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Discovery Of The Child

In the Womb

Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen power

behind all life
Discovery Of The Child
In the Womb

Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the unseen power

behind all life
At Birth
The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth
The First Stage of Life
The Absorbent Mind
Birth to 3 years

Sense of order

Coordination of movement

Language development

Self discipline
Sensitive period of the mind
The power of Absorbent mind
All that we ourselves are has been made by the child, by the child we were in the
first two years of our lives!!!
At this stage the child has the great power to absorb knowledge unconditionally.
So it is very important to expose them to the right things.
The period of infancy is undoubtedly the richest. It should be utilized by education
In every possible and conceivable way.
The waste of this period of life can never be compensated.
Formative Period

3 years to 6 years

Ready to accept instructions

Prefer to work and play

Develop concentration

Perseverance and possessiveness

Aspiration to knowledge

More independent
Nature is a great teacher
Keep the child close to reality.

Be honest while talking.

Play a passive role, allowing the child to take the

an active role.

Do not stop the child unnecesarily.

Create a sense of love for everything.

Be what you want our child to be.

Knowledge through the 5 senses
See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and Taste

The most important period of life is not the age of university studies,
but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.
A child’s development is a series of rebirths from one stage to another.

Rewards and punishments only makes the child a slave.

Control of error method. The child will slowly recognize its own mistakes.
The three levels of obedience.
Firstly it is dictated purely by the hormic impulse.
–In this stage the child can obey but not always.

Then it rises to the level of consciousness.

— in this stage the child can always obey as he is in more control of himself.

Thereafter it goes on developing, stage by stage, till it comes under the control of the
conscious will.
— at this stage the child obeys with astonishing readiness knowing the that the superior is more wise than

Thank You,

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