that the fabrication is tough and also fabrication should be done as per requirement. This experiment deals with the measurement of discharge using Parshall flume, fS L_ssoverig section Fig: Parshall flume 4.2 Practical Application: 43 1, Parshall flume particularly suitable for flow measurement in irrigation canals, certain natural channels, and sewers. 2. Use as a self-cleaning device due to the fact that high velocity washed out the debris and sediments present in the flow. 3 Parshall flumes are in extensive use in many westem irrigation projects, they are no longer generally recommended. Parshall flume measures the flow mountain stream into a reservoir. Parshalll flume at Henderson, Kentucky, USA ofa Fiberglass Parshall flumes are the standard for measuring influent and effluent flows at ‘wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in North America Parshall Flumes in Nashik, Maharashtra, India 4a 4.3 Theory Description of the flume Parshall flume consists of a broad flat converging section, a narrow downward sloping section and an upward sloping diverging section. The reason of downward sloping throat section is to increase the head difference between upstream section and critical section. The upward slope is given in diverging section to procedure a high tail water depth which reduces, the length of the supercritical flow region, ae eckien® Be Throat section Fig. 4.1 Flow through Parshall Hiame Theoretical discharge: Fig. 4.2 Free flow and submerged flow condition The Parshall flume is a calibrated device i.e. a definite depth discharge relationship for the flume exists there, So, analytical determination of theoretical discharge is not required for the flume. The discharge through a Parshall flume is given by QE KH oo evn . (4.1) Where, K = a constant which depends on the system of units used 45 n= exponent Ha = upstream depth measured at the location shown fig 4.1 The values of K and n are depend on the throat width and given in table 4.1 According to this table for free flow condition, the depth discharge relationship of a Parshall flume of 6" throat width which is normally used in the laboratory, as calibrated empirically, is given by, Que = 0.3812 He! (4.2) Where Qer is in m’/s and H, is in meters. Coefficient of discharge: The actual discharge is always varying with the theoretical discharge of the flume. So an introduction of coefficient of discharge is necessary. If the actual discharge Qa is measured by the water, the coefficient of discharge is given by, Co = Be (at free flow condition ) o.oo eons 43) ~ 92 Ca, = GE (at submerged flow condition) ewer (4.4) Table 4.1 Values of K, n for different Throat width (b), bcit) K a V4 O17 1.550 12 0.3812 1.580 1 0.6909 1522, 2 1.4280 1.550 4 2.9530 1578 8 6.1120 1.607 20 14.450 1.600 50 35.410 1.600 46 Percentage submergence: The percentage of submergence for the Parshall flume is given by tee 100, Where Hy is the downstream depth from the invert datum, When the percentage of submergence exceeds 0.6 the flume discharge is reduced. The discharge of Parshall flume then equals Qs = Qe- Qe Where, AAS) Qu = Corrected discharge due to submergence Qu= Theoretical free flow discharge Qe = Correction of discharge as found from the attached figure. The correction of discharge for a 6 inch Parshall flume is given in Fig 4.3 4.4 Objectives To determine the theoretical discharge at free flow condition. To determine the theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition, To determine the value of coefficient of discharge Cs for both conditions, To verify the value of K and n ene 47 4.5 Apparatus Parshall Flume, Instrument carriage, Flow channel Parshall Flume instrument carriage Flow channel 48 4.6 Procedure Determin: n of theoretical discharge at free flow condition: i, Measure the head Hy ii, Compute Qi-using Eq. 4.2 Determination of theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition: i. Measure the heads Ha ii, Compute Qr using Eq. 4.2 iii. find % of submergence 100*H»/Hs iv. 1f% submergence exceed 60% then find correction Qe using Fig 4.3 v. Find Qss using Eq 4.5 Determination of coefficient of discharge: Measure actual discharge from water meter and calculate Cer and Cys using Eq 4.3 and 4.4 Verification of the value of K and n: i, Plot different Qs and Ha in log log paper ii, Slope of the line gives the value of n iii, Using this n for any set of value of Qa and He find K using Eq 4.1 ha 49 1.00 070 0-50 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.03 90.02 Ot oF 02 «(03 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3-0 $0 7.0 10 2 30 50 70 © 100 Correction Q) 10" a's 4.3 Discharge conection for submerged flow 50 Percentage Submergence ‘The correction of discharge for 6 inch Parshall ome i given in the following figure Upstream Head, Ha (om) Correction, Qy x 10"? m3/see 4.7 Typical shape of the graph Q vs. Ha graph: As generally, Q~ K H," so, in log log paper it will be a straight line as log Q=n log Hy + log K which is a equation of straight line (y= mx + ¢) Qvs Ha Graph Qvsy Graph Hs Hs s1 48 DATA SHEET Experiment No. 4 FLOW THROUGH A PARSHALL FLUME Throat width, b = Channel Width, B = Group Free flow Submerged flow condition No condition Q Hy Qe | Car | He Hy | %Submergence Quy Qi Qs Gs (m/s) | (m) | (m'/s) (m) | (m) H, (m*/s) | (m*/s) | (m*/s) = =*x100 H, Level /Term : RegNo. Group No. : 4.9 Calculation 52 Verification of K and ‘Actual discharge, Qa (m*/'s) Ha(m) Calculation from graph: 53 4.10 Assignment 1, What are the advantage, disadvantages and uses of Parshall flume? 