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1. I think you worry too much. I wouldn’t worry so much, if I were you.
2. I'm sure Beth hasn’t written that ugly note.
3. Jim didn't hear the speaker. The crowd was shouting so loudly.
4. I'm sure that he was exhausted after such a long flight.
5. I can’t find the novel. Perhaps somebody else has borrowed it.
6. The book is optional. We can read it if we want to.
7. I don’t believe he said that nonsense. I ‘m certain you are joking.
8. I’ll let you leave the table once you have finished your meal.
It’s necessary to clean your computer regularly if you want to keep it in good condition.
10. He’s at home but he doesn’t answer the phone. Perhaps he is sleeping

Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it logically follows the first. Use
modals that match
the categories in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I haven’t got Gloria’s phone number. ……………………………… give it to me?
2. I’m leaving tomorrow. ……………………………… not see you again.
3. I don’t believe that Keri fell out with Cathy. ……………………………… be
true. (strong disbelief)
4. Do you want people to trust you? Then ……………………………… always tell
the truth. (advice)
5. I’ve got a huge exam on Monday. ……………………………… go out for the
entire weekend. (lack of ability)
6. I understand the material. ……………………………… help me study. (lack of
Complete the passage with modals or modal perfects and the verbs in brackets.
Friendships 1. …………………… (be) wonderful if
you talk things over, but this doesn’t always
happen. Last year, I asked Jason’s old girlfriend
Susan out on a date. Jason 2. ……………………
(feel) very angry, because he wouldn’t speak to me.
How 3. …………………… I ……………………
(know) that he still liked her? Now I understand
that I 4. …………………… (discuss) this with him
first. As for Susan, we went out once, but she 5.
…………………… (not enjoy) it, because she
didn’t want to go on another date. Personally, I
think that she and Jason 6. …………………… (not

Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it logically follows the first. Use
modals that match
the categories in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I haven’t got Gloria’s phone number. ……………………………… give it to me?
2. I’m leaving tomorrow. ……………………………… not see you again.
3. I don’t believe that Keri fell out with Cathy. ……………………………… be
true. (strong disbelief)
4. Do you want people to trust you? Then ……………………………… always tell
the truth. (advice)
5. I’ve got a huge exam on Monday. ……………………………… go out for the
entire weekend. (lack of ability)
6. I understand the material. ……………………………… help me study. (lack of
Choose the correct answer.
Wrong Impressions
A Larissa 1. might not want / might not have wanted /
should not want to go on a date with you again. She 2.
could have been / must be / must have been terribly
bored last night while you were telling her about your
rock collection. I 3. have to / could / may see that she
was tapping her foot and moving around in her chair.
might / can / have to learn not to talk so much!
B Justin 1. mustn’t like / must have liked / must like you a
lot. You 2. might / can / should tell because he always
tries to sit near you in class. In addition, he 3. can’t /
musn’t / doesn’t have to stop looking at you. You 4.
don’t have to / mustn’t / can’t be an expert on body
language to read those signs!
C The teacher thought that Takumi was lying because he
was looking down, but she
should have / might have / must have known that in
Japan, looking down is a sign of respect. It also 2. might
have been / might be / should have been a sign that he
felt shy. This shows that if you aren’t an expert, you 3.
shouldn’t have relied / shouldn’t rely / don’t have to
rely too much on body language. There’s a chance that it
may give / may have given / must give the wrong
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a suitable
modal perfect,
affirmative or negative. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. I didn’t realise that Sharon was angry. I ……………………………… (pay) more
attention to her body language.
2. Louis and Karin aren’t speaking. They ……………………………… (have) an
3. Betsy lied to me about her relationship with Sam. I ………………………………
(trust) her.
4. It’s Saturday night, and Jeff is alone at home. He ………………………………
(find) someone to go out with.
5. It’s a pity I didn’t see Harriet when she was in town. I
……………………………… (meet) her on Wednesday, but she didn’t have time.
6. Don’t phone William now. He ……………………………… (go) to bed already.


A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.- I ______ (buy) this computer, if it weren´t so expensive.

2.- If you _______ (go) to England, you´d improve your accent.

3.- You can stay here longer, if you _______ (want).

4.- We __________ (WILL NOT) come along to the party unless(IF NOT) we ___(be)
5.- If I _________ (be) you, I´d apologise to them immediately.

6.- If I had five million euros, I _____________ (not/know) what to do with the money.
7.- We ______________ (not/catch) the train unless we hurry.
8.- If Paco __________ (have) a temperatura, he won´t be able to come along to the
9.- ______________ (you/babysit) for us if we asked you to?
10.- Don´t eat that fruit unless it ________ (be) ripe.
B) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.- If children watch violent televisión programmes, they _________ (become) violent.
2.- Young children ___________ (learn) to speak better if they watched less televisión.
3.- If you _____________ (no/get) nervous before the exam, you won´t have any
4.- If you are rude to your sister, she __________ (not/help) you.
5.- If Maria Jose gave up smoking, she __________ (feel) better.
6.- If he __________ (be) still ill tomorrow, he wont play in the match

C) Complete these type III conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
1.- If I ____________ (not be) late, I ______________ (not miss) the beginning of the
2.- You ___________ (finish) by now if you ________ (concéntrate).
3.- If I ______________ (know) you were coming, I ____________(buy) more food.
4.- She ____________(not know) if you ___________(not/selle) her.
5.- We _______ (go) to the party if they ______________ (invite) us.
6.- If he ___________ (not/go) home early, he _________ (see) the goal.
7.- I would _________(study) more if I __________ (know) the exam was going to be
so difficult.
8.- What _________(you/do) if you ________ (miss) the plane.

D) Rewrite these sentences using type III conditional clauses.

1.- The watch was too expensive. I didn´t buy it.

2.- The exam was too difficult. I didn´t pass it.

3.- My car broke down. I arrived late.

4.- I didn´t become ill because I didn´t eat the fish.
5.- The pone didn´t work properly. That´s why I couldn´t speak to you.
6.- The trousers were too short.I couldn´t wear them.
7.- She wasn´t a friend of this. That´s why he didn´t catch him.
8.- The thief ran too fast. The pólice didn´t catch him.
9.- My alarm clock didn´t go to off. I overslept.
10- They didn´t take their umbrellas. They got wet.

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