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СРС 2.

Collaborative work in Smartcat

Collaborative work in SmartCAT was very excited, because of its newness to me. As
it is said in instruction, I followed the steps, which will be below this document:
1. First of all, I created a link for my team. I invited my groupmate Malik Raushan
to my team.

2. After, I invited my groupmate Malik Raushan to my team.

3. Then, she entered my team.

4. These are participants of the project.

5. Creating project process.

6. We made a document with BBC News, and divided 17 segments into 2.
7. While working on project, we used a glossary. We completely finished the
project, by using machine translation and making a proofreading.

8. This is the whole completeness.

9. With Raushan, we have familiarized with the peculiarities of SmartCAT tools,

and made a conlusion that it is the priceless helper of professional translator.
Thank you for attention!

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