2. Why a downward narrow section and upward diverging section is provide in Parshall flume? 5a 4.11 Discussion 55 Experiment No. 4 Flow Through a Parshall Flume 4.1 General: The problem of Venturi flume is there is a relatively small head difference between upstream section and critical section, specially in low Froude number. This problem can be alleviated by designing a flume which has a constructed throat section in which critical flow occurs followed by a short length of flume in which supercritical flow occurs. A flume of this, type was designed by R.L. Parshall and is widely known as the Parshall flume, Practically this type of flume used in small irrigation canals for flow measurement purpose. It is better than all other devices discussed before as it is more accurate, can withstand a relatively high degree of submergence over a wide range of backwater condition downstream from the structure, and it acts as a self cleaning device due to the fact that high velocity washed out the debris and sediments present in the flow. However when a heavy burden of erosion debris is present in the stream, the Parshall flume become invalid like weir because deposition of debris will produce undesirable result. Another problem arises with this flume is that the fabrication is tough and also fabrication should be done as per requirement. This experiment deals with the measurement of discharge using Parshall flume. 4.2 Theory: 4.2.1 Description of the flume: Parshall flume consists of a broad flat converging section, a narrow downward sloping section and an upward sloping diverging section. The reason of downward sloping throat section is to increase the head difference between upstream section and critical section The upward slope is given in diverging section to produce a high tail water depth which reduces the length of the super critical flow region, p | Converging Diverging ‘section section — ak Throat section Fig. 4.1 Flow through Parshall flume 21 4.2.2 Theoretical discharge: Fig. 4.2 Free flow and submerged flow condition The Parshall flume is a calibrated device ie. there exists a definite depth discharge relationship for the flume. So analytic determination of theoretical discharge is not required for this flume. The discharge through a Parshall flume is given by Q= KH." (4.1) where, K =a constant which depends on the system of units used n= exponent H, upstream depth measured at the location shown in Fig. 4.1 The values of K and n are depend on the throat width and given in Table 4.1. According to this table for free flow condition, the depth-discharge relationship of a Parshall flume of 6" throat width which is normally used in the laboratory, as calibrated empirically, is given by Qu = 0.3812 Ha! * (4.2) whereQ is in m’/s and Hs is in meters. 4.2.3 Coefficient of discharge: The actual discharge always vary with the theoretical discharge of the flume. So an introduction of coefficient of discharge is necessary. If the actual discharge(Q, ) is measured by the water meter, the coefficient of discharge is given by, Ca Qa/Qyr (at free flow condition) (43) Ca Qa/Qu(at submerged flow condition) (4.4) 22 Table 4.1 Values of K, n for different W Ww K n (a) we 0.1771 1.550 ” 0.3812 1.580 1 0.6909 1,522 2 1.4280 1.550, 4 2.9530, 1.578 8 6.1120 1.607 20 14.450 1,600 50, 35.410 1.600 4.2.4 Percentage submergence: The percentage of submergence for the Parshall flume is given by 100 Hy/Hs, where Hy is the downstream depth from the invert datum, When the percentage of submergence exceeds 0.6 the flume discharge is reduced. The discharge of Parshall flume then equals Qs = Qir= Qe (4.5) where, Qu = corrected discharge due to submergence Qu =theoretical free flow discharge Qe = correction of discharge as found from the attached figure. The correction of discharge for a 6 inch Parshall flume is is given in Fig 4.3 4.3. Objectives of the experiment: i To determine the theoretical discharge at free flow condition ii, To determine the theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition. ili, To determine the value of co-efficient of discharge Cs for both condition. iv. To verify the value of K and n. 23 S/ltl ,.0LXAD UoHDaLI09 oon os 0S 00% on 3WN14 TIVHSUVE ,9 YS %OU0 YO¥ OVE YoSL ZUL%S9 7009 ‘3QN39USNEI 30 oy paBiowiqns soy uonsouI09 aArEYDSICL ep “Bly OL OS Nad ot or £0 90 £0 zo ko 10-0 zo-0 £0°0 s0°0 400 oro 02-0 08-0 0s0 0L0 00° Upstream head Ha in meter 24 4.4 Experiment setup: The experiment setup is given below ao SSSsSsSssFsFsFeFeFeFSFSSSS—COFS—CS In flow — s—_| | Tail Gate U Out flow r Reservoir Set, Fig.4.4 Setup for flow through a Parshall flume 4.5 Procedure: Determination of theoretical discharge at free flow condition: i) Measure the head H. ii) Compute Quusing Eq.(4.2) Determination of theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition: i) Measure the heads H, and Hy ii) Compute Qe using Eq.(4.2) iii) Find % submergence 100*H/Hs. iv) If % submergence exceed 60% then find corr v) Find Qe using Eq.(4.5) ion Qe using Fig 4.3, Determination of coefficient of discharge: Measure actual discharge from water meter and calculate Car and Cas using Eq.(4.3 & 4.4) Verification of the value of K and n: i) Plot different Quvs Hs in log log paper. ii) Slope of the line gives the value of n iii) Using this n for any set of value of Q, and Hi find K using Eq.(4.1) 25 4.6 Typical shape of the graph: Qvvs He graph: ‘As, generally, Q-KH,"so, in log log paper it will be a straight line as log Q= n log Hotlog K which is a equation of straight line (y-mx+c) QuvsHs Graph (In Plain paper) QevsHa Graph (In log-log paper) Ha Ha 4.7. Assignment: 1. What are the advantages, disadvantages and uses of Parshall flume? 2. Why a downward narrow section and upward diverging section is provided in a parshall flume? 48, References: iii) Chapter-8 (Flow Measurement), Open Channel Hydraulics-By, Richard H. French iv) Chapter 4 (Critical Flow: Its Computation and Applications), Open Channel Hydraulies-By, VenTe Chow. v) _Chapter—4 (Measurement of Irrigation Water), Imigation Theory and Practice —By, A.M. Michael. 26 4.9 Data sheet: Throat width, W= m Actual discharge, Q, = m Free flow condition Submerged flow condition Te ) Q | Ca | mh | Mb % Qe T&T & ] Ce Submergence m m/s m m =100*HWHs | m/s | m*/s | m*/s Verification of K and n ‘Actual discharge ,Qy Hy (m’/s) (m) 27 35 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MILITARY INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CE 362 Open channel flow Sessional Experiment No. 5 FLOW BENEATH A SLUICE GATES 5.1General Sluice gate is a classic example of the application of the concepts of energy and momentum, Sluice gate used in open channel to control and regulate the flow as well as to measure the discharge through the channel. Sometimes it is used to raise the water level and maintain a constant operating level in irrigation canal. Sluice gate also used for draining the excess water for both urban areas and rural agricultural area sihice gate Types of sluice gates Flap sluice gate: A fully automatic type, controlled by the pressure head across it; operation is similar to that of a check valve, It is a gate hinged at the top. When pressure is from one side, the gate is kept closed; a pressure from the other side opens the sluice when a threshold pressure is surpassed. Vertical rising sluice gate: A plate sliding in the vertical direction, which may be controlled by machinery. Radial sluice gate: A structure, where a small part ofa cylindrical surface serves as the gate, supported by radial constructions going through the cylinder’s radius. On occ counterweight is provided sion, a Rising sector sluice gate: Also a part of a cylindrical surface, which rests at the bottom of the channel and rises by rotating around its center Needle sluice: A sluice formed by a number of thin needles held against a solid frame through water pressure as in a needle dam. The gates of a Guillotine lock work in a way similar to a sluice gate, but most canal lock gate are hinged to swing like doors. 36 5.2Practical Applications 1. Sluice gates commonly control water levels and flow rates in rivers and canals. 2. Sluice gates are also used in wastewater treatment plants and to recover minerals in mining operations, and in watermills, vertical rising sluice gate Sluice gate Jaipur, India luice gates in Farakka Barrage ‘A sluice gate, constructed on a canal by the Local Government Engineering Department at Sakoa village in Aditmariupazila of Lalmonirhat 37 5.3 Theory Description of the sluice gate: The simple form of a sluice gate consists of a horizontal channel bed having a vertical gate which can be lifted vertically up and down. ylutee gate weSard Figure: 5.1Sluice Gate Theoretical discharge: The Bernoulli equation may be applied in those cases where there is a negligible loss of total head form one section to another or where the magnitude of the head loss is already known. Flow under a sluice gate is an example of converging flow where the correct form of the equation for discharge may be obtained by equating the energies at section 1 and section 2 as shown in the figure 5.1. As the energy loss between the sections is negligible, i= He 6.) ‘And therefore, ve Ww vit hay S 62) Expressing the velocities in terms of Q, the above equation becomes vit Koay + (53) 2gb?yF 2gb?¥8 Where, b is the width of the sluice gate. Simplifying and re-arranging the terms, one obtains 38 a7 Q=by: fet G4) v or alternatively, (3) The small reduction in flow velocity due to viscous resistance between section | and 2 may be allowed for by a coefficient Cy. then Bay Q=Cobs Noe (6.6) The coefficient of velocity, Cy varies in the range 0.95

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